Reagan bombed Libya in retaliation for 2 US serviceman killed by a bomb in West Berlin disco..TWO!


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
But Trump thinks he needs the preapproval of Congress, the ACLU and a district court judge in Hawaii to do something about tens of thousands of Americans being killed every year by illegal alien heroin dealers, drunk drivers and straight-up murderers.

Reagan invaded Grenada because the country was becoming a Soviet client state. No Grenadian threatened to touch a hair on any American's head. One wonders what Reagan's reaction would have been to someone telling him, YOU CAN'T DO THAT! THE ACLU WILL SUE!

If Reagan had Trump's advisers, we'd be speaking Russian.

The ACLU, the Center for Constitutional Rights, the Southern Poverty Law Center and the other anti-American groups opposing Trump on immigration were the very same groups that opposed Reagan. They would have been happy if the U.S.S.R. had nuked this country.

We needed Reagan and got P.T. Barnum instead.

Even if noted constitutional law scholar Jared Kushner has convinced Trump that he needs congressional approval before he's allowed to repel invaders at our border -- but doesn't need Congress to bomb an innocent country because Ivanka cried -- the president could order the troops to invade Mexico and build the wall 10 yards in.

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