TruthNotBS" (Spamming the boards with pAleStInIaN/Iranian/Turkish/Qatar Islamic hate + lies garbage; neo-nazi clips, and justifying Hitler too).
The fking pAlEsTiNlanS
"Teens made to commit sexual acts on each other; horrors of Hamas captivity in report to UN," Ron Crissy, Ynet News, December 30, 2024.
Physical abuse, torture, psychological terror, starvation, in Israel's report to the UN; teens beaten in their genitals, suffering burns; hostages witness others being murdered; Caution: hard to read content
Physical abuse, torture, psychological terror, starvation, in Israel's report to the UN; teens beaten in their genitals, suffering burns; hostages witness others being murdered; Caution: hard to read content
"Teen forced to perform sexual acts on each other: Report to UN details Hamas torture," Michael Bachner, Times of Israel, December 29, 2024.
Government document compiles grim details of abuse of hostages, including whipping, branding with heated iron, isolation, binding, starving, maltreatment and psychological torment
While in captivity in Gaza last year, two Israeli teenage hostages were forced to perform sexual acts on one another, and their captors sexually abused them, according to new details from a Health Ministry report set to be presented to the United Nations.
The testimony and many other damning details are included in a report cataloging the physical, sexual and mental anguish the now-former abductees — some of them children — were subjected to, and the lasting effects it has had on them.
Government document compiles grim details of abuse of hostages, including whipping, branding with heated iron, isolation, binding, starving, maltreatment and psychological torment
"In first, male Oct. 7 survivor recounts rape at hands of Hamas terrorists,' TOI Staff, Times of Israel, July 23, 2024.
'They pin you to the ground, you try to resist, they take off your clothes, laugh at you, humiliate you, spit at you,' survivor says, recounting 'very difficult' assault.
'They pin you to the ground, you try to resist, they take off your clothes, laugh at you, humiliate you, spit at you,' survivor says, recounting 'very difficult' assault
"Screams Before Silence’: Sheryl Sandberg releases documentary on Hamas sex crimes on October 7," Times of Israel, Apr 26, 2024.
* * *
Son of Hamas Co-Founder Denounces Group at UN, Exposes 'Savage' Indoctrination of Palestinian Kids.
Hamas terrorists: “Our cause is not just Palestine, our mission is to kill every infidel. We will follow Jews and Christians all over the world. Either they convert to Islam or we’ll kill them!”.
"Both Sides” and “Innocent Civilians”:
The Psychological Effect of Language in the Gaza War.
Dr. Irwin J. Mansdorf, May 9, 2024.
*Multiple sources have documented societal support within the Palestinian population for racist attitudes towards Jews, historical revisionism, and education to violence.
*Israel is required to treat Palestinian civilians within the parameters of international law. However, evidence has shown extensive Palestinian civilian involvement in the support and abetting of Hamas.
Why the U.S. diplomatic concept of “evenhandedness” is morally wrong - “Both Sides” and “Innocent Civilians”: The Psychological Effect of Language in the Gaza War
Hamas suicide terrorist farewell video: Palestinians drink the blood of Jews.
Hamas, website | Feb 1, 2006.
Adham Ahmad Abu Jandal, Hamas suicide terrorist: "My message to the loathed Jews: There is no god but Allah, we will chase you everywhere. We are a nation that drinks blood. We know that there is no better blood than the blood of Jews. We won't leave you alone until we have quenched our thirst...
"Name of shop is Hitler and I like him because he was the most anti Jewish person.'"
By Reuters. November 5, 2015.
'Hitler 2' clothing store in Gaza uses conflict to promote sales.
Clothing store in Gaza displays merchandise on masked mannequins, some with knives taped to their hands.
Clothing store in Gaza displays merchandise on masked mannequins, some with knives taped to their hands.
[A Palestinian Visits Auschwitz, Tells Jews ‘You Belong Here’].
“Palestinian man visits Auschwitz, publicly calls on Jews to return there ‘where they belong,'” Jerusalem Post, May 2, 2024.
Palestinian Authority TV sermon: “Hitler was sent by Allah to punish the Jews”].
"PA TV sermon: Hitler was sent by Allah to punish the Jews,” by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik, Palestinian Media Watch, October 22, 2018.
A preacher on official PA TV taught that Hitler was one of a series of people sent by Allah throughout history to punish the Jews because of their evil behavior and to teach them a lesson. (Oct. 22, 2018)
“Jews provoked the Holocaust, Palestinian leaders say (again),” by Rafael Medoff, Jewish Journal, March 7, 2024.
Blaming the Jews for their persecutors’ actions doesn't merely add insult to injury. It incites further violence by justifying whatever Arab terrorists do to Jews in the future.
Palestinian Arab leaders can’t seem to make up their minds about the Holocaust. Sometimes they say it never happened. Sometimes they say it did happen, but Israel’s behavior is even worse. And sometimes—such as last week—they say the Jews themselves provoked the Holocaust.
Yasser Abu Sido, a senior official of the Palestinian Authority’s ruling party, Fatah, said on an Egyptian television program on Feb. 23 that “Hitler had obvious reasons” for perpetrating the Holocaust.
Blaming the Jews for their persecutors’ actions doesn't merely add insult to injury. It incites further violence by justifying whatever Arab terrorists do to Jews in the future.
Mein Kampf in Gaza—and Beyond,” by Rafael Medoff, Jewish Journal, November 25, 2023.
In more recent years, Hitler’s manifesto has continued to enjoy considerable popularity in the Arab world.
Pro pAlaEsTiNe Islamo-Nazis
‘Hamas, Hamas, All Jews to the Gas.’ The History and Significance of an Antisemitic Slogan in the Netherlands, 1945–2010 | SpringerLink
‘Hamas Hamas, all Jews to the gas’: the roots of this slogan which was shouted in recent anti-Israel demonstrations in the Netherlands, mainly by youths with a Muslim background, go back quite some time. Directly after the Second World War, in 1945, the...
Sabah varsity graduate draws online flak for Nazi salute at convocation.
Ibn Ruru said he made the gesture in support of the Palestine struggle against Israel.
Ibn Ruru said he made the gesture in support of the Palestine struggle against Israel.
Tuesday, 26 Nov 2019 4:49 PM MYT.
KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 26 — A graduating student from Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) is under fire on social media after pictures spread of his Nazi salute on stage during his convocation ceremony.
The graduate also posted a caption on his Facebook account under the name Ibn Ruru in praise of former German Chancellor Adolf Hitler who was responsible for the systematic extermination of more than six million people, especially Jews, during World War Two.
In his page, Ibn Ruru said his reason was to show his support for the Palestine struggle against Israel.
"This Hitler symbol that I style on the sacred UMS stage is because the world is blind and deaf when Jews rule as if Islamic countries are clowns for the world’s entertainment.
"Therefore, in solidarity with Gaza and because of anger, hatred and vengeance towards Jews. Therefore, I thank Hitler for the Holocaust,” he wrote in Malay, hashtagging it #SaveGaza and #Pray4Palestine.
The response among Malaysian social media users has been swift and scathing.
Malaysian Twitter and Facebook users reposted his picture onto their own accounts, but were critical in their comments.
Twitter user Putri N. Balqis @ayypueri appeared flabbergasted by the stunt and was among those who highlighted the controversial picture, saying "I kid you not” to express her shock.
She later claimed the graduate to be a history major.
Other Malaysians were quick to denounce Ibn Ruru and countered his comment, pointing out that as a Malay, the graduate would be in the same boat as the Jews were the Nazis still in power.
"Hitler-praising Muslims always seem to forget that if we had lived under Nazi leadership, we would probably have been persecuted as well,” Syafiqah Othman tweeted under the handle @Sfqomhz.
Ibn Ruru’s post was removed from Facebook yesterday after several reports were made against it for violation of the Facebook Community Standards.
KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 26 — A graduating student from Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) is under fire on social media after pictures spread of his Nazi salute on stage during his...
[Paris: Kosher restaurant ransacked, vandalized with swastikas and ‘Free Palestine’].
"Paris kosher restaurant torn apart, vandalized with anti-Semitic graffiti,” JTA, October 2, 2020.
Phrases spray painted on walls of Mac Queen include 'Hitler was right,' 'Jews get out' and 'Free Palestine'
[Germany: Pro-Hamas demonstrator screams ‘I want Adolf Hitler back, that’s my opinion. I’m for Hitler, gas the Jews.’]
"Teen riots in Hamburg: Jew haters call for Hitler,” from “Teenager-Randale in Hamburg: Judenhasser ruft nach Hitler,” by Franziska Ringleben, Bild, October 25, 2023.
Der Krieg in Nahost ist weit weg? Judenhass kein deutsches Problem (mehr)? Völlig falsch! Er spielt sich täglich vor unserer Tür ab. So wie hier in Hamburg.
[Pro-Hamas demonstrator in London: ‘Hitler knew how to deal with these people’]
Avi Yemini
@OzraeliAvi ·

Hamas supporter in London says the quiet part out loud
“Hitler knew how to deal with these people"
It always has been pure Jew-hatred under the guise of anti-Zionism.
Watch more from @ThevoiceAlexa on the ground at
Tommy Robinson Reports.
Nov 11, 2023
[University of Wisconsin-Madison: Pro-Hamas protestors scream ‘Heil Hitler’].
"UW-Madison pro-Palestine protesters spark debate over free speech laws,” by Steve Schuster, Wisconsin Law Journal, April 30, 2024.
On April 29, 2024, Madison protesters allegedly shouted ‘Heil Hitler’ at University of Wisconsin‘s Jewish students while violating Wis. Statutes by pitching tents on university grounds. The protesters were filmed chanting, “there is only one solution,‘ in what a Milwaukee attorney called “Fairly ominous.”
Imagine what living in Wisconsin would be like if we were able to put aside our political differences and focus on the issues we all share in common.
[Pro-Hamas activist at University of Toronto: ‘Heil Hitler…If you guys were gone the world would be a better place’].
David Jacobsb@DrJacobsRad:
This is the University of Toronto encampment.
"Heil H*tler. Heil H*tler n*****. Heil H*tler. He's a G. He's a gangster. I wish he had (inaudible) all you guys bro. The world would have been a better place. If you guys were gone the world would be a better place because you run the world. The Jews run the world."
Enough is enough. This encampment is a breeding ground for anti-semitism. It is unsafe, illegal, and is in daily violation of the University of Toronto's Code of Conduct.
For the sake of the reputation of the university and the safety and well-being of its students and faculty, remove the encampment now.
@uoft @UofTNews.
May 21, 2024.
[Egyptian film depicting alliance between grandsons of Grand Mufti and Hitler to ‘liberate Palestine’ won Jury Prize].
"New Egyptian film portrays alliance between descendants of Hitler and Islamist leader,” by Ohad Merlin, Jerusalem Post, January 29, 2024.
[Olympics: ‘Palestinians’ themed Arabs scream ‘Heil Hitler’ repeatedly during Israeli national anthem].
Marina Medvin

Arabs holding the Palestinian flag were screaming “HEIL HITLER” while the Israeli national anthem was playing at an Olympic soccer event.
Jul 29, 2024.
pAlesTiNiaNs. Misc.
'France will become Islamic country through Jihad, entire world will be subject to Islamic Rule’: Al-Aqsa Mosque cleric,” Organiser, July 2, 2023.
Cities in France are burning following the death of a Muslim teen who was charged with multiple traffic violations. Islamists amidst chants of
Animalistic savages
Ramallah lynch and cheered by thousands of animalistic pAlEsTiNiAn Islamonazis.
Sheer horror by watching the clip at the time, human rights activist described it "animalistic lynching;"
Eyewitness journalist described the scene: "they were like animals".
One of the lynchers in his statement uttered:"we were in a craze to see blood." Some of the headlines in newspapers: Continuation of the age of barbarism / Endless bestiality / A horror in Ramallah.[7]
Download the Full Issue - The Journal of International Security Affairs
Encyclopedia of Jewish and Israeli history, politics and culture, with biographies, statistics, articles and documents on topics from anti-Semitism to Zionism.
Court releases testimonies of Palestinians who were involved in the brutal Ramallah lynching of two IDF soldiers in 2000
The truth is that the world favors a one-sided war in which Arabs inflict punishment on Israelis but expect none back.
Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
Chicago: Imam Karim Abuzaid tells children that their number one goal should be to die as a Muslim and go to paradise.
This would just be a pious hope were it not for the fact that the Qur’an guarantees a place in paradise not just to those who die as a Muslim, but to those who kill as a Muslim.
“Indeed, Allah has bought from the believers their lives and their wealth, because the garden will be theirs, they will fight in the way of Allah and will kill and be killed.” (Qur’an 9:111)
Colorado Imam Karim Abuzaid taught a children's class at Chicago's Darul Quran Mosque on June 30, 2024, in which he inst...
Former Houston-based imam says non-Muslims are “worst of Allah’s creations. Treat them like that.”
Sheikh Zoubir Bouchikhi, Former Houston Imam Deported in 2011 for Immigration-Related Charges: Disbelievers Are the Worst of Allah’s Creations – Worse than Animals; We Should Completely Ignore Muslims Who Are Not Properly Observant,” MEMRI, March 20, 2020.
Malaysia-based Algerian Islamic scholar Sheikh Zoubir Bouchikhi, who had been the imam of the Islamic Society of Greater...
[Muslim Kent State University prof hails ‘miracle after miracle’ of Oct. 7 jihad massacre, as Jews were ‘humiliated’]
Kent State University Professor Imam Nader Taha In Ohio Friday Sermon: On October 7, We Saw Miracle (sic) After Miracle (sic) – The Children Of Israel Were Humiliated, Defeated, Overpowered, As Allah Had Promised; Gazans Planted The Seed Of Freedom In The Heart Of The World.
MEMRI, December 13, 2024:
In his December 13, 2024 Friday sermon, Kent State University professor of Mathematics and Imam of the Islamic Society of Akron and Kent in Ohio, Nader Taha, stated that Gaza had planted the “seed of freedom” for the entire world. He said that in the October 7, 2023 Al-Aqsa Flood, “we have seen miracle, after miracle, after miracle.” In a previous sermon on November 10, 2023, Taha said that before October 7, the Al-Aqsa Mosque was insulted and disgraced, and it was calling out to the Muslims to liberate it and purify it from the filth it was in, a call that the brothers and sisters in Gaza answered. He continued to say that Allah had promised that the Children of Israel would be humiliated and defeated, and this is what happened to them on October 7. Imam Nader Taha is involved in local interfaith activity and in 2017 he was appointed a member of County Executive Ilene Shapiro’s advisory council of diversity and inclusion.
In his December 13, 2024 Friday sermon, Kent State University professor of Mathematics and Imam of the Islamic Society o...
Inside terrorist Shamsud-Din Jabbar’s squalid home, where sheep and goats roam his yard — after his financial ruin,” by Jennie Taer, Joe Marino and Jared Downing, New York Post, January 1, 2025:
The neighborhood is also within walking distance of the local mosque, Masjid Bilal — where no one answered the telephone on Wednesday.
Law enforcement sources told The Post that they found videos Jabbar made where he referenced the Quran — Islam’s holy[sic] text….
Jabbar, a US-born military veteran, lived in a squalid trailer park on the outskirts of Houston that is home to mostly Muslim immigrants — with a mosque within walking distance.
New Orleans ISIS terrorist Shamsud-Din Jabbar had bomb-making station and Quran open to chilling passage in his home, new photos reveal.
By Jennie Taer, Chris Nesi and Alex Oliveira, New York Post, January 2, 2025.
Jabbar’s house was filled with chemical residues and chemical bottles, while a list of items seized by FBI — left behind by investigators who raided his house on Wednesday — included a long list of…
Canadian Imam Younus Kathrada: Disbelievers Live Like Animals; They Are Like Cows Grazing In The Pasture, Unaware That They Will End Up In The Slaughterhouse; We Are Commanded By Allah To Hate Them,” MEMRI, May 26, 2023:
During a May 26, 2023 Friday sermon delivered at the Muslim Youth Victoria Islamic Center, Canadian Imam Younus Kathrada...
Alabama: Imam who said property of “filthy” non-Muslims could be taken in jihad says mosques not to blame for Muslims joining ISIS.
Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
'Palestinian’ imam arrested for inciting jihad mass murder on Facebook.
"Police arrest schoolteacher, imam in Hebron area for inciting terrorism on social media,” Jerusalem Post, September 26, 2024.
A resident of Hursa, a Palestinian village in the southern Hebron area, who serves as a schoolteacher and imam
"Turkey ‘Has Nothing That Contradicts The Taliban’s Beliefs,’” International Christian Concern, July 22, 2021.
07/22/2021 Turkey (International Christian Concern) – Turkish President Erdogan is looking to extend the country’s level of influence and ideology yet again, this time turning his attention to Afghanistan. As the United States plans for its September withdrawal, Turkey is placing itself as a...
[In Hamburg, Germany, a Muslim Mob Calls for the Caliphate].
“Islamist group slams democratic values, rallies thousands in Germany,” Jerusalem Post, April 28, 2024.
Some 1,000 protestors gathered in Hamburg’s Steindamm Street on Saturday [April 27], calling for an end to “democratic values,” according to the German daily Die Welt.
In a video posted on X, the crowd can be seen responding to shouts of ‘Takbir’ with “Allahu Akbar.” ...
In a video posted on X, the crowd can be seen responding to shouts of ‘Takbir’ with “Allahu Albar.” The video also shows the mob shouting part of the Shahada, "Lā ʾIlāha ʾIllā Allah."
Toronto imam who prayed for killing of Jews again caught praying for deaths of non-Muslims.
"WARMINGTON: Imam accused of spewing hate at a Toronto mosque…again,” by Joe Warmington, Toronto Sun, November 4, 2017.
For the second time in 2017, the Jewish Defence League has filed a police complaint about an Imam prayer video inside a Toronto Mosque they believe spews hate and s…
No, the Quran was not preserved.
Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
"Shiite Cleric Sabah Shabr: Islam Was Spread by the Sword; So What?!,” MEMRI, October 13, 2015.
Iraqi Shiite cleric Sabah Shabr discussed the spread of Islam in a series of lectures about Jihad. Sabah confirmed that most Islamic countries were conquered by force. He said that Muslims should not try to appease the Jews and Christians by denying this and that the “true religion of Allah should be spread by the sword.” Sheikh Shabr added that when Muslims conquer the country of infidels, they should give the locals the opportunity to convert to Islam or kill them. If the locals are from among the People of the Book, i.e., Jews or Christians, they should have the third option of paying the jizya poll tax. The entire series of lectures was posted on October 13, 2015 on a YouTube account, dedicated to the thinking of Ayatollah Sistani.
Iraqi Shi'ite cleric Sheikh Sabah Shibbar discussed the spread of Islam in a series of lectures about Jihad. Sheikh Shib...
Dark Side of Polygamy in Islam Featuring Debbie (formerly Muneera).
Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
"France: 3 Algerians gang rape Polish mother inside squatted apartment in city of Gap,” Remix News, December 19, 2024.
Another case of gang rape involving migrants, this time in France, involving three Algerians who targeted a Polish woman inside a squatted apartment in the city of Gap. The case involves a 42-year-old Polish woman who was visiting her daughter and a friend on Dec. 13. She stopped at the friend’s...
[Afghanistan: Taliban arrest a man for homosexuality and then rape him in prison
Dec 6, 2024.]
You might wonder the Taliban would arrest a man for homosexuality and then rape him. The idea was to humiliate and degrade him. As long as the rapist doesn’t declare he is “gay,” and as long as he marries and has children, all will be well.
“‘My whole body was praying for my death’: LGBTQ Afghans say they face abuse in detention as Taliban crackdown intensifies,” by Billy Stockwell, CNN, November 19, 2024
"Taliban Arrests Gangrape Victim in Kapisa Province, Claim Sources,” Afghanistan International, November 30, 2024.
Local sources from Kapisa province reported that the Taliban members arrested a 35-year-old woman, Niloufar, who is a gangrape victim, and imprisoned her.
Local sources from Kapisa province reported that the Taliban members arrested a 35-year-old woman, Niloufar, who is a gangrape victim, and imprisoned her.
"Austria: 19 migrants standing trial for gang raping a 12-year-old girl in Vienna over the course of months,” Remix News, November 29, 2024.
In an explosive trial in Vienna, 19 migrants — along with Austrians with a migration background — are accursed of blackmailing and gang raping a 12-year-old girl over the course of months, with the first one already confessing to his crimes. Syrian 17-year-old Ahmad claims he did not know how...
"Palestinian asylum seeker charged with raping a 15-year-old boy is freed on bail to live in Belfast,” by Alan Erwin, News Letter, November 21, 2024.
A man charged with raping a 15-year-old boy at a derelict nightclub in Belfast is to be granted bail, High Court judge ruled today.
Ziad Khawla, 24, is accused of attacking the youth after offering him a cigarette during a chance encounter near the city centre.
The defendant, of Abbeyville Court in Newtownabbey, insists any contact was limited to sharing a brief kiss.
A man charged with raping a 15-year-old boy at a derelict nightclub in Belfast is to be granted bail, High Court judge ruled today.
"Germany: Man criticizes judge who fined Syrian for raping 15-year-old girl, gets fined twice as much,” Remix News, November 27, 2024.
A German man who described a judge as “obviously mentally disturbed” — after the judge issued a light sentence to a Syrian who raped a 15-year-old girl — was slapped with a €5,000 fine for “insulting” the judge. This fine given to Paul S., whose name has been changed to protect his identity, was...
[Pakistan: Muslim security guard rapes six-year-old Christian girl at her school]
"Muslim Man Rapes 6-Year-Old Christian Girl at School,” International Christian Concern, November 15, 2024.
Earlier this month, a 6-year-old girl was raped by a Muslim security guard at her school in Lahore, Pakistan.
[UK: 19 Muslims found guilty of the ‘abhorrent’ sexual abuse of girls as young as 12].
"Grooming gang of 20 men jailed for 219 years after sex attacks on girls as young as 12 in West Yorkshire,” by Henry Moore, LBC, November 7, 2024.
Twenty men have been found guilty of the “abhorrent” sexual abuse of girls as young as 12 and handed a combined 219 years behind bars.
[France: Muslim migrants try to rape Jewish man after they find Israeli flag image on his phone]
"Teenage thugs in Paris ‘try to rape’ Jewish man after they ‘find image of Israeli flag on his phone,’” by Felix Pope, The Jewish Chronicle, October 30, 2024.
Parisian man aged 22 reported to have been victim of sexual assault
[Sudan: Jihadis have committed ‘staggering’ levels of sexual abuse, raping civilians, abducting women as sex slaves].
"Sudan’s RSF, allies sexually abused victims from 8-75 years, UN mission says,” Associated Press, October 29, 2024.
Widespread rape and some sexual slavery cases documented
Italy: Muslim migrant, 28, rapes 10-year-old girl, local priest says ‘This episode has nothing to do with migrants’].
"Asylum seeker, 28, ‘rapes 10-year-old girl and gets her pregnant’ in controversial migrant centre in Italy,” by Miriam Kuepper, Daily Mail, October 13, 2024.
The 28-year-old man from Bangladesh is accused of raping the young girl at a migrant centre in San Colombano di Collio, Brescia, in the northern Italian region of Lombardy.
"Rapist is let off for sexually attacking a woman after agreeing to allow his sister to be raped by his victim's brother in Pakistan," Sara Malm For MailOnline, March 28,
The alleged rapist's family approached the victim's family for 'reconciliation', to which they agreed on the condition that 'her brother would commit the same act with suspect’s sister' in Pir Mahal, Punjab.
Dr. Maalouf @realMaalouf:.
PAKISTAN: a woman was raped, and instead of arresting the rapist, the Sharia council decided that the rapist’s sister should be raped by the victim’s brother.
The innocent teenage girl was publicly raped in front of 40 people in a practice called ‘revenge rape’ in Sharia law.
This is the culture that brought the grooming gangs to the UK!
Jan 3, 2025.
[In Hamburg, Germany, a Muslim Mob Calls for the Caliphate].
“Islamist group slams democratic values, rallies thousands in Germany,” Jerusalem Post, April 28, 2024.
Some 1,000 protestors gathered in Hamburg’s Steindamm Street on Saturday [April 27], calling for an end to “democratic values,” according to the German daily Die Welt.
In a video posted on X, the crowd can be seen responding to shouts of ‘Takbir’ with “Allahu Akbar.” ...
In a video posted on X, the crowd can be seen responding to shouts of ‘Takbir’ with “Allahu Albar.” The video also shows the mob shouting part of the Shahada, "Lā ʾIlāha ʾIllā Allah."
The Islamists do not hide and explain their true objective to us. They want to conquer the West, erase culture and traditions and transform countries into Islamic caliphates.
We need mass deportations. — Daniel Pawłowski (@pavvlovvsky13) December 25, 2024.
The purpose of Islam in simple words — Bob (@Bob029047979600) January 2, 2025
“There is no better way to worship Islam than the spilling of the blood of the infidels.”
Armed "Peaceful" Imam...
“There is no better way to worship than the spilling of the blood of the infidels."
Islam is a state of perpetual war. To know Islam is to never know peace.
Jan 1, 2025.
[New Jersey Muslim cleric: ‘Oh Allah, punish the infidels. Oh Allah, let us inherit their homes, wealth, and land.’]
"Bayonne, New Jersey Friday Sermon: The People Of Gaza Are Guarding The Dignity Of The Muslim Nation; Oh Allah, Let Us Inherit The Homes, Lands Of The Infields, May Their Wealth, Children, Their Lives Become Booty For The Muslims,” MEMRI, December 15, 2023.
In a December 15, 2023 Friday sermon delivered at the Bayonne Mosque and Community Center in New Jersey and streamed liv...
Visegrád 24 @visegrad24:
Young Islamists in Germany say Muslims will become the majority in Germany, abolish the German Constitution & introduce Sharia law.
Europe has been underestimating the threat posed by Islamism.
Nov 5, 2023.
100 French Intellectuals Denounce Islamist Separatism.
A group of 100 diverse French intellectuals denounced Islamist totalitarianism in the newspaper Le Figaro on March 19, 2018.
100 French Intellectuals Denounce Islamist Separatism - New English Review
"Hezbollah's Sex Slave: Abducted and Assaulted."
Free Press, September 22, 2024.
Every week, we bring you the people risking their lives to speak out against the terrorist group. Today, meet Alya.
Islamic Fascism.
By Hamed Abdel-Samad.
Prometheus Books, 2016.
This polemic against Islamic extremism highlights the striking parallels between contemporary Islamism and the 20th-century fascism embodied by Hitler and Mussolini. Like those infamous ideologies, Islamism today touts imperialist dreams of world domination, belief in its inherent superiority...
This polemic against Islamic extremism highlights the striking parallels between contemporary Islamism and the 20th-century fascism embodied by Hitler and Mussolini. Like those infamous ideologies, Islamism today touts imperialist dreams of world domination, belief in its inherent superiority, contempt for the rest of humanity, and often a murderous agenda. The author, born and raised in Egypt and now living in Germany, not only explains the historical connections between early 20th-century fascist movements in Europe and extremist factions in Islam, but he also traces the fascist tendencies in mainstream Islam that have existed throughout its history.
Examining key individuals and episodes from centuries past, the book shows the influence of Islam's earliest exploits on current politics in the Islamic world. The author's incisive analysis exposes the fascist underpinnings of the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Shia regime in Iran, ISIS, Salafi and Jihadist ideologies, and more.
Forcefully argued and well-researched, this book grew out of a lecture on Islamic fascism that the author gave in Cairo, resulting in a call for his death by three prominent Egyptian clerics.
World War IV: The Long Struggle Against Islamofascism.
Norman Podhoretz.
Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, 2007
For almost half a century—as a magazine editor and as the author of numerous bestselling books and hundreds of articles—Norman Podhoretz has helped drive the central political and intellectual debates in this country. Now, in this provocative and powerfully argued book, he takes on the most...
For almost half a century—as a magazine editor and as the author of numerous bestselling books and hundreds of articles—Norman Podhoretz has helped drive the central political and intellectual debates in this country. Now, in this provocative and powerfully argued book, he takes on the most controversial issue of our time—the war against the global network of terrorists that attacked us on 9/11.
Prophet of Doom.
Islam's Terrorist Dogma in Muhammad's Own Words.
By Craig Winn.
CricketSong Books, 2004.
The depiction of the prophet by the most revered Muslim sources reveals behavior that is immoral, criminal, and violent. The five oldest and most trusted Islamic sources don't portray Muhammad as a great and godly man. They confirm that he was a thief, liar, assassin, mass murderer, terrorist...
The depiction of the prop#et by the most revered Muslim sources reveals behavior that is immoral, criminal, and violent. The five oldest and most trusted Islamic sources don't portray Muhammad as a great and godly man. They confirm that he was a thief, liar, assassin, mass murderer, terrorist, warmonger, and an unrestrained sexual pervert engaged in pedophilia, incest, and rape. He authorized deception, assassinations, torture, slavery, and genocide. He was a pirate, not a prophet. According to the Hadith and the Qur'an, Muhammad and his henchmen plundered their way to power and prosperity. And by putting the Qur'an in chronological order and correlating it with the context of Muhammad's life, we find that Allah mirrored his prophet's character. Muhammad's god condoned immoral and criminal behavior. Allah boasts about being a terrorist. He claims to have deceived men, to have stolen their property, to have enslaved women and children, to having committed acts of murder, genocide, and sadistic tortures.
The Story of Mohammed Islam Unveiled.
Harry Richardson.
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2013 M12 11 - 148 pages.
In the scorching sands of Arabia, Mohammed ibn Abdullah (The Prophet Mohammed) had a problem. After preaching for 13 years he had attracted on average just 12 followers a year to his new religion of Islam. Worse still, half the people in his home town of Mecca wanted to kill him. After fleeing...
In the scorching sands of Arabia, Mohammed ibn Abdullah (The Prophet Mohammed) had a problem. After preaching for 13 years he had attracted on average just 12 followers a year to his new religion of Islam. Worse still, half the people in his home town of Mecca wanted to kill him. After fleeing to Medina however, things would change dramatically.
Over the course of the next 9 years, this orphaned shepherd boy would develop the most devastating system of conquest ever devised; Jihad. He would become King of all Arabia and convert the entire Peninsula to Islam. Even his enemies would be forced to worship at his feet.
After his death the uneducated desert Arabs would burst out on an unsuspecting world. Using this same system of Jihad, they would conquer both of the world's greatest empires in just a few short years. Within 3 decades they would control the majority of the Middle East, North Africa and Northern India. Today the empire of Islam comprises 1.3 billion people and it is the fastest growing religion on the planet.
Is it a religion of peace or of endless violence? Does it advocate suffocating sexual morality or sex slavery and harems? How can both the moderates and extremists be true Muslims? The surprising answers to these questions and more reveal themselves as this incredible story unfolds.
The material in this book is drawn directly from the foundational texts of Islam. Instead of merely quoting the texts however, it explains how they came into being and how they relate to each other. It then provides the key which unlocks their true meanings.
Armed with this knowledge, readers are then able to make their own interpretations and draw their own conclusions. References are provided throughout and every effort is made to assist the reader to do their own research should they wish.
Despite the serious nature, the story itself is gripping and fast paced. Mohammed's exploits constitute one of the greatest adventure stories of all time. Importantly, his life is the basis for the religion of Islam. By knowing his story, we can understand the forces which drive both militant and peaceful Muslims. It explains the mindset of the modern Jihadists and predicts the inevitable rise of ultra militant groups such as ISIS, Boko Haram and Al-Qaeda.
This best seller has more than 600 five star reviews on the various Amazon sites. The following are just a small sample:
Carol Curtis: One of the best books I have ever read, fantastic writing & a massive insight into Islam. This book has to be read by everyone!!!!
Fred J. Alexander: This amazing factual book reads like an adventure story. Islam is based on the life of Mohammed and Mohammed is not like any other prophet. Easy reading only 135 pages. If you want insight on Islam and Jiahd etc. this is for you.
Sinohey, (one of Amazons top 500 reviewers): This book should be read with an open mind and equanimity. It is NOT a hit piece against Muslims or their religion. It is a factual rendition of the history of Islam and its founder; allowing the readers to form their own conclusions. I highly recommend it. Full disclosure: I am fluent in Arabic, studied and taught Islamic culture for over three decades; lived, taught and worked in several Muslim/Arab countries..
Sbout the author (2013):
Harry Richardson was born in Northern England in the early Sixties. He is one of five children, including his adopted brother who is half Pakistani. He attended church as a child but currently considers himself agnostic (unsure whether God exists or not). At school he excelled in science and engineering. After graduating, he became an engineering tradesman (much to his parent's disgust).A voracious reader, he has always maintained a keen interest in current world affairs. From the mid-Eighties, he travelled extensively throughout South and South East Asia, Europe and Australasia. He has spent the last half of his life living in Australia where met and fell in love with an Asian lady while working in the outback. They live together with their two daughters, 2 chickens and a family friend from Thailand. Harry is very much an animal lover. He sees overpopulation as the greatest environmental threat and the greatest opportunity for positive change. He is a regular contributor to The Pickering Post which is Australia's most popular political blog. "The Post" is run by Larry Pickering, the former political cartoonist for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Canberra Times. He still works in engineering to pay the bills.