Queen Hillary has her own special set of rules.


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Hillary was late returning to the debate because she had to use the bathroom. No big deal until you find out why she was really late.

This is a great example of hypocrisy. Hillary refused to enter the restroom because another female was in there. It wasn't about security, just about Hillary wanting the entire public restroom to herself.

How is it reasonable for Hillary to be late getting back to the podium for the debate because she couldn't enter a multi-stall bathroom because another woman was in there, yet not reasonable for young girls to not want to see naked male bodies, who are transgenders, in their locker room?

"And the Boston Globe reports that she actually would have made it back on time – if she hadn’t insisted that the multi-stall restroom be entirely empty before she set foot in it. At the time, the only other person in the restroom was O’Malley staffer Lis Smith.

Clinton spokesperson Nick Merrill said that there were no security concerns preventing the former First Lady from sharing a restroom with Ms. Smith – who has been romantically linked to disgraced New York Governor Eliot Spitzer – but declined to comment further."


Some high school girls don't feel comfortable having a transgender in their locker room. He/she still has a male anatomy and they don't want to see it. Of course, their comfort is a non-issue because the left only cares about the feelings of certain individuals. No 'safe space' if they disagree with you. Hillary apparently wants to live in a bubble and not have contact with anyone who isn't thoroughly vetted and approved, but your daughter might have to see naked boys in the locker room.

To be fair, being in her position, better safe than sorry.
Still...it is a tad extreme of her to be so hissy about it.
Yes, it's certainly women's time to feel the brunt of the New World agenda.

Well men had to put up with women invading every corner of male life for decades so now we reap the traitor's reward. No one loves a traitor, not even the Powers That Be.

It won't be stopped.

pity men are too demoralized to stop it.

Wow...yet another thread on Hillary's bathroom break...but the GOP is big on the "issues". :rolleyes:

Try this on for size you sick peeping fucks.

Hillary's Campaign denying bathroom access to reporters

Your pooler asked if he could come inside to use the restroom. The Secret Service agent advised that the area had been swept already, so he should “hit the woods.”
So, not only have ya'll been fixated before this, it was most likely the Secret Service that didn't let Hillary in until the staffer was done.
The point is, She expects your HS Daughter to be happy to shower with some freaky cock waving 1/2 -1/2 whatever? but she does not have to be soiled dealing with common crap! I'm about to snap.
Real women are smarter than men. At Grateful Dead concerts, women simply go into the men bathroom if the lines are long. Hildarodham has no brains.
Oh, go read some of the accounts of Secret Service and other security personnel who have worked on her detail. They describe her as a truly hateful, bitter ego-maniac. They couldn't stand working for her. I happen to know two former security people who worked with/around Hillary, and they both tell me that you can't image what a hateful, cold-hearted person she is, and both of them are Democrats.
Wow...yet another thread on Hillary's bathroom break...but the GOP is big on the "issues". :rolleyes:

Try this on for size you sick peeping fucks.

Hillary's Campaign denying bathroom access to reporters

Your pooler asked if he could come inside to use the restroom. The Secret Service agent advised that the area had been swept already, so he should “hit the woods.”
So, not only have ya'll been fixated before this, it was most likely the Secret Service that didn't let Hillary in until the staffer was done.

They already stated there were no security issues and that it was Hillary's choice. It's about her attitude. She stinks.
Oh, go read some of the accounts of Secret Service and other security personnel who have worked on her detail. They describe her as a truly hateful, bitter ego-maniac. They couldn't stand working for her. I happen to know two former security people who worked with/around Hillary, and they both tell me that you can't image what a hateful, cold-hearted person she is, and both of them are Democrats.

I've heard the same many times from back when Bill was in office. Hillary was downright mean to secret service and to all military people. It wasn't a matter of showing no respect, she went out of her way to insult and be a total bitch.

No surprise that she wouldn't enter a restroom when a lowly staffer was in there. It's because Hillary thinks she is better than others and she's proven herself to be an arrogant bitch time and time again. She didn't even think she should be vetted when she decided to run for president. I think she finds it insulting to be treated like the other candidates.
Oh, go read some of the accounts of Secret Service and other security personnel who have worked on her detail. They describe her as a truly hateful, bitter ego-maniac. They couldn't stand working for her. I happen to know two former security people who worked with/around Hillary, and they both tell me that you can't image what a hateful, cold-hearted person she is, and both of them are Democrats.

She has always been known for her horrible treatment of those who had to serve her. She treats them all like dirt and she has a foul mouth. Can even say 'good morning' to anyone. She isn't fit to serve this country.

"Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton is a wretched human being who treats people like garbage when no cameras are around to capture her despicable behavior.

We know this courtesy Ronald Kessler, a former contributor for The Washington Post and current The New York Times bestselling author whose 2014 book, "First Family Detail," provided an intimate glimpse into how Clinton treated the Service Service agents sworn to protect her.

In one especially nasty exchange cited in Kessler’s book, a Secret Service agent wished Clinton a good morning, only to get this in return: "F*** off!"

Didn't want somebody in there with a cell phone shooting video?


Of course it would be worse to have been seen sipping on a water bottle......
Oh, go read some of the accounts of Secret Service and other security personnel who have worked on her detail. They describe her as a truly hateful, bitter ego-maniac. They couldn't stand working for her. I happen to know two former security people who worked with/around Hillary, and they both tell me that you can't image what a hateful, cold-hearted person she is, and both of them are Democrats.
I have read that being assigned to her security detail is a punishment for really bad mistakes.

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