Questions I should never have to ask my son.


Gold Member
Jul 24, 2014
Yesterday someone painted on the wall that my son's school is going to have shooting tomorrow (Friday) The school has dutifully called all parents, noting it is not credible, increased the number of officers we'll have at the school, and have excused all absences for tomorrow. ~ Threatening message investigated at Chugiak High School

So I call my son down to talk to him about it. He'll be graduating at the end of December (early, but staying for college credits) and he turns 18 in January. He's at Chugiak for 3 hours total before he goes into the King Career Center (the college credits) at 10:30am. I suggest that I'll take him to King Career Center and he can just sleep in.

He won't stay home, says he has a presentation second hour. ~sigh~ God damned responsibility. Hard to be mad at him.

He comforts me, saying his classes are deep inside the building and no one really knows where they are. Completely unworried - other than noting that he best check his school bag to make sure he doesn't have his pocket knife as bag checks on everyone are likely. (That's pretty much where our crime rate is, a lot of the boys carry pocket knives at school still.)

I find myself 'bartering... "Well, we could have our Star Wars marathon, it's almost that time of year." (Annual tradition with us, we're geeks)

No dice. He just laughs and says he can't let his partner in the presentation down. (Goddammit)

I can only nod sagely as he runs off to check his bag and go to bed.

So now I get to spend the evening wondering if I give into my "better safe than sorry" idea and force him to stay home against his wishes, or do I suck it up and let him make his own choices, as I have since he was old enough. I am not pleased with this choice because my gut is to say noooo stay with mommy! My child is as stubborn as I am, he won't be pleased if I keep him home against his will.

On the one hand, this is likely a hoax and I fully trust the [well armed] police at the school will do their job, we are a wealthy military community with almost no crime - likely because half the police force lives out here too (there are 7 officers on my street alone.) The chances of this being a real threat are very slim, and the chances of any success are likely slimmer. Still, I am... concerned.

My biggest problem is that two years ago I would not have believed it at all - I'd say "damn punks" and ignore it. I find I cannot do that now... This is not something I, nor anyone, should have to deal with. Though in my idk self-pity setting atm I am going to complain that I do not pay out my ass in taxes so that I can be legitimately concerned about this kind of bullshit thanks to your lower 48 shit bags. Oh yes, it was obviously someone up here who did this, but if it wasn't for the rampant shit holes in the lower 48 it would not even be fathomable as a concern for me right now.

Clean up your fucking acts down there please. Talk to your kids and your friends and tell them all that this crap needs to stop.
My favorite thing about Alaska is that there are more guns there per capita than anyplace else on Earth.

But then there are also more grizzly bears there per capita too.

Plus they are one of several Western states that grant reciprocity for my own CCW LTC:

Wash St

Anyplace where you have a lot of guns you are also going to have a lot of wacko's who also have guns. Nothing can be done about that.

And a juvie prank like that one could also be a hoax.

The best thing would be for the principal simply to cancel the school day. Of course that is precisely what any hoaxster would want to have happen.

Still, it is not worth the risk.

At the very least you know there is a criminal hoaxster there making terrorist threats. The police and the school should get to the bottom of it and keep the school closed until they have.

Children are too precious to risk. Sandy Hook already proved this.
Yeah Alaska carry is 70% in the city and 90% outside it. You'd be surprised how many idiots come up from the lower 48 and get shot in the face trying to break into someones house - maybe six months ago a 15 year old kid shot a robber and protected his friends. We're military up here. And yea, bears in the back yard, I also have wolves in the back yard where I live. There was a big squabble with the alpha male of our pack a few years back cause they were stealing the yuppies tiny dogs off their chains in the neighborhood next to mine and a woman and her dog was attacked in the woods 50' behind my house, there's a power line trail, the wolves ate her dog while she beat them with sticks; we ultimately ended up putting down the alpha male because he was out of control.

Yeah idk I'm so on the fence about it. I know the police force pretty well - worked with them on many occasions and many of my neighbors of course. They'll be there in force (and unlike in the lower 48, the police carry in school up here) so I'm in this like quasi argument with my kid who has complete faith that the officers won't let anyone in with a gun and even if they did said person would be dead post haste - and damn he's right, but yea still, I'm an ounce of prevention vs a pound of cure kind of person myself. IDK what I'll ultimately do, still thinking, much rather have the kidlet upset with me then wounded or dead. I think I'll have a nap and decide when I wake up.

Yea unfortunately I highly doubt they'll be caught. We don't have cameras because school crime isn't a problem out here. :/
Yesterday someone painted on the wall that my son's school is going to have shooting tomorrow (Friday) The school has dutifully called all parents, noting it is not credible, increased the number of officers we'll have at the school, and have excused all absences for tomorrow. ~ Threatening message investigated at Chugiak High School

So I call my son down to talk to him about it. He'll be graduating at the end of December (early, but staying for college credits) and he turns 18 in January. He's at Chugiak for 3 hours total before he goes into the King Career Center (the college credits) at 10:30am. I suggest that I'll take him to King Career Center and he can just sleep in.

He won't stay home, says he has a presentation second hour. ~sigh~ God damned responsibility. Hard to be mad at him.

He comforts me, saying his classes are deep inside the building and no one really knows where they are. Completely unworried - other than noting that he best check his school bag to make sure he doesn't have his pocket knife as bag checks on everyone are likely. (That's pretty much where our crime rate is, a lot of the boys carry pocket knives at school still.)

I find myself 'bartering... "Well, we could have our Star Wars marathon, it's almost that time of year." (Annual tradition with us, we're geeks)

No dice. He just laughs and says he can't let his partner in the presentation down. (Goddammit)

I can only nod sagely as he runs off to check his bag and go to bed.

So now I get to spend the evening wondering if I give into my "better safe than sorry" idea and force him to stay home against his wishes, or do I suck it up and let him make his own choices, as I have since he was old enough. I am not pleased with this choice because my gut is to say noooo stay with mommy! My child is as stubborn as I am, he won't be pleased if I keep him home against his will.

On the one hand, this is likely a hoax and I fully trust the [well armed] police at the school will do their job, we are a wealthy military community with almost no crime - likely because half the police force lives out here too (there are 7 officers on my street alone.) The chances of this being a real threat are very slim, and the chances of any success are likely slimmer. Still, I am... concerned.

My biggest problem is that two years ago I would not have believed it at all - I'd say "damn punks" and ignore it. I find I cannot do that now... This is not something I, nor anyone, should have to deal with. Though in my idk self-pity setting atm I am going to complain that I do not pay out my ass in taxes so that I can be legitimately concerned about this kind of bullshit thanks to your lower 48 shit bags. Oh yes, it was obviously someone up here who did this, but if it wasn't for the rampant shit holes in the lower 48 it would not even be fathomable as a concern for me right now.

Clean up your fucking acts down there please. Talk to your kids and your friends and tell them all that this crap needs to stop.

You are an awesome parent.
I suppose I should have updated. As was expected it was most likely just some kid being stupid. Nothing to see here.

Though I still wish folks would stop being so divided, as I said, some years ago I'd have blown it off immediately. The games have gone too far.
^^^ I understand what you say here. To me, if certain groups of people truly can not get along with each other, they should just keep to themselves then instead of butting heads in any way.

God bless you always!!!


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