Zone1 Embryos and Personhood

Thats not scientific. I believe consciousness is necessary to be a human.being.

Human zygote and human foetus are the scientific term for a potential human being in utero.

I believe consciousness enters the body at birth. Am I allowed to have my own religious belief?
What a horrendous statement! Of course consciousness is not necessary to be a human being. This is a thoughtless and absurd statement.
When a zygote/embryo/fetus becomes a ‘person’ is a subjective, personal determination, outside of the scope of the authority of the state; individuals know best, not government.

The state seeking to codify and compel subjective, personal beliefs through force of law is government excess and overreach resulting in tyranny.
This is so ridiculous that it doesn't even deserve a response.
Life is life,,
Not in Judaism. People have freedom of a religion in this country too. There is no reason for any for anybody to reject the idea that the sanctity of life begins at conception, which is primarily a Catholic religious teaching either I do not want have Catholicism forced on my conscience.

I do not force my conscience in my beliefs on anyone. And my belief when the sanctity of life begins causes no harm to anybody.
Not in Judaism. People have freedom of a religion in this country too. There is no reason for any for anybody to reject the idea that the sanctity of life begins at conception, which is primarily a Catholic religious teaching either I do not want have Catholicism forced on my conscience.

I do not force my conscience in my beliefs on anyone. And my belief when the sanctity of life begins causes no harm to anybody.
when it comes to the killing of innocent children its humanitys problem,,

if we cant protect the most innocent among us then no one is safe,,

and please keep your religion to yourself,,,
its not a part of this discussion,,
I have no such fear. I would love to see no women choosing to have an abortion.

My position on abortion is that the woman is the only person involved that must assume the risk of giving sonebirth and she has a right not to give birth as a natural right to avoid risk to her body.

She does not lose that right because she is of the gender that has the reproductive organs that can nurture, and give birth to new unique human being .
I would like to see some honesty. Women should accept that they are killing a human being. And they are okay with that.
when it comes to the killing of innocent children its humanitys problem,,

if we cant protect the most innocent among us then no one is safe,,

and please keep your religion to yourself,,,
its not a part of this discussion,,
Fact. We cannot protect the most innocent among us.
Fact. No one is safe.

Is there a connection?
I would like to see some honesty. Women should accept that they are killing a human being. And they are okay with that.
I have thought about that,,
what if they had to sign a waiver stating they are fully aware the procedure they are about to take will result in the death of their child,,

so many dont understand thats whats happening because they get lied to by people like "notfoooledby" and politicians and doctors performing the abortion,,
I have thought about that,,
what if they had to sign a waiver stating they are fully aware the procedure they are about to take will result in the death of their child,,

so many dont understand thats whats happening because they get lied to by people like "notfoooledby" and politicians and doctors performing the abortion,,
This is why pro aborts fight so hard to keep women from seeing ultrasounds. Once they see the person many change their minds. Have you ever seen a 4D ultrasound? They are amazing. There is no way humanity can be denied.

When my son was born not only abortion but all forms of Contraception was illegal. A woman gets pregnant, she has a baby. I live with my son and daughter-in-law now. I was 18 when he was born. Not a day goes by that I am not thankful that I had no choice to make. In my youth and inexperience I might have chosen differently. I cannot covey how thankful I am every day that decision was denied and made for me.
and please keep your religion to yourself,,,
its not a part of this discussion,,
Abortion bans are religion driven.

Religion is the primary reason we are even having this discussion.

There is a reason that contributed to the overturning of Roe versus wade by the Supreme Court. The six Justices who decided Dobbs are Catholic.

So now you’re telling me that I cannot defend a woman’s right to terminate her own pregnancy with a safe legal medical procedure against the religious zealots who believe that the sanctity of life begins at conception because banning abortion has nothing to do with religion.

Will you ban all these groups from bringing any mention of religion when they are pushing politicians to force full term gestation on all women.?

In 1968, the National Conference of Catholic Bishops founded the National Right to Life organization to coordinate activities of state groups that opposed abortion. In 1973, following Roe, the organization incorporated as the National Right to Life Committee, severing formal ties with the Catholic Church in order to attract conservative Protestants.​
In addition to Catholic groups such as Priests for Life, opposition to abortion is driven by other conservative groups with Protestant members, including the Faith and Freedom Coalition and the Family Research Council.​
More militant anti-abortion groups such as Operation Rescue and Operation Save America also state their opposition on religious grounds. According to one OSA official, “Satan wants to kill innocent babies, demean marriage and distort the image of God.”​
Abortion bans are religion driven.

Religion is the primary reason we are even having this discussion.

There is a reason that contributed to the overturning of Roe versus wade by the Supreme Court. The six Justices who decided Dobbs are Catholic.

So now you’re telling me that I cannot defend a woman’s right to terminate her own pregnancy with a safe legal medical procedure against the religious zealots who believe that the sanctity of life begins at conception because banning abortion has nothing to do with religion.

Will you ban all these groups from bringing any mention of religion when they are pushing politicians to force full term gestation on all women.?

In 1968, the National Conference of Catholic Bishops founded the National Right to Life organization to coordinate activities of state groups that opposed abortion. In 1973, following Roe, the organization incorporated as the National Right to Life Committee, severing formal ties with the Catholic Church in order to attract conservative Protestants.​
In addition to Catholic groups such as Priests for Life, opposition to abortion is driven by other conservative groups with Protestant members, including the Faith and Freedom Coalition and the Family Research Council.​
More militant anti-abortion groups such as Operation Rescue and Operation Save America also state their opposition on religious grounds. According to one OSA official, “Satan wants to kill innocent babies, demean marriage and distort the image of God.”​
which religion??

no,,, abortions are not religious driven,,

the first amendment doesnt allow for that anyway,,

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