

Reality bits
Apr 3, 2009
I have it on good word from an insider that the Republican candidates are already lining up asking to guest on Morning Joe during the month of August, when the campaign kicks off. Morning Joe is highly sought because it's the most "fair and balanced" and because it allows time they don't normally have without commercial interruption on all the other cable channels.
I have it on good word from an insider that the Republican candidates are already lining up asking to guest on Morning Joe during the month of August, when the campaign kicks off. Morning Joe is highly sought because it's the most "fair and balanced" and because it allows time they don't normally have without commercial interruption on all the other cable channels.

It's my show of choice in the a.m. because I find it the purest dose of politics in the morning...
I clicked over to Morning Joe this morning just in time to hear "Reverend" Al Sharpton talk economic policy. What a treat. His argument was the key to recovery was putting more money in the people's pocket. I think we tried that. He or someone else again blasted corporations for not producing jobs. Companies have learned to profit with less employees. Plus, without demand, producing more with new employees does not make business sense.
I clicked over to Morning Joe this morning just in time to hear "Reverend" Al Sharpton talk economic policy. What a treat. His argument was the key to recovery was putting more money in the people's pocket. I think we tried that. He or someone else again blasted corporations for not producing jobs. Companies have learned to profit with less employees. Plus, without demand, producing more with new employees does not make business sense.

...but, but, I thought not raising taxes was going to be the panacea?!?! :confused:
I have it on good word from an insider that the Republican candidates are already lining up asking to guest on Morning Joe during the month of August, when the campaign kicks off. Morning Joe is highly sought because it's the most "fair and balanced" and because it allows time they don't normally have without commercial interruption on all the other cable channels.

I watch every morning. Fair and balanced? It is stridently left wing. Which is why it, along with the rest of MSNBCs programing, has such low ratings.

However, Republican candidates ought to try to get on the show. Nothing to lose, but always a chance you'll open an eye or two among its predominantly lefty viewing audience.
I have it on good word from an insider that the Republican candidates are already lining up asking to guest on Morning Joe during the month of August, when the campaign kicks off. Morning Joe is highly sought because it's the most "fair and balanced" and because it allows time they don't normally have without commercial interruption on all the other cable channels.

Good for them. Shows, the candidates are fair and balanced and open minded. unlike the left.
I have it on good word from an insider that the Republican candidates are already lining up asking to guest on Morning Joe during the month of August, when the campaign kicks off. Morning Joe is highly sought because it's the most "fair and balanced" and because it allows time they don't normally have without commercial interruption on all the other cable channels.

I watch every morning. Fair and balanced? It is stridently left wing. Which is why it, along with the rest of MSNBCs programing, has such low ratings.

However, Republican candidates ought to try to get on the show. Nothing to lose, but always a chance you'll open an eye or two among its predominantly lefty viewing audience.

"...has such low ratings."

A few weeks back, their 'political analyst' used a no-no word on the air. He was 'suspended' for a short time...

The other day, on a show with Sharpton, Buchanan referred to President Obama as 'your boy,' and it produced the trademark rant by Sharpton "...boy? BOY?....etc,, etc..."

Question: what are the chances that these events are neither unrelated nor accidental... other word, represent a strategy by this network to be known as edgy, pushing the envelope.....?

Just askin.'
jsut a perfect example of how far right the cons have gone.

they dont even know what left is
Joe is left wing?

On what planet do you people reside?

Hmf, both he and Mika are narcissistic ,self-absorbed know it all with a total lack of intellect it painful for me to watch. Never mind their support cast of goobers.

Gov. Christie is always fun and I would watch more if they showed up. Joe's head might explode when real conservatives challenge the echo chamber mentality of his show. But thats just me :lol:

Joe claims to be conservative as you claim to be openminded. :dunno:
I clicked over to Morning Joe this morning just in time to hear "Reverend" Al Sharpton talk economic policy. What a treat. His argument was the key to recovery was putting more money in the people's pocket. I think we tried that. He or someone else again blasted corporations for not producing jobs. Companies have learned to profit with less employees. Plus, without demand, producing more with new employees does not make business sense.

Variety is the spice of life! He's not a very popular person, even in lefty circles, so I'm sure giving him his own show was either temporary to fill that odd slot (6pm-7pm) or MSNBC felt obligated to show a true liberal position, since true liberals have been distancing themselves from Obama and the more center-focused folks (like me). Sharpton was merely a guest on the program this morning.

That said, I was super impressed with Michael Steele's comments. When did he get so smart? Oh yeah, once he no longer had to kowtow to the ideologues in his own party, but could voice his own honest opinion (which is still conservative, but not bizarro).
I have it on good word from an insider that the Republican candidates are already lining up asking to guest on Morning Joe during the month of August, when the campaign kicks off. Morning Joe is highly sought because it's the most "fair and balanced" and because it allows time they don't normally have without commercial interruption on all the other cable channels.

I watch every morning. Fair and balanced? It is stridently left wing. Which is why it, along with the rest of MSNBCs programing, has such low ratings.

However, Republican candidates ought to try to get on the show. Nothing to lose, but always a chance you'll open an eye or two among its predominantly lefty viewing audience.

"...has such low ratings."

A few weeks back, their 'political analyst' used a no-no word on the air. He was 'suspended' for a short time...

The other day, on a show with Sharpton, Buchanan referred to President Obama as 'your boy,' and it produced the trademark rant by Sharpton "...boy? BOY?....etc,, etc..."

Question: what are the chances that these events are neither unrelated nor accidental... other word, represent a strategy by this network to be known as edgy, pushing the envelope.....?

Just askin.'

No. That was Sharpton being Sharpton. I seriously doubt Pat Buchanan would be any part of an internal conspiracy to raise ratings by emulating that other cable news show.

Even Scarborough was sent to the corner for a week or so for some remark he made live, but I can't remember what it was now. I don't think MSNBC has any intention of insulting any member of its audience, liberal or conservative. Shit just happens.
Joe is left wing?

On what planet do you people reside?

Hmf, both he and Mika are narcissistic ,self-absorbed know it all with a total lack of intellect it painful for me to watch. Never mind their support cast of goobers.

Gov. Christie is always fun and I would watch more if they showed up. Joe's head might explode when real conservatives challenge the echo chamber mentality of his show. But thats just me :lol:

Joe claims to be conservative as you claim to be openminded. :dunno:

Narcissistic describes too many of them, not just Joe and Mika. (Although I think her self-absorption with her clothing is ridiculous.) They're both smart people, whatever you say. You can choose to listen and maybe learn something you didn't know, or return to the Foxy botoxed China dolls who look like they might break if they smiled real smiles.
I clicked over to Morning Joe this morning just in time to hear "Reverend" Al Sharpton talk economic policy. What a treat. His argument was the key to recovery was putting more money in the people's pocket. I think we tried that. He or someone else again blasted corporations for not producing jobs. Companies have learned to profit with less employees. Plus, without demand, producing more with new employees does not make business sense.

...but, but, I thought not raising taxes was going to be the panacea?!?! :confused:

That's not my point, nor the Rev's. He was promoting more stimulus, AKA giving away other people's money. The near trillion dollar porkulus bill was just wasted money that raised the debt even more. I was just saying that we have tried that and look at where we still are. As far as raising taxes, the Dems should have done what they wanted when they had total control. A lack of leadership and guts stopped them. Passing a budget would be nice. The problem with a budget though, is at some point, you have to stop spending money.
I clicked over to Morning Joe this morning just in time to hear "Reverend" Al Sharpton talk economic policy. What a treat. His argument was the key to recovery was putting more money in the people's pocket. I think we tried that. He or someone else again blasted corporations for not producing jobs. Companies have learned to profit with less employees. Plus, without demand, producing more with new employees does not make business sense.

...but, but, I thought not raising taxes was going to be the panacea?!?! :confused:

That's not my point, nor the Rev's. He was promoting more stimulus, AKA giving away other people's money. The near trillion dollar porkulus bill was just wasted money that raised the debt even more. I was just saying that we have tried that and look at where we still are. As far as raising taxes, the Dems should have done what they wanted when they had total control. A lack of leadership and guts stopped them. Passing a budget would be nice. The problem with a budget though, is at some point, you have to stop spending money.

Could have had 3-4 trillion in cuts, but the TPers settled for ! trillion, because they couldn't even accept 1 trillion in revenue enhancements. That's amateur hour, folks. Even the most conservative econiomists know we're not going to be able to do it on cuts alone. You see what happened. We've been down-graded, just because the TPers would rather adhere to a piece of paper they signed than do what's good for the country. They tell us more taxes will hurt the economy, but so will an unwillingness to face the reality of the debt.

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