Rasmussen poll has Governor Scott Walker's disapproval rating near 60%

and he is paying for wanting that. I have no personal use for people who wont compromise on anything period. They are a waste of time and should never have a seat at the table.
You certainly have a right to your opinion. The state taxpayers never had a seat at the negotiating table....and it's their taxes...their taxes....not the politicians money, but their taxes paying for this.
Having said that, when a state has a 3.6 billion dollar deficit and the public unions created an unfunded benefit and retirement package creating even more future deficits....it takes a tough person to take the stand to help them get rid of the problem.

but...they are willing to pay more into their packages and not have it come out of taxpayer funded taxes......

you are arguing against a phantom.

I'll be honest in saying that Walker is simply trying to cut the legs off of Public Unions.

I think it's awesome. But I can see where liberals would not like it.
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and he is paying for wanting that. I have no personal use for people who wont compromise on anything period. They are a waste of time and should never have a seat at the table.

Let me guess, you kicked and screamed when Rs were locked out during the development of Obamacare. Right?

The Dems watered down the bill over and over to get GOP support.

What compromise has Scott Walker made?

The Dems watered it down amongst themselves. Heck, even Olympia Snowe said she was locked out once they got her vote in committee.

The Rs were locked out, and had zero say in it.

And to the compromise, Walker isn't in a position where he has to. He's taking a stand.
You certainly have a right to your opinion. The state taxpayers never had a seat at the negotiating table....and it's their taxes...their taxes....not the politicians money, but their taxes paying for this.
Having said that, when a state has a 3.6 billion dollar deficit and the public unions created an unfunded benefit and retirement package creating even more future deficits....it takes a tough person to take the stand to help them get rid of the problem.

but...they are willing to pay more into their packages and not have it come out of taxpayer funded taxes......

you are arguing against a phantom.

I'll be honest in saying that Walker is simply trying to cut the legs off of Unions.

I think it's awesome. But I can see where liberals would not like it.
Cut the legs of the public unions.
and he is paying for wanting that. I have no personal use for people who wont compromise on anything period. They are a waste of time and should never have a seat at the table.

Let me guess, you kicked and screamed when Rs were locked out during the development of Obamacare. Right?

The Dems watered down the bill over and over to try and get GOP support.

What compromise has Scott Walker made?

And to add, do you honestly believe they were trying to get GOP support when they didn't even need them at all because they had the numbers?
Let me guess, you kicked and screamed when Rs were locked out during the development of Obamacare. Right?

The Dems watered down the bill over and over to get GOP support.

What compromise has Scott Walker made?

The Dems watered it down amongst themselves. Heck, even Olympia Snowe said she was locked out once they got her vote in committee.

The Rs were locked out, and had zero say in it.

And to the compromise, Walker isn't in a position where he has to. He's taking a stand.

Not buying that load of crap. That bill was watered down over a period of months and you can't name a single thing Walker has compromised on. In fact, you are proud he isn't so your deflecting to Obamacare is just a bunch of disingenuous bullshit coming from you.

You say you are loving this but I can smell your fear.

Walker overplayed his hand and now he's in a world of shit.
but...they are willing to pay more into their packages and not have it come out of taxpayer funded taxes......

you are arguing against a phantom.

I'll be honest in saying that Walker is simply trying to cut the legs off of Unions.

I think it's awesome. But I can see where liberals would not like it.
Cut the legs of the public unions.

This is absolutely true. Sorry, that is what we are discussing in regards to Walker, and worthy of an edit to specify.

I have zero problem with private unions. (Except for when they become suddenly a public liability, such as UAW.)
The Dems watered down the bill over and over to get GOP support.

What compromise has Scott Walker made?

The Dems watered it down amongst themselves. Heck, even Olympia Snowe said she was locked out once they got her vote in committee.

The Rs were locked out, and had zero say in it.

And to the compromise, Walker isn't in a position where he has to. He's taking a stand.

Not buying that load of crap. That bill was watered down over a period of months and you can't name a single thing Walker has compromised on. In fact, you are proud he isn't so your deflecting to Obamacare is just a bunch of disingenuous bullshit coming from you.

You say you are loving this but I can smell your fear.

Walker overplayed his hand and now he's in a world of shit.
I said Walker didn't have to negotiate. That is something you might not like to hear, but it is the reality of the matter.

I sense another neg rep coming on.... :lol:
The Dems watered it down amongst themselves. Heck, even Olympia Snowe said she was locked out once they got her vote in committee.

The Rs were locked out, and had zero say in it.

And to the compromise, Walker isn't in a position where he has to. He's taking a stand.

Not buying that load of crap. That bill was watered down over a period of months and you can't name a single thing Walker has compromised on. In fact, you are proud he isn't so your deflecting to Obamacare is just a bunch of disingenuous bullshit coming from you.

You say you are loving this but I can smell your fear.

Walker overplayed his hand and now he's in a world of shit.
I said Walker didn't have to negotiate. That is something you might not like to hear, but it is the reality of the matter.

I sense another neg rep coming on.... :lol:

The reality of the matter is your boy Walker got pantsed in front of everybody and has a PR nightmare on his hands and he can't figure a way out of it.

With each passing day it only gets worse for him.

Let me guess, you kicked and screamed when Rs were locked out during the development of Obamacare. Right?

The Dems watered down the bill over and over to get GOP support.

What compromise has Scott Walker made?

The Dems watered it down amongst themselves. Heck, even Olympia Snowe said she was locked out once they got her vote in committee.

The Rs were locked out, and had zero say in it.

And to the compromise, Walker isn't in a position where he has to. He's taking a stand.

That's odd

In the Healthcare Summit, Obama offered " what changes in the bill would you want in order to vote for it?"

To a man, the republicans replied "tear it up and start over"
The Dems watered down the bill over and over to get GOP support.

What compromise has Scott Walker made?

The Dems watered it down amongst themselves. Heck, even Olympia Snowe said she was locked out once they got her vote in committee.

The Rs were locked out, and had zero say in it.

And to the compromise, Walker isn't in a position where he has to. He's taking a stand.

That's odd

In the Healthcare Summit, Obama offered " what changes in the bill would you want in order to vote for it?"

To a man, the republicans replied "tear it up and start over"
which is the right thing to do
tear it up and start over this time allowing the GOP input
wow, a whole 6

That's just one article and those are six major things. Never mind the fact it's a private option and not public option that Liberals wanted. If you honestly think there is no GOP input or influence in the bill Dive then you are deluding yourself.

True story. :thup:
which is the right thing to do
tear it up and start over this time allowing the GOP input

Ezra Klein - The six Republican ideas already in the health-care reform bill

The Public Mandate was originally a Republican idea in response to the Clinton Healthcare bill of the 90's. It only goes to show how far the GOP has moved to the right in the span of less than 20 years.

well, if we are going there my good man...;)


The Democratic Leadership Council lastingly shifted the political debate within its party—and the nation.
Thursday, February 10, 2011 | 3:55 p.m.
NationalJournal.com - DLC, RIP - Friday, February 11, 2011

theres no shortage of scattering to the edges (to an extent)....
wow, a whole 6

That's just one article and those are six major things. Never mind the fact it's a private option and not public option that Liberals wanted. If you honestly think there is no GOP input or influence in the bill Dive then you are deluding yourself.

True story. :thup:

and I think comparing Hillary's bill and this one is a tenuous proposition....just sayin'.
wow, a whole 6

That's just one article and those are six major things. Never mind the fact it's a private option and not public option that Liberals wanted. If you honestly think there is no GOP input or influence in the bill Dive then you are deluding yourself.

True story. :thup:
what they did was take some OLD ideas and try to add them in to get suppoort for a generally BAD idea
while locking out any NEW input from the GOP
so yeah

true story
The spin is never ending.

But when the dust settle and the smoke clears (is there some other cliche that fits in here?) -- the Governor's position will probably have prevailed since, sooner or later, the cowardly fleeing Dem Senators will have to come back to town. Pussies.

and when they do, the Gov's proposal gets enacted. Then time will march on and the People of Wisconsin will see that the bullshit emanating from the public service unions and the "free" liberal press is just so much bullshit.

The taxpayers will get a break and the teachers will keep their jobs and the only "ill" effect will be that the corrupt public union honchos will have less power than they had before this shitstorm sprung up.

Good. The public will become a bit more content as actual and honest information gets disseminated. Walker has nothing to worry about. The union bugs do. And the fleeing cowardly pussy Democrat Senators will have shot themselves in their own feet for nothing. Again. Good. the public might even take note of it.

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