Proof that Liberalism is a mental disorder. You can't make this stuff up.

I wish it were only a mental disorder; liberals are a vile bag of garbage so loathsome and reprehensible, their influence is toxic on anything unfortunate enough to wander into these monsters orbits. Because they are worm-like malignancies who have no redeeming qualities of any kind. They're human tapeworms.
The left has always had a love affairs with despots and dictators. The Soviet Union was their darling during the Reagan years.
I wish it were only a mental disorder; liberals are a vile bag of garbage so loathsome and reprehensible, their influence is toxic on anything unfortunate enough to wander into these monsters orbits. Because they are worm-like malignancies who have no redeeming qualities of any kind.
Oh, come on! I'm sure that some of them love their mother. That's a redeeming quality. Isn't it? ^_^
I wish it were only a mental disorder; liberals are a vile bag of garbage so loathsome and reprehensible, their influence is toxic on anything unfortunate enough to wander into these monsters orbits. Because they are worm-like malignancies who have no redeeming qualities of any kind.
Oh, come on! I'm sure that some of them love their mother. That's a redeeming quality. Isn't it? ^_^

They'd throw their own mothers in front of a freight train if it benefited their precious Islam in any way.
The left has always had a love affairs with despots and dictators. The Soviet Union was their darling during the Reagan years.
There is also not a single perversion that is not supported by at least some of them.
Give it a few years and they will be lock step supporting pedophilia with the same fervor as they do faggotry and trans faggotry today.
I wish it were only a mental disorder; liberals are a vile bag of garbage so loathsome and reprehensible, their influence is toxic on anything unfortunate enough to wander into these monsters orbits. Because they are worm-like malignancies who have no redeeming qualities of any kind.
Oh, come on! I'm sure that some of them love their mother. That's a redeeming quality. Isn't it? ^_^

They'd throw their own mothers in front of a freight train if it benefited their precious Islam in any way.
I said SOME of them...Otherwise, I agree with you. Most of them are scum. Bottom-feeders. Completely reprehensible in every way. The Bible says that they have reprobate minds, meaning unapproved by God. God has completely rejected them, and His Holy Spirit no longer strives to enlighten them. They are damned and they don't even realize it.
I wish it were only a mental disorder; liberals are a vile bag of garbage so loathsome and reprehensible, their influence is toxic on anything unfortunate enough to wander into these monsters orbits. Because they are worm-like malignancies who have no redeeming qualities of any kind.
Oh, come on! I'm sure that some of them love their mother. That's a redeeming quality. Isn't it? ^_^

They'd throw their own mothers in front of a freight train if it benefited their precious Islam in any way.
I said SOME of them...Otherwise, I agree with you. Most of them are scum. Bottom-feeders. Completely reprehensible in every way. The Bible says that they have reprobate minds, meaning unapproved by God. God has completely rejected them, and His Holy Spirit no longer strives to enlighten them. They are damned and they don't even realize it.
That's right. They are all going to hell.
From LanceFreeman at political hotwire 1/3/14

The Dispossessed Majority
By Paul Craig Roberts

The bumper sticker on the beat-up pickup truck read: “Friends don’t let friends vote Democrat.”
The driver was obviously not affluent. Yet, despite all the news about mega-trillion-dollar bankster bailouts, mega-million-dollar bonuses for financial crooks, and unimaginable compensation packages for corporate CEOs who have moved middle class jobs out of America, something made the down-and-out pickup truck driver associate with the political party of the super-rich.

As I wondered at this strange alliance of the dirt poor with the mega-rich, I remembered that in 2004, Thomas Frank wondered about how the Republicans had managed to convince the poor to vote against their best interests. Frank’s answer, or part of his answer, is that the Republicans use “social issues,” such as gay marriage and Janet Jackson’s exposed nipple, to work up indignation over the threat to moral values posed by liberal Democrats.

The working poor have been convinced by Republican propaganda that voting Democrat means giving the working poor’s tax dollars to the non-working poor, to providing medical care and schooling for illegal aliens, and being soft on terrorism. To the pickup truck driver, standing up for America means standing up for bankster bailouts and the Military/Security complex’s multi-trillion-dollar wars.

The Karl Rove Dirty Tricks Team has refined and honed the Republican propaganda. Republicans send each other, via email, an endless number of nonsensical stories about Barack Obama being a Muslim, or about Obama being a Marxist, but never is Obama accused of turning the United States over to Wall Street, the Military-Security complex, or to Israel.

The non-affluent who rage about welfare, Medicaid, Obamacare and public schools can’t seem to put two and two together. The $750 billion TARP bankster bailout, a small part of the total amount (estimated at 2-3 trillion secretly funneled to Wall Street), would have sufficed to cover any holes in these budgets for a long time. Instead, the money went to reward those who caused the financial crisis, and threw millions of Americans out of their homes. As far as I know, the pickup truck driver is one of the dispossessed.

The same brainwashed Americans who rage against Obamacare, and who lined up to vote for Mitt Romney in 2012, are oblivious to the fact that Romney, while Governor of the eastern liberal Democratic state of Massachusetts, had his version of Obamacare enacted at the State level.

The greatest irony about Obamacare is that it was written by the private insurance companies, and diverts Medicaid and Medicare funds to their profits. It is socialized medicine alright, but it is socialism for the private insurance companies.

All it took to convince Red Staters to go along with the Military/Security complex squandering $6 trillion of tax-payer money on the Iraq and Afghanistan wars were yellow ribbon decals and a slogan, “Support the troops.”

Obama, Republicans claim, won’t stand up to Syria, or against Iran, or support Israel. But Republicans are proud when Romney goes to Israel to slither on his belly, pandering to the crazed, bloodthirsty Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, who called Israeli top generals “pussies” for warning Israeli leaders against attacking Iran. Romney told Netanyahu: “Just tell me what to do, and I’ll do it; I am loyal to Israel.” Apparently, flag-waving Republican patriots are not bothered when their Presidential candidate announced that as soon as he was in office, he would turn over U.S. foreign policy to Netanyahu, and send more Americans to death and bankruptcy to fulfill Israeli ambitions.

Karl Rove didn’t have any trouble at all in brainwashing Red Staters to support their own demise. The pickup truck driver could just as well have sported a bumper sticker that read: “Don’t support a Democrat. He might do something for you.”

Yes, I know. It is almost as easy to beat up on Democrats. George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and their Neocon hoodlums destroyed the Constitution and, thereby, America. But the Democrats let them. It was Nancy Pelosi, who as Speaker of the House, stridently declared Bush’s impeachment to be “off the table.”

Bush and Cheney unquestionably violated both U.S. and international laws, and the Constitution. Pelosi’s refusal to hold them accountable established the precedent that the Executive branch is no longer accountable to law, or to the Constitution. In effect, the Executive branch now comprises a dictatorship. It acts outside of law and Constitutional restraints. On some issues it still has to consult with Congress or the courts; but as the Executive branch’s power and audacity grows, consultation will become a formality and then drop away. Congress will have no more influence than the Roman Senate under Julius Caesar's Empire, and courts will become stages for show trials.

Americans elected Obama President, expecting that he would restore the rule of law. Instead, he codified the Bush regime’s transgressions and added some of his own. No one of my generation could have imagined the President of the United States sitting in the Oval Office signing off on lists of American citizens to be murdered without evidence, or due process of law.

So which do you want? The Republican panderer to the rich and to Israel, whose foreign policy is war, or the Democrat panderer to the rich, and to Israel, whose foreign policy is war? As Gerald Celente wrote in the July issue of the Trends Journal, Americans “argue among themselves why their freak is better than the other freak. They will get angry with you if you call their freak a freak. They will actually fight and die to defend their freaks.”

It is extraordinary that millions of Americans in 2012 actually believed that it mattered whether Romney freak, or Obama freak, got elected. If Americans had any sense, they would stay home and not vote. The 1 percent control the country, and the 99 percent had just as well own up to it and stay at home. Nothing is going to change because of the ballot box.

The United States is ruled by a private oligarchy. The government is merely its front. The country’s resources are diverted to the pockets of Wall Street, the Military/Security complex, and to the service of greater Israel. The oil, mining, timber and agribusiness companies control the Environmental Protection Agency and the Forestry Service, which is why regulation pertains only to the small individual, and to small businesses, while fracking, mountaintop removal mining, and pollution of air, water and soil run wild.

The oligarchs have succeeded in making Americans a dispossessed majority in their own country, but only because Americans have made it easy for them by remaining asleep to what the 2-party system stands for.
–Paul Craig Roberts
The left has always had a love affairs with despots and dictators. The Soviet Union was their darling during the Reagan years.
There is also not a single perversion that is not supported by at least some of them.
Give it a few years and they will be lock step supporting pedophilia with the same fervor as they do faggotry and trans faggotry today.
"As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be at the coming of the Son of Man."
From LanceFreeman at political hotwire 1/3/14

The Dispossessed Majority
By Paul Craig Roberts

The bumper sticker on the beat-up pickup truck read: “Friends don’t let friends vote Democrat.”
The driver was obviously not affluent. Yet, despite all the news about mega-trillion-dollar bankster bailouts, mega-million-dollar bonuses for financial crooks, and unimaginable compensation packages for corporate CEOs who have moved middle class jobs out of America, something made the down-and-out pickup truck driver associate with the political party of the super-rich.

As I wondered at this strange alliance of the dirt poor with the mega-rich, I remembered that in 2004, Thomas Frank wondered about how the Republicans had managed to convince the poor to vote against their best interests. Frank’s answer, or part of his answer, is that the Republicans use “social issues,” such as gay marriage and Janet Jackson’s exposed nipple, to work up indignation over the threat to moral values posed by liberal Democrats.

The working poor have been convinced by Republican propaganda that voting Democrat means giving the working poor’s tax dollars to the non-working poor, to providing medical care and schooling for illegal aliens, and being soft on terrorism. To the pickup truck driver, standing up for America means standing up for bankster bailouts and the Military/Security complex’s multi-trillion-dollar wars.

The Karl Rove Dirty Tricks Team has refined and honed the Republican propaganda. Republicans send each other, via email, an endless number of nonsensical stories about Barack Obama being a Muslim, or about Obama being a Marxist, but never is Obama accused of turning the United States over to Wall Street, the Military-Security complex, or to Israel.

The non-affluent who rage about welfare, Medicaid, Obamacare and public schools can’t seem to put two and two together. The $750 billion TARP bankster bailout, a small part of the total amount (estimated at 2-3 trillion secretly funneled to Wall Street), would have sufficed to cover any holes in these budgets for a long time. Instead, the money went to reward those who caused the financial crisis, and threw millions of Americans out of their homes. As far as I know, the pickup truck driver is one of the dispossessed.

The same brainwashed Americans who rage against Obamacare, and who lined up to vote for Mitt Romney in 2012, are oblivious to the fact that Romney, while Governor of the eastern liberal Democratic state of Massachusetts, had his version of Obamacare enacted at the State level.

The greatest irony about Obamacare is that it was written by the private insurance companies, and diverts Medicaid and Medicare funds to their profits. It is socialized medicine alright, but it is socialism for the private insurance companies.

All it took to convince Red Staters to go along with the Military/Security complex squandering $6 trillion of tax-payer money on the Iraq and Afghanistan wars were yellow ribbon decals and a slogan, “Support the troops.”

Obama, Republicans claim, won’t stand up to Syria, or against Iran, or support Israel. But Republicans are proud when Romney goes to Israel to slither on his belly, pandering to the crazed, bloodthirsty Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, who called Israeli top generals “pussies” for warning Israeli leaders against attacking Iran. Romney told Netanyahu: “Just tell me what to do, and I’ll do it; I am loyal to Israel.” Apparently, flag-waving Republican patriots are not bothered when their Presidential candidate announced that as soon as he was in office, he would turn over U.S. foreign policy to Netanyahu, and send more Americans to death and bankruptcy to fulfill Israeli ambitions.

Karl Rove didn’t have any trouble at all in brainwashing Red Staters to support their own demise. The pickup truck driver could just as well have sported a bumper sticker that read: “Don’t support a Democrat. He might do something for you.”

Yes, I know. It is almost as easy to beat up on Democrats. George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and their Neocon hoodlums destroyed the Constitution and, thereby, America. But the Democrats let them. It was Nancy Pelosi, who as Speaker of the House, stridently declared Bush’s impeachment to be “off the table.”

Bush and Cheney unquestionably violated both U.S. and international laws, and the Constitution. Pelosi’s refusal to hold them accountable established the precedent that the Executive branch is no longer accountable to law, or to the Constitution. In effect, the Executive branch now comprises a dictatorship. It acts outside of law and Constitutional restraints. On some issues it still has to consult with Congress or the courts; but as the Executive branch’s power and audacity grows, consultation will become a formality and then drop away. Congress will have no more influence than the Roman Senate under Julius Caesar's Empire, and courts will become stages for show trials.

Americans elected Obama President, expecting that he would restore the rule of law. Instead, he codified the Bush regime’s transgressions and added some of his own. No one of my generation could have imagined the President of the United States sitting in the Oval Office signing off on lists of American citizens to be murdered without evidence, or due process of law.

So which do you want? The Republican panderer to the rich and to Israel, whose foreign policy is war, or the Democrat panderer to the rich, and to Israel, whose foreign policy is war? As Gerald Celente wrote in the July issue of the Trends Journal, Americans “argue among themselves why their freak is better than the other freak. They will get angry with you if you call their freak a freak. They will actually fight and die to defend their freaks.”

It is extraordinary that millions of Americans in 2012 actually believed that it mattered whether Romney freak, or Obama freak, got elected. If Americans had any sense, they would stay home and not vote. The 1 percent control the country, and the 99 percent had just as well own up to it and stay at home. Nothing is going to change because of the ballot box.

The United States is ruled by a private oligarchy. The government is merely its front. The country’s resources are diverted to the pockets of Wall Street, the Military/Security complex, and to the service of greater Israel. The oil, mining, timber and agribusiness companies control the Environmental Protection Agency and the Forestry Service, which is why regulation pertains only to the small individual, and to small businesses, while fracking, mountaintop removal mining, and pollution of air, water and soil run wild.

The oligarchs have succeeded in making Americans a dispossessed majority in their own country, but only because Americans have made it easy for them by remaining asleep to what the 2-party system stands for.
–Paul Craig Roberts
The Trump administration has created new jobs and wages are up. He's also trying to cut taxes, but the Senate is not playing along. If they do not pass this tax relief bill, everyone who opposed it will be voted out next year. It may happen anyway, whether they pass it or not. America is solidly behind Trump and his objectives. They know where there best interests lie. And it's not with liberal democrats and republican RINO's. Next year, we're taking back our country, then Trump can finally make some real progress.
I wish it were only a mental disorder; liberals are a vile bag of garbage so loathsome and reprehensible, their influence is toxic on anything unfortunate enough to wander into these monsters orbits. Because they are worm-like malignancies who have no redeeming qualities of any kind.
Oh, come on! I'm sure that some of them love their mother. That's a redeeming quality. Isn't it? ^_^

They'd throw their own mothers in front of a freight train if it benefited their precious Islam in any way.
I said SOME of them...Otherwise, I agree with you. Most of them are scum. Bottom-feeders. Completely reprehensible in every way. The Bible says that they have reprobate minds, meaning unapproved by God. God has completely rejected them, and His Holy Spirit no longer strives to enlighten them. They are damned and they don't even realize it.

You , you are a CINO, using the bible to push your intolerance and hatred.
The left has always had a love affairs with despots and dictators. The Soviet Union was their darling during the Reagan years.
There is also not a single perversion that is not supported by at least some of them.
Give it a few years and they will be lock step supporting pedophilia with the same fervor as they do faggotry and trans faggotry today.
The left has always had a love affairs with despots and dictators. The Soviet Union was their darling during the Reagan years.
There is also not a single perversion that is not supported by at least some of them.

Christians and Jews as well.
What are you babbling about?
I wish it were only a mental disorder; liberals are a vile bag of garbage so loathsome and reprehensible, their influence is toxic on anything unfortunate enough to wander into these monsters orbits. Because they are worm-like malignancies who have no redeeming qualities of any kind.
Oh, come on! I'm sure that some of them love their mother. That's a redeeming quality. Isn't it? ^_^

They'd throw their own mothers in front of a freight train if it benefited their precious Islam in any way.
I said SOME of them...Otherwise, I agree with you. Most of them are scum. Bottom-feeders. Completely reprehensible in every way. The Bible says that they have reprobate minds, meaning unapproved by God. God has completely rejected them, and His Holy Spirit no longer strives to enlighten them. They are damned and they don't even realize it.

You , you are a CINO, using the bible to push your intolerance and hatred.
Lol...the bible says you degenerate reprobates are going to hell. Maybe God just hates degenerate perverts and their enablers? Well, not maybe.

God does hate reprobates.

" Romans Chapter 1

26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

28 And even as they did not like to retain God in [their] knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;"
The left has always had a love affairs with despots and dictators. The Soviet Union was their darling during the Reagan years.
There is also not a single perversion that is not supported by at least some of them.
Give it a few years and they will be lock step supporting pedophilia with the same fervor as they do faggotry and trans faggotry today.
The left has always had a love affairs with despots and dictators. The Soviet Union was their darling during the Reagan years.
There is also not a single perversion that is not supported by at least some of them.

Christians and Jews as well.
What are you babbling about?
I wish it were only a mental disorder; liberals are a vile bag of garbage so loathsome and reprehensible, their influence is toxic on anything unfortunate enough to wander into these monsters orbits. Because they are worm-like malignancies who have no redeeming qualities of any kind.
Oh, come on! I'm sure that some of them love their mother. That's a redeeming quality. Isn't it? ^_^

They'd throw their own mothers in front of a freight train if it benefited their precious Islam in any way.
I said SOME of them...Otherwise, I agree with you. Most of them are scum. Bottom-feeders. Completely reprehensible in every way. The Bible says that they have reprobate minds, meaning unapproved by God. God has completely rejected them, and His Holy Spirit no longer strives to enlighten them. They are damned and they don't even realize it.

You , you are a CINO, using the bible to push your intolerance and hatred.
Lol...the bible says you degenerate reprobates are going to hell. Maybe God just hates degenerate perverts and their enablers? Well, not maybe.

God does hate reprobates.

" Romans Chapter 1

26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

28 And even as they did not like to retain God in [their] knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;"
They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed, and hatred. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant, and boastful. They invent new forms of evil; they disobey their parents. They are senseless, faithless, heartless, merciless.…

This is a perfect description of most liberal progressives.
The left has always had a love affairs with despots and dictators. The Soviet Union was their darling during the Reagan years.
There is also not a single perversion that is not supported by at least some of them.
Give it a few years and they will be lock step supporting pedophilia with the same fervor as they do faggotry and trans faggotry today.
There is also not a single perversion that is not supported by at least some of them.

Christians and Jews as well.
What are you babbling about?
Oh, come on! I'm sure that some of them love their mother. That's a redeeming quality. Isn't it? ^_^

They'd throw their own mothers in front of a freight train if it benefited their precious Islam in any way.
I said SOME of them...Otherwise, I agree with you. Most of them are scum. Bottom-feeders. Completely reprehensible in every way. The Bible says that they have reprobate minds, meaning unapproved by God. God has completely rejected them, and His Holy Spirit no longer strives to enlighten them. They are damned and they don't even realize it.

You , you are a CINO, using the bible to push your intolerance and hatred.
Lol...the bible says you degenerate reprobates are going to hell. Maybe God just hates degenerate perverts and their enablers? Well, not maybe.

God does hate reprobates.

" Romans Chapter 1

26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

28 And even as they did not like to retain God in [their] knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;"
They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed, and hatred. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant, and boastful. They invent new forms of evil; they disobey their parents. They are senseless, faithless, heartless, merciless.…

This is a perfect description of most liberal progressives.

You can say whatever you want, but your Holly Spirit has left your abode and has found a better body to reside.
Liberals on social media are a whacky bunch — and the unhinged reaction to Kim Jong Un’s statement that President Donald Trump should be ousted from office is smoking gun proof that liberalism is a mental disorder.

Revealed! Liberals LOVE Kim Jong Un (jaw dropping)

Kim Jong Un's comments are an example of a narcissist, as are Trump's use of Brinkmanship; that is, both leaders are so self centered that neither should have the power they both seem to possess.

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