Proof Dem Rep. Adam Schiff has to recuse himself for being partisan


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Rep. Adam Schiff has been speaking about the case in false and perhaps overstating his boundries terminology in discussing the case he's part of investigating. He claims there's undeniable proof before the evidence comes in and through false narrative news as his source that twist the actual reality around in that the proof is actually being exposed as CLINTON'S RUSSIAN COLLUSIONS and in his partisan way he is deflecting and exposing his partisanship and participation in the propaganda slant. It's also illegal to make false charges when he surely knows no law was broken. That in itself shows he's either not capable of being on the comittee or is exposing himself & needing to recuse himself.
If you don't believe me then why has he not requested the emails and transcripts of all Dems meetings and correspondence the Lobbyist Russian lawyer had with the Dems she pitched the same lobbyist schpiel to?
Surely if he is gonna lie and tie "A Russian"
as being "the Russians" then this proof means the Dems who met with her were proof they conspired and colluded with the Russians. If there's smoke there's fire, remember it deserves investigation, Don Jr openly transparently released the email, so where is the Dems emails. Come on Schiff either RECUSE YOURSELF or order your party to submit their emails.
No? Then Rep. Adam Schiff is Guilty of conspiracy and is proving the witch hunt analogy is valid and true.
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Hey, idiot, WHO is in charge of that committee, is it a dem or a rep?

take your time in answering.....LOL
The Republican Nunes is he back investigating after Rep. Adam Schiff and his boys nudged him to recuse himself?
Well then think about that for a second....
you admit there is a double standard.
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The Republican Nunez is he back investigating after Rep. Adam Schiff and his boys nudged him to recuse himself?
Well then think about that for a second....
you admit there is a double standard.

MORON....I hate to bump up your fucked up thread.......
Go take a laxative......

Rep. Mike Conaway, a Republican, has taken Nunes's position after the idiot had to recuse himself for disclosing intelligence facts without proper authorization.
The Republican Nunez is he back investigating after Rep. Adam Schiff and his boys nudged him to recuse himself?
Well then think about that for a second....
you admit there is a double standard.

MORON....I hate to bump up your fucked up thread.......
Go take a laxative......

Rep. Mike Conaway, a Republican, has taken Nunes's position after the idiot had to recuse himself for disclosing intelligence facts without proper authorization.

You just called both Comey and
Rep. Adam Schiff idiots for actually doing the same thing you subjectively accuse Nunes of, except Rep. Adam Schiff is to stupid to know when he needs to step down.
If everything was even standard,
Obama and Clinton and her team would have testified already. Mueller and Rep. Adam Schiff would have recused themselves.
Susan Rice testimony would not have been delayed to hide evidence.
Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch would have been brought to testify & charged with obstruction, & LEAKERS charged with Espionage.
They would have investigated Mexicos interferences with the election, and Hillary's
camp questioned on their ties to all the parties involved in setting up these suspicious meetings. Like Obamas amnesia forgetting he set up Jeff Sessions appointment with the Russian Ambassador that he made comments on pretending it was not normal and remaining silent as Sessions was forced to recuse himself unwarranted.

Yeah I know some of these are being investigated in private so we don't hear about them right? Well then why does Rep. Adam Schiff selectively remain silent except when it's to illegally leak info on Trumps team that isn't even factual? Just as Comey selectively left out the fact Trump wasn't being investigated Rep. Adam Schiff is similarly selectively leaving out what frames his party in a bad light thus trying to help all his party's elections and using his position to influence those elections abuse of power and missuse of the committee position for partisan politics. Hence the OP.
If everything was even standard,
Obama and Clinton and her team would have testified already. Mueller and Rep. Adam Schiff would have recused themselves.
Susan Rice testimony would not have been delayed to hide evidence.
Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch would have been brought to testify & charged with obstruction, & LEAKERS charged with Espionage.
They would have investigated Mexicos interferences with the election, and Hillary's
camp questioned on their ties to all the parties involved in setting up these suspicious meetings. Like Obamas amnesia forgetting he set up Jeff Sessions appointment with the Russian Ambassador that he made comments on pretending it was not normal and remaining silent as Sessions was forced to recuse himself unwarranted.

Yeah I know some of these are being investigated in private so we don't hear about them right? Well then why does Rep. Adam Schiff selectively remain silent except when it's to illegally leak info on Trumps team that isn't even factual? Just as Comey selectively left out the fact Trump wasn't being investigated Rep. Adam Schiff is similarly selectively leaving out what frames his party in a bad light thus trying to help all his party's elections and using his position to influence those elections abuse of power and missuse of the committee position for partisan politics. Hence the OP.

Last time I heard Trump is President....

He said Hillary was going to jail, where is the investigation and the court case.... Where is it...
If everything was even standard,
Obama and Clinton and her team would have testified already. Mueller and Rep. Adam Schiff would have recused themselves.
Susan Rice testimony would not have been delayed to hide evidence.
Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch would have been brought to testify & charged with obstruction, & LEAKERS charged with Espionage.
They would have investigated Mexicos interferences with the election, and Hillary's
camp questioned on their ties to all the parties involved in setting up these suspicious meetings. Like Obamas amnesia forgetting he set up Jeff Sessions appointment with the Russian Ambassador that he made comments on pretending it was not normal and remaining silent as Sessions was forced to recuse himself unwarranted.

Yeah I know some of these are being investigated in private so we don't hear about them right? Well then why does Rep. Adam Schiff selectively remain silent except when it's to illegally leak info on Trumps team that isn't even factual? Just as Comey selectively left out the fact Trump wasn't being investigated Rep. Adam Schiff is similarly selectively leaving out what frames his party in a bad light thus trying to help all his party's elections and using his position to influence those elections abuse of power and missuse of the committee position for partisan politics. Hence the OP.

Last time I heard Trump is President....

He said Hillary was going to jail, where is the investigation and the court case.... Where is it...

That is why the left set up the dictator narrative & demonization, so he's damned if he does bring up charges. But this is the Clinton's they or their henchmen probably threatened retaliation or it's assumed.
Rep. Adam Schiff has been speaking about the case in false and perhaps overstating his boundries terminology in discussing the case he's part of investigating. He claims there's undeniable proof before the evidence comes in and through false narrative news as his source that twist the actual reality around in that the proof is actually being exposed as CLINTON'S RUSSIAN COLLUSIONS and in his partisan way he is deflecting and exposing his partisanship and participation in the propaganda slant. It's also illegal to make false charges when he surely knows no law was broken. That in itself shows he's either not capable of being on the comittee or is exposing himself & needing to recuse himself.
If you don't believe me then why has he not requested the emails and transcripts of all Dems meetings and correspondence the Lobbyist Russian lawyer had with the Dems she pitched the same lobbyist schpiel to?
Surely if he is gonna lie and tie "A Russian"
as being "the Russians" then this proof means the Dems who met with her were proof they conspired and colluded with the Russians. If there's smoke there's fire, remember it deserves investigation, Don Jr openly transparently released the email, so where is the Dems emails. Come on Schiff either RECUSE YOURSELF or order your party to submit their emails.
No? Then Rep. Adam Schiff is Guilty of conspiracy and is proving the witch hunt analogy is valid and true.

No quotes- just whining about Schiff.

You are such a snowflake.
Don Jr openly transparently released the email,

Donnie Jr. released the email after
a) claiming the meeting was something else and
b) after hearing that news organizations were reporting on the meetings.

If Don Jr. were really 'openly transparent'- why did he wait until it hit the news to release the information?

Oh wait- he wasn't being 'openly transparent'- you are just parroting what Daddy Trump said.
Rep. Adam Schiff has been speaking about the case in false and perhaps overstating his boundries terminology in discussing the case he's part of investigating. He claims there's undeniable proof before the evidence comes in and through false narrative news as his source that twist the actual reality around in that the proof is actually being exposed as CLINTON'S RUSSIAN COLLUSIONS and in his partisan way he is deflecting and exposing his partisanship and participation in the propaganda slant. It's also illegal to make false charges when he surely knows no law was broken. That in itself shows he's either not capable of being on the comittee or is exposing himself & needing to recuse himself.
If you don't believe me then why has he not requested the emails and transcripts of all Dems meetings and correspondence the Lobbyist Russian lawyer had with the Dems she pitched the same lobbyist schpiel to?
Surely if he is gonna lie and tie "A Russian"
as being "the Russians" then this proof means the Dems who met with her were proof they conspired and colluded with the Russians. If there's smoke there's fire, remember it deserves investigation, Don Jr openly transparently released the email, so where is the Dems emails. Come on Schiff either RECUSE YOURSELF or order your party to submit their emails.
No? Then Rep. Adam Schiff is Guilty of conspiracy and is proving the witch hunt analogy is valid and true.

No quotes- just whining about Schiff.

You are such a snowflake.

It was on face the Nation and since you bring up quotes, he is using the fake perspective drumed up by the NY Times and CNN quotes and not the actual email. Do a search online, each tabloid liberal paper has a different account of what the email says and all leave out the known facts that hurt Dems and Clinton. How can an email change through each news source unless this proves that liberals in the MSM are to dishonest or dumb to even copy and paste directly from the email. Seriously, this proves the passing down the story down the line even in the age of advanced communications gets skewed off course in subjective and influenced fashion.
Don Jr openly transparently released the email,

Donnie Jr. released the email after
a) claiming the meeting was something else and
b) after hearing that news organizations were reporting on the meetings.

If Don Jr. were really 'openly transparent'- why did he wait until it hit the news to release the information?

Oh wait- he wasn't being 'openly transparent'- you are just parroting what Daddy Trump said.
He answered that: because it had nothing the Dems weren't pitched with also.
A lobbyist lobbying eeewwww did the dems release their meetings with her? No
=argument failed.

If the meeting would have info on Clinton getting help from Russian Gov't he would not be able to discuss it as it would be under investigation, however if NY times was to release the email he could discuss the email but woukd still hide ftom us any ongoing investigation on Hillary. Once again your argument fails and your nastiness & intollerance shines through.
Rep. Adam Schiff has been speaking about the case in false and perhaps overstating his boundries terminology in discussing the case he's part of investigating. He claims there's undeniable proof before the evidence comes in and through false narrative news as his source that twist the actual reality around in that the proof is actually being exposed as CLINTON'S RUSSIAN COLLUSIONS and in his partisan way he is deflecting and exposing his partisanship and participation in the propaganda slant. It's also illegal to make false charges when he surely knows no law was broken. That in itself shows he's either not capable of being on the comittee or is exposing himself & needing to recuse himself.
If you don't believe me then why has he not requested the emails and transcripts of all Dems meetings and correspondence the Lobbyist Russian lawyer had with the Dems she pitched the same lobbyist schpiel to?
Surely if he is gonna lie and tie "A Russian"
as being "the Russians" then this proof means the Dems who met with her were proof they conspired and colluded with the Russians. If there's smoke there's fire, remember it deserves investigation, Don Jr openly transparently released the email, so where is the Dems emails. Come on Schiff either RECUSE YOURSELF or order your party to submit their emails.
No? Then Rep. Adam Schiff is Guilty of conspiracy and is proving the witch hunt analogy is valid and true.

No quotes- just whining about Schiff.

You are such a snowflake.

It was on face the Nation

And still no quotes. Just you vaguely alluding to what Schiff might have said.

Just another whining Trumpster snowflake.
Schiff talked about it being undeniable evidence, which it's not, because every Dem who's met with these same people know they are lobbyist, even the fake news tell you they are lobbyist.
What do lobbyist do?
They meet with politicians, which they met with people on both sides the isle.
THEY MET WITH CITIZENS in that meeting (secret service just admitted this by their response your party thinks it's using in their favor), worry about your Dem politicians if you think she is suspicious. :)
When do we get to see their emails and telephone logs with the same Russian lawyer? Why are they affraid to speak up and release their emails? What happened to transparency?

Come on how many days does it take to release Dem emails, ask Clinton to help you, she's good at finding lost emails sitting on servers in bathrooms and such...
Rep. Shiff is an elected official. Part of his job is to be an adversarial partisan. Rep. Nunes had these same obligations, but as the Committee Chairman, he also had judicial responsibilities. His fellow Congressman and women alleged that he had broken rules and acted improperly, or at the very least showed alleged improper behavior that required his recusing himself, or face official examination of his actions which could lead to censure and the loss of his position as Chairman. No such pressure has been put on Rep. Shiff and complaints from anonymous message board posters of even bloggers and pundits do not carry the weight or status of elected and serving Congressmen and women.
Rep. Adam Schiff has been speaking about the case in false and perhaps overstating his boundries terminology in discussing the case he's part of investigating. He claims there's undeniable proof before the evidence comes in and through false narrative news as his source that twist the actual reality around in that the proof is actually being exposed as CLINTON'S RUSSIAN COLLUSIONS and in his partisan way he is deflecting and exposing his partisanship and participation in the propaganda slant. It's also illegal to make false charges when he surely knows no law was broken. That in itself shows he's either not capable of being on the comittee or is exposing himself & needing to recuse himself.
If you don't believe me then why has he not requested the emails and transcripts of all Dems meetings and correspondence the Lobbyist Russian lawyer had with the Dems she pitched the same lobbyist schpiel to?
Surely if he is gonna lie and tie "A Russian"
as being "the Russians" then this proof means the Dems who met with her were proof they conspired and colluded with the Russians. If there's smoke there's fire, remember it deserves investigation, Don Jr openly transparently released the email, so where is the Dems emails. Come on Schiff either RECUSE YOURSELF or order your party to submit their emails.
No? Then Rep. Adam Schiff is Guilty of conspiracy and is proving the witch hunt analogy is valid and true.
Schiff has more integrity than Trump's entire cabinet including the orange anus.
No wonder you want him gone.
If someone is doing his job and speaking the truth he's a threat to Trump and his merry band of sheep..
Don Jr openly transparently released the email,

Donnie Jr. released the email after
a) claiming the meeting was something else and
b) after hearing that news organizations were reporting on the meetings.

If Don Jr. were really 'openly transparent'- why did he wait until it hit the news to release the information?

Oh wait- he wasn't being 'openly transparent'- you are just parroting what Daddy Trump said.
Hashev only believes what Sean Hannity tells him.
And Hannity only believes what Trump tells him.
Rep. Shiff is an elected official. Part of his job is to be an adversarial partisan. Rep. Nunes had these same obligations, but as the Committee Chairman, he also had judicial responsibilities. His fellow Congressman and women alleged that he had broken rules and acted improperly, or at the very least showed alleged improper behavior that required his recusing himself, or face official examination of his actions which could lead to censure and the loss of his position as Chairman. No such pressure has been put on Rep. Shiff and complaints from anonymous message board posters of even bloggers and pundits do not carry the weight or status of elected and serving Congressmen and women.
Not when it comes to the cases brought before them in the intelligence committee and then you are calling him a liar who swore on path that this was bipartisan. For crying out loud he took out many of the Republicans in calls for recusal, according to how they reacted to the Comey firing they would call their own acts as obstructing justice by taking out all those looking into Obama, Hillary, Susan Rice, Loreta Lynch, and others.
By your reasoning, almost every Republican in Congress should have recused himself from impeaching Clinton.
By your reasoning, almost every Republican in Congress should have recused himself from impeaching Clinton.
That makes no logic sense which is why you couldn't form a corelation reason why.
We are talking about intelligence committee has to be non biased on investigation otherwise admit they are set up as farces where the criminals get to police each
other, which is liken to your school teacher asking you to grade your own classmates papers. Tell me one person who used fake news and blabbed it to the media during investigation of Clinton before it was verified and questioned plus it would have to incriminate his own party in use of that definitive proof", because that's what Schiffs proof does to the Dems in more then one way.
Remember Schiff was appointed to the House Select Committee on Benghazi and we saw where that went in cover up.
And by doing so he let a few criminals continue to abuse their power and thst resulted in this costly circus we have now-BRILLIANT!
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