Proposed: McCarthy Shutdown Act

May 4, 2022

Breaking News For Sure: House Democrat files MCCARTHY Shutdown Act seeking to suspend member pay.​

I would think people on both ends of the political spectrum would support this one.

Rep. Angie Craig (D-MN) introduced the My Constituents Cannot Afford Rebellious Tantrums Handle Your Shutdown Act on Wednesday, nicknaming it the MCCARTHY Shutdown Act after the current House speaker. If passed, the bill would withhold paychecks for lawmakers if a federal government shutdown ensues until Congress passes its budget.

... ouch! ...

“Speaker McCarthy and House Republicans are ready to shut down the federal government and put the livelihoods of working families at risk — while still collecting a paycheck,” Craig said in a statement. “Today, I’m introducing legislation to block Member pay during a McCarthy shutdown, because it’s ridiculous that we still get paid while folks like TSA workers are asked to work without a paycheck.”

link: MSN

Breaking News For Sure: House Democrat files MCCARTHY Shutdown Act seeking to suspend member pay.​

I would think people on both ends of the political spectrum would support this one.

Rep. Angie Craig (D-MN) introduced the My Constituents Cannot Afford Rebellious Tantrums Handle Your Shutdown Act on Wednesday, nicknaming it the MCCARTHY Shutdown Act after the current House speaker. If passed, the bill would withhold paychecks for lawmakers if a federal government shutdown ensues until Congress passes its budget.

... ouch! ...

“Speaker McCarthy and House Republicans are ready to shut down the federal government and put the livelihoods of working families at risk — while still collecting a paycheck,” Craig said in a statement. “Today, I’m introducing legislation to block Member pay during a McCarthy shutdown, because it’s ridiculous that we still get paid while folks like TSA workers are asked to work without a paycheck.”

link: MSN
hahah working familes liveihoods aren't at risk because of a Govt's funny hearing the Demafasist party who gave us record inflation that line.

With that said, i do support lawmakers not getting paid in a Govt shutdown. Their staff is already impacted, the members should be too....frankly there pay should be cut first.

I would prefer also that members of Congress start working towards an agreement instead of coming up with politically charged names of seems they are more interested in shutting the Govt down, which is sad.
The problem with this. It's never going to pass. How about inserting it in an actual budget bill before we get to this point?
The problem with this. It's never going to pass. How about inserting it in an actual budget bill before we get to this point?
The Dems have held the whip hand on this issue for decades because the media is controlled by them and the Rs know that they will receive all of the blame the media whores can incite, regardless of the realities.
The Dems have held the whip hand on this issue for decades because the media is controlled by them and the Rs know that they will receive all of the blame the media whores can incite, regardless of the realities.

They will. Even though I do not support Republicans, I hope they do shut it down and they will get no blame from me.

Breaking News For Sure: House Democrat files MCCARTHY Shutdown Act seeking to suspend member pay.​

I would think people on both ends of the political spectrum would support this one.

Rep. Angie Craig (D-MN) introduced the My Constituents Cannot Afford Rebellious Tantrums Handle Your Shutdown Act on Wednesday, nicknaming it the MCCARTHY Shutdown Act after the current House speaker. If passed, the bill would withhold paychecks for lawmakers if a federal government shutdown ensues until Congress passes its budget.

... ouch! ...

“Speaker McCarthy and House Republicans are ready to shut down the federal government and put the livelihoods of working families at risk — while still collecting a paycheck,” Craig said in a statement. “Today, I’m introducing legislation to block Member pay during a McCarthy shutdown, because it’s ridiculous that we still get paid while folks like TSA workers are asked to work without a paycheck.”

link: MSN
well good idea. But they won't miss that paycheck, because they get it the next month just like all the fed loafers do when there is even a whisper of a shutdown. And TSA members..i wouldn't bring that up. They're stealing from passengers. ON VIDEO.

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