Zone1 Propaganda: Politics Disguised As Religion

religious organizations that are aiding and abetting the destruction of western liberal democracy as we speak.
Which organizations and what have they done?

Is there anything in the constitution which prevents changing governance?

If someone wanted to change from a republic to say communist rule and followed the rules of the constitution and did it legally would that be destroying western liberal democracy or the will of the people?
000 22. Bill Beauregard Barr

i. NotfooledbyW xx. to OP 1: religious organizations that are aiding and abetting the destruction of western liberal democracy as we speak. nfbw 241203 Vppdar00020

ii. ding xxi. to 20. : Which organizations and what have they done? dvng 241212 ppdar00021

iii. NotfooledbyW xxii. to 21 : Let’s start with the Russian Orthodox Church in Moscow:

The church under Putin: Nationalism and Russian Orthodoxy

Since the passing of the Soviet era, the Russian Orthodox Church has aligned itself closely with the Russian government and especially the nationalist strategies of Vladimir Putin. In the speeches of Orthodox Patriarch Kirill of Moscow, “Orthodox civilization” is interchangeable with “Russian civilization.”​
Following a long Russian Orthodox tradition, Kirill likes to contrast Russia with secular Western nations. In Belgrade in November 2014, the patriarch argued that Western nations had “abandoned their Christian identity.” He identified both liberal democracy and secularism as enemies of Orthodoxy and envisioned a “clash of civilization” in which Russian Orthodox values stood against those of the secular West.​
Kirill’s vision of Russian civilization transcends Russia’s current boundaries, encompassing all Orthodox people “living in the countries of historical Rus’—namely Belorussia, Russia, and Ukraine.” The Orthodox Church had risen to the defense of Russia in the prerevolutionary past, he maintained, and it must do so again to defend the nation’s values and unity.​

iv. And work our way westward:

'Russia the Last Bastion of Civilization Against Barbarism' - Catholic Archbishop Vigano, Fierce Critic of Pope Francis.


'Russia the Last Bastion of Civilization Against Barbarism' - Catholic Archbishop Vigano, Fierce Critic of Pope Francis.​
Archbishop Vigano, once Papal Nuncio to the United States and Secretary General of the Vatican government,​
In his letter, Vigano acknowledges the role of Moscow as the 3rd Rome, and states, “The present crisis shows us the collapse of a corrupt West, in which there is no Pope Leo the Great to save its fate, but which still has a destiny, if it can recover its providential mission and recognizes what unites it to the mission of Russia.”​
Pointing out the admixture of materialist atheism with liberalism that is the hallmark of the New World Order, Vigano praises President Putin for denouncing the NWO as,An infernal which hatred for Christian civilization wants to create a society of slaves subservient to the Davos elite...We cannot be surprised that, after de-Christianizing the Western world, this elite considers Russia an enemy to be overthrown. The Russian Federation undeniably stands as the last bastion of civilization against barbarism, and gathers around it all those nations that do not intend to submit to the colonization of NATO, the United Nations, the World Health Organization, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and that heap of foundations that have as their purpose the indoctrination of the masses, the manipulation of information, the creation of “colored springs” to destabilize governments legitimately elected and sow chaos, wars and misery as instrumentum regni.​

Vigano is a Son of a Roman Catholic Momma. hell bent on destroying western liberal democracy with Putin.

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Catholics, Ralph Reed r.reed once said, are “the jump ball of American politics.” Conservatives can’t win without them, but they can go either way, the consummate swinger, sometimes determining elections, often reflecting them. Comprising about 23% of voters, Catholics have sided with the winner in most presidential contests over the last 50 years. But they aren’t a bloc. Pollsters break them down variously: white or Hispanic, lapsed or active, attending mass daily or weekly or only on Easter, accepting of church doctrine or not. White Catholics break down further, reflecting solidly liberal and conservative bases and their own swinging center, perpetually up for grabs, and abundantly represented in this year’s battleground states.

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