Rabbi Yitzhak Shapiro: We Can Kill Gentile Babies And Children!


yea, democracy FOR JEWS. Again, you would not live in America under the same racist standard israel enjoys. We both know that. Hell, every zionist jew commenting on this thread knows that.

ps, the ONLY difference between kids with bombs and kids in the IDF are equipment involved and the one way excuses your kind make. Hell, if you REALLY had a problem with youth killing in the name of then you would not be so ironic in your forum input.

Wrong again. Their are Israeli arabs who are full citizens and serve in the Israeli parliament.

Tell me, motherfucker, does the LAW OF RETURN apply to non-jews like it does jews? Your lip service to the concept of ethnic equality is hilarious. But hey, it's no shocker to see a jew trying to sweep something under the zionist rug.

I am not not responding to someone who name calls me.

Grow up.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4tC7AhYj3g]YouTube - cursing baby[/ame]
One Shot, Two Kills. OWN IT, jew.

A T-Shirt sold to make a profit does not constitute evidence of anything save the depths to which people looking to make a buck will sink. I would be unsurprised to learn the initial design was from someone totally uninvolved in the disputes between Israelis and Palestinians.

Of course I am equally unsurprised at your debate skills, or more correctly, the lack thereof.

riiiiiiiiiight right... the popularity of such a t shirt inside israel probably doesn't indicate ANYTHING. Nothing to see here! Move right along! Were an American to SELL a t shirt depicting holocaust ovens for baking jewish bread LORD KNOWS no one would offer nary a peep charging the old SCARLET A to a culture that would not only allow, but INVITE, such hatefulness!


sure, dude. Tell yourself what you want to believe. And then go ahead and totally forget for whom those fucking shirts were made.


thankfully, since your kind feel that jews are the epitome of humanity you have no problem with the wholesale domination of non-jews in israel. Hey, they are the CHOSEN (MASTER) race, right buddy?
...says Dr. Cast Lead! Good think jews are more valuable than Cast Lead pali toddlers! Hell, I can point at instances in JEWISH history of the exact same behaviour acted out by JEWS. Please, motherfucker, DARE me to post more evidence than you can shake a Scarlet A at.

As per your request. I dare you to find evidence of the Israeli government, in lets say this century, intentionally targeting children and women.

Wear yourself out.:cuckoo:

One Shot, Two Kills. OWN IT, jew.


Nice shirt. So? Killing two terrorists with one shot sounds like a great idea. The target is holding an AK47
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Wrong again. Their are Israeli arabs who are full citizens and serve in the Israeli parliament.

Tell me, motherfucker, does the LAW OF RETURN apply to non-jews like it does jews? Your lip service to the concept of ethnic equality is hilarious. But hey, it's no shocker to see a jew trying to sweep something under the zionist rug.

I am not not responding to someone who name calls me.

Grow up.



Of COURSE you won't, jew! Having to reply means admitting that the Law of Return is a state based policy meant to maintain a population of jews above non-jews. And, we can't have you making statements like THAT while claiming that there is ethnic equality in israel, can we?

Like I said, OWN IT, motherfucker.
If you ask a question in a civil manner like an adult I will answer it.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4tC7AhYj3g]YouTube - cursing baby[/ame]
Sorry, I don't take marching orders from you, bitch. Like i said, it's pretty obvious why you want to avoid an answer.

ps, enjoy, motherfucker.

Ilana has been living a double life in Israel. Though her first visit was as a Catholic, she ultimately decided to convert to Judaism, and following her conversion in Italy in 2006, she moved to Israel. Incredibly, despite the fact that the (Orthodox) Chief Rabbinate certifies her conversion, the civil organs of the State of Israel continue to deny her basic rights as a citizen.

Since 2002, however, the State of Israel has taken a step backward, refusing immediate recognition of conversion certificates issued by recognized communities in the Diaspora. Today, if someone converts in a Diasporacommunity, it will take at least a year before the State of Israel recognizes that person as Jewish.

Though the Supreme Court ruled in 2005 that all converts should immediately be allowed to emigrate under the Law of Return - a law that has become sacrosanctin Israel -Diaspora relations - the Justice and Interior ministries continue to insist on draconian "citizenship tests" for converts that horrify each of us, from our different perspectives.

Most recently, the Justice Ministry issued new protocols, already being implemented by the Jewish Agency, that demand an 18-month residency and a formal curriculum of study for converts abroad who want to come live here. These protocols demand that rabbis overseas ask certain specific questions of converts, that the process be reported in detail to the Israeli authorities and that converts adhere to strict bureaucratic procedures if they want their conversions to be accepted by Israeli civil authorities. In a word, civil bureaucrats are seeking to impose their will and standards on Diaspora Jewry, challenging the autonomy of Diaspora communities.

As Zionists and as individuals who believe in the sanctity of Klal Yisrael, we cannot stand by while Israeli law is ignored and the delicate relationship between the Diaspora and Israeli communities challenged. This is not only an internal crisis; it affects Jewish communities everywhere. According to the National Jewish Population Survey, more than 70 percent of North American Jews have a non-Jew or a convert in their family. Research by AJC's Koppelman Institute shows that by numerous social measures, conversion to Judaism is the single best outcome to a mixed marriage, certainly in terms of Jewish continuity. Clearly, encouraging conversion is a key factor in ensuring the future of Diaspora Jewry, and a posture of intransigence taken by the government - refusal to accept converts as full members of the Jewish people - threatens the Jewish future.

The double lives of Jewish converts in Israel | Op-Ed Contributors | Jerusalem Post


Yup. that SCREAMS ethnic equality the likes of which, IM SURE, you'd live by here in the US if yours was the accepted ****** class.

As per your request. I dare you to find evidence of the Israeli government, in lets say this century, intentionally targeting children and women.

Wear yourself out.:cuckoo:

One Shot, Two Kills. OWN IT, jew.


Nice shirt. So? Killing two terrorists with one shot sounds like a great idea. The target is holding an AK47


yea dude! a Pali FETUS sure is a terrorist! Thanks for proving my point, oven fodder.
And then go ahead and totally forget for whom those fucking shirts were made.

You mean people with money to spend?
Let me 'splain it to you Lucy'
You cannot prove a government policy by posting a picture of a T-shirt made for commercial profit.
Your ignorance and bigotry are laughable. Anyone who does not share your rabid antisemitic views is automatically a Jew lover, fit only to be vilified.

Even when you post a source, a full reading shows your bias, as below
With that precedent in mind, we call upon Jews all over the world to speak up on behalf of converts. Write letters to the prime minister asking why civil authorities are not treating converts as full Jews;

How can Jewish people calling on the Israeli government to change a bureaucratic policy to favor converts be seen as proof of Jewish evil? Which Islamic country would allow me to come in, make a profession of faith and immediately grant me full citizenship?

Your cretinous racist attitude makes it very difficult to avoid falling afoul Godwin's Law.
hey, even whites hopped on board the ethnic equality bandwagon early in the 60s. That doesn't mean that blacks were treated equally to whites until after a few ghettos were torched and riots occurred. By all means, make as many excuses as you need for a culture based on racial purity. Lord fucking KNOWS that pointing out FACTS AND REALITY to your kind is like water to oil if you can't cry antisemite. If you dispute the REALITY involved with the above article then feel free to take your input to the jpost talk back forum.. you know, where MORE of your kind keep making MY point.

those khazars warriors just apply torah commandments
"Then I heard the LORD say to the other men, "Follow him through the city and kill everyone whose forehead is not marked. Show no mercy; have no pity! Kill them all – old and young, girls and women and little children. But do not touch anyone with the mark. Begin your task right here at the Temple." So they began by killing the seventy leaders. "Defile the Temple!" the LORD commanded. "Fill its courtyards with the bodies of those you kill! Go!" So they went throughout the city and did as they were told."-Ezekiel 9:5-7


hey, even whites hopped on board the ethnic equality bandwagon early in the 60s. That doesn't mean that blacks were treated equally to whites until after a few ghettos were torched and riots occurred. By all means, make as many excuses as you need for a culture based on racial purity. Lord fucking KNOWS that pointing out FACTS AND REALITY to your kind is like water to oil if you can't cry antisemite. If you dispute the REALITY involved with the above article then feel free to take your input to the jpost talk back forum.. you know, where MORE of your kind keep making MY point.
Wow, yet more ignorance from Shogun. I'm shocked, I say shocked!
What do you want Shogun? All the Jews in their nice little ovens?

Now answer one question:
Which Islamic nation would allow me to come to their country, make a change to Islam and Immediately grant me full citizenship?
I'm waiting for your answer.
hey, even whites hopped on board the ethnic equality bandwagon early in the 60s. That doesn't mean that blacks were treated equally to whites until after a few ghettos were torched and riots occurred. By all means, make as many excuses as you need for a culture based on racial purity. Lord fucking KNOWS that pointing out FACTS AND REALITY to your kind is like water to oil if you can't cry antisemite. If you dispute the REALITY involved with the above article then feel free to take your input to the jpost talk back forum.. you know, where MORE of your kind keep making MY point.
Wow, yet more ignorance from Shogun. I'm shocked, I say shocked!
What do you want Shogun? All the Jews in their nice little ovens?

Now answer one question:
Which Islamic nation would allow me to come to their country, make a change to Islam and Immediately grant me full citizenship?
I'm waiting for your answer.

Oh that's brilliant! Cry Scarlet A when I bitchslap you with a little historic fact. Nice. It's no wonder yur kind shoot from a vagina at birth able to coo, shit, piss and scream antisemite.


And, please... spare me your silly oven talk as if you are a victim considering the racist shit YOU support in israel. Hearing you appeal to the holocaust despite the current apartheid against palis is three shades of fucking laughable.

And, again, it's pretty infamous the reaction of IRANIAN JEWS to your kind. Hell, Muslim converts have never been a problem among islam. Have you ever heard of KAT STEPHENS being denied access to an Islamic nation? I know I know.. those damn dirty ass goyim who convert just aren't as jewish as those ATHEIST JEWS that are genetically jewish by default.


Keep validating racism, motherfucker. Your kind might just learn a thing or two about one way ethnic equality one of these days. Lord know, however, how quick you'll be to cry foul and act like a victim despite your excuses for israel's zionism.
Okay...so arabs who aren't even in Israel don't have rights in Israel. So?

What arab nations gives jews representation in their government, like jews do for arabs.

Yeah...it is a jewish state. There are arabs there with full citizenship rights, who are even in the IDF.

And no, arabs that aren't even in the country, don't have rights within Israel.

So what?:eek:
Have you ever heard of KAT STEPHENS being denied access to an Islamic nation?
Which Kat Stephens do you mean, you moronic racist?

Still waiting for your answer. Which Islamic nation will grant me full citizenship the instant I convert to Islam?
Don't try some lame "Any of them would"
I want a specific country and the link to the legal policy which permits me to go there, convert, and gain full citizenship rights on the spot.
A link in English, for the sake of clarity, so you can show it to the rest of the board.
Okay...so arabs who aren't even in Israel don't have rights in Israel. So?

What arab nations gives jews representation in their government, like jews do for arabs.

Yeah...it is a jewish state. There are arabs there with full citizenship rights, who are even in the IDF.

And no, arabs that aren't even in the country, don't have rights within Israel.

So what?:eek:

I love how you people try so hard to warp your answers into a facade of acceptance. ARABS IN ISRAEL CANNOT BENEFIT FROM THE LAW OF RETURN: YES OR NO. So, I guess they DONT have "full rights" then, do they?


and, like I told you in the PM, you dumb ****, IRAN HAS JEWS IN IT'S GOVERNMENT.

This is a fact, nosejob. No kosher spin necessary. And, when you get done pretending that a JEWISH state is somehow more righteous than a WHITE AMERICA then you can take your hook nosed punchline back to israel and spare the US your presence like you want to spare israel some arabs.

oh... that THAT would be racist, woudn't it?

Have you ever heard of KAT STEPHENS being denied access to an Islamic nation?
Which Kat Stephens do you mean, you moronic racist?

Still waiting for your answer. Which Islamic nation will grant me full citizenship the instant I convert to Islam?
Don't try some lame "Any of them would"
I want a specific country and the link to the legal policy which permits me to go there, convert, and gain full citizenship rights on the spot.
A link in English, for the sake of clarity, so you can show it to the rest of the board.

Cat stephens the muslim convert, you dipshit. How many Cat Stephen's do you THINK i'm talking about? It's funny how you stammer at HIS conversion as if you don't know his name.. After all, HIS interaction with muslim nations and charity work, I'm sure, makes you want to label him a terrorist and cast lead his efforts for peace.

Hell, AMERICAN converts don't seem to have problems at all! Islam is a religion; JEWISH IS AN ETHNICITY. Which is why we both know that the above article illustrates why Chang Chow the Chinese convert to judaism will NEVER be equally able to enjoy a LAW OR RETURN like an atheist jew from New York.

and, it's funny that you expect a link in ENGLISH anyway! Lord fucking knows how many national israeli policies are written in ENGLISH! More of the ole misdirection and obsfucation by jews... but, who is REALLY shocked at that?
Cat stephens the muslim convert, you dipshit. How many Cat Stephen's do you THINK i'm talking about? It's funny how you stammer at HIS conversion as if you don't know his name..

and, it's funny that you expect a link in ENGLISH anyway

Oh some pop musician from the 70's - would have helped if you could spell his name correctly the first time. But I suppose that would be asking too much for you. So a Famous musician who converts to Islam is able to live in England without problems. Gee I wonder how that works? Right, because England is a Democratic nation not an Islamic one. Really makes me wonder when you'll give us that country. you know the mythical Islamic country where all I have to do is convert to Islam to be instantly granted full citizenship.

Still waiting for that country. Even a legitimate secondary source (no Blog nonsense you retard) will work.

Don't have one?
Imagine that.
Cat stephens the muslim convert, you dipshit. How many Cat Stephen's do you THINK i'm talking about? It's funny how you stammer at HIS conversion as if you don't know his name..

and, it's funny that you expect a link in ENGLISH anyway

Oh some pop musician from the 70's - would have helped if you could spell his name correctly the first time. But I suppose that would be asking too much for you. So a Famous musician who converts to Islam is able to live in England without problems. Gee I wonder how that works? Right, because England is a Democratic nation not an Islamic one. Really makes me wonder when you'll give us that country. you know the mythical Islamic country where all I have to do is convert to Islam to be instantly granted full citizenship.

Still waiting for that country. Even a legitimate secondary source (no Blog nonsense you retard) will work.

Don't have one?
Imagine that.

You asked for an example and I gave you one. Don't let your pussy bleed on the carpet just because I let you know how muslim nations have treated converts in stark contrast to how your zionist segregationist israel refuses to.

Again, Take your fucking ass to Iran and learn a thing or two from the jews who live there and are represented by a jew in their gov... Or don't. Clearly all you want is more non-jew blood for your matzo ball soup. In case you need to read it again, IRAN. IRAN is my specific example, you ironic bitch. Say it with me one more time, IRAN DOES NOT ACT LIKE MUSLIM CONVERTS ARE LESS THAN VALID BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT GENETICALLY JEWISH. Did you get it that time, ****, or does it have to be spelled out in pale toddler blood for you to keep your attention from the trigger of your sniper rifle?
You asked for an example and I gave you one. IRAN is my specific example, you ironic bitch. Say it with me one more time, IRAN DOES NOT ACT LIKE MUSLIM CONVERTS ARE LESS THAN VALID BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT GENETICALLY JEWISH.
So Iran would let an American citizen come to their country, convert to Islam and they would immediately give me full citizenship and rights? Is that what you want me to believe? you contend that Iran, a country which has no diplomatic relations with the USA, would let a US citizen come to their country and gain full citizenship, just for converting to Islam?
You have to give me more than your banal assertion, because that is totally unbelievable.

You know I've been really unfair. I should have recognized sooner that you were a disgruntled Broadway Producer wannabe. Go ask Rex Arthur why you can't succeed on Broadway. I know the answer will disappoint you, but it is a result of the attitudes of New Yorkers.
If you need directions to Arthur, ask anyone, particularly that snake Monty.
ahhhhhhhh...Iran...that beacon of democracy.
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