Rape culture? Rich men drugged and brought to strip clubs

I worked with a guy when I was younger who was drugged & raped by a homosexual, then driven to a motel in Portland, OR...Where he said he woke up naked except for a pair of tiger striped underwear. Ended up in the mental hospital, the poor guy.

This dude sold marijuana on the side, & the gay dude was a client I guess. Dumb fucker actually took a glass of liquor from a gay guy. Never take a drink from a gay guy.
"... and then I woke up kind of groggy to find these 2 busty female strippers molesting me...yeah, that's what happened"
I worked with a guy when I was younger who was drugged & raped by a homosexual, then driven to a motel in Portland, OR...Where he said he woke up naked except for a pair of tiger striped underwear. Ended up in the mental hospital, the poor guy.

This dude sold marijuana on the side, & the gay dude was a client I guess. Dumb fucker actually took a glass of liquor from a gay guy. Never take a drink from a gay guy.

What 's the first indication you're gay??

A pounding in the ass...
I worked with a guy when I was younger who was drugged & raped by a homosexual, then driven to a motel in Portland, OR...Where he said he woke up naked except for a pair of tiger striped underwear. Ended up in the mental hospital, the poor guy.

This dude sold marijuana on the side, & the gay dude was a client I guess. Dumb fucker actually took a glass of liquor from a gay guy. Never take a drink from a gay guy.

What 's the first indication you're gay??

A pounding in the ass...

Lol! Last time I talked to him which is like 15 years ago, he wasn't gay.

I couldn't believe this guy was telling me this with no appearence of shame, maybe it was his meds, he did have that glassy eyed look.

Needless to say,other than "Damn man, that's pretty fucked up", I was speechless. I mean what are you supposed to say to that?
I worked with a guy when I was younger who was drugged & raped by a homosexual, then driven to a motel in Portland, OR...Where he said he woke up naked except for a pair of tiger striped underwear. Ended up in the mental hospital, the poor guy.

This dude sold marijuana on the side, & the gay dude was a client I guess. Dumb fucker actually took a glass of liquor from a gay guy. Never take a drink from a gay guy.

Doesn't surprise me one bit, given the neck of the woods in which it happened.

A whole buncha serial killers up there.

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