Rabies & Legitimate Innate Homophobia?: A Link?

Is there such a thing as legitimate/innate homophobia?

  • Yes, I think evolution & rabies may play a part

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Yes, I think evolution and some other adaptation plays a part.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes legitimate, but it's a conscious revulsion, learned not innate at all.

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • No, it's possible they might adapt to rabies like that but could override it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, that's absurd that mammals would adapt to rabies that way.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Not legitimate, people have no innate revulsion to homosexuality, it's all in their conditioning.

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Not sure.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
I don't often do this but another thread started a seed of a question and an important thesis to explore given today's heated political debate surrounding the rights of the church of LGBT vs the rights of the church of Jesus [christianity].

I'll just post the first few interactions here:

No, it's not as simple as all that. "women and blacks" are states of being since birth. "gays" are part of a behavioral group, a cult movement of some, but not all, deviant sexual behaviors.
Tell me, how could I check to see whether someone was actually a "woman"? Genetics maybe? Is XX female, and XY male? What if I had on my hands a male but they looked like a woman? What are they really, male or female?

If you had your hands on a man that you were convinced was a woman, what they really would be is "mentally ill", and male of course. If that level of denial of reality of what a person was born with between their legs can lead to such a state of complete delusion and confusion that they would seek the assistance of medical "professionals" to amputate healthy organs and body parts then that soul in that body is so tweaked, so twisted, so disturbed that you should run a thousand miles per hour to the most distant point of the globe of that person.

That's why you see the parody in film on the classic "man discovers the woman he was with was actually a man" leading to the next inevitable scene: projectile vomiting. It's because we are hardwired to recognize perverse and severe mental illness when it slaps us upside the head with a brick like that.

My personal thesis on why we are hardwired in such a way is rabies. Bear with me. The main symptom of this completely 100% fatal zoonotic disease [crosses all warm blooded species] that has been with the animal kingdom for millions of years is an animal clearly acting mentally disturbed. A visceral revulsion for highly disturbing behavior quite likely evolved as hardwired as a survival tool. So actually, properly in this argument, if my thesis is correct, wise "homophobia" is actually the only thing "born that way", while gay behaviors are the result of faulty imprinting at highly suggestable age just on the verge of puberty. Animals acting patently bizarrely are always ostracized from the herd with good reason.

The other poster thought he caught a point and then asked this question:

How do I really tell if someone is male or female?

You ask the easiest questions, I swear: DNA swab, usually around the inside of the cheek or a hair sample. [A hair sample would be the most discreet way to test if your "female" friend was actually male if "doctors" had already assisted him with amputation and plastic surgery]

The more important question to ask is "How do I really tell if someone is mentally ill?". Well the answer oddly is the same. If you are hetero and someone you're with you suspect might have a pelvis or fingers or adam's apple that is more proper to your same gender [males' pelvic bones reach higher up on the torso, their adam's apple protrudes more and their ring fingers are often longer than their index finger] a DNA swab or hair sample would tell you whether or not you are dealing with someone who is mentally ill.

So, could it be true that what I'm calling "legitimate homophobia" may actually be the trait in this debate that is "born that way"?

Meanwhile many studies have been done showing deviant sexual orientations to be learned, and, ergo, learned behaviors...: Please find underlined the prestige of the sources cited vs lesser sources that will be cited in this thread to rebut.

Mayo Clinic 2007

One of the most obvious examples of an environmental
factor that increases the chances of an individual becoming
an offender is if he or she were sexually abused as a child
This relationship is known as the “victim-to-abuser cycle”
or “abused-abusers phenomena.”

why the “abused abusers phenomena” occurs: identification with the aggressor,
in which the abused child is trying to gain a new
identity by becoming the abuser; an imprinted sexual
arousal pattern established by early abuse; early abuse
leading to hypersexual behavior; or a form of social learning took place


ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

And a review that cites over 300 peer-reviewed studies in its bibliography supporting its title and conclusion that social factors pitch in to condition an individual to his choice of eventually habitual sexual orientation:

Conditioning and Sexual Behavior: A ReviewJames G. Pfaus,1 Tod E. Kippin, and Soraya Centeno
Center for Studies in Behavioral Neurobiology, Department of Psychology, Concordia
University, 1455 deMaisonneuve Bldg. W., Montre´al, Que´bec
, H3G 1M8 Canada

So what do you think? Vote on the poll. Could an aversion to the zoonotic disease of rabies that infects all warm blooded animals and has been with the earth for millions of years be responsible for what we all recognize as an aversion to homosexuals? Is it an instinctive reaction for self-preservation or not?

Here's a photo and bits of the article with it. See how it makes you feel. If you feel revulsion, it may be because you know two men cannot make a baby, and, knowing that, they cannot logically be "the two parents" of a child. ie, your "mental illness radar" might be kicking in without your active participation. The church of LGBT would argue that their task is one of "changing these attitudes" but their goal may be on changing the DNA of those who are "born that way"...ironically...:


House Speaker Mark Ferrandino, D-Denver, right, kisses partner Greg Wertsch goodbye after the passage of Senate Bill 11, which will allow gay couples to form civil unions in Colorado....

...Another detail that made the photo so compelling was the baby bottle on Ferrandino’s desk. It belongs to the foster child he and his partner have; given that the civil unions bill offered protections for children and families, it was another element that gave context. Mark Ferrandino kiss photo shows truth, even if it offends some

So vote how you feel.
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I don't often do this but another thread started a seed of a question and an important thesis to explore given today's heated political debate surrounding the rights of the church of LGBT vs the rights of the church of Jesus [christianity].

I'll just post the first few interactions here:

Tell me, how could I check to see whether someone was actually a "woman"? Genetics maybe? Is XX female, and XY male? What if I had on my hands a male but they looked like a woman? What are they really, male or female?

If you had your hands on a man that you were convinced was a woman, what they really would be is "mentally ill", and male of course. If that level of denial of reality of what a person was born with between their legs can lead to such a state of complete delusion and confusion that they would seek the assistance of medical "professionals" to amputate healthy organs and body parts then that soul in that body is so tweaked, so twisted, so disturbed that you should run a thousand miles per hour to the most distant point of the globe of that person.

That's why you see the parody in film on the classic "man discovers the woman he was with was actually a man" leading to the next inevitable scene: projectile vomiting. It's because we are hardwired to recognize perverse and severe mental illness when it slaps us upside the head with a brick like that.

My personal thesis on why we are hardwired in such a way is rabies. Bear with me. The main symptom of this completely 100% fatal zoonotic disease [crosses all warm blooded species] that has been with the animal kingdom for millions of years is an animal clearly acting mentally disturbed. A visceral revulsion for highly disturbing behavior quite likely evolved as hardwired as a survival tool. So actually, properly in this argument, if my thesis is correct, wise "homophobia" is actually the only thing "born that way", while gay behaviors are the result of faulty imprinting at highly suggestable age just on the verge of puberty. Animals acting patently bizarrely are always ostracized from the herd with good reason.

The other poster thought he caught a point and then asked this question:

So, could it be true that what I'm calling "legitimate homophobia" may actually be the trait in this debate that is "born that way"?

Meanwhile many studies have been done showing deviant sexual orientations to be learned, and, ergo, learned behaviors...: Please find underlined the prestige of the sources cited vs lesser sources that will be cited in this thread to rebut.

And a review that cites over 300 peer-reviewed studies in its bibliography supporting its title and conclusion that social factors pitch in to condition an individual to his choice of eventually habitual sexual orientation:

Conditioning and Sexual Behavior: A ReviewJames G. Pfaus,1 Tod E. Kippin, and Soraya Centeno
Center for Studies in Behavioral Neurobiology, Department of Psychology, Concordia
University, 1455 deMaisonneuve Bldg. W., Montre´al, Que´bec
, H3G 1M8 Canada

So what do you think? Vote on the poll. Could an aversion to the zoonotic disease of rabies that infects all warm blooded animals and has been with the earth for millions of years be responsible for what we all recognize as an aversion to homosexuals? Is it an instinctive reaction for self-preservation or not?

Here's a photo and bits of the article with it. See how it makes you feel. If you feel revulsion, it may be because you know two men cannot make a baby, and, knowing that, they cannot logically be "the two parents" of a child. ie, your "mental illness radar" might be kicking in without your active participation. The church of LGBT would argue that their task is one of "changing these attitudes" but their goal may be on changing the DNA of those who are "born that way"...ironically...:


House Speaker Mark Ferrandino, D-Denver, right, kisses partner Greg Wertsch goodbye after the passage of Senate Bill 11, which will allow gay couples to form civil unions in Colorado....

...Another detail that made the photo so compelling was the baby bottle on Ferrandino’s desk. It belongs to the foster child he and his partner have; given that the civil unions bill offered protections for children and families, it was another element that gave context. Mark Ferrandino kiss photo shows truth, even if it offends some

So vote how you feel.

Evolutions not real libtard. Go take your commie science polls back to San Francisco and tell your 'life partner' he's lettin you spend too much time out of the kitchen
Oh no, I'm not about pro gay marriage. I'm against it. Might want to check my name and my posts and get back to me on that one... I'm actually serious. I think there is a thing that is legitimate homophobia. Or more properly it's insanity-phobia [not sure if there's a latin name for that: "the instinctive fear of crazy people"].
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Oh no, I'm not about pro gay marriage. I'm against it. Might want to check my name and my posts and get back to me on that one... I'm actually serious. I think there is a thing that is legitimate homophobia. Or more properly it's insanity-phobia [not sure if there's a latin name for that: "the instinctive fear of crazy people"].

You skeert of a queer? Why? Jesus gave us 2 weapons to deal with em. One's on your left arm, and ones on your right.
Oh no, I'm not about pro gay marriage. I'm against it. Might want to check my name and my posts and get back to me on that one... I'm actually serious. I think there is a thing that is legitimate homophobia. Or more properly it's insanity-phobia [not sure if there's a latin name for that: "the instinctive fear of crazy people"].

You skeert of a queer? Why? Jesus gave us 2 weapons to deal with em. One's on your left arm, and ones on your right.

How long have you been play-acting a southern conservative for from your San Francisco Castro apartment?
Oh no, I'm not about pro gay marriage. I'm against it. Might want to check my name and my posts and get back to me on that one... I'm actually serious. I think there is a thing that is legitimate homophobia. Or more properly it's insanity-phobia [not sure if there's a latin name for that: "the instinctive fear of crazy people"].

You skeert of a queer? Why? Jesus gave us 2 weapons to deal with em. One's on your left arm, and ones on your right.

How long have you been play-acting a southern conservative for from your San Francisco Castro apartment?

I can't decipher your commie-crat nonsense muchacho. Next time you pray to mecca maybe you should ask for a better education
I can't decipher your commie-crat nonsense muchacho. Next time you pray to mecca maybe you should ask for a better education

Yep, just as I thought. An overdone poser role. Go knit your rainbow sweater and take another 5 years of acting school. Emphasis: subtlety.
Well, do you think people have evolved with a legitimate revulsion to abnormal behaviors like homosexuality or not? Do you think the rabies/DNA theory has merit?
Rabies? Seriously?

Well you have to understand and accept that organisms evolved their DNA and their innate responses to bizarre behaviors like two males or two females trying to mate with each other.

Rabies is a virus that infects all warm blooded species including humans. That's why they're so adamant about rabies vaccines for dogs. People used to die from the disease after being bitten. They still do but not as much as the old days with rabid dogs roaming around everywhere.

I'd imagine in more primitive times they'd have no idea to vaccinate anything and so rabies would have been a real problem for primative hunters. How easy to sneak up on your prey right? When it's disoriented, won't run from you and is so easy to take a stab at. Only thin is when they got in close range a rabid animal would likely lunge at them and bite them before the kill was complete...

Our most distant relatives like chimps and such have a visceral reaction of fear to things like snakes and creepy crawlers that were venomous. Still today people suffer with irrational phobias to these things. Some more than others, no? So maybe there is a significant section of the population that have a visceral survival reaction to animals behaving bizarrely. Rabies has been living alongside man for millions of years. It makes sense that we would evolve to avoid strange acting animals, including our own species. Maybe that hunter that was bitten, came back and in a rage before he died, bit others who became ill and died too. Over time...???

So as much as it seems farfetched, I think there is a possibility of explaining people's reactions to two people of the same gender attempting to imitate opposite genders and trying to reproduce together. It goes into the "bizarre behavior" filter in our reptilian brain section and a red alarm light goes off "avoid avoid avoid...drive away!"
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