Protests Destroy Another NYTimes Myth


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. Remember when the Liberal house-organ whined that bad ol' Donald Trump was being mean to Iran....and the inadvertent result was that the people of Iran were responding by backing the 7th century savages who run the place????

Remember that set of lies????

2. And here is 'MeTooCNN' on board with the same lie????
"…US President Donald Trump's recent remarks on Iran have infuriated Iranians across the political spectrum -- regime officials say they have forced the heavily politicized society to close ranks. The country's conservatives are saying "I told you so," while moderates express disappointment at the hard line taken by Trump."
Iran's hardliners say Trump has done them 'great favors' - CNN

And the bovineLiberals bought it like it was on sale????

3. This, a reminder of the NYTimes' barnyard droppings:
“After years of cynicism, sneering or simply tuning out all things political,” wrote Erdbrink, “Iran’s urban middle classes have been swept up in a wave of nationalist fervor.” He went on: “Mr. Trump and the Saudis have helped the government achieve what years of repression could never accomplish: widespread public support for the hard-line view that the United States and Riyadh cannot be trusted.”

Erdbrink’s argument echoed rhetoric from Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif. Responding to October’s announcement of new U.S. sanctions against the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, Zarif tweeted: “Today, Iranians–boys, girls, men, women–are ALL IRGC.”
Iranians Shatter a New York Times Myth

4. "So much for the New York Times theory that, thanks to Trumpian and Saudi bellicosity, the Iranian people have closed ranks behind their rulers. In November, the paper’s Tehran bureau chief, Thomas Erdbrink, devoted an extended feature to making this case, and it proved wildly popular with the pro-nuclear deal crowd in Washington."
Iranians Shatter a New York Times Myth

5. "Iran protesters rally again, defying warning of crackdown
LONDON (Reuters) - Anti-government protesters demonstrated in Iran on Sunday in defiance of a warning by the authorities of a tough crackdown, extending for a fourth day one of the most audacious challenges to the clerical leadership since pro-reform unrest in 2009.
Tens of thousands of people have protested across the country since Thursday against the Islamic Republic’s unelected clerical elite and Iranian foreign policy in the region. They have also chanted slogans in support of political prisoners.

Demonstrators initially vented their anger over economic hardships and alleged corruption but they took on a rare political dimension, with a growing number of people calling on Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei to step down."
Iran protesters rally again, defying warning of crackdown

6. "Iran cuts social media access as unrest turns deadly
...the biggest test for the Islamic republic since mass demonstrations in 2009.

....against the Islamic system as a whole, with slogans such as "Death to the dictator".
US President Donald Trump said the "big protests" showed people "were getting wise as to how their money and wealth is being stolen and squandered on terrorism".
Iran cuts social media access as unrest turns deadly

President Trump proven correct again!!!
What could the back-stabbing crypto-Islamist, Hussein Obama, have done to stop Iran's blood lust for nuclear weapons?

He could have kept his promise, and just said 'no.'

Or.......Obama could have done what Reagan did, had he actually intended to end Iran's support for terror and Islamofascism and its desire for nuclear weapons:

"...the president [Reagan] signed National Security Decision Directive (NSDD) 32, which....called for aid to Solidarity, counter-propaganda in Poland, tightening of sanctions on the Soviet Union, and covert activities to achieve these objectives.

Reagan sent out 328 such 'Top Secret' directives to the diplomatic, military, and intelligence agencies during his presidency."
The President, the Pope, And the Prime Minister: Three Who Changed the World," p.185

"Reagan .... thought the aim of American foreign policy should be not to get along with the Communist powers but to hasten their end.

He opposed the Helsinki accords because he thought they codified the captive status of Moscow's East European satellites. He believed détente conferred a false legitimacy upon states whose governments were not installed by the consent of the governed.

He agreed with Churchill and with the Democrats' mid-century presidents that the best way to avoid a war was to be ready to fight one, and he quoted in one of his radio addresses the phrase "No nation ever saved its freedom by disarming itself in the hope of placating an enemy," from NSC-68, one of the Cold War founding documents of the Truman administration.

Thirty years earlier, these beliefs were the views of politicians of both major parties, .... Reagan's aim was to restore these views to the national dialogue, and in time he did."Reagan in Opposition

Or….he could do what Trump is doing.

Obama's aim was always to nuclear arm the worst of western civilization's enemies.
And he did.

Let's hope President Trump can reverse the mistake.

I don't read the New York Slimes. I used to read The Wall street journal but I don't even read it anymore.

Don't know a paper that isn't full of carefully filtered lies & distortions. The sooner print goes out of business the better.
I don't read the New York Slimes. I used to read The Wall street journal but I don't even read it anymore.

Don't know a paper that isn't full of carefully filtered lies & distortions. The sooner print goes out of business the better.

"Don't know a paper that isn't full of carefully filtered lies & distortions."

Are you shilling for this rag?

The OP was very weren't.
I don't read the New York Slimes. I used to read The Wall street journal but I don't even read it anymore.

Don't know a paper that isn't full of carefully filtered lies & distortions. The sooner print goes out of business the better.

"Don't know a paper that isn't full of carefully filtered lies & distortions."

Are you shilling for this rag?

The OP was very weren't.
Go fuck yourself whore
I don't read the New York Slimes. I used to read The Wall street journal but I don't even read it anymore.

Don't know a paper that isn't full of carefully filtered lies & distortions. The sooner print goes out of business the better.

"Don't know a paper that isn't full of carefully filtered lies & distortions."

Are you shilling for this rag?

The OP was very weren't.
Go fuck yourself whore

Oooo.....revealing what a loser you are really hit a nerve.

Gets boring when you hear it as much as you must.

Just pointing out that you brought nothing to the table.

Perhaps you should take inventory before you post, and, if you have no opinion…..don't bother.
I don't read the New York Slimes. I used to read The Wall street journal but I don't even read it anymore.

Don't know a paper that isn't full of carefully filtered lies & distortions. The sooner print goes out of business the better.

"Don't know a paper that isn't full of carefully filtered lies & distortions."

Are you shilling for this rag?

The OP was very weren't.
Go fuck yourself whore

Oooo.....revealing what a loser you are really hit a nerve.

Just pointing out that you brought nothing to the table.

Perhaps you should take inventory before you post, and, if you have no opinion…..don't bother.
You didn't hit a nerve. I just don't like you. You're an internet slut desperate for attention and your constant cut & paste threads have grown tiresome.

And I gave you an opinion. You were just too stupid to understand it.
I don't read the New York Slimes. I used to read The Wall street journal but I don't even read it anymore.

Don't know a paper that isn't full of carefully filtered lies & distortions. The sooner print goes out of business the better.

"Don't know a paper that isn't full of carefully filtered lies & distortions."

Are you shilling for this rag?

The OP was very weren't.
Go fuck yourself whore

Oooo.....revealing what a loser you are really hit a nerve.

Just pointing out that you brought nothing to the table.

Perhaps you should take inventory before you post, and, if you have no opinion…..don't bother.
You didn't hit a nerve. I just don't like you. You're an internet slut desperate for attention and your constant cut & paste threads have grown tiresome.

And I gave you an opinion. You were just too stupid to understand it.

"...your constant cut & paste threads have grown tiresome."

Yet, here you are......


And, I guarantee that you'll be back.
You seriously asked me if I was shilling for a paper after I labeled it as full of lies & distortions.

I mean how dumb can you be?

"And, I guarantee that you'll be back."

Am I amazing, or what!!!!!

OK......prediction proven correct.

You need not respond.
That fucking dumb apparently.

I'm certain that that vulgarity is considered cute where you grew up.....

Adults, and more articulate folks, eschew that sort of low class jargon.

I know that our brief exchange wounded you deeply.....and correctly.....but still:

Get lost.
Wounded me deeply? Lol

You've made a COMPLETE ASS of yourself by jumping the gun and misreading my first post. But by all means keep trying to make it about me since you're too articulate to admit your mistake....

Stupid twit
1. Remember when the Liberal house-organ whined that bad ol' Donald Trump was being mean to Iran....and the inadvertent result was that the people of Iran were responding by backing the 7th century savages who run the place????

Remember that set of lies????

2. And here is 'MeTooCNN' on board with the same lie????
"…US President Donald Trump's recent remarks on Iran have infuriated Iranians across the political spectrum -- regime officials say they have forced the heavily politicized society to close ranks. The country's conservatives are saying "I told you so," while moderates express disappointment at the hard line taken by Trump."
Iran's hardliners say Trump has done them 'great favors' - CNN

And the bovineLiberals bought it like it was on sale????

3. This, a reminder of the NYTimes' barnyard droppings:
“After years of cynicism, sneering or simply tuning out all things political,” wrote Erdbrink, “Iran’s urban middle classes have been swept up in a wave of nationalist fervor.” He went on: “Mr. Trump and the Saudis have helped the government achieve what years of repression could never accomplish: widespread public support for the hard-line view that the United States and Riyadh cannot be trusted.”

Erdbrink’s argument echoed rhetoric from Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif. Responding to October’s announcement of new U.S. sanctions against the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, Zarif tweeted: “Today, Iranians–boys, girls, men, women–are ALL IRGC.”
Iranians Shatter a New York Times Myth

4. "So much for the New York Times theory that, thanks to Trumpian and Saudi bellicosity, the Iranian people have closed ranks behind their rulers. In November, the paper’s Tehran bureau chief, Thomas Erdbrink, devoted an extended feature to making this case, and it proved wildly popular with the pro-nuclear deal crowd in Washington."
Iranians Shatter a New York Times Myth

5. "Iran protesters rally again, defying warning of crackdown
LONDON (Reuters) - Anti-government protesters demonstrated in Iran on Sunday in defiance of a warning by the authorities of a tough crackdown, extending for a fourth day one of the most audacious challenges to the clerical leadership since pro-reform unrest in 2009.
Tens of thousands of people have protested across the country since Thursday against the Islamic Republic’s unelected clerical elite and Iranian foreign policy in the region. They have also chanted slogans in support of political prisoners.

Demonstrators initially vented their anger over economic hardships and alleged corruption but they took on a rare political dimension, with a growing number of people calling on Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei to step down."
Iran protesters rally again, defying warning of crackdown

6. "Iran cuts social media access as unrest turns deadly
...the biggest test for the Islamic republic since mass demonstrations in 2009.

....against the Islamic system as a whole, with slogans such as "Death to the dictator".
US President Donald Trump said the "big protests" showed people "were getting wise as to how their money and wealth is being stolen and squandered on terrorism".
Iran cuts social media access as unrest turns deadly

President Trump proven correct again!!!
The serial sex offender isn’t half the man or president President Obama was.
The pussygrabber makes the country wince every time he opens his mouth.
Imagine still supporting this dunce.says so much about YOU.
Funny the right and left can’t stand this Trump mouthpiece.
It’s universal.
Wounded me deeply? Lol

You've made a COMPLETE ASS of yourself by jumping the gun and misreading my first post. But by all means keep trying to make it about me since you're too articulate to admit your mistake....

Stupid twit

Don't let me keep you....I'm sure there's a blow-up Linda Hunt doll that needs work....
1. Remember when the Liberal house-organ whined that bad ol' Donald Trump was being mean to Iran....and the inadvertent result was that the people of Iran were responding by backing the 7th century savages who run the place????

Remember that set of lies????

2. And here is 'MeTooCNN' on board with the same lie????
"…US President Donald Trump's recent remarks on Iran have infuriated Iranians across the political spectrum -- regime officials say they have forced the heavily politicized society to close ranks. The country's conservatives are saying "I told you so," while moderates express disappointment at the hard line taken by Trump."
Iran's hardliners say Trump has done them 'great favors' - CNN

And the bovineLiberals bought it like it was on sale????

3. This, a reminder of the NYTimes' barnyard droppings:
“After years of cynicism, sneering or simply tuning out all things political,” wrote Erdbrink, “Iran’s urban middle classes have been swept up in a wave of nationalist fervor.” He went on: “Mr. Trump and the Saudis have helped the government achieve what years of repression could never accomplish: widespread public support for the hard-line view that the United States and Riyadh cannot be trusted.”

Erdbrink’s argument echoed rhetoric from Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif. Responding to October’s announcement of new U.S. sanctions against the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, Zarif tweeted: “Today, Iranians–boys, girls, men, women–are ALL IRGC.”
Iranians Shatter a New York Times Myth

4. "So much for the New York Times theory that, thanks to Trumpian and Saudi bellicosity, the Iranian people have closed ranks behind their rulers. In November, the paper’s Tehran bureau chief, Thomas Erdbrink, devoted an extended feature to making this case, and it proved wildly popular with the pro-nuclear deal crowd in Washington."
Iranians Shatter a New York Times Myth

5. "Iran protesters rally again, defying warning of crackdown
LONDON (Reuters) - Anti-government protesters demonstrated in Iran on Sunday in defiance of a warning by the authorities of a tough crackdown, extending for a fourth day one of the most audacious challenges to the clerical leadership since pro-reform unrest in 2009.
Tens of thousands of people have protested across the country since Thursday against the Islamic Republic’s unelected clerical elite and Iranian foreign policy in the region. They have also chanted slogans in support of political prisoners.

Demonstrators initially vented their anger over economic hardships and alleged corruption but they took on a rare political dimension, with a growing number of people calling on Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei to step down."
Iran protesters rally again, defying warning of crackdown

6. "Iran cuts social media access as unrest turns deadly
...the biggest test for the Islamic republic since mass demonstrations in 2009.

....against the Islamic system as a whole, with slogans such as "Death to the dictator".
US President Donald Trump said the "big protests" showed people "were getting wise as to how their money and wealth is being stolen and squandered on terrorism".
Iran cuts social media access as unrest turns deadly

President Trump proven correct again!!!
The serial sex offender isn’t half the man or president President Obama was.
The pussygrabber makes the country wince every time he opens his mouth.
Imagine still supporting this dunce.says so much about YOU.

Now....try to focus like a laser, and see if comprehension occurs....

1. Hussein Obama, the cryto-Islamist, did his best to award nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism

2. As proven in the OP, the Times et al claimed that the people of Iran backed the 7th century savages who run the country....due to the terrible things President Trump did

3. Now....we find the truth....that the people are rebelling....exactly as Trump said they would.

4. When Obama had the chance to aid the protesters, he punted to support the savages.

5. “Obama is the weakest of U.S. presidents, he had humiliating defeats in the region. Under him the Islamic awakening happened,” Younesisaidin a Farsi language interview with Iran’s semi-official Fars News Agency. “Americans witnessed their greatest defeats in Obama’s era: Terrorism expanded, [the] U.S. had huge defeats under Obama [and] that is why they want to compromise with Iran,” Younesi said.

The criticism of Obama echoes comments made recently byotherworld leaders and even former members of the president’s own staff,such asFormer Defense Secretary Robert Gates. Top Iranian Official: Obama is ‘The Weakest of U.S. Presidents’

6. When the people of Iran cried out for help...."... new details on how far Obama went to avoid helping Iran's green movement. Behind the scenes, Obama overruled advisers who wanted to do what America had done at similar transitions from dictatorship to democracy, and signal America's support."
Why Obama Let Iran's Green Revolution Fail

What a disgusting cur Obama is.....

And you too.
"Vice President Mike Pence tweeted America’s support for anti-government protestors in Iran Monday as the death toll rose to 12 and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani called for calm.

“As long as @RealDonaldTrumpis POTUS and I am VP, the United States of America will not repeat the shameful mistake of our past when others stood by and ignored the heroic resistance of the Iranian people as they fought against their brutal regime,” Pence pledged in a series of tweets."
Pence Promises U.S. Support for Iranian Protestors

To state the obvious, Hussein Obama refused to do so much as use the bully pulpit to endorse freedom in Iran in '09.

One need not wonder is clear where Obama's interests lay.
"Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) argued Sunday that he believes the protests highlight Obama’s failed policies in Iran. He says that the Obama administration emboldened the theocratic regime by ignoring anti-government protesters in 2009."
Trump went right after the Val Jarrett/Barack Obama Axis of Evil and their pro-Iran, anti-Israel stance. Jarrett/Obama gave Iran $150B and Israel the middle finger. In a year, Trump has defeated ISIS, vowed to relocate our Embassy and is fomenting unrest in Iran. Trump made short work of the Jarrett/Obama Axis of Evil.

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