Planet Fitness Cancels Membership Of Woman Who Reported Man Using Women's Restroom

How come it’s always a naked man in a woman’s bathroom or locker room and never the other way around?
Because thats the story that gets the headlines. You’re allowing your strings to be pulled to get you to dance in the desired direction. An intelligent person will ask that question and realize they are being manipulated. The gullible will not.
What's your solution to it all ? It seems you have an opinion on the symptoms, and so what's your opinion on the cure ? Society needs a cure, and actions need to be taken in order to lead a people out of the darkness and back into the light. Example - You speak of the internet being involved, especially when it comes to exposure coupled with bad parenting. Are you for heavily regulating the internet, and even maybe washing it clean of the things you feel are directly affecting our new generations ? Thanks

Sadly there is no magic bullet or fix because this isn't something that has a direct root cause. It's a societal problem, it's abstract.

This has somehow evolved due to multiple factors that are now out of people's hands. Raising kids to be soft and weak willed, allowing kids to grow up with constant social media in their hands, politicians and corporations focusing solely on young people for votes and dollars by catering to them and telling them how amazing and special and powerful they are, a society that doesn't push morals and standards and values and pride and responsibility and hard work, a country where weakness and apologies are our mantra, a country where there are no trials and tribulations to toughen up people where everything can be done online from your couch including both working and getting McDonald's, the list of factors goes on and on and on.

You can't flip a switch and just fix everything because it's going to require the majority of Americans that are real men and women and real Americans that want a tough, strong, independent, moral, and responsible society need to stand up and tell those that aren't they need to straighten up. But that won't happen.

The only plausible solution now is our society goes down the shitter and the tough prop it back up and assume command and the tough times make tougher young people. Or we go downhill and never come back.

But youre trying to assume some weird position of thinking your high and mighty with the questions you lose me that have no real direct answer in the hopes I'll either not reply and you look like you beat me or I'll reply in a fashion that you can rip into. That's why your post count vs reaction score is what it is.
Sadly there is no magic bullet or fix because this isn't something that has a direct root cause. It's a societal problem, it's abstract.

This has somehow evolved due to multiple factors that are now out of people's hands. Raising kids to be soft and weak willed, allowing kids to grow up with constant social media in their hands, politicians and corporations focusing solely on young people for votes and dollars by catering to them and telling them how amazing and special and powerful they are, a society that doesn't push morals and standards and values and pride and responsibility and hard work, a country where weakness and apologies are our mantra, a country where there are no trials and tribulations to toughen up people where everything can be done online from your couch including both working and getting McDonald's, the list of factors goes on and on and on.

You can't flip a switch and just fix everything because it's going to require the majority of Americans that are real men and women and real Americans that want a tough, strong, independent, moral, and responsible society need to stand up and tell those that aren't they need to straighten up. But that won't happen.

The only plausible solution now is our society goes down the shitter and the tough prop it back up and assume command and the tough times make tougher young people. Or we go downhill and never come back.

But youre trying to assume some weird position of thinking your high and mighty with the questions you lose me that have no real direct answer in the hopes I'll either not reply and you look like you beat me or I'll reply in a fashion that you can rip into. That's why your post count vs reaction score is what it is.
The cure could come with the Riley Gaines (and 14 other women athletes) lawsuit against the NCAA, for violating their rights to compete only against other women.
Sadly there is no magic bullet or fix because this isn't something that has a direct root cause. It's a societal problem, it's abstract.

This has somehow evolved due to multiple factors that are now out of people's hands. Raising kids to be soft and weak willed, allowing kids to grow up with constant social media in their hands, politicians and corporations focusing solely on young people for votes and dollars by catering to them and telling them how amazing and special and powerful they are, a society that doesn't push morals and standards and values and pride and responsibility and hard work, a country where weakness and apologies are our mantra, a country where there are no trials and tribulations to toughen up people where everything can be done online from your couch including both working and getting McDonald's, the list of factors goes on and on and on.

You can't flip a switch and just fix everything because it's going to require the majority of Americans that are real men and women and real Americans that want a tough, strong, independent, moral, and responsible society need to stand up and tell those that aren't they need to straighten up. But that won't happen.

The only plausible solution now is our society goes down the shitter and the tough prop it back up and assume command and the tough times make tougher young people. Or we go downhill and never come back.

But youre trying to assume some weird position of thinking your high and mighty with the questions you lose me that have no real direct answer in the hopes I'll either not reply and you look like you beat me or I'll reply in a fashion that you can rip into. That's why your post count vs reaction score is what it is.
I was going to hit the thanks button on your post until I read the last part. Not sure where you get the idea that I'm trying to be high and mighty or that somehow my words attempt to confound you somehow, when in fact you answered with a realistic view of the situation at hand these days perfectly. Maybe you have these demons back channeling you on here, otherwise posters that claim to be your friend behind the scene's, but only for the reason of derailing you when you debate the issue's in the public eye. Who knows what goes on around here, but I digress.

The solution is simple - Take all the problems, and let them lead us back to the source of them all, and then work to remedy the problem at the source in order to elevate the multiple problems created by the source. One law could be passed that could clear up multiple problems involved here, but I guarantee you that when that is attempted, you will have the demon's/serpent's swirling around biting at everything that moves.
Because women can easily indulge their sexual desires quite easily and aren't limited by physical constraints like men needing an erection. They also even at the age of like 60 can easily find willing partners. They have little problems finding sexual partners. So women don't need to go public with being a pervert out of desperation.

Men on the other hand can't as easily find sexual partners. And they over indulge in their sexual desires and fantasies which in a lot requires the need to go further and further in order to keep it exciting because they wear it out which makes them become increasingly perverted looking for the next kick. And a lot of men today with such easy access to porn need to make bigger leaps. I'd dare this guy is a hardcore perv and can't get a erection anymore so the only way he can get a sexual thrill is by going into the forbidden locker rooms and pretend he is a woman. Men like this can't get off without pushing boundaries. They need to involve others, be center of attention, and push their perversities on others. They need the taboo to get off. That's also why there is a big push by the day and tranny community to turns kids into fags and trannies.

I'd say most trannies today are in 2 groups. Group 1 are younger ones who's minds have been warped by bad parenting and exposure to perverted things online at an early age. Which makes them soft and weak and mentally damaged. Group 2 are middle aged and up that are simply perverts looking for a sexual thrill. They need to go further and further to get off.

At least that's my armchair psychologist opinion.
Now we know more about you than we ever wanted to know.

New pervert alert:​

Naked man 'took advantage of Planet Fitness transgender locker room policy' to parade his genitalia in ladies' locker room and ask women to 'shower with him then rub lotion on his back'​


A worried woman who was shocked to see a fully-naked Miller in the locker room called 911 because she was so disturbed.

'It's a man but he says he identifies as a woman, and he won't leave the restroom,' the 911 caller told the 911 dispatcher. 'But he is just walking around showing us his and he won't leave.'

The 911 dispatcher asked 'what's he wearing,' to which the flustered customer responded 'Nothing. Literally nothing.'

'Ok, so he is completely naked?' the responder said. 'He is completely naked,' the woman answered.

Miller was arrested for a felony charge of indecent exposure and booked into the Gaston County Jail and his bond was set for $25,000.



New pervert alert:​

Naked man 'took advantage of Planet Fitness transgender locker room policy' to parade his genitalia in ladies' locker room and ask women to 'shower with him then rub lotion on his back'​


A worried woman who was shocked to see a fully-naked Miller in the locker room called 911 because she was so disturbed.

'It's a man but he says he identifies as a woman, and he won't leave the restroom,' the 911 caller told the 911 dispatcher. 'But he is just walking around showing us his and he won't leave.'

The 911 dispatcher asked 'what's he wearing,' to which the flustered customer responded 'Nothing. Literally nothing.'

'Ok, so he is completely naked?' the responder said. 'He is completely naked,' the woman answered.

Miller was arrested for a felony charge of indecent exposure and booked into the Gaston County Jail and his bond was set for $25,000.


Democrats at their best. They've pushed this bull crap, and now they shall reep what they've sewn.
Maybe Planet Fitness revoked the guy’s membership too? The article doesn’t say what PF’s response to the man was.

I’ve never been to a gym where the staff would be okay to just let a man use the ladies locker room. It’s not like they have bouncers at the entrance to the locker rooms, a man could sneak in without staff knowing.

The title of the thread misleadingly implies that PF revoked her membership because she complained. They revoked her membership because she took a photo of someone in the locker room. They have a zero tolerance policy I’m sure because of the potential for litigation
No one is saying the woman should give up her right to privacy as no one is forced to join PF if they don’t approve of their locker room policy. As a consumer you have the power to spend your money any place you choose.
Whoa, she has a right because they must operate under the laws of public service.
(For those not familiar with U.S. regulations, OSHA is the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration, which regulates workplace safety. Its regulations apply to the entire United States.)

29 CFR 1910.141(c)(1)(i) is the relevant regulation here (emphasis mine):

Except as otherwise indicated in this paragraph (c)(1)(i), toilet facilities, in toilet rooms separate for each sex, shall be provided in all places of employment
Whoa, she has a right because they must operate under the laws of public service.
(For those not familiar with U.S. regulations, OSHA is the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration, which regulates workplace safety. Its regulations apply to the entire United States.)

29 CFR 1910.141(c)(1)(i) is the relevant regulation here (emphasis mine):

Except as otherwise indicated in this paragraph (c)(1)(i), toilet facilities, in toilet rooms separate for each sex, shall be provided in all places of employment
And PF provided separate toilet facilities for each sex. They are allowing people to use the facilities they identify with. That is PF choice to make. If you don’t like i, then don’t join that is your choice to make.
And PF provided separate toilet facilities for each sex. They are allowing people to use the facilities they identify with. That is PF choice to make. If you don’t like i, then don’t join that is your choice to make.
Hell the members I'm guessing don't like it either, so I guess they gotta get their money back and join another gym right ? PF has engaged in wokeness over their membership safety, and that undoubtedly isn't going to cut it with their members there. PF better wake up instead of woke up.
Hell the members I'm guessing don't like it either, so I guess they gotta get their money back and join another gym right ? PF has engaged in wokeness over their membership safety, and that undoubtedly isn't going to cut it with their members there. PF better wake up instead of woke up.
The consumer has the power. If they don’t like the product a business offers they are not forced to purchase it. If you don’t the locker room policy’s of PF instead of whining about the, just don’t join that gym
The consumer has the power. If they don’t like the product a business offers they are not forced to purchase it. If you don’t the locker room policy’s of PF instead of whining about the, just don’t join that gym
Some people know now, but I think most members would be very surprised and alarmed to find someone of the opposite gender in their locker room.

No one is "whining". It's a reasonable expectation to not have to tolerate deranged perverts of the opposite sex being an audience where its a reasonable expectation that some people might not be fully clothed.

I just went to the Planet Fitness Website and pretended to attempt to sign up for membership. It never mentioned having to deal with perverts before it asked for my credit card number.
Some people know now, but I think most members would be very surprised and alarmed to find someone of the opposite gender in their locker room.

No one is "whining". It's a reasonable expectation to not have to tolerate deranged perverts of the opposite sex being an audience where its a reasonable expectation that some people might not be fully clothed.

I just went to the Planet Fitness Website and pretended to attempt to sign up for membership. It never mentioned having to deal with perverts before it asked for my credit card number.
The locker room policy has been posted a few times it’s not something hidden on the website. Id someone is too lazy to do some basic research on the product they plan to purchase is no one’s fault but their own.
I still haven’t seen any proof that PF was okay with a man in the ladies locker room.

If you read the OP and the link, it clearly states that they revoked the woman’s member ship because she was taking photos of people in the locker room.

It never says what, if anything, they did to the man in question. For all we know, they revoked his membership, too
I still haven’t seen any proof that PF was okay with a man in the ladies locker room.

If you read the OP and the link, it clearly states that they revoked the woman’s member ship because she was taking photos of people in the locker room.

It never says what, if anything, they did to the man in question. For all we know, they revoked his membership, too
The only person who violated the company’s policy and would be subject to a revoked membership was the perverted woman taking pictures in the locker room
The locker room policy has been posted a few times it’s not something hidden on the website. Id someone is too lazy to do some basic research on the product they plan to purchase is no one’s fault but their own.
No. You are wrong and you are not being reasonable. A reasonable person would expect to join a gym and not be seen by the opposite sex while naked.

I don't know why you treat this so trivially. It is a huge deal. Only a creep would act like it's not.

Here's the PF contract....

Here's some relevant text. Nothing about putting up with perverts....

"Planet Fitness strives to provide a safe and comfortable environment for all members."

"Entire Agreement & Enforcement: You acknowledge that neither Planet Fitness, nor anyone
else, made any representations or promises upon which you relied that are not stated
in this agreement. This document contains the entire agreement between you and Planet
Fitness and replaces any oral or other written agreement.

Done deal. Doesn't matter what woke BS they happen to post on their website. This contract contains all there terms, and nowhere does one consent to getting victimized by sexual deviants.

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