Pure Blooded



Vaxxed morons do not get in the door of my home or in my car.

On the Left Coast, if I was trying to get a tradesman or repairman to come to my home, I'd ask the person on the phone if their people were all jabbed and they'd hop to right away and say "Absolutely".

Now that I live in the sane and healthy Midwest, I ask the person on the phone the same question and they're honest and say "No" mostly, and that opens the door for me to tell that person that if their employee is vaxxed they don't get into my home, and at that point, most of them agree and we have a great friendly conversation about how damn stupid the vaxxers are.

I sure do love it here. The only person I've met here who was twitchy about anything to do with the vax was a huge liar and a so-called health care provider who wanted me to believe that the state of South Dakota is actually locked down. I asked her why my American Legion Auxiliary group enters the nursing home regularly to help on bingo night, if the state is locked down, and she stuttered and stammered and glared at me like I'd just eaten her puppy alive. I fired her and walked out of her office.

There are people in this country who still make sense.

The new National Anthem.

I find it funny how things have flipped so vehemently.

Now it's the UNvaxxed who have the upperhand and are castrating the vaxxed!!!

Nope, it's the vaxxed who have castrated themselves.

I think quite literally. Let's watch and see how the abortion rates plummet, since it's the leftist vermin who bought the vax bullshit most readily.

This could be a good thing. The ones who survive will no longer be able to make any more babies to turn into the next crop of Leftist vermin.

Good people with common sense win either way.



Nope, it's the vaxxed who have castrated themselves.

I think quite literally. Let's watch and see how the abortion rates plummet, since it's the leftist vermin who bought the vax bullshit most readily.

This could be a good thing. The ones who survive will no longer be able to make any more babies to turn into the next crop of Leftist vermin.

Good people with common sense win either way.


I was talking about the need for "clean blood" by the blood banks now.

The UNvaxxed have the control now. And I think the entire medical community and those that "drank the koolaid" should suffer infuriating and unscrupulous verbal torture as well as being chastized and marked as worthless pieces of shit..........as they did the unvaxxed for two years!!!!

Let them fucking die! They CHOSE to do what they did. Let them live with that until they die!!
I was talking about the need for "clean blood" by the blood banks now.

The UNvaxxed have the control now. And I think the entire medical community and those that "drank the koolaid" should suffer infuriating and unscrupulous verbal torture as well as being chastized and marked as worthless pieces of shit..........as they did the unvaxxed for two years!!!!

Let them fucking die! They CHOSE to do what they did. Let them live with that until they die!!

Okay. Good perspective. Thanks.

Amen. The next few years will be interesting.

I like walking around with gold flowing through my veins, knowing that someone will pay what it's worth if they ever need it.

What happened in America yesterday that has set off so many anti-vaxxer crazies?

Let them fucking die! They CHOSE to do what they did. Let them live with that until they die!!
What happened in America yesterday that has set off so many anti-vaxxer crazies?



We're celebrating the fact that we have a wonderful gift.

Too bad you didn't take it when it was offered to you.

We are looking forward to the coming new year with optimism. You vaxxers are looking at the coming year and praying this isn't your last.

Go get boosted, mudblood.

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Vaxxed morons do not get in the door of my home or in my car.

On the Left Coast, if I was trying to get a tradesman or repairman to come to my home, I'd ask the person on the phone if their people were all jabbed and they'd hop to right away and say "Absolutely".

Now that I live in the sane and healthy Midwest, I ask the person on the phone the same question and they're honest and say "No" mostly, and that opens the door for me to tell that person that if their employee is vaxxed they don't get into my home, and at that point, most of them agree and we have a great friendly conversation about how damn stupid the vaxxers are.

I sure do love it here. The only person I've met here who was twitchy about anything to do with the vax was a huge liar and a so-called health care provider who wanted me to believe that the state of South Dakota is actually locked down. I asked her why my American Legion Auxiliary group enters the nursing home regularly to help on bingo night, if the state is locked down, and she stuttered and stammered and glared at me like I'd just eaten her puppy alive. I fired her and walked out of her office.

There are people in this country who still make sense.

I guess that's why people laugh and point when you walk by.
I guess that's why people laugh and point when you walk by.

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. I guess knowing that you might be next in line for myocarditis or arteries that are full of rubber bands can make you a little................... I don't know........................puerile? Sixth-grade? Terrified?

I don't blame you.

I'd be scared if I were in your shows.

But I'm not!


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Vaxxed morons do not get in the door of my home or in my car.

On the Left Coast, if I was trying to get a tradesman or repairman to come to my home, I'd ask the person on the phone if their people were all jabbed and they'd hop to right away and say "Absolutely".

Now that I live in the sane and healthy Midwest, I ask the person on the phone the same question and they're honest and say "No" mostly, and that opens the door for me to tell that person that if their employee is vaxxed they don't get into my home, and at that point, most of them agree and we have a great friendly conversation about how damn stupid the vaxxers are.

I sure do love it here. The only person I've met here who was twitchy about anything to do with the vax was a huge liar and a so-called health care provider who wanted me to believe that the state of South Dakota is actually locked down. I asked her why my American Legion Auxiliary group enters the nursing home regularly to help on bingo night, if the state is locked down, and she stuttered and stammered and glared at me like I'd just eaten her puppy alive. I fired her and walked out of her office.

There are people in this country who still make sense.

And what kind of proof do you demand to ensure someone is NOT vaccinated?



We're celebrating the fact that we have a wonderful gift.

Too bad you didn't take it when it was offered to you.

We are looking forward to the coming new year with optimism. You vaxxers are looking at the coming year and praying this isn't your last.

Go get boosted, mudblood.

I've been vaxxed and boosted 5 times, but it sure doesn't sound like the antivaxxers are celebrating!

We're celebrating the fact that we have a wonderful gift.

Something unusual has stoked up the rage in America and it's no coincidence that it's the day after the big Christmas letdown.
I've been vaxxed and boosted 5 times, but it sure doesn't sound like the antivaxxers are celebrating!

Something unusual has stoked up the rage in America and it's no coincidence that it's the day after the big Christmas letdown.

You're just too fucking hilarious.

Post Christmas rage?

It's okay if you want to feel rage that your Christmas was shitty. Mine was lovely! I spent it with someone I care about and we had a great time.


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