Putin Treats Obama Like a 3-Yr Old

Recognizing what an incompetent brat Obama is....Putin responded to Obama's naming Russian diplomats persona non grata in this way:

"Vladimir Putin invites children of US diplomats in Russia to the Kremlin for New Year parties"
Putin invites children of US diplomats in Russia to the Kremlin for parties

A dismissive wave of the hand to Obama....exactly what he deserves.

"Despite the action taken by President Obama, Putin says he will not ban American diplomats from Russia.

In a statement released by Vladimir Putin, he instead invites the children of US diplomats in Russia to parties at the Kremlin.

Putin said: "The diplomats who are returning to Russia will spend the New Year’s holidays with their families and friends."

Imagine, there are lame brains on this board who imagine the snake in the White House deserves any more....

Check this out:
"All You Have To Know About Obama

• Best president in over 50 years
Restored respect for America globally"

Yup.....a Liberal actually wrote that!
This dunce, synthaholic, posted that.....and there are actually several others almost as dumb!!!!

You hate communists, and yet love Putin. Some might think that strange. I don't, you are at heart an authoritarian, someone who wants to control others and that makes you and Putin, the most dangerous animal.

Have someone with one more cerebral neuron than you, explain this quote to you:

"Stand with anybody that stands RIGHT. Stand with him while he is right and PART with him when he goes wrong." Abraham Lincoln, Speech at Peoria, Illinois (October 16, 1854),

Any five year old will do.

And, as far as you are concerned....I will always be the most dangerous.

Do you smoke crack?

See what I mean about being dangerous to you?

I make you post really stupid stuff.

But....I reward you, too......doggie treat?

I post really stupid stuff? You really must smoke crack.
Putin made Obama look like a moron again. Taking the high road, looking down on Obama like a petulant child having a temper tantrum, I can think of nothing that would annoy Obama more Putin has the measure of Obama and plays with him at will its hilarious. :lmao:

Putin knows Obama has nothing hanging between his legs

Do meat curtains count?
Putin made Obama look like a moron again. Taking the high road, looking down on Obama like a petulant child having a temper tantrum, I can think of nothing that would annoy Obama more Putin has the measure of Obama and plays with him at will its hilarious. :lmao:

Putin knows Obama has nothing hanging between his legs

Do meat curtains count?
i wonder what Putin calls Obama when speaking to his buddies, for all we know, he probably tells his share of Obama/Michelle jokes to his buddies when they sit down for vodka and crackers
Putin made Obama look like a moron again. Taking the high road, looking down on Obama like a petulant child having a temper tantrum, I can think of nothing that would annoy Obama more Putin has the measure of Obama and plays with him at will its hilarious. :lmao:

Putin knows Obama has nothing hanging between his legs

Do meat curtains count?
i wonder what Putin calls Obama when speaking to his buddies, for all we know, he probably tells his share of Obama/Michelle jokes to his buddies when they sit down for vodka and crackers
Would that make them racists?
Putin made Obama look like a moron again. Taking the high road, looking down on Obama like a petulant child having a temper tantrum, I can think of nothing that would annoy Obama more Putin has the measure of Obama and plays with him at will its hilarious. :lmao:

Putin knows Obama has nothing hanging between his legs

Do meat curtains count?
i wonder what Putin calls Obama when speaking to his buddies, for all we know, he probably tells his share of Obama/Michelle jokes to his buddies when they sit down for vodka and crackers
Would that make them racists?
no, racism doesnt exist in russia
Putin made Obama look like a moron again. Taking the high road, looking down on Obama like a petulant child having a temper tantrum, I can think of nothing that would annoy Obama more Putin has the measure of Obama and plays with him at will its hilarious. :lmao:

Putin knows Obama has nothing hanging between his legs

Do meat curtains count?
i wonder what Putin calls Obama when speaking to his buddies, for all we know, he probably tells his share of Obama/Michelle jokes to his buddies when they sit down for vodka and crackers
Would that make them racists?
no, racism doesnt exist in russia
Maybe our progressive snowflakes would feel more comfortable there?
Putin knows Obama has nothing hanging between his legs

Do meat curtains count?
i wonder what Putin calls Obama when speaking to his buddies, for all we know, he probably tells his share of Obama/Michelle jokes to his buddies when they sit down for vodka and crackers
Would that make them racists?
no, racism doesnt exist in russia
Maybe our progressive snowflakes would feel more comfortable there?
no, no crying allowed in russia. if putin/his gaurds catch u crying, they sell you to china for 142.00
Recognizing what an incompetent brat Obama is....Putin responded to Obama's naming Russian diplomats persona non grata in this way:

"Vladimir Putin invites children of US diplomats in Russia to the Kremlin for New Year parties"
Putin invites children of US diplomats in Russia to the Kremlin for parties

A dismissive wave of the hand to Obama....exactly what he deserves.

"Despite the action taken by President Obama, Putin says he will not ban American diplomats from Russia.

In a statement released by Vladimir Putin, he instead invites the children of US diplomats in Russia to parties at the Kremlin.

Putin said: "The diplomats who are returning to Russia will spend the New Year’s holidays with their families and friends."

Imagine, there are lame brains on this board who imagine the snake in the White House deserves any more....

Check this out:
"All You Have To Know About Obama

• Best president in over 50 years
Restored respect for America globally"

Yup.....a Liberal actually wrote that!
This dunce, synthaholic, posted that.....and there are actually several others almost as dumb!!!!

Putin really smoked Obama's ass on this one a twofer..

Total check mate after 8 years..

Obama has been showing his true colors again, just an incompetent, narcissist child.

Last edited:
Do meat curtains count?
i wonder what Putin calls Obama when speaking to his buddies, for all we know, he probably tells his share of Obama/Michelle jokes to his buddies when they sit down for vodka and crackers
Would that make them racists?
no, racism doesnt exist in russia
Maybe our progressive snowflakes would feel more comfortable there?
no, no crying allowed in russia. if putin/his gaurds catch u crying, they sell you to china for 142.00
but if u are caught crying in Russia, and weigh over 300 pounds, Putin will sell you to any local KFC.
I guess within your hatred of this country that anyone that dares stand up against an enemy is a three year old. Obama's job is to tell assholes like Putin to leave us the fuck alone.

The op needs serious help.
Obama had EIGHT FUCKING YEARS TO STAND UP TO RUSSIA. In fact I remember him mocking Romney for suggesting such a thing.

THE ONLY REASON this is an issue is because the democrats made fools of themselves via their ridiculous emails and they desperately need a scapegoat to distract the American voter from their own bullshit.

Kindly fuck off Matthew
I guess within your hatred of this country that anyone that dares stand up against an enemy is a three year old. Obama's job is to tell assholes like Putin to leave us the fuck alone.

The op needs serious help.
Obama had EIGHT FUCKING YEARS TO STAND UP TO RUSSIA. In fact I remember him mocking Romney for suggesting such a thing.

THE ONLY REASON this is an issue is because the democrats made fools of themselves via their ridiculous emails and they desperately need a scapegoat to distract the American voter from their own bullshit.

Kindly fuck off Matthew
i wonder if Obama is aware that Russia is twice the size of the USA, and he wants to be the bully?
Treating Obama like a three (3, libs) year old?

Putin, if that is the case, is far too generous.

I mean, wot with America's Apologist-in-Chief appearing to the world as a petulant one (1, libs) year old simian infant.
i think the only twits that got all excited when Obama told Putin to go F.H. were those crying 16 yr old girls while 95% of Americans were laughing at Barry.
Recognizing what an incompetent brat Obama is....Putin responded to Obama's naming Russian diplomats persona non grata in this way:

"Vladimir Putin invites children of US diplomats in Russia to the Kremlin for New Year parties"
Putin invites children of US diplomats in Russia to the Kremlin for parties

A dismissive wave of the hand to Obama....exactly what he deserves.

"Despite the action taken by President Obama, Putin says he will not ban American diplomats from Russia.

In a statement released by Vladimir Putin, he instead invites the children of US diplomats in Russia to parties at the Kremlin.

Putin said: "The diplomats who are returning to Russia will spend the New Year’s holidays with their families and friends."

Imagine, there are lame brains on this board who imagine the snake in the White House deserves any more....

Check this out:
"All You Have To Know About Obama

• Best president in over 50 years
Restored respect for America globally"

Yup.....a Liberal actually wrote that!
This dunce, synthaholic, posted that.....and there are actually several others almost as dumb!!!!

You hate communists, and yet love Putin. Some might think that strange. I don't, you are at heart an authoritarian, someone who wants to control others and that makes you and Putin, the most dangerous animal.

Have someone with one more cerebral neuron than you, explain this quote to you:

"Stand with anybody that stands RIGHT. Stand with him while he is right and PART with him when he goes wrong." Abraham Lincoln, Speech at Peoria, Illinois (October 16, 1854),

Any five year old will do.

And, as far as you are concerned....I will always be the most dangerous.

Do you smoke crack?

See what I mean about being dangerous to you?

I make you post really stupid stuff.

But....I reward you, too......doggie treat?

I post really stupid stuff? You really must smoke crack.

I’m busy now…can I ignore you some other time?

Nah....under a rock
That's where snakes belong.

That's mighty damn harsh on snakes, Chic!

But it's our own fault as we were warned in song years before The Big Zero cast his first "present" vote:

I know!

I've been gettin' these really nasty notes from snakes demanding I not conflate 'em with Obama.
Putin made Obama look like a moron again. Taking the high road, looking down on Obama like a petulant child having a temper tantrum, I can think of nothing that would annoy Obama more Putin has the measure of Obama and plays with him at will its hilarious. :lmao:

Putin knows Obama has nothing hanging between his legs

Do meat curtains count?
i wonder what Putin calls Obama when speaking to his buddies, for all we know, he probably tells his share of Obama/Michelle jokes to his buddies when they sit down for vodka and crackers

Wiki released the phone call.....
"Он сказал, что он будет гибким !!! Watta балбес!"
Recognizing what an incompetent brat Obama is....Putin responded to Obama's naming Russian diplomats persona non grata in this way:

"Vladimir Putin invites children of US diplomats in Russia to the Kremlin for New Year parties"
Putin invites children of US diplomats in Russia to the Kremlin for parties

A dismissive wave of the hand to Obama....exactly what he deserves.

"Despite the action taken by President Obama, Putin says he will not ban American diplomats from Russia.

In a statement released by Vladimir Putin, he instead invites the children of US diplomats in Russia to parties at the Kremlin.

Putin said: "The diplomats who are returning to Russia will spend the New Year’s holidays with their families and friends."

Imagine, there are lame brains on this board who imagine the snake in the White House deserves any more....

Check this out:
"All You Have To Know About Obama

• Best president in over 50 years
Restored respect for America globally"

Yup.....a Liberal actually wrote that!
This dunce, synthaholic, posted that.....and there are actually several others almost as dumb!!!!

Putin really smoked Obama's assume on this one a twofer..

Total check mate after 8 years..

Obama has been showing his true colors again, just an incompetent, narcissist child.


A malicious, incompetent, dirt-eating low-life back-stabbing crypto-Islamist ....and those are his good points!

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