Radical Islam at its ground roots. Buddhists are infidels to Islam. So they behead..


At the Ballpark July 30th
Nov 8, 2008
Radical Islam at its ground roots.

Buddhists are infidels to Islam. So they behead grandpa and a nine year old boy in front of the family.

Then they hanged or beheaded the rest of his family elsewhere. Yet another example of Muslim on Buddhist violence in a country where Muslims are only a small minority.

THAILAND: Muslims behead a 9-year-old boy (WARNING: Graphic Images) « Bare Naked Islam

In 400 AD over a quarter of the population of Iran (Persia) were Jews. They had all of their centers for learning in Persia. These were the foundations of the modern world College and University systems. In 2011 only a few thousand Jews are left in Iran. An estimated 12 to 15 million Jews were killed in Iran in similar manner as the buddhists in Thailand. This happened over 1500 years. Convert or be killed. Most Jews refused to turn their backs on JHVH and were killed because of their faith.
I have been to Muslim countries and they don't regard Buddhism as a legitimate religion, they only recognize Christianty, Judaism and Islam everything else is not recognized.
Animals... all I can think is they have the devil inside them.
Is this somehow shocking news?

Everyone should know what Islam is by now. It has no tolerance for other religions.

Its a religion created from the disturbed mind of a pedophile, what else can we expect from such a religion?
I have been to Muslim countries and they don't regard Buddhism as a legitimate religion, they only recognize Christianty, Judaism and Islam everything else is not recognized.

Islam recognizes Christianity and Judaism as corrupted and both must choose to convert to Islam, submit to Islamic rule or die under shariah.
I have been to Muslim countries and they don't regard Buddhism as a legitimate religion, they only recognize Christianty, Judaism and Islam everything else is not recognized.

I have a friend who works in Tehran at the ‘Century Seven’ realtors.
He feels the same way.

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