Radioactive material stolen in Mexico:

It's a good thing we have a secure border so we don't have to concern ourselves with someone bringing that shit over and making a dirty bomb with it.
Meanwhile on the 9th tee...


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:terror::dance: Perhaps if they bring it across it will find it's way in to the District of Columbia .. being our wonderful legislators refuse to do anything about upholding the law and securing our border, maybe this will wake their fat asses up.
Thanks for posting this. The article is interesting. I didn't even hear about the case from last year it mentions.

Watch it continue to get buried.
Hopefully the thieves are dumb ones, kinda like our Gov't.................

And temp open it..............Toast...................
Hopefully the thieves are dumb ones, kinda like our Gov't.................

And temp open it..............Toast...................
No need to worry! Thankfully there's a contingency for just this kind of emergency. The US Gov't has already built a fence between the US and Mexico and has manned it with well trained and armed Border Patrol Agents who are on the job 24/7 along the entire US/Mexico border.

There's NO WAY that nuclear material will make it onto US Territory! Guaranteed!
Let Mexican criminals make dirty bombs. They are a greater risk to themselves. :tongue:
Radioactive material stolen in Mexico: officials

This is out of control.. Sheila Jackson Lee just spewed her bullshit about all of these ILLEGALS invading the border not being a national security threat..

Let em set one off. I hate to say it,but it's the only way we'll see a change.

Call it a sacrifice for the good of our country. And I live in Houston so it's not like I'm wishing this on some yankee city. I'm willing to make the sacrifice. Even if it means me and my own getting hit.

Country before self.....

Stolen radioactive material recovered in Mexico
Mexico City (AFP) - The theft of a vehicle in Mexico containing a potentially deadly radioactive material briefly raised alarm Friday -- but the container was found with no leak or harm to the population.
The truck, which was transporting deadly iridium-192, a radioactive substance used in making some industrial products, had been stolen Thursday, federal civil defense officials said.
The substance "can be dangerous for human health if removed from its container," according to an official statement cautioning that the material could be lethal even if handled for only a brief time.
The truck was found shortly after it disappeared, but the radioactive material remained missing, National Civil Protection Coordinator Luis Felipe Puente posted on his Twitter account.
Puente confirmed a few hours later that the radioactive material had also been located.
The container "was not violated, it contains the material, which was measured," he added in an interview with Milenio television.
"As it wasn't manipulated, there was surely no risk to people," Puente said.
Stolen radioactive material recovered in Mexico
It was stolen by someone who gave it to filthy disease ridden children to bring into the country.

The over 14 year old teens are being sent all over the country knowing the are sick. Not knowing what is making them sick. If a few are sick because of radiation that concealed radioactive material can sicken many more. Hopefully only those in the detention centers.
Radioactive material stolen in Mexico: officials

This is out of control.. Sheila Jackson Lee just spewed her bullshit about all of these ILLEGALS invading the border not being a national security threat..

Perhaps you should read a little news before you complain about tiny amounts of material stolen by people who have no clue what they have taken, and recovered after a few hours.

New report suggests Israel stole enriched American uranium during 1960s : News : Daily Zone

There goes a few hundred kg of weapons-grade uranium, stolen from the good old US of A, by your pals in Israel.
It was stolen by someone who gave it to filthy disease ridden children to bring into the country.

The over 14 year old teens are being sent all over the country knowing the are sick. Not knowing what is making them sick. If a few are sick because of radiation that concealed radioactive material can sicken many more. Hopefully only those in the detention centers.

Damn, you must be a genius to know such stuff. Gotta link...

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