Protestors on strike?

RNC Protests Rage, but Anti-Trump Organizers Ask: Where Is Everyone? Are the democrats getting cheap? Communists cost too much now?
Why protest a dying, losing campaign? Trump is becoming boring and it will only grow worse.

You'll vote for Hillary while claiming you're a Republican.
I will vote for Gary Johnson, and I urge you to do so yourself if you are truly a Republican instead of a faux pub.
The "protestors" have achieved their goal: getting enough rabid-right blue collar votes (in opposition to themselves) to seal the nomination for Trump. Why waste George Soros' (& Trump's?) $ doing something that's already been accomplished?

Well because thy keep.killing cops..
One in Kansas yeaterday.....and making themselves and democrats look bad........I would welcome it and laugh...except cops are dying.......which is not cool
Cop killers aren't affiliated with parties...they're more madmen without any moorings at all except insanity. The liberal left did organize with Soros' money to make the blue collars mad enough at them to gravitate and magnetize to Trump...which was their ultimate goal: getting him the GOP nomination .. After all, they knew it wouldn't be easy getting one of their own, or better yet an insufferable clown/both into the GOP ticket. They had to grease the skids somehow...and so they did. So doing, they effectively are "party-killers"...not cop killers.. There was pretty much no further ruckus after the last primary. Why bother? They reached the magic number by polarizing blue collars to Trump in the GOP. Mission accomplished.
Ante the right wingers upset ? Guess all that " end of days " talk inside the convention doesn't match the outside .

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