Queens imam & his asst shot to death by gunman in attack, local Muslims blame Trump!!!

Karma's a bitch...doesn't matter in what country....I hope there is much more of this shit....they kill innocents, we kill SORT OF innocents!
and there's your trump supporter
And here is one of your friendly Muslims "ุฅูู†ูŽู‘ุง ู„ู„ู‡ู ูˆูŽุฅูู†ูŽู‘ู€ุง ุฅูู„ูŽูŠู’ู‡ู ุฑูŽุงุฌูุนูˆู†ูŽ "
I don't know who killed these people, but to drag Trump into it is nothing but the most depraved of Democratic Politics.

The fact is that his proposal to temporarily ban people from Middle-Eastern Cultures corrupted by Terrorism and which have shown themselves to be particularly Barbaric, for centuries...Cultures which condemn absolutely the Separation Between Church and State (A Jeffersonian Concept which finally gave peace to Western Society)....this Trump proposal which merely recognizes the disaster that Europe is now experiencing as a valuable lesson......this Trump proposal is the most rational and courageous thing any politician in this fucked up Politically Correct country has offered in a long time.

The logic of it is so clear...that opposition to it can only be explained by rank and craven partisan politics on the part of the Democrats/Socialists/Totalitarians who crave absolute Control---who see these Barbarians as sure Democratic Voters....never mind that they'll be throwing Homosexuals off buildings here in a decade or so...never mind that they'll be treating women like slaves...the Democrats must have their Votes and their Oil Money...to elect the most craven, corrupt, incompetent, coat-tail riding Bitch ever to hold herself out for public office.

No more Middle-Easterners for now, thank you....we have quite enough to suit us.

And lets let Mrs. Bill Clinton go be a Justice of the Peace in some sequestered borough of Chicago...which she most surely would have been (if not disbarred first)....if she had not married a pussy-loving Southern Boy...who happened to be a political genius. This isn't a Banana Republic where you get to be president just because your husband was president.

If you have children folks, you must come to your senses....the Democrats are selling this country off to the Arabs and the Persians and the Mexicans...and using the money to buy the votes of the Porch Sitters, the Freeloaders, the Public Employee Unions and anybody else they can find who has been made psychologically ill by Jealously of anyone who ever had it easier than them.

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