Proof: Liberals Emotionally Wired To Block Opposing Political Views

Yep, you read that correctly...a recent study revealed quantitative scientific evidence that an emotional imperative biologically wired in the brains of liberals BLOCK ALL OPPOSING POLITICAL VIEWS. This explains oh so much...

Researchers are studying participants’ brain changes when their political beliefs are challenged.

Researchers scanned 40 liberal participants, watching their brain chemistry as a team tried to sway their political positions.

The parts of the brain that were triggered control deep, emotional thoughts about personal identity.

“When people activate these emotional structures of the brain more, when they’re being challenged, they’re less likely to change their minds,” said Dr. Jonas Kaplan of the USC Brain and Creativity Institute.

Researchers: People Biologically Wired To Block Opposing Political Views

All people are like this. They used liberals because the test dealt with brains.
Yes, mentally deficient should have participated in the test...:lol:
They needed to be able to locate brains, this is why you were not asked to participate.
Try turning the heater up......
The study participants were all self-identified liberals (most likely because they needed to be in California and around a was all that was available). I'll link the actual study rather than propaganda surrounding it here:

Neural correlates of maintaining one’s political beliefs in the face of counterevidence

It verifies something that is pretty common sensical if you have ever gotten into a political argument. However, the Conservatives here that think that it is a condition unique to liberals...rather than indicative of people in general who have their political beliefs challenged...are about as intelligent as a tomato.

You were good right up to the last sentence.

This study doesn't prove that supposition. The subjects were all self identified liberals.

I'll answer you one question honestly if you'll answer me one question honestly.

Would it be within the realm of possibility that self identified conservative responses could be less emotion based and more logic based than self identified liberals?
Given all other factors are the same? No. That isn't to say that there may be degrees of differences...however, and I'll simply point towards these forums as evidence...the larger result will be the same. People who have their political beliefs challenged will become defensive about them. If that still doesn't convince you, try walking into a Texas gun shop and start talking about how we need more gun control and back up that claim with statistics...see how well that goes for you.
The study participants were all self-identified liberals (most likely because they needed to be in California and around a was all that was available). I'll link the actual study rather than propaganda surrounding it here:

Neural correlates of maintaining one’s political beliefs in the face of counterevidence

It verifies something that is pretty common sensical if you have ever gotten into a political argument. However, the Conservatives here that think that it is a condition unique to liberals...rather than indicative of people in general who have their political beliefs challenged...are about as intelligent as a tomato.
Liberalism is a mental disease....
Well, if you can make that claim then I can simply respond in earnest:

Conservatism is a mental disease....
No, that's not what science shows....

Moonbattery: Psychiatrist Confirms: Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder
If you are going to make a claim about what science would help to link a scientific article...not somebody's book. You want me to find something written by Jon Stewart to back my claim?

Keep trying.
Scientific link to your claim? No? Huh......

Are you still committed?
I think you missed my point...there is no scientific link to my claim because it isn't scientifically based...just like yours isn't...the whole point of this exercise was to hold a mirror in front of your face...and show you how ridiculous you were being.

However, having the intellect of a cucumber, you instead blamed the mirror for being ridiculous.
Hey, if you identify as liberal, we'll give you $200 for doing this test, are you liberal?

Yeah, sure, I'll be anything for $200.

Well, another common trait among liberals is their willingness to lie. Especially for self profit.

Oh, right, just liberals?

I'd say it's a common trait among HUMAN BEINGS to lie, especially for profit.

The point being that if a person is lying saying they're liberal, then they're not liberal, are they?

The point I'm making is that people here are trying to twist things, to distort reality in order to pretend that somehow "their group" is better than the other group. And yet they're no better.

We don't have to twist or distort anything to show "our group" is better than the left. The left do that themselves with every action they take and lie they spew.

Yes, you do.

The right lies as much as the left lies, both sides play the petty partisan politics, the partisan politics being more important than the country actually doing well too.

It's impossible to defend, you can see this nonsense happening all the time on forums like this, and even being played out in Congress, the White House and the Supreme Court, as well as in State govts.

We always get accused of lying, yet it is never proven.

You mean when someone shows you're lying, it's fingers in your ears and then the insults come flying? Yeah, I've seen it a million times. I have so many of these sorts on my ignore list.
The study participants were all self-identified liberals (most likely because they needed to be in California and around a was all that was available). I'll link the actual study rather than propaganda surrounding it here:

Neural correlates of maintaining one’s political beliefs in the face of counterevidence

It verifies something that is pretty common sensical if you have ever gotten into a political argument. However, the Conservatives here that think that it is a condition unique to liberals...rather than indicative of people in general who have their political beliefs challenged...are about as intelligent as a tomato.

You were good right up to the last sentence.

This study doesn't prove that supposition. The subjects were all self identified liberals.

I'll answer you one question honestly if you'll answer me one question honestly.

Would it be within the realm of possibility that self identified conservative responses could be less emotion based and more logic based than self identified liberals?

It's possible. It's also at least equally possible they could be more emotion-based, as well as equally possible that there's no discernible difference. But that study, as I pointed out at the start, hasn't been done yet. Therefore you have no bridge to conclude that "Liberals" this or that --- they were the only ones in the study. Which makes it, for any comparison purposes, entirely useless.
Well, you've taken the whole of psychology and turned it into nothing. You have no idea what they mean by "liberal", you don't even know if they were being honest about it.

Yeah that immediately occurred to me as well. At least half of the posters on this board don't seem to have a clue what "Liberal" means so one has one's doubts about drawing conclusions from that. Not to even mention it wasn't even a comparative study, as the thread title implied.

They self identified as California no less. So your criticism should be directed at the participants. IOW your contention is the liberals have no clue what "liberal" means.

Yes, it's entirely possible that a person self-describing as "Liberal" has no idea what it means. That's part of my point. Let's not sit here and pretend it's something quantifiable.
Well, you've taken the whole of psychology and turned it into nothing. You have no idea what they mean by "liberal", you don't even know if they were being honest about it.

Yeah that immediately occurred to me as well. At least half of the posters on this board don't seem to have a clue what "Liberal" means so one has one's doubts about drawing conclusions from that. Not to even mention it wasn't even a comparative study, as the thread title implied.

They self identified as California no less. So your criticism should be directed at the participants. IOW your contention is the liberals have no clue what "liberal" means.

Yes, it's entirely possible that a person self-describing as "Liberal" has no idea what it means. That's part of my point. Let's not sit here and pretend it's something quantifiable.
I'm just going to point out that this study was conducted on 40 people in Southern California (LA area) with a median age of 24.3 yrs old. If you want to take a standpoint of these people not being liberal given their demographic and the fact that they state that they are liberals, you can...but just realize that there is a 98% chance you are wrong.
Well, you've taken the whole of psychology and turned it into nothing. You have no idea what they mean by "liberal", you don't even know if they were being honest about it.

Yeah that immediately occurred to me as well. At least half of the posters on this board don't seem to have a clue what "Liberal" means so one has one's doubts about drawing conclusions from that. Not to even mention it wasn't even a comparative study, as the thread title implied.

They self identified as California no less. So your criticism should be directed at the participants. IOW your contention is the liberals have no clue what "liberal" means.

Yes, it's entirely possible that a person self-describing as "Liberal" has no idea what it means. That's part of my point. Let's not sit here and pretend it's something quantifiable.
I'm just going to point out that this study was conducted on 40 people in Southern California (LA area) with a median age of 24.3 yrs old. If you want to take a standpoint of these people not being liberal given their demographic and the fact that they state that they are liberals, you can...but just realize that there is a 98% chance you are wrong.

Well, you've taken the whole of psychology and turned it into nothing. You have no idea what they mean by "liberal", you don't even know if they were being honest about it.

Yeah that immediately occurred to me as well. At least half of the posters on this board don't seem to have a clue what "Liberal" means so one has one's doubts about drawing conclusions from that. Not to even mention it wasn't even a comparative study, as the thread title implied.

They self identified as California no less. So your criticism should be directed at the participants. IOW your contention is the liberals have no clue what "liberal" means.

Yes, it's entirely possible that a person self-describing as "Liberal" has no idea what it means. That's part of my point. Let's not sit here and pretend it's something quantifiable.
I'm just going to point out that this study was conducted on 40 people in Southern California (LA area) with a median age of 24.3 yrs old. If you want to take a standpoint of these people not being liberal given their demographic and the fact that they state that they are liberals, you can...but just realize that there is a 98% chance you are wrong.

So... no one in California votes Republican?

4.4 million people in California voted for Trump. Hillary only got 60% of the vote there. So.... what? You take 40 people, chances are only like 24 would have voted for Hillary. So what of the other 16?
The study participants were all self-identified liberals (most likely because they needed to be in California and around a was all that was available). I'll link the actual study rather than propaganda surrounding it here:

Neural correlates of maintaining one’s political beliefs in the face of counterevidence

It verifies something that is pretty common sensical if you have ever gotten into a political argument. However, the Conservatives here that think that it is a condition unique to liberals...rather than indicative of people in general who have their political beliefs challenged...are about as intelligent as a tomato.

You were good right up to the last sentence.

This study doesn't prove that supposition. The subjects were all self identified liberals.

I'll answer you one question honestly if you'll answer me one question honestly.

Would it be within the realm of possibility that self identified conservative responses could be less emotion based and more logic based than self identified liberals?

It's possible. It's also at least equally possible they could be more emotion-based, as well as equally possible that there's no discernible difference. But that study, as I pointed out at the start, hasn't been done yet. Therefore you have no bridge to conclude that "Liberals" this or that --- they were the only ones in the study. Which makes it, for any comparison purposes, entirely useless.

I agree. But you are arguing a comparison is necessary. What I am stating is exactly what the study concluded. Liberals were the only ones studied...and therefore liberal brains are the only subject on which the study, and therefore this discussion can draw a definitive conclusion. Anything else is supposition.

In the future, if there is a published study of self identified conservative brains, we can at that time discuss those results. Perhaps it will prove all are equally emotionally driven to the same degree. Perhaps not. Using a different, but possibly apt metaphor...perhaps liberals are from Venus and conservatives are from Mars...

As to self determined liberals not understanding what a liberal is...while I do see your point, I also think we can agree that a self determined liberal has seen enough shadows on the cave wall to come to a realization that they are far far closer to the Platonian Ideal Liberal, and far removed from a Platonian Ideal Conservative.
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The study participants were all self-identified liberals (most likely because they needed to be in California and around a was all that was available). I'll link the actual study rather than propaganda surrounding it here:

Neural correlates of maintaining one’s political beliefs in the face of counterevidence

It verifies something that is pretty common sensical if you have ever gotten into a political argument. However, the Conservatives here that think that it is a condition unique to liberals...rather than indicative of people in general who have their political beliefs challenged...are about as intelligent as a tomato.

You were good right up to the last sentence.

This study doesn't prove that supposition. The subjects were all self identified liberals.

I'll answer you one question honestly if you'll answer me one question honestly.

Would it be within the realm of possibility that self identified conservative responses could be less emotion based and more logic based than self identified liberals?
Given all other factors are the same? No. That isn't to say that there may be degrees of differences...however, and I'll simply point towards these forums as evidence...the larger result will be the same. People who have their political beliefs challenged will become defensive about them. If that still doesn't convince you, try walking into a Texas gun shop and start talking about how we need more gun control and back up that claim with statistics...see how well that goes for you.

I don't think this forum is a good indicator of barriers to challenged positions...because, at least in my subjective experience, it isn't challenging my opinion that gets my dander up. I'm here to debate and I enjoy it immensely. Some folks have even managed to change my mind on some subjects.

What raises my defenses here is name calling, lying, overt mind numbing partisanship, and elitism, not the challenge to my opinions.
Well, you've taken the whole of psychology and turned it into nothing. You have no idea what they mean by "liberal", you don't even know if they were being honest about it.

Yeah that immediately occurred to me as well. At least half of the posters on this board don't seem to have a clue what "Liberal" means so one has one's doubts about drawing conclusions from that. Not to even mention it wasn't even a comparative study, as the thread title implied.

They self identified as California no less. So your criticism should be directed at the participants. IOW your contention is the liberals have no clue what "liberal" means.

Yes, it's entirely possible that a person self-describing as "Liberal" has no idea what it means. That's part of my point. Let's not sit here and pretend it's something quantifiable.
I'm just going to point out that this study was conducted on 40 people in Southern California (LA area) with a median age of 24.3 yrs old. If you want to take a standpoint of these people not being liberal given their demographic and the fact that they state that they are liberals, you can...but just realize that there is a 98% chance you are wrong.

So... no one in California votes Republican?

4.4 million people in California voted for Trump. Hillary only got 60% of the vote there. So.... what? You take 40 people, chances are only like 24 would have voted for Hillary. So what of the other 16?
You must have never been to or lived around LA or California at large. It is a big state with a diverse array of people and geography. However, the geography and people around LA is pretty much as left as being in the middle of a Texas ranching country is on the right.

Furthermore the demographic is younger...median age is ~24. If you put those two factors together...LA area and young...yeah

You may find a Republican in that demographic. You also may find $20 in a parking lot. It just isn't going to be a very common occurrence. Pretending that it would be is ignorant and asinine.
I'm a liberal who voted republican from Ford to Baby Bush. We don't block opposing views. We block "alternate facts".
Yeah that immediately occurred to me as well. At least half of the posters on this board don't seem to have a clue what "Liberal" means so one has one's doubts about drawing conclusions from that. Not to even mention it wasn't even a comparative study, as the thread title implied.

They self identified as California no less. So your criticism should be directed at the participants. IOW your contention is the liberals have no clue what "liberal" means.

Yes, it's entirely possible that a person self-describing as "Liberal" has no idea what it means. That's part of my point. Let's not sit here and pretend it's something quantifiable.
I'm just going to point out that this study was conducted on 40 people in Southern California (LA area) with a median age of 24.3 yrs old. If you want to take a standpoint of these people not being liberal given their demographic and the fact that they state that they are liberals, you can...but just realize that there is a 98% chance you are wrong.

So... no one in California votes Republican?

4.4 million people in California voted for Trump. Hillary only got 60% of the vote there. So.... what? You take 40 people, chances are only like 24 would have voted for Hillary. So what of the other 16?
You must have never been to or lived around LA or California at large. It is a big state with a diverse array of people and geography. However, the geography and people around LA is pretty much as left as being in the middle of a Texas ranching country is on the right.

Furthermore the demographic is younger...median age is ~24. If you put those two factors together...LA area and young...yeah

You may find a Republican in that demographic. You also may find $20 in a parking lot. It just isn't going to be a very common occurrence. Pretending that it would be is ignorant and asinine.

The point is that just because it's LA doesn't make a person automatically a Liberal. Then it doesn't matter if they're a liberal or not, this is about human psychology. The fact that this is being pumped shows just how ridiculously pathetic a lot of talk about politics is.

Here's some evidence.

District 66 of California's State Legislature, it's in LA. Republicans won.
District 67, Republicans won MASSIVELY, 69%.
District 68, Republicans won.
District 69, Democrats won


This is LA. Yes, parts are Democrat and parts are Republican. Get over it.
Yep, you read that correctly...a recent study revealed quantitative scientific evidence that an emotional imperative biologically wired in the brains of liberals BLOCK ALL OPPOSING POLITICAL VIEWS. This explains oh so much...

Researchers are studying participants’ brain changes when their political beliefs are challenged.

Researchers scanned 40 liberal participants, watching their brain chemistry as a team tried to sway their political positions.

The parts of the brain that were triggered control deep, emotional thoughts about personal identity.

“When people activate these emotional structures of the brain more, when they’re being challenged, they’re less likely to change their minds,” said Dr. Jonas Kaplan of the USC Brain and Creativity Institute.

Researchers: People Biologically Wired To Block Opposing Political Views

Amazing technology!

How were they actually able to detect and study brains that small?

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