Reading and watching the details of this attack by Hamas, this feels different.


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
The only attack in "recent" memory would be the 1967 war. Hundreds dead and injured, many within their own homes. Tanks and so many weapons on the ground. This feels different. Israel is in a fight for much more than in my lifetime.

Give to charity if you can. Do your part to stand up to evil.
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We don't hate and fight the Jews because they are Jews.

They are people of religion and we are people of religion.

We love all people of religion.

If my brother, who has the same muslim religion and parents as me, if he takes my home and expels me from my land,
I will fight him.

I will fight my brother.

I will fight my cousin if he does that to me.

So when a Jew takes my home and expels
me from my land, I will fight him as well.


Sheik Ahmed Yassin

Hamas' founder
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The only attack in "recent" memory would be the 1967 war. Hundreds dead and injured, many within their own homes. Tanks and so many weapons on the ground. This feels different. Israel is in a fight for much more than in my lifetime.

Give to charity if you can. Do your part to stand up to evil.
And don’t forget: congresspeople of the Anti-Israel Party (Omar, Tlaib, and the other Squad members) lobbied Congress to defund Israel’s Iron Dome so that HAMAS terrorists could kill as many Jews as possible.
And don’t forget: congresspeople of the Anti-Israel Party (Omar, Tlaib, and the other Squad members) lobbied Congress to defund Israel’s Iron Dome so that HAMAS terrorists could kill as many Jews as possible.
Really? These people don't share most peoples view.
We don't hate and fight the Jews because they are Jews.

They are people of religion and we are people of religion.

We love all people of religion.

If my brother, who has the same muslim religion and parents as me, if he takes my home and expels me from my land,
I will fight him.

I will fight my brother.

I will fight my cousin if he does that to me.

So when a Jew takes my home and expels
me from my land, I will fight him as well.


Sheik Ahmed Yassin

Hamas' founder
What a nice guy
True, they’re in the minority, but it’s worth pointing out that the far-Left Squad members in Congress tried to defund Israel’s ability to defend itself against incoming Hamas rockets.
the deafening silence by their colleagues tells you all you need to know....i don't know how a jewish person would vote democrapper anymore with that repulsive squad of idiots
the deafening silence by their colleagues tells you all you need to know....i don't know how a jewish person would vote democrapper anymore with that repulsive squad of idiots
I can’t figure it out either. My standard explanation is that their liberalism trumps their Judaism.

It’s mostly the secular Jews who sell out Israel for leftist policies. The religious ones are mostly Republicans.
I can’t figure it out either. My standard explanation is that their liberalism trumps their Judaism.

It’s mostly the secular Jews who sell out Israel for leftist policies. The religious ones are mostly Republicans.
Jewish people are.exploited by all sides of organizations with influence (they aren't alone really) it has been happening in Canada for decades. I simplify this when I say that the only true friends they really have are those spiritually and morally supportive. We want peace among all in the region and will call out evil.

Police (certainly in Canada), some even on this forum; reflexively support Israel because they believe they are "tough on crime". We even have some in Canada going back 30+ years who profit of off "hate" that they themselves manufacture antisemitism I know, they tried it with me with a full court press for years whioe in high school, even in the workplace! This is because they wanted any excuse to "get me" since I wasn't a criminal (they were). I might even write a book on the subject...

Politicians see votes or a way to sell weapons for their donors. Those who genuinely care are surpassed by those looking purely for their own interests. It's like many climate change or race-baiting "leaders". They don't really care about the environment or abuses unless there is profit to be made. Sadly this is true of TOO MANY issue we should courageously confront, even if we doknt benefit personally.

Evangelicals and most Christians see the founding of our religion and we connect with Judaism. This doesn't mean Muslims don't deserve (and many want) peace too, I support all peace loving citizens. It is just that the Old Testament and Abrahams history is where it all started.

For me it is multi-pronged, from common beliefs to spiritual alignment, on top of the recogniition that Israel is surrounded by those who don't wish them there. As an underdog and bsttler my own life, it makes sense to defend those who have had the courae to defend their nation. None if us get votes or profit from war there, we want peace and despise terrorists who targe civilians.
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I can’t figure it out either. My standard explanation is that their liberalism trumps their Judaism.

It’s mostly the secular Jews who sell out Israel for leftist policies. The religious ones are mostly Republicans.
well omar and her crew are doing a swell job to convert
well omar and her crew are doing a swell job to convert
They are just more open with their hate. The hate extends beyond Israel but they view others as supporters of Israel so they hate them all too. Not to mention they want to attract votes.via hate and don't see ANY voting benefit to supporting Christian or Jews.. If they can't condemn missile attacks and murder of families in their homes with AKs they aren't ever going to condemn. Recall how some referred to 9/11, as if it was nothing.
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I can’t figure it out either. My standard explanation is that their liberalism trumps their Judaism.

It’s mostly the secular Jews who sell out Israel for leftist policies. The religious ones are mostly Republicans.
when someone gets most of their news from cnn or msnbc, what do you expect....look at all our poor darlins here
They are just more open with their hate. The hate extends beyond Israel but they view others as supporters of Israel so they hate them all too. Not to mention they want to attract votes.via hate and don't see ANY voting benefit to supporting Christian or Jews.. If they can't condemn missile attacks and murder of families in their homes with AKs they aren't ever going to condemn. Recall how some referred to 9/11, as if it was nothing.
you have a large population of muslims in toronto i believe...i never heard of any problems...i might be
you have a large population of muslims in toronto i believe...i never heard of any problems...i might be
What kind of problems? We have had the odd terrorist attack of various kinds though Canada is better at radicalizing and exporting terror especially when our Security Industrial Complex get involved in the shadows...
My niece condemns Israel and supports Palestinians. She’s a very liberal, brainwashed Jew, but too old to fall for this. Alas, her liberalism trumps Judaism.
It isn't just liberals you had better understand this. Canadian police tried to paint me as an anti-Semite for years even though it was a lie, in fact, quite contrary to my beliefs. I guarantee you MANY right wingers would just believe the police narrative and in fact despise someone like me based on their obedience to police (my dad also lacked curiousity when it came to police lying about me having a gun at school). Obedience without a logical appreciation of history and methods hurts ALL citizens. Labels such as "liberal or conversative" isngrossly over generalized and creates a bias thst a conversation would correct, but we lean on labels alone.
The only attack in "recent" memory would be the 1967 war. Hundreds dead and injured, many within their own homes. Tanks and so many weapons on the ground. This feels different. Israel is in a fight for much more than in my lifetime.

Give to charity if you can. Do your part to stand up to evil.
Support your fellow Arab Christian Brothers in Palestine
Did someone from the Israeli defense force turn off the iron dome missile defense system. This is Ludacris and it appears there could be a false flag operation going on.
We don't hate and fight the Jews because they are Jews.

They are people of religion and we are people of religion.

We love all people of religion.

If my brother, who has the same muslim religion and parents as me, if he takes my home and expels me from my land,
I will fight him.

I will fight my brother.

I will fight my cousin if he does that to me.

So when a Jew takes my home and expels
me from my land, I will fight him as well.


Sheik Ahmed Yassin

Hamas' founder
Yassin serves as an inspirational hero to disabled people all over the world. And he is just like an IDF general prep, sometimes engaging in warfare. But yes, the man is brave and heroic. He’s dead, dead for over 25 years.

He lived on the ground among poor people in Palestine, unlike some of the other leaders of Hamas, who live in five star hotels in the gulf countries.

The little I have read of Yaseen shows us all he’s
like Jesus a servant of the poor. Even Israeli Jews admired his courage.
And don’t forget: congresspeople of the Anti-Israel Party (Omar, Tlaib, and the other Squad members) lobbied Congress to defund Israel’s Iron Dome so that HAMAS terrorists could kill as many Jews as possible.
Lisa, my good friend. what actually occurred is at the squad ended up voting in favor of the Israeli iron dome missile system. These people are not supporters of Palestine. There’s something else.

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