Proof Negros make up 50 percent of the prison population!

Criminal Justice Fact Sheet

Together, African American and Hispanics comprised 58% of all prisoners in 2008, even though African Americans and Hispanics make up approximately one quarter of the US population

Nationwide, African-Americans represent 26% of juvenile arrests, 44% of youth who are detained, 46% of the youth who are judicially waived to criminal court, and 58% of the youth admitted to state prisons (Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice).

African Americans represent 12% of the total population of drug users, but 38% of those arrested for drug offenses, and 59% of those in state prison for a drug offense.

How much do they make up of the poverty rating?

Blacks have a poverty rating of 26%, Hispanics have a rating of 23% and 10% for whites (non-Hispanic). So often crime and poverty go hand in hand. If you don't solve this problem then blacks and hispanics will continue to fill up the prisons.

You think it's because they're black, it's not, it's for other reasons.

Nah, that's wrong. People steal, because they have no morals. There are numerous examples where poor people do not commit crime.

Crime results in poverty. In fact, I know a girl right now, that because she committed a felony, she now can't get any job better than a temp agency low-wage job.

The crime causes the poverty. Not poverty causes crime.

If giving people money and such fixed crime, then crime should be practically eliminated by now.

There was a story about a guy in Venezuela who was shot dead because he was stealing. Turns out he was the last person in the world who would resort to steal, and yet it got to that point.

Perhaps in the US it's about those who have no morals, but then some who don't have morals don't steal, you know, businessmen and women who will do anything to make money and don't let morals get in their way, people who would invade countries for profit and all of that.

Poverty rates among the poor are higher, there are reasons for this.

What I'm not saying is that poverty causes crime. I'm not saying that because a person is in poverty, they will cause crime. What I'm saying is that a person in poverty is more likely to commit crime. The statistics back this up.

So you can have 3 people.

Person 1 wouldn't commit crime in poverty (unless it's extreme) and wouldn't commit crime when rich. Person 2 wouldn't commit crime when rich, but would when poor, and person 3 would commit crime whether rich or poor.

Crime can result in poverty, people made bad choices and it impacts them their whole life. But again, people in poverty are more likely to commit crimes.

And there are reasons for this. Lower education. Frustration at not being able to live like others live. A lot of crimes committed by those in poverty are economic crimes like fraud, robbery etc.

Drugs comes into it because of a massive loss of hope with life. If you can't be happy because your life sucks, why not do drugs and forget about life?

There are ways to change this too. Not eradicated, that's impossible, but to give people more of a chance in life. Problem is the rich know if they give the poor a chance, it might be THEIR chance they're giving to the poor.
Yes, but if one could somehow stop black and Hispanic males aged 15-30 from committing crimes, over 50% of all crime would be eliminated in America. This demographic represents a very small segment of the total population, probably less than 5%. Yet, they cause over 50% of all crimes. Seems to me we need to focus on helping this group, rather than inciting them as Obama has done.

It is a cultural problem. Time to address the culture.

The group is people in poverty, rather than race. Help make poor people less of a problem, by giving them opportunity and a chance, and you'll see this reduced. Not eliminated, but reduced.
Agreed, but no one in government is giving them an opportunity. On the contrary, government is doing much to prevent this group of men prone to criminality, from accessing opportunities.

Their family unit is non-existent and the p-schools they attend teach them nothing. What chance do they have when the deck is stacked against them?
How much do they make up of the poverty rating?

Blacks have a poverty rating of 26%, Hispanics have a rating of 23% and 10% for whites (non-Hispanic). So often crime and poverty go hand in hand. If you don't solve this problem then blacks and hispanics will continue to fill up the prisons.

You think it's because they're black, it's not, it's for other reasons.

Nah, that's wrong. People steal, because they have no morals. There are numerous examples where poor people do not commit crime.

Crime results in poverty. In fact, I know a girl right now, that because she committed a felony, she now can't get any job better than a temp agency low-wage job.

The crime causes the poverty. Not poverty causes crime.

If giving people money and such fixed crime, then crime should be practically eliminated by now.

There was a story about a guy in Venezuela who was shot dead because he was stealing. Turns out he was the last person in the world who would resort to steal, and yet it got to that point.

Perhaps in the US it's about those who have no morals, but then some who don't have morals don't steal, you know, businessmen and women who will do anything to make money and don't let morals get in their way, people who would invade countries for profit and all of that.

Poverty rates among the poor are higher, there are reasons for this.

What I'm not saying is that poverty causes crime. I'm not saying that because a person is in poverty, they will cause crime. What I'm saying is that a person in poverty is more likely to commit crime. The statistics back this up.

So you can have 3 people.

Person 1 wouldn't commit crime in poverty (unless it's extreme) and wouldn't commit crime when rich. Person 2 wouldn't commit crime when rich, but would when poor, and person 3 would commit crime whether rich or poor.

Crime can result in poverty, people made bad choices and it impacts them their whole life. But again, people in poverty are more likely to commit crimes.

And there are reasons for this. Lower education. Frustration at not being able to live like others live. A lot of crimes committed by those in poverty are economic crimes like fraud, robbery etc.

Drugs comes into it because of a massive loss of hope with life. If you can't be happy because your life sucks, why not do drugs and forget about life?

There are ways to change this too. Not eradicated, that's impossible, but to give people more of a chance in life. Problem is the rich know if they give the poor a chance, it might be THEIR chance they're giving to the poor.
Yes, but if one could somehow stop black and Hispanic males aged 15-30 from committing crimes, over 50% of all crime would be eliminated in America. This demographic represents a very small segment of the total population, probably less than 5%. Yet, they cause over 50% of all crimes. Seems to me we need to focus on helping this group, rather than inciting them as Obama has done.

It is a cultural problem. Time to address the culture.

The group is people in poverty, rather than race. Help make poor people less of a problem, by giving them opportunity and a chance, and you'll see this reduced. Not eliminated, but reduced.
Agreed, but no one in government is giving them an opportunity. On the contrary, government is doing much to prevent this group of men prone to criminality, from accessing opportunities.

Their family unit is non-existent and the p-schools they attend teach them nothing. What chance do they have when the deck is stacked against them?

Yeah, exactly. It's not a race issue, it's an issue of a government that doesn't care, making sure it keeps the money with the boys, and has a large pool of cheap labor and also the fear factor.
The crime causes the poverty. Not poverty causes crime.
When you die, you are going straight to hell for making that statement. All the Hail Mary's and Our Father's ain't going to wash that sin away, Bub. If I were you I'd see about having that post of yours removed. Beg the Forum administration if necessary.
Criminal Justice Fact Sheet

Together, African American and Hispanics comprised 58% of all prisoners in 2008, even though African Americans and Hispanics make up approximately one quarter of the US population

Nationwide, African-Americans represent 26% of juvenile arrests, 44% of youth who are detained, 46% of the youth who are judicially waived to criminal court, and 58% of the youth admitted to state prisons (Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice).

African Americans represent 12% of the total population of drug users, but 38% of those arrested for drug offenses, and 59% of those in state prison for a drug offense.

How much do they make up of the poverty rating?

Blacks have a poverty rating of 26%, Hispanics have a rating of 23% and 10% for whites (non-Hispanic). So often crime and poverty go hand in hand. If you don't solve this problem then blacks and hispanics will continue to fill up the prisons.

You think it's because they're black, it's not, it's for other reasons.
There are plenty of poor white communities. If poverty is the cause of violence, name 3 notoriously dangerous white communities off the top of your head. You couldnt even think of ONE, right? :laugh:
Criminal Justice Fact Sheet

Together, African American and Hispanics comprised 58% of all prisoners in 2008, even though African Americans and Hispanics make up approximately one quarter of the US population

Nationwide, African-Americans represent 26% of juvenile arrests, 44% of youth who are detained, 46% of the youth who are judicially waived to criminal court, and 58% of the youth admitted to state prisons (Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice).

African Americans represent 12% of the total population of drug users, but 38% of those arrested for drug offenses, and 59% of those in state prison for a drug offense.
What exactly is that proof of? What percentage of unemployed, of dilapidated schools, of slum housing, of public defenders are involved in your graph of the American untermench you despise.
Criminal Justice Fact Sheet

Together, African American and Hispanics comprised 58% of all prisoners in 2008, even though African Americans and Hispanics make up approximately one quarter of the US population

Nationwide, African-Americans represent 26% of juvenile arrests, 44% of youth who are detained, 46% of the youth who are judicially waived to criminal court, and 58% of the youth admitted to state prisons (Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice).

African Americans represent 12% of the total population of drug users, but 38% of those arrested for drug offenses, and 59% of those in state prison for a drug offense.

How much do they make up of the poverty rating?

Blacks have a poverty rating of 26%, Hispanics have a rating of 23% and 10% for whites (non-Hispanic). So often crime and poverty go hand in hand. If you don't solve this problem then blacks and hispanics will continue to fill up the prisons.

You think it's because they're black, it's not, it's for other reasons.

Nah, that's wrong. People steal, because they have no morals. There are numerous examples where poor people do not commit crime.

Crime results in poverty. In fact, I know a girl right now, that because she committed a felony, she now can't get any job better than a temp agency low-wage job.

The crime causes the poverty. Not poverty causes crime.

If giving people money and such fixed crime, then crime should be practically eliminated by now.

There was a story about a guy in Venezuela who was shot dead because he was stealing. Turns out he was the last person in the world who would resort to steal, and yet it got to that point.

Perhaps in the US it's about those who have no morals, but then some who don't have morals don't steal, you know, businessmen and women who will do anything to make money and don't let morals get in their way, people who would invade countries for profit and all of that.

Poverty rates among the poor are higher, there are reasons for this.

What I'm not saying is that poverty causes crime. I'm not saying that because a person is in poverty, they will cause crime. What I'm saying is that a person in poverty is more likely to commit crime. The statistics back this up.

So you can have 3 people.

Person 1 wouldn't commit crime in poverty (unless it's extreme) and wouldn't commit crime when rich. Person 2 wouldn't commit crime when rich, but would when poor, and person 3 would commit crime whether rich or poor.

Crime can result in poverty, people made bad choices and it impacts them their whole life. But again, people in poverty are more likely to commit crimes.

And there are reasons for this. Lower education. Frustration at not being able to live like others live. A lot of crimes committed by those in poverty are economic crimes like fraud, robbery etc.

Drugs comes into it because of a massive loss of hope with life. If you can't be happy because your life sucks, why not do drugs and forget about life?

There are ways to change this too. Not eradicated, that's impossible, but to give people more of a chance in life. Problem is the rich know if they give the poor a chance, it might be THEIR chance they're giving to the poor.

Huge difference. In Venezuela, thanks to government programs, taxes, regulations, controls, and welfare to the poor..... they are starving. Literally... people are starving to death. There's no food.

The moment you point to Venezuela, you lose the argument. Venezuela has done everything to help the poor, and the result is the poor are starving to death.

We don't have that problem here. The poor in our country have the highest rates of obesity of any other group in the country.

I have worked at the shelters, and served food. The poor who get a free meal, often eat better than the working class. We served fresh baked meatloaf, honey baked ham, corn, and strawberries. The kind of meals we were serving in that charity kitchen, used to be the meals of the upper class just 100 years ago. Meals only those born into wealth could eat.

People in our country have zero excuse for stealing. Zero. None. Not one valid argument for stealing possible.

And moreover, I have personally talked with people who advocated stealing for their children. I was taking a class at Columbus State Community College, and a lady sitting next to me, discovered I worked at Columbus Cadillac after school. She asked me if I could get a Caddy emblem to give to her son. I explained genuine emblems are fairly expensive. She looked me right in the eye, and said she didn't mean to buy it, just if I could grab one that no one would notice was gone.

She was asking me to steal from my employer, to give known stolen goods to her son. This is not a poverty problem. It's a morality issue. People have lost the concept of right and wrong.
If drugs are legalized we could cut that prison population in half.

Why not just follow the law?


Would you be saying the same if alcohol were outlawed?

Do you realize just how much crime, is tied to alcohol right now?

In the 1920s, we legalized alcohol, and the experts of that time, said it would cut crime, and wouldn't cause any problems.

Today we have literally millions of people in prison, who were drinking alcohol before they committed a crime, that landed them in prison.

How many families destroyed by alcoholism.
How many victims of rape, from a perp who was drinking before hand.
How many assaults, where the offender was drinking.

The list goes on and on.

My point to you is this.... Everything they told us about legalizing alcohol would reduce crime, was a lie. And it was in fact, a lie. They were wrong.

When you say legalizing drugs will reduce prison populations, you need to provide more evidence and proof (if possible), that you are right about this, because we heard this before, and our prisons are filled with people who committed crimes while under the influence of alcohol.

You need actual proof. Not empty claims that were proven wrong in the past.
How much do they make up of the poverty rating?

Blacks have a poverty rating of 26%, Hispanics have a rating of 23% and 10% for whites (non-Hispanic). So often crime and poverty go hand in hand. If you don't solve this problem then blacks and hispanics will continue to fill up the prisons.

You think it's because they're black, it's not, it's for other reasons.

You are correct, but why is it up to white people to solve the problem. Why can't blacks and Hispanics solve their own problems. Asians don't have this problem. Jews don't have this problem. Blacks aren't the only people who have been persecuted at some point in American history.
There was a story about a guy in Venezuela who was shot dead because he was stealing. Turns out he was the last person in the world who would resort to steal, and yet it got to that point.

Socialism works wonders, doesn't it?
Criminal Justice Fact Sheet

Together, African American and Hispanics comprised 58% of all prisoners in 2008, even though African Americans and Hispanics make up approximately one quarter of the US population

Nationwide, African-Americans represent 26% of juvenile arrests, 44% of youth who are detained, 46% of the youth who are judicially waived to criminal court, and 58% of the youth admitted to state prisons (Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice).

African Americans represent 12% of the total population of drug users, but 38% of those arrested for drug offenses, and 59% of those in state prison for a drug offense.

How much do they make up of the poverty rating?

Blacks have a poverty rating of 26%, Hispanics have a rating of 23% and 10% for whites (non-Hispanic). So often crime and poverty go hand in hand. If you don't solve this problem then blacks and hispanics will continue to fill up the prisons.

You think it's because they're black, it's not, it's for other reasons.

Nah, that's wrong. People steal, because they have no morals. There are numerous examples where poor people do not commit crime.

Crime results in poverty. In fact, I know a girl right now, that because she committed a felony, she now can't get any job better than a temp agency low-wage job.

The crime causes the poverty. Not poverty causes crime.

If giving people money and such fixed crime, then crime should be practically eliminated by now.

There was a story about a guy in Venezuela who was shot dead because he was stealing. Turns out he was the last person in the world who would resort to steal, and yet it got to that point.

Perhaps in the US it's about those who have no morals, but then some who don't have morals don't steal, you know, businessmen and women who will do anything to make money and don't let morals get in their way, people who would invade countries for profit and all of that.

Poverty rates among the poor are higher, there are reasons for this.

What I'm not saying is that poverty causes crime. I'm not saying that because a person is in poverty, they will cause crime. What I'm saying is that a person in poverty is more likely to commit crime. The statistics back this up.

So you can have 3 people.

Person 1 wouldn't commit crime in poverty (unless it's extreme) and wouldn't commit crime when rich. Person 2 wouldn't commit crime when rich, but would when poor, and person 3 would commit crime whether rich or poor.

Crime can result in poverty, people made bad choices and it impacts them their whole life. But again, people in poverty are more likely to commit crimes.

And there are reasons for this. Lower education. Frustration at not being able to live like others live. A lot of crimes committed by those in poverty are economic crimes like fraud, robbery etc.

Drugs comes into it because of a massive loss of hope with life. If you can't be happy because your life sucks, why not do drugs and forget about life?

There are ways to change this too. Not eradicated, that's impossible, but to give people more of a chance in life. Problem is the rich know if they give the poor a chance, it might be THEIR chance they're giving to the poor.

Huge difference. In Venezuela, thanks to government programs, taxes, regulations, controls, and welfare to the poor..... they are starving. Literally... people are starving to death. There's no food.

The moment you point to Venezuela, you lose the argument. Venezuela has done everything to help the poor, and the result is the poor are starving to death.

We don't have that problem here. The poor in our country have the highest rates of obesity of any other group in the country.

I have worked at the shelters, and served food. The poor who get a free meal, often eat better than the working class. We served fresh baked meatloaf, honey baked ham, corn, and strawberries. The kind of meals we were serving in that charity kitchen, used to be the meals of the upper class just 100 years ago. Meals only those born into wealth could eat.

People in our country have zero excuse for stealing. Zero. None. Not one valid argument for stealing possible.

And moreover, I have personally talked with people who advocated stealing for their children. I was taking a class at Columbus State Community College, and a lady sitting next to me, discovered I worked at Columbus Cadillac after school. She asked me if I could get a Caddy emblem to give to her son. I explained genuine emblems are fairly expensive. She looked me right in the eye, and said she didn't mean to buy it, just if I could grab one that no one would notice was gone.

She was asking me to steal from my employer, to give known stolen goods to her son. This is not a poverty problem. It's a morality issue. People have lost the concept of right and wrong.

You're going off about "losing the argument". How about I say "if you talk about "losing the argument" you lose the argument" then we can just get in a big cat fight. Fuck the debate.

I made a point, and I stand by this point. There are different levels.

You say that in the US there is no reason to steal. I disagree. The conditions have been created where people do steal. Okay, it's against the law, it's wrong to do so and I don't advocate it. Then again I don't advocate the situation where government doesn't give a damn and make ghettos which are a cycle of poverty and crime for those born there.

Perhaps people have lost the concept of right and wrong, but it appears to exist at the highest levels of government and the lowest levels of despair, and whenever anyone tries to do anything about it, then people shout "thought police" (the last post I replied to, for example) or something like that.
How much do they make up of the poverty rating?

Blacks have a poverty rating of 26%, Hispanics have a rating of 23% and 10% for whites (non-Hispanic). So often crime and poverty go hand in hand. If you don't solve this problem then blacks and hispanics will continue to fill up the prisons.

You think it's because they're black, it's not, it's for other reasons.

You are correct, but why is it up to white people to solve the problem. Why can't blacks and Hispanics solve their own problems. Asians don't have this problem. Jews don't have this problem. Blacks aren't the only people who have been persecuted at some point in American history.

It's not up to white people, black people, Hispanic people to solve the problem. It's up to AMERICANS to solve the problem. But seeing as the two main parties are corrupt and happy in their power, and the people do what they're told when the two main parties tell them, nothing's going to change.

No, blacks aren't the only ones persecuted in American history. Let's look at Native Americans. Do they have problems? Yes. These are the two groups that have been persecuted the most, and they're the ones at the bottom of the pile.

If you make the conditions for their failing, many of them will fail.
How much do they make up of the poverty rating?

Blacks have a poverty rating of 26%, Hispanics have a rating of 23% and 10% for whites (non-Hispanic). So often crime and poverty go hand in hand. If you don't solve this problem then blacks and hispanics will continue to fill up the prisons.

You think it's because they're black, it's not, it's for other reasons.

You are correct, but why is it up to white people to solve the problem. Why can't blacks and Hispanics solve their own problems. Asians don't have this problem. Jews don't have this problem. Blacks aren't the only people who have been persecuted at some point in American history.

It's not up to white people, black people, Hispanic people to solve the problem. It's up to AMERICANS to solve the problem. But seeing as the two main parties are corrupt and happy in their power, and the people do what they're told when the two main parties tell them, nothing's going to change.

No, blacks aren't the only ones persecuted in American history. Let's look at Native Americans. Do they have problems? Yes. These are the two groups that have been persecuted the most, and they're the ones at the bottom of the pile.

If you make the conditions for their failing, many of them will fail.

**African Americans now constitute nearly 1 million of the total 2.3 million incarcerated population"
"**African Americans are incarcerated at nearly six times the rate of whites"

And if you can't calculate 1 out of 2.3, then use a calculator but you can't operate one of those either!!!
How much do they make up of the poverty rating?

Blacks have a poverty rating of 26%, Hispanics have a rating of 23% and 10% for whites (non-Hispanic). So often crime and poverty go hand in hand. If you don't solve this problem then blacks and hispanics will continue to fill up the prisons.

You think it's because they're black, it's not, it's for other reasons.

You are correct, but why is it up to white people to solve the problem. Why can't blacks and Hispanics solve their own problems. Asians don't have this problem. Jews don't have this problem. Blacks aren't the only people who have been persecuted at some point in American history.

It's not up to white people, black people, Hispanic people to solve the problem. It's up to AMERICANS to solve the problem. But seeing as the two main parties are corrupt and happy in their power, and the people do what they're told when the two main parties tell them, nothing's going to change.

No, blacks aren't the only ones persecuted in American history. Let's look at Native Americans. Do they have problems? Yes. These are the two groups that have been persecuted the most, and they're the ones at the bottom of the pile.

If you make the conditions for their failing, many of them will fail.

**African Americans now constitute nearly 1 million of the total 2.3 million incarcerated population"
"**African Americans are incarcerated at nearly six times the rate of whites"

And if you can't calculate 1 out of 2.3, then use a calculator but you can't operate one of those either!!!

And what? African Americans are far more likely to be in poverty too.

Poverty rate for those who don't finish High School is 30%, compared to 13% for those who do finish High School.


So, there's a reason why blacks and Hispanics are more likely to commit crime, they're more likely to be under-educated, more likely to be living in inner city ghettos where crime is far more of a problem, far more likely to have given up hope a long time ago, and far more likely to be in poverty.
How much do they make up of the poverty rating?

Blacks have a poverty rating of 26%, Hispanics have a rating of 23% and 10% for whites (non-Hispanic). So often crime and poverty go hand in hand. If you don't solve this problem then blacks and hispanics will continue to fill up the prisons.

You think it's because they're black, it's not, it's for other reasons.

You are correct, but why is it up to white people to solve the problem. Why can't blacks and Hispanics solve their own problems. Asians don't have this problem. Jews don't have this problem. Blacks aren't the only people who have been persecuted at some point in American history.

It's not up to white people, black people, Hispanic people to solve the problem. It's up to AMERICANS to solve the problem. But seeing as the two main parties are corrupt and happy in their power, and the people do what they're told when the two main parties tell them, nothing's going to change.

No, blacks aren't the only ones persecuted in American history. Let's look at Native Americans. Do they have problems? Yes. These are the two groups that have been persecuted the most, and they're the ones at the bottom of the pile.

If you make the conditions for their failing, many of them will fail.

**African Americans now constitute nearly 1 million of the total 2.3 million incarcerated population"
"**African Americans are incarcerated at nearly six times the rate of whites"

And if you can't calculate 1 out of 2.3, then use a calculator but you can't operate one of those either!!!

And what? African Americans are far more likely to be in poverty too.

Poverty rate for those who don't finish High School is 30%, compared to 13% for those who do finish High School.


So, there's a reason why blacks and Hispanics are more likely to commit crime, they're more likely to be under-educated, more likely to be living in inner city ghettos where crime is far more of a problem, far more likely to have given up hope a long time ago, and far more likely to be in poverty.

So you REALLY can't calculate 1 out of 2.3, that proves that blacks make up 50% of the prison population.

**African Americans now constitute nearly 1 million of the total 2.3 million incarcerated population = proves that blacks make up 50% of the prison population.
"**African Americans are incarcerated at nearly six times the rate of whites" = proves that blacks make up 50% of the prison population.
Criminal Justice Fact Sheet

Together, African American and Hispanics comprised 58% of all prisoners in 2008, even though African Americans and Hispanics make up approximately one quarter of the US population

Nationwide, African-Americans represent 26% of juvenile arrests, 44% of youth who are detained, 46% of the youth who are judicially waived to criminal court, and 58% of the youth admitted to state prisons (Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice).

African Americans represent 12% of the total population of drug users, but 38% of those arrested for drug offenses, and 59% of those in state prison for a drug offense.

How much do they make up of the poverty rating?

Blacks have a poverty rating of 26%, Hispanics have a rating of 23% and 10% for whites (non-Hispanic). So often crime and poverty go hand in hand. If you don't solve this problem then blacks and hispanics will continue to fill up the prisons.

You think it's because they're black, it's not, it's for other reasons.

Nah, that's wrong. People steal, because they have no morals. There are numerous examples where poor people do not commit crime.

Crime results in poverty. In fact, I know a girl right now, that because she committed a felony, she now can't get any job better than a temp agency low-wage job.

The crime causes the poverty. Not poverty causes crime.

If giving people money and such fixed crime, then crime should be practically eliminated by now.

There was a story about a guy in Venezuela who was shot dead because he was stealing. Turns out he was the last person in the world who would resort to steal, and yet it got to that point.

Perhaps in the US it's about those who have no morals, but then some who don't have morals don't steal, you know, businessmen and women who will do anything to make money and don't let morals get in their way, people who would invade countries for profit and all of that.

Poverty rates among the poor are higher, there are reasons for this.

What I'm not saying is that poverty causes crime. I'm not saying that because a person is in poverty, they will cause crime. What I'm saying is that a person in poverty is more likely to commit crime. The statistics back this up.

So you can have 3 people.

Person 1 wouldn't commit crime in poverty (unless it's extreme) and wouldn't commit crime when rich. Person 2 wouldn't commit crime when rich, but would when poor, and person 3 would commit crime whether rich or poor.

Crime can result in poverty, people made bad choices and it impacts them their whole life. But again, people in poverty are more likely to commit crimes.

And there are reasons for this. Lower education. Frustration at not being able to live like others live. A lot of crimes committed by those in poverty are economic crimes like fraud, robbery etc.

Drugs comes into it because of a massive loss of hope with life. If you can't be happy because your life sucks, why not do drugs and forget about life?

There are ways to change this too. Not eradicated, that's impossible, but to give people more of a chance in life. Problem is the rich know if they give the poor a chance, it might be THEIR chance they're giving to the poor.

Huge difference. In Venezuela, thanks to government programs, taxes, regulations, controls, and welfare to the poor..... they are starving. Literally... people are starving to death. There's no food.

The moment you point to Venezuela, you lose the argument. Venezuela has done everything to help the poor, and the result is the poor are starving to death.

We don't have that problem here. The poor in our country have the highest rates of obesity of any other group in the country.

I have worked at the shelters, and served food. The poor who get a free meal, often eat better than the working class. We served fresh baked meatloaf, honey baked ham, corn, and strawberries. The kind of meals we were serving in that charity kitchen, used to be the meals of the upper class just 100 years ago. Meals only those born into wealth could eat.

People in our country have zero excuse for stealing. Zero. None. Not one valid argument for stealing possible.

And moreover, I have personally talked with people who advocated stealing for their children. I was taking a class at Columbus State Community College, and a lady sitting next to me, discovered I worked at Columbus Cadillac after school. She asked me if I could get a Caddy emblem to give to her son. I explained genuine emblems are fairly expensive. She looked me right in the eye, and said she didn't mean to buy it, just if I could grab one that no one would notice was gone.

She was asking me to steal from my employer, to give known stolen goods to her son. This is not a poverty problem. It's a morality issue. People have lost the concept of right and wrong.

You're going off about "losing the argument". How about I say "if you talk about "losing the argument" you lose the argument" then we can just get in a big cat fight. Fuck the debate.

I made a point, and I stand by this point. There are different levels.

You say that in the US there is no reason to steal. I disagree. The conditions have been created where people do steal. Okay, it's against the law, it's wrong to do so and I don't advocate it. Then again I don't advocate the situation where government doesn't give a damn and make ghettos which are a cycle of poverty and crime for those born there.

Perhaps people have lost the concept of right and wrong, but it appears to exist at the highest levels of government and the lowest levels of despair, and whenever anyone tries to do anything about it, then people shout "thought police" (the last post I replied to, for example) or something like that.

First: You made a statement implying that criminal activity was due to poverty. You then cited Venezuela.

Venezuela has done far more than the US has, to eliminate poverty, and the result is people are starving to death and massive crime.

The poor of our country have a higher rate of obesity, than the rest of society. You can't make that comparison logically. It disproves your point. YOU.... shot down YOUR OWN argument.

That's not me shutting you down. YOU shut you down. You cited an example that completely contradicts your claims. If fixing poverty with government programs was the solution to crime, then Venezuela should have no crime by now.

Your fault your argument failed, not mine. Stop whining at me, for the fault of your own example. I didn't say it.

Second, I reject that 'conditions create crime'.

I've been poor in my life. Really poor. One year, I had a taxable income of just $12K. It was tough. It was hard. It SUCKED.... I never though "oh gee if only the government cared about me, but since they don't, I'll just start committing crime".

Third, I completely deny that government doesn't care, and doesn't try to stop crime.

Government has spent hundred of billions on trying to fix the ghettos. In fact, since 1964 when LBJ declared a war on poverty, the local, State, and Federal governments have spent $22 Trillion dollars (adjusted for inflation), on poverty fighting programs, which is three times the cost of all the wars the US has fought to date.

We spend almost $800 Billion in poverty programs every single year, and the amount of goods and services specifically for the poor, increases every year. There really hasn't been a substantial cut in poverty spending since the 60s.

Moreover, the crime problem is purely a matter of this races issue. Every time we start pushing to stop crime, by definition criminals end up shot, and police end up aggressive. When that happens, people start crying that their criminals are getting killed, and the police pull back. The police start leaving known criminal areas, so as to avoid shooting the poor criminals, and being called racists, and so on.

The people protested and screamed. Ok... the police pull out, and ditch them. No more racist cops, right?

Oh... murders and gang rape, and violence soars? Shocking..... Shocking how that works. But at least you got to march protest, and scream at he police, and riot. You made your voices heard. Good job. Well done.

When you get raped or shot... just look in the mirror and pat yourself on the back, for a job well done.
Criminal Justice Fact Sheet

Together, African American and Hispanics comprised 58% of all prisoners in 2008, even though African Americans and Hispanics make up approximately one quarter of the US population

Nationwide, African-Americans represent 26% of juvenile arrests, 44% of youth who are detained, 46% of the youth who are judicially waived to criminal court, and 58% of the youth admitted to state prisons (Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice).

African Americans represent 12% of the total population of drug users, but 38% of those arrested for drug offenses, and 59% of those in state prison for a drug offense.

How much do they make up of the poverty rating?

Blacks have a poverty rating of 26%, Hispanics have a rating of 23% and 10% for whites (non-Hispanic). So often crime and poverty go hand in hand. If you don't solve this problem then blacks and hispanics will continue to fill up the prisons.

You think it's because they're black, it's not, it's for other reasons.

Sure latinos and especially negros are put in prison just for the fun of it with no particular reason at all and is why it is skewed!!! Maybe we should put you in prison just for the fun of it!!!

Maybe you ought to consider facts as was done in this article:

Institutional Racism Is Our Way of Life

Or, simply ignore it, remain ignorant and continue to fan the flames of racism in America.

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