...said he is worth $10,000,000,000 (with a 'B')...but can't.....


Platinum Member
Feb 14, 2021
Something seems to be amiss.

Don Trump not that long ago said he was worth $10 billion.
Now, today he says he can't raise either the $464 million in cash, or $10% of that for a bond......while he appeals the fraud judgement against him.

Now, why?
Did he squander about $9 billion since he claimed he had 10 billion?
If he did, how?
Was he fibbing about the $10 billion?
And if he was....why?

Or, is he fibbing now about being unable raise the significantly less than a billion the court says he owes.

Seems there are some unanswered questions here.

Will the DA begin seizure actions?
If so, which properties are most easily seized and most likely to be surety for the $464,000,000 the court says he owes.

And, how does his failure to raise the required court-ordered monies in this case impact the awards in the E. Jean Carroll cases?
Something seems to be amiss.

Don Trump not that long ago said he was worth $10 billion.
Now, today he says he can't raise either the $464 million in cash, or $10% of that for a bond......while he appeals the fraud judgement against him.

Now, why?
Did he squander about $9 billion since he claimed he had 10 billion?
If he did, how?
Was he fibbing about the $10 billion?
And if he was....why?

Or, is he fibbing now about being unable raise the considerable less than a billion the court says he owes.

Seems there are some unanswered questions here.

Will the DA seizure actions?
If so, which properties are most easily seized and most likely to be surety for the $464,000,000 the court says he owes.

And, how does his failure to raise the required court-ordered monies in this case impact the awards in the E. Jean Carroll case?
Its in property... just do your own math and add up the worth of all of his property around the world....
"Its in property... just do your own math and add up the worth of all of his property around the world...."
I can't.
First, I don't know what he says he owns or where it is at.
Don't know what it is worth in the free market.
Don't know how much he owes, just what is his equity?

So, to be honest, this little farmer is unequipped to value golf resorts.
But, having said that......

...I'm sure there are those who ARE equipped.
And Letitia James may very well have them in her Rollodex.
From today's Politico:

03/18/2024 12:03 PM EDT

NEW YORK — Donald Trump told an appellate court here Monday that he can’t obtain a bond for the full amount of the civil fraud judgment against him — more than $450 million, including interest — raising the possibility that the state attorney general’s office could begin to seize his assets unless the court agrees to halt the judgment while the former president appeals the verdict.

Trump’s lawyers said in a court filing that “ongoing diligent efforts have proven that a bond in the judgment’s full amount is a ‘practical impossibility,’” adding that those efforts “have included approaching about 30 surety companies through 4 separate brokers.”
Thinkers can tell once again how little lib loons know about finances
They think peoples wealth is in a bag where they can just pop tons of cash out of it. Childlike.
People with way more money than Trump would all have issues with quickly providing hundreds of millions.
Thinkers can tell once again how little lib loons know about finances
They think peoples wealth is in a bag where they can just pop tons of cash out of it. Childlike.
People with way more money than Trump would all have issues with quickly providing hundreds of millions.

FPOTUS#45 under oath at a deposition he had $400 million in cash and growing.

That means he only needed a bond for $100 million.

Or he lied under oath.

Thinkers can tell once again how little lib loons know about finances....They think peoples wealth is in a bag where they can just pop tons of cash out of it. Childlike.

With no intention to be disrespectful towards prolific poster Weather53, but......but his comments seemingly sound like a StrawMan.

I mean by that, has any so called "lib loons" asserted that big money is kept in a bag?
If so, who?
Can poster Weather53 provide the forum with a link to such?

So, poster W53, saddle up and show us you ain' ridin' a StrawMan.

Something seems to be amiss.

Don Trump not that long ago said he was worth $10 billion.
Now, today he says he can't raise either the $464 million in cash, or $10% of that for a bond......while he appeals the fraud judgement against him.

Now, why?
Sounds like there are some socialists involved in all this...that is their signature trait.
With no intention to be disrespectful towards prolific poster Weather53, but......but his comments seemingly sound like a StrawMan.

I mean by that, has any so called "lib loons" asserted that big money is kept in a bag?
If so, who?
Can poster Weather53 provide the forum with a link to such?

So, poster W53, saddle up and show us you ain' ridin' a StrawMan.

No straw man
That kind of money, although almost Never asked from a single person, is difficult to move from point A to B. Your flowery language aside, you are displaying your financial ignorance as to moving Huge sums of money. That kind of wealth is almost always illiquid assets taking time. Not bags of cash like you feel.
No straw man
That kind of money, although almost Never asked from a single person, is difficult to move from point A to B. Your flowery language aside, you are displaying your financial ignorance as to moving Huge sums of money. That kind of wealth is almost always illiquid assets taking time. Not bags of cash like you feel.
No one expects him to sell property to meet the bond. We would expect him to get loans on that property. He could, for example, get a margin loan on the value of his stock portfolio. Or get a mortgage on the value of his properties.

But that would require going to a bank and the banks don’t seem to be interested.
No straw man
That kind of money, although almost Never asked from a single person, is difficult to move from point A to B. Your flowery language aside, you are displaying your financial ignorance as to moving Huge sums of money. That kind of wealth is almost always illiquid assets taking time. Not bags of cash like you feel.
No money needs to move from the buffoon. He just needed someone to accept his collateral as a guarantee. But this is a fine for his fraud, so he's having some difficulty with people who are not financial idiots, that's all.
No one expects him to sell property to meet the bond. We would expect him to get loans on that property. He could, for example, get a margin loan on the value of his stock portfolio. Or get a mortgage on the value of his properties.

But that would require going to a bank and the banks don’t seem to be interested.
Just not reality and dumb to offer it as such
Only Trump cultists believe Trump is worth "10 billion dollars." Of course, that does beg the question, if Trump cultists believe Trump is worth 10 billion dollars why do they continue to send him money from their life savings to help pay his bills? It all goes full circle to showing that Trumpism is a cult.

Sounds like there are some socialists involved in all this...that is their signature trait.
???? What?
"Socialist" refusing to provide a bond to Trump?
Or give him a short-term loan of $464,000,000?
Why would you say that?
Do you have vetting attached to your suggestion?

"...... you are displaying your financial ignorance as to moving Huge sums of money. That kind of wealth is almost always illiquid assets taking time. Not bags of cash like you feel."

"Like you feel"????
"displaying your financial ignorance"??

Ummm, just to clarify for the casual lurker here.....it was not my poor avatar who claimed Don Trump had "bags of cash" lying around. If good poster Weather53 believes such.....well, give us a link to that so-called claim of cash.

  • In fact, the only claims of money in this thread, so far.....is Don Trump who said he was worth $10,000,000,000.
  • And......the post that noted Don Trump's claim under oath that he had $400,000,000 in cash.

So, good poster Weather53....you may be trying too hard.
Settle down and vet your facts before you post your thoughts.
You will guard any credibility you have by such prudent steps.
Trust me.
"Nunya bidniss"
Presuming that is code-speak for 'None-of-your-business'??

If so, then the poor poster 'deannalw' has made a sad misread.
My own poor avatar is intending in this thread to be only a mere reporter.
To offer the venue some new reportage made this afternoon about Don Trump's claim he can't come up with the fine levied from his fraud trial with the State of New York.
...I'm sure there are those who ARE equipped.
And Letitia James may very well have them in her Rolodex.
Crossing the Ruby-Red Rubicon

Julius Caesar was threatened by the same politically motivated lawsuits instigated by his opponents in the patrician Senate. Will history repeat itself? We have the same kind of inevitably decadent republic and the same overwhelming advantage by spoiled-putrid HeirHeads.

The rulers' histwhorians rarely put the blame for dictatorships on the previous decrepit ruling class.
Something seems to be amiss.

Don Trump not that long ago said he was worth $10 billion.
Now, today he says he can't raise either the $464 million in cash, or $10% of that for a bond......while he appeals the fraud judgement against him.

Now, why?
Did he squander about $9 billion since he claimed he had 10 billion?
If he did, how?
Was he fibbing about the $10 billion?
And if he was....why?

Or, is he fibbing now about being unable raise the significantly less than a billion the court says he owes.

Seems there are some unanswered questions here.

Will the DA begin seizure actions?
If so, which properties are most easily seized and most likely to be surety for the $464,000,000 the court says he owes.

And, how does his failure to raise the required court-ordered monies in this case impact the awards in the E. Jean Carroll cases?
Your net worth is the total of all the real and personal property you own or have an interest in, your investments, royalty interests and such and cash in the bank. Because most rich people know to invest their money in either real estate or collectibles that can be expected to appreciate in value and/or in the stock market etc., very few have a large amount of cash on hand to spend immediately.

Since Trump has been assessed with outrageous financial penalties by weaponized judges/courts--that alone violates the letter and intent of the Constitution--he doesn't have the money in the bank to pay the bond amounts demanded while he appeals those judgments. He doesn't want to have to sell properties to raise the money and therefore permanently lower his net worth, but most lenders have policies against loaning excessively large amounts for security bonds as Trump needs. It isn't because it's him. It's because they don't loan ANYBODY that kind of money for that purpose.

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