This is an example of academic efforts to discredit Professor Rushton:
Rushton’s work is deeply flawed from a scientific standpoint. Crucially, Rushton’s works linking race and intelligence are based on an incorrect assumption that fuels systemic racism, the notion that racialized groups are concordant with patterns of human ancestry and genetic population structure. This idea is rejected by analysis of the human genome: racialized groups are not distinct genetic populations [4]. What Rushton described as “races” are socially created categories that do not reflect patterns of human inheritance or genetic population structure.
Dr. Philippe Rushton - Psychology - Western University - Western University
In his essay "The Inequality Taboo," Charles Murray disproved the cliche that "Race is only a social construct."
3,636 subjects were asked to identify their race and give a DNA sample for scientific analysis. Those doing the DNA analysis did not know what race each subject claimed to belong to, but they agreed 99.9% of the time. This experiment has been performed several times, with the same result.
The Inequality Taboo – Commentary Magazine
Once we acknowledge that race is a legitimate biological category of humans, it is instructive to see how the races differ in average ability levels and behavior.
This provides impressive scientific evidence in favor of race realism. Race realism makes three assertions about the human species:
First, race is an important biological classification of humans.
Second, the races differ significantly in average intelligence, as well as in criminal and sexual behavior.
Third, these differences are the result of evolving for thousands of years in response to different genetic pressures.
In sub Saharan Africa there was no defense against the diseases. They killed randomly. The best reproductive strategy was to have many children with the expectation that a few would live to adulthood. If men and women had children by several different partners, some of the children would inherit more resistance to the diseases than other children.
All men fought in the inter tribal wars. The best warriors had sexual access to the most females. Men were expected to avenge wrongs done to them, their relatives, and their friends. Women rejected men who failed to do this.
Intelligence was an asset, but it was less valuable than physical aggressiveness.
These selection pressures explain the difficulties many blacks have adjusting to the requirements of civilization.