question about vladimir putin for american veterans

As an American VFW, do you find an American's adulation of Putin to be rude?

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Putin isn't a Communist but the American traitors would love him even more if he was. As it is, they worship a dictator while they lie about their own president and their own country.
Putin isn't a Communist but the American traitors would love him even more if he was. As it is, they worship a dictator while they lie about their own president and their own country.

Putin isn't a communist but obama is. Putin protects the rights of the Russian people. obama doesn't protect the rights of Americans. obama, like most democrats just want Americans to leave.
Do you find it in any way disrespectful that some of your fellow Americans are admirers of Putin?

Me, I'm certainly no admirer of communism, but I hafta admit that I like Putin's style, his alpha-doggish leadership traits.

And I do realize how some American VFWs might think my admiring of him to be callous toward them because of the 20th-Century wars in which they've fought and lost brothers and sisters.

So, American heroes: What do you think?

Just want to gauge your opinions with regard to this in a poll.

If you are ...

1.) not an American; and/ or
2.) not an American war veteran; and/ or
3.) a deserter/ traitor​

... please do not vote, as your opinion on this is totally irrelevant.

You also admire people being imprisoned for speaking freely?? Since that is what the despotic ruler does...This vet says fuck Putin...I always stay on my side, right or wrong...
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Whether he's right or wrong, I admire Vlad for putting his country first and trying to show its strength and place in the world. He is clearly doing his best to protect his people from Islamic extremism.

Far better than the current inept wimp we have in the White House!
Whether he's right or wrong, I admire Vlad for putting his country first and trying to show its strength and place in the world. He is clearly doing his best to protect his people from Islamic extremism.

Far better than the current inept wimp we have in the White House!

Sure, if you like bowing down to tyrannical oligarchs.

I hate you fake Americans. You're just another Pootarian who needs to leave America to the real Americans.
Putin isn't a Communist but the American traitors would love him even more if he was. As it is, they worship a dictator while they lie about their own president and their own country.

Putin isn't a communist but obama is. Putin protects the rights of the Russian people. obama doesn't protect the rights of Americans. obama, like most democrats just want Americans to leave.

You are one of most stupid dog bathers I've ever come across. And, you lie.

Obama is not a Communist but YOU are Pootarian.

Get the fuck out of MY country.
Putin isn't a Communist but the American traitors would love him even more if he was. As it is, they worship a dictator while they lie about their own president and their own country.

Putin isn't a communist but obama is. Putin protects the rights of the Russian people. obama doesn't protect the rights of Americans. obama, like most democrats just want Americans to leave.

Please, please, please! tell us how The Pootin protects the rights of the Russian people!

Inquiring minds want to know!!!!!!

But before you do that, just how many fucking cats do you have shitting in that trailer of yours???


lol...I love that so much I think I'll post it again.

HELLO [MENTION=33658]Katzndogz[/MENTION]!

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Whether he's right or wrong, I admire Vlad for putting his country first and trying to show its strength and place in the world. He is clearly doing his best to protect his people from Islamic extremism.

Far better than the current inept wimp we have in the White House!

Is that what you tell the weeping families that die at the hands of the terrorist in Russia???
Putin isn't a Communist but the American traitors would love him even more if he was. As it is, they worship a dictator while they lie about their own president and their own country.

Putin isn't a communist but obama is. Putin protects the rights of the Russian people. obama doesn't protect the rights of Americans. obama, like most democrats just want Americans to leave.

Please, please, please! tell us how The Pootin protects the rights of the Russian people!

Inquiring minds want to know!!!!!!

But before you do that, just how many fucking cats do you have shitting in that trailer of yours???


lol...I love that so much I think I'll post it again.

HELLO [MENTION=33658]Katzndogz[/MENTION]!


One thing the RWs like is that he jailed Pussy Riot for speaking out against the tyranny and starvation in Russia. He beat up on them in the street. Big strong he-man Pooten, beats up little girls on the streets in Russia and the RWs love it.

If they had their way, lefties wouldn't be allowed First Amendment protection in the US.
Putin isn't a communist but obama is. Putin protects the rights of the Russian people. obama doesn't protect the rights of Americans. obama, like most democrats just want Americans to leave.

Please, please, please! tell us how The Pootin protects the rights of the Russian people!

Inquiring minds want to know!!!!!!

But before you do that, just how many fucking cats do you have shitting in that trailer of yours???


lol...I love that so much I think I'll post it again.

HELLO [MENTION=33658]Katzndogz[/MENTION]!


One thing the RWs like is that he jailed Pussy Riot for speaking out against the tyranny and starvation in Russia. He beat up on them in the street. Big strong he-man Pooten, beats up little girls on the streets in Russia and the RWs love it.

If they had their way, lefties wouldn't be allowed First Amendment protection in the US.


As they make shit up as they always do. Not even close to the actual posts on this thread.
Whether he's right or wrong, I admire Vlad for putting his country first and trying to show its strength and place in the world. He is clearly doing his best to protect his people from Islamic extremism.

Far better than the current inept wimp we have in the White House!

Sure, if you like bowing down to tyrannical oligarchs.

I hate you fake Americans. You're just another Pootarian who needs to leave America to the real Americans.

Yeah, well, who the hell didn't see ^ that ^ comin'?

Nobody here gives a shit whom you hate, you goddamned pontificating moron.

Again, this thread is only concerned about the opinions of V - E - T - E - R - A - N - S — not sanctimonious windbags who wouldn't even survive a brutal cross-examination by a mean gang of Girl Scouts.
Putin? Same low class human as Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, the Assads.....the list is long. Would make excellent maggot food.

Low class human like Hitler, huh? Stalin?

So what makes you "greater" than Stalin and Hitler?

I admire their pursuit of power, and the fact that they each stood atop a mountain of skulls higher than most humans will ever reach.

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