Israel's persecution of Christians

A Jew is one who has a genealogical connection to Abraham, Issac, Joseph, Jacob...
God prophesied that He would gather the Jews back to their homeland. He did that. You will find His chosen in the land He deeded to Abraham.

Genesis 15: 18 On that day the Lord made a covenant with Abram and said, "To your descendants I give this land, from the Wadi of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates

Yes, I've heard of this distortion of scripture, like all misunderstandings of scripture it will and is leading to misery, Israel is a wolf in sheep's clothing, a fake state that was given the name "Israel".

The error here is to dwell on the physical, the worldly, and assume that "Jew" means physical descent. Here is the truth as revealed to us in Romans 2:28

For you are not a true Jew just because you were born of Jewish parents or because you have gone through the ceremony of circumcision. 29No, a true Jew is one whose heart is right with God. And true circumcision is not merely obeying the letter of the law; rather, it is a change of heart produced by the Spirit. And a person with a changed heart seeks praised from God, not from people.

There it is, a converted Christian is a Jew, if the spirit dwells in a person that person is a Jew.
lol. A Christian does not need to convert to Judaism. We are grafted into the Jewish line by having faith in Christ. You don't kill the root of a tree you graft into. The Jews are the root. The Christians are the shoot.
A non believing Jew is still a Jew. When Christ returns to Jerusalem, He returns to non-believing Jews. And this time they will recognize Him as their Messiah, and Christ will never leave them. When Heaven itself descends to earth it will be in Israel. God keeps His promises to Abraham.

Paul did not say that a Jew's heart has to be in the right place in order to be a Jew. He said a true Jew is a Jew with His heart in the right place.
The exact same thing is true for Christians. You are not a true Christian if you don't have a heart for Christ.
A Jew that believes in Christ is still a Jew. He is referred to as a Messianic Jew. God is about to send 144,000 Jews whose hearts are in the right place to evangelize to the Jews whose hearts aren't there yet. The Bible makes a clear definition between Jew and Gentile.
And, you do not have to convert to Judaism if you receive the Holy Spirit. Your contention that we do is just nuts. We are not under the Law.
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It's well known that Arabs, Muslims have suffered under the Zionist yoke, there's quite a lot of historical information about this dating back to before the founding of the state in 1947.

What's less well known is the persecution of Christians, this is no doubt because there are fewer Christians than there are Muslims so crimes against them are fewer.

This comes as a shock to some, especially "evangelicals" who pretend to be Christians yet support the regime that oppresses Christians rather than supporting their fellow Christians, how they reconcile this I don't know, nor do I care.

Here's information about the destruction and ethnic cleansing of a small Christian village in 1948, named "Iqrit" also sometimes called "Acref".

It is an ancient village, has traces of Canaanite presence centuries before Christ.

Here's a segment taken from Wikipedia

View attachment 975362

View attachment 975360

There are numerous similar stories too. The devoted defenders of Israeli brutality often go silent when this is presented to them, and no wonder. They can't invoke the canard "Muslims hate Jews" as a defense or justification.

Here's a photograph of some of the hapless Christians being evicted from their homes, a village in which perhaps some of oldest Christian families have lived since antiquity but live there no more because the village was destroyed.

View attachment 975364

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