"Race, Evolution, and Behavior," by Professor J. Philippe Rushton

The truth of the assertions by Charles Murray and Professor J. Philippe Rushton can be seen in the failure of every effort to close the race gap in average intelligence. By every objective, measurable criterion whites tend to be less intelligent than Orientals. Negroes tend to be even less intelligent than whites. These differences are going to become increasingly important as our economy and technology places increasing importance on superior intelligence.
Name a single book, published for the general public, that has been peer reviewed. The Mismeasure of Man, by Stephen Jay Gould is often considered to be a refutation of The Bell Curve. Has it been peer reviewed?

It was the peer-review, guy, and the Bell Curve was debunked.

Professor Richard Herrnstein kept his teaching position at Harvard until he died of lung cancer. Efforts were made to get him fired. Fortunately, they failed.

yes, dying to avoid getting fired is a clever strategy, I guess.

It is one thing to say that research for a book is shoddy. It is something quite different to explain how and where it is shoddy.

Which many people have done, which is why no one treats these guys seriously as academics today.

Other studies have demonstrated a strong correlation between brain size and intelligence.

Again, Phrenology was debunked centuries ago. Are you going to support Scientific Creationism next? Alchemy? Astrology? How many psuedo-sciences will you back?
The truth of the assertions by Charles Murray and Professor J. Philippe Rushton can be seen in the failure of every effort to close the race gap in average intelligence. By every objective, measurable criterion whites tend to be less intelligent than Orientals. Negroes tend to be even less intelligent than whites. These differences are going to become increasingly important as our economy and technology places increasing importance on superior intelligence.

Okay, you can keep ranting your slogans, but here's the reality.

Environment plays a far greater role than genetics.

Take China. In 1949, when the Commies took over, 80% of the Chinese population was illiterate.

Amazingly, those dirty, stinking commies invested in literacy. They also simplified the Hanzi alphabet from 50,000 characters to a mere 8,000, which really helped.

Today, the literacy rate in China is 99.83%
Okay, you can keep ranting your slogans, but here's the reality.

Environment plays a far greater role than genetics.

Take China. In 1949, when the Commies took over, 80% of the Chinese population was illiterate.

Amazingly, those dirty, stinking commies invested in literacy. They also simplified the Hanzi alphabet from 50,000 characters to a mere 8,000, which really helped.

Today, the literacy rate in China is 99.83%
The average IQ in China is 105. The average IQ for American Negroes i 85. This gives the Chinese more potential to learn.
It was the peer-review, guy, and the Bell Curve was debunked.

yes, dying to avoid getting fired is a clever strategy, I guess.

Which many people have done, which is why no one treats these guys seriously as academics today.

Again, Phrenology was debunked centuries ago. Are you going to support Scientific Creationism next? Alchemy? Astrology? How many psuedo-sciences will you back?
You keep saying that The Bell Curve has been debunked, but you do not say how it was debunked.

The Bell Curve has stood the test of time. No method has been devised that significantly and permanently turns a child who scored poorly on and IQ test at the age of seven into an accomplished student and a successful professional or a manager.

I say after Professor Arthur Jensen of Berkeley, "Look at the data."

Denouncing is not the same as disproving.
Was the average IQ 105 when 80% of the population was illiterate? I don't think so
Everywhere Chinese go they demonstrate their intelligence and civilized behavior. This cannot be said of Negroes. Currently Chinese Americans tend to be better educated and more prosperous than whites.
Everywhere Chinese go they demonstrate their intelligence and civilized behavior. This cannot be said of Negroes. Currently Chinese Americans tend to be better educated and more prosperous than whites.

We aren't talking about "Chinese-Americans". Guy, ANY Asian who is here is here because he or she is the best their respective countries have to offer, as 71% of Asian Americans adults were born in their home countries.

If you were to apply the same standards to blacks, you would be counting any Nigerian or other nationality who had the affluence to get here legally.... and they would be a lot closer to equal.

Stop with the Phrenology already, bud.
We aren't talking about "Chinese-Americans". Guy, ANY Asian who is here is here because he or she is the best their respective countries have to offer, as 71% of Asian Americans adults were born in their home countries.

If you were to apply the same standards to blacks, you would be counting any Nigerian or other nationality who had the affluence to get here legally.... and they would be a lot closer to equal.

Stop with the Phrenology already, bud.
The first Chinese and Japanese who moved here in the nineteenth century ware poor and took jobs paying less than jobs offered to whites. They soon demonstrated their value to our economy and out society.
The first Chinese and Japanese who moved here in the nineteenth century ware poor and took jobs paying less than jobs offered to whites. They soon demonstrated their value to our economy and out society.

Okay, you realize that there are very few Chinese_Americans who can trace their lineage back that far, right.

Particularly the Chinese, who weren't allowed to bring their women over and start families thanks to the Page Act.
This is an example of academic efforts to discredit Professor Rushton:


Rushton’s work is deeply flawed from a scientific standpoint. Crucially, Rushton’s works linking race and intelligence are based on an incorrect assumption that fuels systemic racism, the notion that racialized groups are concordant with patterns of human ancestry and genetic population structure. This idea is rejected by analysis of the human genome: racialized groups are not distinct genetic populations [4]. What Rushton described as “races” are socially created categories that do not reflect patterns of human inheritance or genetic population structure.

Dr. Philippe Rushton - Psychology - Western University - Western University


In his essay "The Inequality Taboo," Charles Murray disproved the cliche that "Race is only a social construct."

3,636 subjects were asked to identify their race and give a DNA sample for scientific analysis. Those doing the DNA analysis did not know what race each subject claimed to belong to, but they agreed 99.9% of the time. This experiment has been performed several times, with the same result.

The Inequality Taboo – Commentary Magazine

Once we acknowledge that race is a legitimate biological category of humans, it is instructive to see how the races differ in average ability levels and behavior.

This provides impressive scientific evidence in favor of race realism. Race realism makes three assertions about the human species:

First, race is an important biological classification of humans.

Second, the races differ significantly in average intelligence, as well as in criminal and sexual behavior.

Third, these differences are the result of evolving for thousands of years in response to different genetic pressures.

In sub Saharan Africa there was no defense against the diseases. They killed randomly. The best reproductive strategy was to have many children with the expectation that a few would live to adulthood. If men and women had children by several different partners, some of the children would inherit more resistance to the diseases than other children.

All men fought in the inter tribal wars. The best warriors had sexual access to the most females. Men were expected to avenge wrongs done to them, their relatives, and their friends. Women rejected men who failed to do this.

Intelligence was an asset, but it was less valuable than physical aggressiveness.

These selection pressures explain the difficulties many blacks have adjusting to the requirements of civilization.
and it worked. He's completely discredited now. Good job, everyone.

Now we need to get rid of academic tenure so that idiots like this don't get into the system.
Professor J. Philippe Rushton has been denounced by those who discredit themselves by trying to silence those who draw attention to average, durable racial differences that have always been recognized.
Professor J. Philippe Rushton has been denounced by those who discredit themselves by trying to silence those who draw attention to average, durable racial differences that have always been recognized.

Or he's just seen as a crank that you get in academia because of Tenure.

Hey, at Northwestern, we had a guy who claimed up and down that the Holocaust didn't happen.
Or he's just seen as a crank that you get in academia because of Tenure.

Hey, at Northwestern, we had a guy who claimed up and down that the Holocaust didn't happen.
There is plenty of evidence that the Holocaust did happen. There is no evidence that the races are intrinsically equal in non cosmetic ability levels and behavior patterns.
There is plenty of evidence that the Holocaust did happen. There is no evidence that the races are intrinsically equal in non cosmetic ability levels and behavior patterns.

Nobody is intrinsictly equal.

There are people who are smarter than you, better looking than you, etc.

It's all... luck.
Nobody is intrinsictly equal.

There are people who are smarter than you, better looking than you, etc.

It's all... luck.
OK, so let's use the word "comparable."
It was the peer-review, guy, and the Bell Curve was debunked.

yes, dying to avoid getting fired is a clever strategy, I guess.

Which many people have done, which is why no one treats these guys seriously as academics today.

Again, Phrenology was debunked centuries ago. Are you going to support Scientific Creationism next? Alchemy? Astrology? How many psuedo-sciences will you back?
The Mismeasure of Man by Stephen Jay Gould is often considered to be a refutation of The Bell Curve. Was The Mismeasure of Man peer reviewed? Can you name a single book that has been peer reviewed?

Creationism, alchemy, and astrology cannot be verified empirically. Race realism can be, as I have demonstrated.
OK, so let's use the word "comparable."

Let's not and say we did.

The Mismeasure of Man by Stephen Jay Gould is often considered to be a refutation of The Bell Curve. Was The Mismeasure of Man peer reviewed? Can you name a single book that has been peer reviewed?

Creationism, alchemy, and astrology cannot be verified empirically. Race realism can be, as I have demonstrated.

Gould was a respected academic.
Murray is considered a crank.
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