Pulp Fiction


Apr 1, 2011
What is this movie about?

Hubby says it is about mobs and hitmen.... I say it's about more... but about drugs especially. Anyone else care to chime in?
I heard about this new exciting film. Turantino or some damn name. New guy to the business from what I understand.
I heard about this new exciting film. Turantino or some damn name. New guy to the business from what I understand.

Oh that kids a snot nosed wet behind the ears rookie to this movie business, he'll need to prove himself on the circuit before I buy any of his works.
"If my answers frighten you then you should cease asking scary questions."
Oh yeyee... I suppose we have a board full of fans... :dunno: Of his movies, that one is my least favorite and will likely remain so. He has a scattered way of presenting himself, which I appreciate, but I do not really care so much for most of his movies. Perhaps if he was an author, he'd be favored, but the movies seem to make less of him than rudimentary imagination perhaps would. :dunno: He's obviously talented.
One of my favorite scenes.

"I'm a mushroom cloud layin' motherfucker, motherfucker!"

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTN7Mhv59KA]Pulp Fiction - Car Washing Scene - YouTube[/ame]
What is this movie about?

Hubby says it is about mobs and hitmen.... I say it's about more... but about drugs especially. Anyone else care to chime in?

Pulp fiction. noun. fiction dealing with lurid or sensational subjects, often printed on rough, low-quality paper manufactured from wood pulp. ...
Reservoir Dogs is better

I said the same thing to Article_15 the other night.

He said the acting in reservoir dogs was horrible compared to pulp fiction.

Out of the 2 movies I thought resevoir dogs was better though.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Er9Qcn88g8]reservoir dogs and pulp fiction tribute - YouTube[/ame]
I don't know... but it seems insane to have aired such things and that was only an example.
Reservoir Dogs is better

I said the same thing to Article_15 the other night.

He said the acting in reservoir dogs was horrible compared to pulp fiction.

Out of the 2 movies I thought resevoir dogs was better though.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Er9Qcn88g8]reservoir dogs and pulp fiction tribute - YouTube[/ame]

Quentin Tarantino is prolly the worst actor of all time.
Say 'what' again. Say 'what' again, I dare you, I double dare you motherfucker, say what one more Goddamn time!
it is simply about life and life coming full circle.....all the interwoven stories and how they tie together....the bonding of men....the loyalty of one to another.....i found pulp fiction much better than reservoir dogs....the acting is excellent in both movies....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihH_-O7ev2o&feature=related]Dead ****** Storage - YouTube[/ame]

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