Protestors plan to stay and protest all summer, it's time to deport them

So you're supporting a foreign country over the constitutional rights of Americans?

So when do you plan on leaving for your new home comrade?
I think those liberal protesters shouting death to America and destroying a liberal college are doing a great job. They are making Trump's odds better in November and destroying a liberal college at the same time. So carry on!
I have a sense that the extent of vandalism and other misconduct is not being reported
You know it isn't and I hope next year when Trump is president, he blocks all federal funding to rebuild those college campuses.
I thought the “deep state” never lost. How are you going to explain it?
Well when you finally go to far, you always lose and your hatred blinded all you loons and you got sloppy. The American people are catching on to the democrats lawlessness now. I'm going to throughly going to enjoy watching all you loons running around in pussy hats yelling at the sky again. In a few months.
They wave a flag from another land. They stir up trouble. They need to go. Round them up and deport them all.

---Protesters Prepared to Stay Put for Summer: ‘Nothing That Will Deter Us’---

So who is supplying them? They will need food, water....bill money for daily expenses....
Go after the source.
Well when you finally go to far, you always lose and your hatred blinded all you loons and you got sloppy.

So supposedly they didn’t “get sloppy” when they allegedly rigged 9 different state wide elections but somehow will “get sloppy” on a single criminal trial?’re seeing a whole team of psychiatrists, aren’t you?
So supposedly they didn’t “get sloppy” when they allegedly rigged 9 different state wide elections but somehow will “get sloppy” on a single criminal trial?’re seeing a whole team of psychiatrists, aren’t you?
Lol, let's see you pull that crap again in November. You loons just about got caught the last time.
easy---the deep state is in never-never land with the lost boys
and captain hook and tinkerbelle
Yeah, it’s the reason Republicans fail every time they fail. But somehow the Deep State takes off at very inconvenient times for the Democrats.
So the fact that there are 450M guns in America didn’t stop them from supposedly stealing the election...and you think it’s going to stop them from convicting the blob? That makes no sense. you really believe anything that you post?
Democrats are reeeeeally stupid.
Back at the hunger games. Folks, they're not receiving proper medical attention.

Oh noez!!!!

Daze gonna starve to death!

Allah will give them at least a few virgins.

Well, its a body of water off the coast of Vietnam.

Tell us why the Deep State let the Republicans win the House--I thought they were against you guys?
Gulf of Tonkin was the location of a Deep State ruse for a war Deep State had no intention of winning because they loved all the DoD contracts.
Gulf of Tonkin was the location of a Deep State ruse for a war Deep State had no intention of winning because they loved all the DoD contracts.

Ahh, more fantasies.

Always hilarious.

And I suppose the "Deep State" had Kennedy killed too right? Might as well go there too.

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