Real black men are voting for Kamala Harris. and we are the super majority in the black community.

Better. Try telling me how the lives of blacks were in cities during the 100 years we were Republicans. You really need to STHU With the gaslighting white man.
Interesting. Were blacks murdering other blacks at the rate they have been during the last forty years? Was the number of families with no father in the house as high as it is now? What was the percentage of blacks that were dependent on entitlements?
You think I'm gaslighting you, fake black man? I think you're full of shit, IM2. I think the Democrats have been promising things to blacks for decades and never coming through for them. I think the far left's agenda is actually harmful to urban blacks and has been for quite some time. I think that the Hispanic population is now bigger than the black population and will get more attention from the Democrats. Blacks are losing their political clout because the left is flooding the country with illegals and more and more the Democrats are seeing them to be less and less important!
13% of the nation are Blacks. No, they could not do it by themselves
If 13% of the country went into open rebellion, the country would be done.

The consequences are the same.

No, they aren't. Black people are more likely to get prison.

Yes, Obama took every opportunity to say that everything to do with police is racist only to be shown that it wasn't most of the time. He said that Martin could be his kid after only seeing that picture of Martin at age 12. But, he wasn't 12 anymore.

No, he was 17, but still a kid.


He'd become a criminal dope dealing creep.

You mean he smoked a little pot. Like most kids do at that age.

Then, there is the cop who he had to eat his words and have a beer with.

Actually, the guy who looked bad in that sitatuion was that cop. He arrested a distinguished professor in his own home after finding out that he was the home owner, because the homeowner yelled at him.
Can’t be. When Democrats flipped Republicans 60+ years ago, 80% of Black homes had fathers in the homes. Now, 25% if lucky. Democrats and their socialism welfare made it financially better for fathers to move out. Won’t change with Democrats in charge.

Wow, not this lie again!

First, unammried doesn't mean absent.

Secondly, the unwed birth rate has increased for ALL Races except for Asians.

This black man was the chair of the Republican party and he is not voting for Trump. Was he taught to vote democrat from birth? He's not called a sellout or Uncle Tom. Everything white racists claim blacks do to black republicans don't happen to him. Why is this? Could it be due to the fact that he stands up for blacks instead of pandering to white racists? Is he unable to think for himsef? Is he voting for Harris because of social pressure?

Again, it might not matter if black men refuse to vote for a half-Asian woman.

Black men didn't support Hillary, which is why she lost.

They barely showed up for Biden, which is why it was too close when it shouldn't have been.

Will they show up this time for Kamala? I hope so, but frankly, I'm not betting on it.
Wow, not this lie again!

First, unammried doesn't mean absent.

Secondly, the unwed birth rate has increased for ALL Races except for Asians.

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What’s the race with the 72%?

Asking for a friend
Interesting. Were blacks murdering other blacks at the rate they have been during the last forty years? Was the number of families with no father in the house as high as it is now? What was the percentage of blacks that were dependent on entitlements?
You think I'm gaslighting you, fake black man? I think you're full of shit, IM2. I think the Democrats have been promising things to blacks for decades and never coming through for them. I think the far left's agenda is actually harmful to urban blacks and has been for quite some time. I think that the Hispanic population is now bigger than the black population and will get more attention from the Democrats. Blacks are losing their political clout because the left is flooding the country with illegals and more and more the Democrats are seeing them to be less and less important!
Whites have been murdering each other at high rates too. Whites have commmitted suicides at an alarming rte, more than any other race. Concern yoursef with the white race white boy.

Keep on believing socks, idiot. Everything you posted here is wrong. We are better off than we were 60 years ago when we were repubicans.

Whites subsidized white fatherless homes(with black tax money included) for 55 years before blacks were included in welfare. So the number of black families without fathers is another racist meme. Black men and women both earn less thn white men for doing the same job. So whether the black man is sitting in the lazy boy at home is irrelevant. The number of whites dependent on etitlements as aways been more than us. What you think is harmful to blacks isn't because its bsed on your opinion as a white man and not lived experience. We were Republicans for 100 years and all we got was Jim Crow. Republican policies now are just as bad. So STFU because black Republicans are't voting for trump and oppose MAGA. White boys don't set the agenda in our community, amd whites did not get any of the things you have the manner you try lecturing us bout. So you have nothing to say that I need to listen to.

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