Rachael Maddcow Relates Mark Sanford Affair To Weiner-Gate! (Beyond Laughable).

Feb 13, 2011

Did any of you catch Rachel Maddhamster last night? She opens her show with a clip of Mark Sanford explaining his affair to the press and then compares it to the Anthony Weiner Scandal as if it was the equivalent. In other words, when a Republican has an affair, it's just as bad as exposing your little winkee to young girls thru twitter. And on top of that,for the second night, all the evening MSNBC anchors spent most of their time again on the Small Wiener story and barley discussed any of the concerning issues of America. CHRIS MATTHEWS! HELLO? (like the McFly scene),,,,none of the MSNBC dodoheads brought up the 9.1% unemployment mess & high gas prices,,,all they did was bash all those running against President Bigbird.
MSDNC is desperate to deflect attention away from Obama's failures. Where their cunning plan falls down is their pitiful viewership. :lol:

Did any of you catch Rachel Maddhamster last night? She opens her show with a clip of Mark Sanford explaining his affair to the press and then compares it to the Anthony Weiner Scandal as if it was the equivalent. In other words, when a Republican has an affair, it's just as bad as exposing your little winkee to young girls thru twitter. And on top of that,for the second night, all the evening MSNBC anchors spent most of their time again on the Small Wiener story and barley discussed any of the concerning issues of America. CHRIS MATTHEWS! HELLO? (like the McFly scene),,,,none of the MSNBC dodoheads brought up the 9.1% unemployment mess & high gas prices,,,all they did was bash all those running against President Bigbird.

You're lying, as usual.

Did any of you catch Rachel Maddhamster last night? She opens her show with a clip of Mark Sanford explaining his affair to the press and then compares it to the Anthony Weiner Scandal as if it was the equivalent. In other words, when a Republican has an affair, it's just as bad as exposing your little winkee to young girls thru twitter. And on top of that,for the second night, all the evening MSNBC anchors spent most of their time again on the Small Wiener story and barley discussed any of the concerning issues of America. CHRIS MATTHEWS! HELLO? (like the McFly scene),,,,none of the MSNBC dodoheads brought up the 9.1% unemployment mess & high gas prices,,,all they did was bash all those running against President Bigbird.

You're right. It's not equivalent. Sanford's affair was far worse in that:

1. He actually had sex with the woman in question.
2. He used taxpayer money to finance his trips.
How are they not equivalent? In fact, Sanford is a bit worse since we actually have evidence that he cheated on his wife and used tax money to fund it. As far as we know Weiner's cheating was confined to sexting and I havent seen any accusation or evidence that he used abused tax money to engage in his perversions.

This whole idea that there aren't scumbags in both party who have scandals is a joke. It's time to recognize the truth that there are corrupt pervs in both parties and run them out of government so we can get good honest and morally upright people in office.
Ricky Madcow has Larry Flint on his show right now. They are on Vitter about his issues. Who cares? Let weiner stay.
How are they not equivalent? In fact, Sanford is a bit worse since we actually have evidence that he cheated on his wife and used tax money to fund it. As far as we know Weiner's cheating was confined to sexting and I havent seen any accusation or evidence that he used abused tax money to engage in his perversions.

This whole idea that there aren't scumbags in both party who have scandals is a joke. It's time to recognize the truth that there are corrupt pervs in both parties and run them out of government so we can get good honest and morally upright people in office.

Possibly the most sensible post I've ever saw on this board.

I agree 100%.
It's worthwhile to make a distinction between a foolish man committing adultury and a pervert getting his jollies on the internet and lying about it. Sandford was a jerk, and nobody can argue about that issue. What is Weiner but a sneaky sexual pervert who can't control himself?

Reagan was a traitor to this country and committed treason.

He doesn't deserve to be elevated to the status of philander.

He was a rotten piece of shit.

Treason is a serious charge, Swallow.
Any evidence?

Did any of you catch Rachel Maddhamster last night? She opens her show with a clip of Mark Sanford explaining his affair to the press and then compares it to the Anthony Weiner Scandal as if it was the equivalent. In other words, when a Republican has an affair, it's just as bad as exposing your little winkee to young girls thru twitter. And on top of that,for the second night, all the evening MSNBC anchors spent most of their time again on the Small Wiener story and barley discussed any of the concerning issues of America. CHRIS MATTHEWS! HELLO? (like the McFly scene),,,,none of the MSNBC dodoheads brought up the 9.1% unemployment mess & high gas prices,,,all they did was bash all those running against President Bigbird.

You're lying, as usual.
Note for braindead leftists: A lie is NOT "anything a leftist doesn't like".

Reagan was a traitor to this country and committed treason.

He doesn't deserve to be elevated to the status of philander.

He was a rotten piece of shit.

Treason is a serious charge, Swallow.
Any evidence?

That you wanna swallow my cum? Yeah..that post.

Didn't think so.

Since Reagan was never charged, much less convicted, of treason that finds your post lacking any credibility.

I'm the faggot?
You're the one wanting a man to suck his dick in this conversation, pillow-biter.
Any guy that fcuks around on his wife would fcuk around on the country as well.

Ronald Reagan cheated on his wife.


Reagan was a traitor to this country and committed treason.

He doesn't deserve to be elevated to the status of philander.

He was a rotten piece of shit.

Reagan may have cheated on his wife ....BUT NOT IN THE OVAL OFFICE. Bill Clinton and Anthony (big weenie) Weiner are very similar. Bill Clinton is and will always be the undisputed king of political perversion and his wife was beyond a doubt a world class enabler trading her self esteem (and her sanity?) for a ticket to the big time.
After Wiener Resigns, he can start hanging out with Pee Wee Herman and go to the movies together! how sweet, they make such a nice couple:razz:
Weiner must stay!! He is golden!! GOLDEN!!!!!!
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