Protectionism and a Trade War with China


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2014
Who will lose in the looming US-China trade war?- Nikkei Asian Review

"Who will lose in the looming US-China trade war?"

This is interesting, Trump believes he can be protectionist.

How Donald Trump's 25% tariff on China could start trade war - Apr. 18, 2011

In 2011 he was calling for a 25% tariff on Chinese goods. However

'"In a trade war, everybody loses. Some may lose more than others, but everybody loses," said Nicholas Lardy, senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics,"

Who will lose in the looming US-China trade war?- Nikkei Asian Review

"Trump pledged to label China as a currency manipulator on his first day in office and slap a punitive tariff of up to 45% on Chinese goods to unwind trade imbalances,"

Well as far as I know he hasn't done this yet.

But the real threat to U.S.-China relation may not be in the first 100 days of Trump's presidency. "It's really a year or two from now as fiscal stimulus kicks in and the trade deficit begins to widen," said Marcus Noland, executive vice-president of the Peterson Institute for International Economics, a Washington-based think tank.

Trump's proposed tax cuts and rising spending on infrastructure and defense could generate a substantial fiscal stimulus, resulting in a short-term growth spurt, budget deficits, rising interest rates and a strong dollar."

""What could transpire is a very nasty version of the first [Ronald] Reagan administration" as rising trade deficits led the former president to step up trade protection, said Noland, speaking in a seminar in Hong Kong on Monday."

The funny thing is that this has been tried before, and failed, and even Reagan turned back from this policy.

"A recent study by the Peterson Institute estimates that a U.S.-led trade war would cost more than 4 million American jobs in the private sector, sending the country into a downturn."

Make Amerikuh grate again, huh?

I doubt his tariffs will get approved, but his threats and rhetoric will certainly unite our enemies against us more than before
I doubt his tariffs will get approved, but his threats and rhetoric will certainly unite our enemies against us more than before

One third of the Chinese economy arises from imports to the United States, as an example. If they want to argue, it will be to their detriment.
I doubt his tariffs will get approved, but his threats and rhetoric will certainly unite our enemies against us more than before

One third of the Chinese economy arises from imports to the United States, as an example. If they want to argue, it will be to their detriment.
As Trump pulls out of the global economy, China can do whatever it wants without anything being to their detriment.

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