Putin proposes to enshrine God, traditional marriage in constitution


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Putin is the only leader of white christian man who fights for his interests!
Not sexual deviants, commies, psycho, liberals and another rubbish decide about contains of Russian constitution.
Bravo Putin. God bless you and your great country!

To me, let people marry who they want. It's the moral position to take as far as I am concerned, let people love who they want, it's not governments business.

Also, it's great for lawyers if they ever get divorced!
Putin hates Commies and psychos now?

Hopefully Putin becomes Russian Tsar and establishes a Christian Theocracy founded on the Holy Bible

To me, let people marry who they want. It's the moral position to take as far as I am concerned, let people love who they want, it's not governments business.

Also, it's great for lawyers if they ever get divorced!

Both groom and bridal in homo 'marriage' need a good lunatic asylum with lot of medicine.
The purpose of the True Marriage is birth of children.
The homo 'marriage' can give to society nothing else but feces.
And probably 24/7 promoting of their insane behaviour

A good place for homo lunatics see below!

To me, let people marry who they want. It's the moral position to take as far as I am concerned, let people love who they want, it's not governments business.

Also, it's great for lawyers if they ever get divorced!

Both groom and bridal in homo 'marriage' need a good lunatic asylum with lot of medicine.
The purpose of the True Marriage is birth of children.
The homo 'marriage' can give to society nothing else but feces.
And probably 24/7 promoting of their insane behaviour

A good place for homo lunatics see below!

Did you know Lesbian Women and Gay Men have reproduced before and even without having sex with each other?

I know in Bear Land your Leader Pootin most likely has kept this a secret in fear more Russuan men turn gay because let face it most Russuan women would turn most men gay but there is a little secret in how this is done ( about Lesbians and Gays making babies ) and it is called artificially insemination which is where it takes a lab to help make that bundle of joy...

Now I know poor Russians can not afford this but I just wanted you to know it is possible for gay men and lesbian women to have kids without sex with each other...

Artificial insemination - Wikipedia
To me, let people marry who they want. It's the moral position to take as far as I am concerned, let people love who they want, it's not governments business.

Also, it's great for lawyers if they ever get divorced!

Both groom and bridal in homo 'marriage' need a good lunatic asylum with lot of medicine.
The purpose of the True Marriage is birth of children.
The homo 'marriage' can give to society nothing else but feces.
And probably 24/7 promoting of their insane behaviour

A good place for homo lunatics see below!

Did you know Lesbian Women and Gay Men have reproduced before and even without having sex with each other?

Artificial insemination - Wikipedia

Through receiving of stolen children from CPS?
Putin hates Commies and psychos now?

When did he start hating Trump and himself?

Putin can't hate himself because he is the clear favorite of all sane folks our planet
And those that believe Pootin is the choice of sane people of this planet are usually insane...

Russia has only 5 causes of corona virus, although it shares a common border with China for thousands of miles.
But USA now more as 300
Who is more sane, Putin who immediately closed the border or Trump?
Putin is a great man who loves his country and people. ... :cool:

Putin is a normal male: not Freemason, psycho, faggot, pedophilic, drug addicted, a Christian

Therefore he is always wrong for western lying presstitutes

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