‘qanon shaman’ Says he Stormed Capitol To ‘Bring god Back Into The Senate’ — And Stopped A Muffin Thief


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
I read the title of the article and laughed. Then continued laughing when I read the article.

This is the same man who left a threatening note on pence's senate desk.

How is threatening the VP bringing his god back to the Senate?

When was his god ever a part of our Senate?

I read the title of the article and laughed. Then continued laughing when I read the article.

This is the same man who left a threatening note on pence's senate desk.

How is threatening the VP bringing his god back to the Senate?

When was his god ever a part of our Senate?

Quite a group. Trump was sent to us by God 'n stuff.

Pretty amazing.
I'm hearing a lot about how this was Antifa dressed up as Trump supporters. Well we know this guy isn't Antifa. Because they don't believe in God.

Buncha filthy Godless Liberal swine.
I read the title of the article and laughed. Then continued laughing when I read the article.

This is the same man who left a threatening note on pence's senate desk.

How is threatening the VP bringing his god back to the Senate?

When was his god ever a part of our Senate?

and he is right----they are out of their cotton pickin minds
I read the title of the article and laughed. Then continued laughing when I read the article.

This is the same man who left a threatening note on pence's senate desk.

How is threatening the VP bringing his god back to the Senate?

When was his god ever a part of our Senate?

Quite a group. Trump was sent to us by God 'n stuff.

Pretty amazing.
Everyone is sent by God.
I read the title of the article and laughed. Then continued laughing when I read the article.

This is the same man who left a threatening note on pence's senate desk.

How is threatening the VP bringing his god back to the Senate?

When was his god ever a part of our Senate?

I think he is coming around to the fact that blaming trump, (in and of itself as a defense) is not going to get him out of this, so he wants to blame God and see if trying to associating himself with godliness will help. God won't get him out of this either.
I read the title of the article and laughed. Then continued laughing when I read the article.

This is the same man who left a threatening note on pence's senate desk.

How is threatening the VP bringing his god back to the Senate?

When was his god ever a part of our Senate?

Religious arrogance and intolerance are typical of most on the authoritarian right.
I read the title of the article and laughed. Then continued laughing when I read the article.

This is the same man who left a threatening note on pence's senate desk.

How is threatening the VP bringing his god back to the Senate?

When was his god ever a part of our Senate?

I think he is coming around to the fact that blaming trump, (in and of itself as a defense) is not going to get him out of this, so he wants to blame God and see if trying to associating himself with godliness will help. God won't get him out of this either.
When the people in power intend to prosecute people for political or religious reasons they are no better than Communists.
I read the title of the article and laughed. Then continued laughing when I read the article.

This is the same man who left a threatening note on pence's senate desk.

How is threatening the VP bringing his god back to the Senate?

When was his god ever a part of our Senate?

Religious arrogance and intolerance are typical of most on the authoritarian right.
Is Islam on the authoritarian Right?
LOL The guy is a loon and has been a well-known loon in Arizona.

Today was a big day in DC though!!! Militias taking over the Capitol!!! Wait! What? Five Qanon people showed up and at least three were probably underocover operatives. :auiqs.jpg:
I read the title of the article and laughed. Then continued laughing when I read the article.

This is the same man who left a threatening note on pence's senate desk.

How is threatening the VP bringing his god back to the Senate?

When was his god ever a part of our Senate?

Quite a group. Trump was sent to us by God 'n stuff.

Pretty amazing.

They said the same thing about the bush boy but to the credit of the bush boy, he didn't propagate it.

They will believe the same thing about the next republican president.

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