Putin: BRICS Ready to Challenge US Dollar as Global Reserve Currency


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
once again "Nigeria in snow" tries to attack US financial system. Rightists always say that Obama was a weak leader, what "a strong " leader like Trump is gonna do in response ?

Putin: BRICS Ready to Challenge US Dollar as Global Reserve Currency
Putin says BRICS is ready to "overcome the excessive domination of the limited number of reserve currencies"

We are ready to work together with our partners to promote international financial regulation reforms and to overcome the excessive domination of the limited number of reserve currencies. We will also work towards a more balanced distribution of quotas and voting shares within the IMF and the World Bank," Putin said in his article, headlined "BRICS: Towards New Horizons of Strategic Partnership," to be published by the leading media of the BRICS states (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) ahead of the group’s summit due on September 3-5 in China."
Putin: BRICS Ready to Challenge US Dollar as Global Reserve Currency

I said this for some time, this is their objective. If China wasn't a member of the WTO and the world hadn't sold out Human Rights to allow this, BRICS wouldn't be able to engage in this threat.
once again "Nigeria in snow" tries to attack US financial system. Rightists always say that Obama was a weak leader, what "a strong " leader like Trump is gonna do in response ?

Putin: BRICS Ready to Challenge US Dollar as Global Reserve Currency
Putin says BRICS is ready to "overcome the excessive domination of the limited number of reserve currencies"

We are ready to work together with our partners to promote international financial regulation reforms and to overcome the excessive domination of the limited number of reserve currencies. We will also work towards a more balanced distribution of quotas and voting shares within the IMF and the World Bank," Putin said in his article, headlined "BRICS: Towards New Horizons of Strategic Partnership," to be published by the leading media of the BRICS states (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) ahead of the group’s summit due on September 3-5 in China."
Putin: BRICS Ready to Challenge US Dollar as Global Reserve Currency

One thing that the US will always be able to do, is be the economic powerhouse that all other counties envy. We have our own energy, own precious metals, but what we have the most of, FREE, productive people. Even after 8 years of Obama's worthless, fundamental transformation of America into a 3rd world nation, We the People are rebounding 10 fold. If we close our borders and do not trade with any other country, the Brics would implode do to their liberalism. The New World Order has taken a back seat again, and with what the liberals are doing now(rioting and burning of cities) the Dimbocraps wont see power again for 100 years. With 4 years of Carter we had 12 years of Reagan/Bush. We will see 16 years of Trump/Pence and probably 84 more years of Conservatism after that.
I said this for some time, this is their objective. If China wasn't a member of the WTO and the world hadn't sold out Human Rights to allow this, BRICS wouldn't be able to engage in this threat.

do you think China and Brazil want it? , its just a Putler´s wet dream
Ayatollah in cahoots with Putin to overthrow the dollar...

Khamenei to Putin: Let’s Ditch the Dollar and ‘Isolate the Americans’
November 2, 2017 – Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei told Russian President Vladimir Putin Wednesday that their countries, both targeted by U.S. sanctions, should respond by ditching the U.S. dollar in trade transactions and use their national currencies instead.
At a meeting with the Russian leader in Tehran, Khamenei said, “By ignoring the negative propaganda of the enemies, that seek to weaken relations between countries, we can nullify U.S. sanctions, using methods such as eliminating the dollar and replacing it with national currencies in transactions between two or more parties; thus, isolate the Americans.” Khamenei’s office, which quoted the supreme leader’s words to his visitor, did not say whether Putin responded to the comment. The Kremlin’s own readout of the meeting was brief, containing no details. For years critics have been calling for the U.S. dollar to be abandoned as the main global reserve currency, with Russia and China leading the charge, but support also from other countries hostile to the U.S., including Iran and Venezuela.

In a message to the BRICS countries – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – meeting in China last September, Putin said his country shares its partners’ concerns about “the unfairness of the global financial and economic architecture, which does not give due regard to the growing weight of the emerging economies.” “We are ready to work together with our partners to promote international financial regulation reforms and to overcome the excessive domination of the limited number of reserve currencies,” he said, in a clear reference to the greenback. China, meanwhile, wants to persuade major oil suppliers to start pricing oil contracts in yuan rather than dollars, an announcement that caused a flurry of excitement in Russia and Venezuela.

While the official Iranian report on the Khamenei-Putin meeting did not say whether Putin responded to the comment about using rubles and rials for trade rather than the U.S. dollar, he did, however, share his opinions about U.S. policy in Syria and towards Iran. Putin did not go as far as Khamenei – who claimed that the U.S.-led coalition “in support of terrorists” in Syria has been defeated – but he did criticize Washington’s approach to the conflict. “The United States wants to interfere in all matters of the world and the region,” Khamenei’s office quoted Putin as saying.


See also:

Ayatollah Khamenei to Iranian Students: Don’t Forget U.S. Is the Main Enemy
November 3, 2017 – Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei told a gathering of students Thursday that a path to a bright future requires them not to forget that the United States is their principal enemy.
“The United States is truly the major malignant enemy,” Khamenei said, according to a speech posted on his official website. “I say this not based on prejudice or pessimism, but based on experience, correct analysis of situations, and observation of the realities within the field.” He advised the school and university students not to forget that the U.S. was the main enemy, adding, “This is the main condition to pursue a conducive path towards a bright future.” Khamenei said Iran’s enemies attempt to deviate the younger generation through “sex, drugs, [and] devious video games.”

Despite that, he said, even millennials who weren’t alive to see the 1979 Islamic revolution or Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini still “follow the principles of the revolution with the same wisdom and persistence” as did the youth during the early years of the revolution. Khamenei said a recent remark by President Trump proved that the U.S. government is the enemy not just of the Iranian government, but the Iranian people. He quoted Trump as calling Iran “a nation of terrorists.” “These immature remarks prove that the Americans are not only the enemies of the Iranian government and its leadership, but they also reveal their hatred and hostility towards the Iranian nation, a nation that has bravely stood up to them,” he said.

In fact, Trump on October 13 described Iran as “a terrorist nation like few others,” not as a “nation of terrorists.” The comment was in keeping with several previous administrations’ contention that Iran is the world’s leading sponsor of terrorism. In his speech, Khamenei said there were those who argue that Iran should “give in” a little to the U.S., in order for the U.S. animosity to ease. Accusing the U.S. of trying to wreck the nuclear deal, he declared that, “'Giving in to the U.S. would make them even bolder and more insolent. Resistance and persistence is the only way.” (An alternative translation of those words, on another official website, said, “Backing down against the Americans will make them pushy and brazen; therefore, the only way is confrontation and resistance.”)

‘US wants to control Iran’

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