Pull menthol cigarettes, FDA advisers urge


Silver Member
Aug 16, 2008
The availability of menthol-flavored cigarettes is linked to a rise in the number of children and African Americans who smoke and the cigarettes should be taken off the market, an FDA advisory committee said Friday.

The Tobacco Products Scientific Advisory Committee met to evaluate the available science on the impact of menthol cigarettes on public health, including children, African-Americans, Hispanics, and other ethnic and racial minorities. The group determined menthol cigarette smokers do not have a greater risk of diseases related to smoking when compared with non-menthol cigarette smokers. But, menthol in cigarettes increased experimentation, raised the risk of progression to a regular smoker, increased smoking among kids, and their availability increased the chance of addiction–and even the degree of addiction in children.

"The TPSAC also found that the public health impact of menthol cigarette availability is substantial," said Dr. Jonathan Samet, chair of the advisory panel. "The availability of menthol cigarettes leads to an increase in the number of cigarette smokers and the burden of premature mortality."

Pull menthol cigarettes, FDA advisers urge – The Chart - CNN.com Blogs
The availability of menthol-flavored cigarettes is linked to a rise in the number of children and African Americans who smoke and the cigarettes should be taken off the market, an FDA advisory committee said Friday.

The Tobacco Products Scientific Advisory Committee met to evaluate the available science on the impact of menthol cigarettes on public health, including children, African-Americans, Hispanics, and other ethnic and racial minorities. The group determined menthol cigarette smokers do not have a greater risk of diseases related to smoking when compared with non-menthol cigarette smokers. But, menthol in cigarettes increased experimentation, raised the risk of progression to a regular smoker, increased smoking among kids, and their availability increased the chance of addiction–and even the degree of addiction in children.

"The TPSAC also found that the public health impact of menthol cigarette availability is substantial," said Dr. Jonathan Samet, chair of the advisory panel. "The availability of menthol cigarettes leads to an increase in the number of cigarette smokers and the burden of premature mortality."

Pull menthol cigarettes, FDA advisers urge – The Chart - CNN.com Blogs

Just make em all illegal and move on to the next thing that will save our lives.
Because...They are doing this to save the Children (and African American's) . Didn't you read the article. :)
I never understood why black people like menthols so much. This is one of those stereotypes that absolutely is true. Those things are so nasty.
Dilloduck states: "Just make em all illegal and move on to the next thing that will save our lives."

Yes, that next thing that will control our lives, sucking away one freedom at a time until we start needing government permission to do anything. "SALUTE!"
I never understood why black people like menthols so much. This is one of those stereotypes that absolutely is true. Those things are so nasty.
Not just Blacks, but a few Whites too. In fact, most of the people in my family who smoke, or used to smoke, prefer menthols for some reason, including my WWII vet grandfather. I think he smoked Salem(?) the rest are/were Marlboro types.

I quit smoking 22 years ago but when I did I occasionally smoked a menthol. I didn't like em because they usually gave me this sharp pain in my side and lungs. I guess there's some sort of chemical that gives em that flavor. Anyone remember True Cigarettes? My mom used to smoke those nasty things!

(Yes, yes I know! Cigarettes have many different chemicals in them, I've heard that lecture before.)

As far as cigarettes go, the should never be banned. I kind of look at it like a civil liberties issue. If you wanna' smoke, go ahead, that's yer choice.

The taxes should be removed as well. Poor, uneducated people smoke more than the educated wealthy types. It's a fact, look it up. So that tax affects poor people the most, and they are the ones who can least afford it.
I never understood why black people like menthols so much. This is one of those stereotypes that absolutely is true. Those things are so nasty.
Not just Blacks, but a few Whites too. In fact, most of the people in my family who smoke, or used to smoke, prefer menthols for some reason, including my WWII vet grandfather. I think he smoked Salem(?) the rest are/were Marlboro types.

I quit smoking 22 years ago but when I did I occasionally smoked a menthol. I didn't like em because they usually gave me this sharp pain in my side and lungs. I guess there's some sort of chemical that gives em that flavor. Anyone remember True Cigarettes? My mom used to smoke those nasty things!

(Yes, yes I know! Cigarettes have many different chemicals in them, I've heard that lecture before.)

As far as cigarettes go, the should never be banned. I kind of look at it like a civil liberties issue. If you wanna' smoke, go ahead, that's yer choice.

The taxes should be removed as well. Poor, uneducated people smoke more than the educated wealthy types. It's a fact, look it up. So that tax affects poor people the most, and they are the ones who can least afford it.

I think the tax increases were to manipulate people to quit. However, I did see an article where a few states were going to implement a decrease in cigarette tax. RI, NH and NJ if I remember correctly.

N.H. House Votes Cigarette Tax Decrease to Senate
N.H. House Votes Cigarette Tax Decrease to Senate - Tobacco - CSNews - Tobacco Retailing

NH, RI, NJ buck trend, propose cigarette tax cut
NH, RI, NJ buck trend, propose cigarette tax cut | Comcast.net
If the govt wants to tax the shit out of smokers and tell them where they can smoke then smokers should be able to tell the govt where the tobacco tax money is to be used.
The availability of menthol-flavored cigarettes is linked to a rise in the number of children and African Americans who smoke and the cigarettes should be taken off the market, an FDA advisory committee said Friday.

The Tobacco Products Scientific Advisory Committee met to evaluate the available science on the impact of menthol cigarettes on public health, including children, African-Americans, Hispanics, and other ethnic and racial minorities. The group determined menthol cigarette smokers do not have a greater risk of diseases related to smoking when compared with non-menthol cigarette smokers. But, menthol in cigarettes increased experimentation, raised the risk of progression to a regular smoker, increased smoking among kids, and their availability increased the chance of addiction–and even the degree of addiction in children.

"The TPSAC also found that the public health impact of menthol cigarette availability is substantial," said Dr. Jonathan Samet, chair of the advisory panel. "The availability of menthol cigarettes leads to an increase in the number of cigarette smokers and the burden of premature mortality."

Pull menthol cigarettes, FDA advisers urge – The Chart - CNN.com Blogs

Just make em all illegal and move on to the next thing that will save our lives.

Hopefully they will come to that conclusion. Can the FDA really prove that menthol is any worse for you than regular cigs? I doubt it. They are going after it mainly because they feel these cigarettes are more attractive to kids (and minorities). Which is silly...if kids (or minorities) can't get menthol cigs,they will smoke something else...not stop smoking.
How many laws have been changed or created to deal with only blacks behaviour?

Remember when the Washington Bullets were changed to the Washington Wizards in hopes of stopping blacks from shooting each other?
How many laws have been changed or created to deal with only blacks behaviour?

Remember when the Washington Bullets were changed to the Washington Wizards in hopes of stopping blacks from shooting each other?

I never realized they passed a law on that one
I never understood why black people like menthols so much. This is one of those stereotypes that absolutely is true. Those things are so nasty.
Not just Blacks, but a few Whites too. In fact, most of the people in my family who smoke, or used to smoke, prefer menthols for some reason, including my WWII vet grandfather. I think he smoked Salem(?) the rest are/were Marlboro types.

I quit smoking 22 years ago but when I did I occasionally smoked a menthol. I didn't like em because they usually gave me this sharp pain in my side and lungs. I guess there's some sort of chemical that gives em that flavor. Anyone remember True Cigarettes? My mom used to smoke those nasty things!

(Yes, yes I know! Cigarettes have many different chemicals in them, I've heard that lecture before.)

As far as cigarettes go, the should never be banned. I kind of look at it like a civil liberties issue. If you wanna' smoke, go ahead, that's yer choice.

The taxes should be removed as well. Poor, uneducated people smoke more than the educated wealthy types. It's a fact, look it up. So that tax affects poor people the most, and they are the ones who can least afford it.

I smoked menthols for a few months in college. That's how I know they're so nasty. :lol:

My understanding is that there are microscopic crystals in the filter and when inhaled they actually cut the bronchioles. That could just be an urban myth for all I know though.

And yeah poor, low-middle class are the bulk of cig smokers. I remember there being a fuss about when Obama first got in office he approved Congress' tax hike on cigs, which of course would be an addition tax on the proverbial non-rich.

I don't see the vilification of smokers slowing down anytime soon. You don't see many fat smokers though! :razz:
They already implemented a bad on flavored cigarettes (i.e. fruit flavors, vanilla/chocolate, even cloves) but specifically left menthol off the list. I think this was because the tobacco companies were willing to get behind it as long as menthol remained available; it is a sizable percentage of total sales.

Here's a link to a page on the FDA site about it : Flavored Tobacco

I was upset when this was passed, as I had just switched from cigarettes (I smoked Marlboro's for 20 years or so) to little cigars and found myself enjoying the flavors. Luckily for me, it turns out this affects cigarettes but not little cigars, so I can continue to indulge my bad habit as I like :)

It's all ridiculous bullshit when you get right down to it. It's got nothing to do with 'protecting children'. The bureaucrats involved don't actually care if minorities smoke. If it were truly that important to them, they would work to criminalize tobacco entirely. Instead we have these kinds of window-dressing measures intended to appear altruistic while allowing the cash flow from the enormously taxed tobacco products to continue.

I can understand some of the arguments about smoking in public places, around others who do not wish to be exposed to it. These kinds of recommendations, skirting around the edges of making cigarettes illegal but making certain to never actually cross that line, are just another example of political hypocrisy and pandering.

/rant off
Another interesting article I was reading about a Woman who was buying cigarettes online...now the state put a lien on her house trying to get her to pay taxes on her purchases.

State Puts Lien On Hazelwood Woman's Home For Not Paying Taxes On Cigarettes

PITTSBURGH -- Channel 11 consumer reporter Robin Taylor spoke to a Hazelwood woman who said the state put a lien on her home after she purchased tax-free cigarettes online.

While it's true you can buy some items online without paying taxes, cigarettes are not one of those items. The state of Pennsylvania said if they catch people buying cigarettes on the Internet without paying state taxes on them, they will issue fines.

Rose Pitzarella said she smokes about three packs of cigarettes a day, a habit that has gotten so expensive that she has started to roll her own.

For years, Pitzarella said she ordered cigarettes online from a website where she could get a tax-free carton for $13. But her days of purchasing the cigarettes online are over because she said the state caught her.

"All of a sudden I get this letter that says I owe $1,500 taxes. I called the man up. I was upset. I can't afford to pay $1,500," said Pitzarella.

Taylor reported that the federal government cracked down on cigarette dealers and forced them to hand over their customer lists to state leaders.

State Puts Lien On Hazelwood Woman's Home For Not Paying Taxes On Cigarettes - Money News Story - WPXI Pittsburgh
Just saw this article and decided to post it....

Cancer risk no higher with menthol cigarettes, says study

Scientists had assumed adding menthol to cigarettes would expose smokers to more toxins.

CHICAGO — People who smoke menthol cigarettes are no more likely to develop lung cancer than those who smoke non-menthol varieties, U.S. researchers said on Wednesday in a surprise finding that could affect U.S. regulators' efforts to ban menthol-flavored cigarettes.

Scientists had assumed that adding menthol to cigarettes would expose people to more toxins and increase their cancer risk, but a large study of older adults in community health centers found the opposite.

Cancer risk no higher with menthol cigarettes - Health - Cancer - msnbc.com

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