Zone1 "White privilege" does not exist, it is a lie.

Except it's what we didn't see. You see, what happened was that all those spots that Biden went silent because Trump was still shouting his head off, and his mike was off, so we didn't hear it.

Um, no, they really didn't do well, even with the French and British helping them, which is why they had to scuttle back across their own border with their tales between their legs.

Um, no, actually, they gave up land in the Sinai, and realized that the Sinai was largely indefensible, which is why they gave it up so easily at Camp David a few years later.

Point was, the Zionist Entity attacked first.
When you lose the argument, you start lying. Trump wasn’t shooting his mouth off. Biden is demented, and America sees it.


So sorry that Jews have succeeded despite millennia of persecution from antisemites like you. We prove that with discipline, motivation, ability, and good values, impoverished Jews can go from living in a tenement slum to owning a house in the suburbs in less than 10 years.
Obama undid Clinton’s welfare reform. He wanted as many people people dependent on OPM as possible.
You left out the part where Bush fucked up the economy so badly that many white people now found themselves on Welfare and realized how messed up the welfare reform was... which is why some of it was rolled back.
When you lose the argument, you start lying. Trump wasn’t shooting his mouth off. Biden is demented, and America sees it.

Actually, he was...

Now, I'll admit that Biden is probably too old to be doing this and he needs to step aside.

But it doesn't make Trump any less of a crazy person.


Sure there is. It's an illegal apartheid state in Palestine that is condemned by most of the world for its genocidal policies.

So sorry that Jews have succeeded despite millennia of persecution from antisemites like you. We prove that with discipline, motivation, ability, and good values, impoverished Jews can go from living in a tenement slum to owning a house in the suburbs in less than 10 years.

I can show you a picture of the house my grandparents lived in 1940, a decade after they came here from Germany. It has less Square footage than my current Condo. Yes, it's very easy to "succeed" when your skin color gives you privilege. That's the point I keep trying to make to you.
. Not all of Europe, but here's what Europe has.
Gun Control.

We have “gun control” Einstein. Your ignorance is astounding.

Of course what you are really trying to say as you stammer out liberal talking points is that you want to disarm people. Systemically racist Democrats are still trying to disarm people just like they were back in their KKK days. Predatory authoritarian fascists don’t want a population that can defend themselves.
Bullshit. We have a wealth gap that started when Ronnie Ray-gun decided the rich shouldn't pay their fair share. That just meant an increasing amount of the wealth concentrated at the time.
Bullshit. You are on a roll with these empty liberal talking points. Apparently Mr smarty-pants college boy has never questioned what he’s been told in his liberal indoctrination.

The “rich” pay the majority of taxes. Five seconds on the internet and an ounce of critical thought could have saved you $65,000 dollars for your worthless indoctrination.

Who Pays Income Taxes?

The absolute most ignorant morons are the ones who proudly toot-their-horn about how smart they are while completely oblivious to the blatant falsehood and lies they speak.

Who is hiring those poor people? Oh, that's right. Rich white people.
Right because minorities don’t own businesses? You can’t go for more than two posts without spouting your blatantly racist biases all over. Tell us again how black people don’t even know what computers are.
Also, the majority of leeches are on welfare for more than eight years. Time to get them off their butts and start working.

Most are too stupid to perform anything useful. They need to be sterilized and taught to obey those in positions of authority.
We have “gun control” Einstein. Your ignorance is astounding.
When someone who thinks he's The Joker can walk into a gun store and buy an assault rifle and a 100 round drum magazine, we don't have gun control.

Of course what you are really trying to say as you stammer out liberal talking points is that you want to disarm people.
No, just the people who shouldn't have guns... which is most of you, really.

Bullshit. You are on a roll with these empty liberal talking points. Apparently Mr smarty-pants college boy has never questioned what he’s been told in his liberal indoctrination.

Hey, funny thing. When I was in college, I was a college Republican. I became liberal when I found myself working in the world conservatives created, which works only works for the rich.

The “rich” pay the majority of taxes. Five seconds on the internet and an ounce of critical thought could have saved you $65,000 dollars for your worthless indoctrination.

The rich don't pay enough. My tax plan would be "take everything the rich have and then harvest them for transplant organs". Some people might think that's harsh, but maybe going back to before Reagan screwed things up and we racked up 32 Trillion in debt.

The absolute most ignorant morons are the ones who proudly toot-their-horn about how smart they are while completely oblivious to the blatant falsehood and lies they speak.
Says the guy who does all his thinking from Hate Radio.

Right because minorities don’t own businesses? You can’t go for more than two posts without spouting your blatantly racist biases all over. Tell us again how black people don’t even know what computers are.

We aren't talking about small businesses, we are talking about big corporations... thanks for playing.
Most are too stupid to perform anything useful. They need to be sterilized and taught to obey those in positions of authority.
Maybe you should be sterilized, but your personality probably took you out of the gene pool.

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