Rachel Maddcow: Fox News Is All About Electing GOP,MSNBC Has No Political Objective


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
:badgrin: :eusa_liar:

Seriously,this chick is a deranged mutant.

White House visitor logs show her meeting with this White House on a regular basis to coordinate propaganda Talking-Points. GE/White House/NBC: What a sad & twisted cabal.

In an interview with Slate.com, MSNBC's Rachel Maddow unloaded the bizarre claim that Fox News is "operating with a political objective to elect Republican candidates," but MSNBC doesn't resemble that in any way.

"I think the thing that is underappreciated about MSNBC is that we don't really do anything as a company, that we all sorta get to do our own thing," she claimed. "There may be liberals on TV at MSNBC, but the network is not operating with a political objective."

I think that the new model in cable in news broadcasting is that when you hear a host talk, you are expecting that they are saying exactly what they believe...We are actually saying what we think. We are not playing a role. We are not being fake-objective. We are not being directed in political talking points in any way. That it’s us. That means management has to be hands off with all of us, because in order for you to believe that The Rachel Maddow Show is saying what this person named Rachel Maddow believes, there can’t be anybody else telling me what to say. So that’s the rule with everybody. Everybody gets to say their own piece.

Slate's Jacob Weisberg unspooled the usual liberal attack line: "There’s no Roger Ailes moving the chess pieces around with the goal of advancing the conservative cause, you know ‘Glenn Beck, you’re good for the cause,’ ‘Nope, you’re not good for the cause any more. You’re out.’ He somehow ignored that MSNBC dumped Keith Olbermann (like Beck left Fox), or that all around Maddow, they've moved the chess pieces of Ed Schultz and Larry O'Donnell.

Maddow played along. "Yeah. That’s exactly right. We are not, we, there may be liberals on TV at MSNBC, but the network is not operating with a political objective. Whereas Fox is operating with a political objective to elect Republican candidates, and particularly, to elect Republican candidates Roger Ailes likes. I think Roger Ailes is a really good TV executive, but their operation is essentially a political operation to elect Republicans."

Read more: Rachel Maddow: Fox Is All About Electing GOP, But MSNBC Has No Political Objective! | NewsBusters.org
Obviously her continuing need to play defense in regards to MSNBC's political bias is proof of guilt.

But in no way is Fox innocent either.
Progressives have no problems telling their sheep bald faced lies..

because they know they will BELIEVE them..
She's as GE-Owned as this current President is. All GE/White House propaganda,all the time.
Massive jealousy because Fox continues to have more than double the viewership of any other cable news network. Maddow's ratings are if not the lowest, then next to it.
Fox doesn't hide their bias. Most openly say they hope the gop wins. Only BSNBC is playing the denial game.

Rachael Madcow visits the Whitehouse to interview the president. Only problem she got no interview. Gee could it be more obvious?
Fox is a lie center who paid the big bucks in court to have the right to lie to their veiwers
When or if Maddcow and the 'Thrill up my Leg' nutter decide not to accept their GE paychecks,i might give them some credibility. Till then,they're just as Corporate-owned and corrupt as this current President is.
she gives facts and fox traffics in lies

Nope. She leans left and Fox leans right.

You lean left so you believe anything that comes out of her mouth. According to you she speaks only facts.

Boy are you a dummie.

As for Fox? For a bunch of liars their ratings kick the shit out of all the other channels.
What does it take to convince libs that Fox is fair and balanced? Alan Combes and a bunch of other democrat operatives Fox employs? You can't convince closed minded people. How many conservatives host MSNBC or CBS or NBC or CNN shows?
What does it take to convince libs that Fox is fair and balanced? Alan Combes and a bunch of other democrat operatives Fox employs? You can't convince closed minded people. How many conservatives host MSNBC or CBS or NBC or CNN shows?

Or NPR or PBS and so on and so on. The MSM has been rigged for the Democrats for the last 40yrs. They do still run things but their influence is waning. Things may even out eventually. But it's still gonna be awhile before that happens.
Apparently this beating affected Maddow's ability to reason.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1DmdgOdHgw]Karate Kid halloween fight (1984) - YouTube[/ame]

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