Question about new policies


Oct 30, 2013
How I understand it so far is that after your policy is dropped you will be offer a newer "better" policy. What hasn't been said (or I just haven't seen it) is how much the new policy on average will cost. EX: rate increase 30% 20% etc.....

I work for my family's company (as does all of my family) and my father just told me that when our health care comes up for renewal that our currant policy will be dropped. As a small business how much more is this going to cost us and as an individual how much will this cost me?

I'm not looking to start a fight I just want to know what other people have herd and are doing about this.

The information I read from links at drudge report are not encouraging, Chris.

In his contempt and hatred for private businesses, Obama, Reid, and Pelosi planned their takeover of 17% of the private sector by wrecking the medical business community, which was once the finest the world had ever known, in their bid to subjugate America to the United Nations ultimately.

They are not negotiating what is their win and America's loss.

Obama has a sway of Happy Talk that obfuscates the truth and damages privately-owned businesses, which is what communism does. It is a failed system, and I'm sorry to see it coming to America through this insidious, 2500+ page ignominy against the Constitution that Obama care is. And it was named "Affordable" Care Act to obfuscate the fact that it is the highest and most egregious tax hike in American History, which they also denied until the Supreme Court let it stand due to the fact that it is a tax.
Don't worry Chris, it will be very, very affordable and super high quality to boot, because the Prez and the Democrats have told us so.
No sweat.......
I've already heard from my insurance company. If I do nothing, my current policy will terminate and they will replace it with an ACA compliant policy. They matched the new policy as closely as possible to my current one. The cost: a 120% increase in premiums. The deductibles also went up.

Expect the same for your family members.

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