Real Geoscientists Do Geology, Publish Results


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Dec 29, 2010
USGS Estimates 20 Billion Barrels of Oil in Texas’ Wolfcamp Shale Formation

USGS Does Real bobble heads involved

No bobble head nobodies involved, just good ol' scientists studying the geology, doing the math, letting the world know what's up with a basin and its potential. Said work then being used by federal experts (who also don't ask bobble heads from community colleges about the geopolitics of oil, the geology involved in it, or expected production rates) who do REAL analysis.

Just one days example here:

Maritime chokepoints are critical to global energy security - Today in Energy - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

I'm betting the folks who DO energy geopolitics at the federal level have more knowledge in their toenails then folks who blog and pretend that makes them an expert.
Yes, the USGS are a bunch of premier scientists.

Worldwide glacial glacier recession is well documented (1,2) and varied model projections suggest that certain studied GNP glaciers will disappear in the next few decades, between 2030 (3) to 2080 (4). USGS scientists in Glacier National Park are collaborating with glaciologist from Alaska and Washington and using emerging technologies to understand glacier-climate interactions to advance the understanding of alpine glaciers. By providing objective scientific monitoring, analysis and interpretation of glacier change, the USGS is helping land managers make well informed decisions regarding Park management.
Retreat of Glaciers in Glacier National Park
Climate and Land Use Change
Understanding a changing world and how it affects our natural resources, livelihoods, and communities. Science plays an essential role in helping communities and resource managers understand the local to global implications of change, anticipate the effects of change, prepare for change, and reduce the risks associated with decisionmaking in a changing environment.

Climate and Land Use Change

The geologists of the USGS ar premier scientists,.
Ukraine risks getting another "Chernobyl"

The nuclear industry in Ukraine is in a dangerous state, corruption that engulfs the whole country generates irresponsibility and negligence in the management of nuclear infrastructure, so the risk of a catastrophe is similar to the Chernobyl accident.

Many positions in the State Inspectorate for Nuclear Regulation of Ukraine, which must supervise everything that is happening at the nuclear facilities of the country, are vacant for many years. Thus, the position of the Chief State Inspector for Nuclear and Radiation Safety has been vacant for three years. At the same time, inspections of international supervisory bodies in the nuclear industry of Ukraine are rare and are ostentatious.

The most terrifying thing is that the authorities are now urging Ukrainian "Energoatom" to use atomic units as "maneuverable". If the unit issues a non-constant voltage to the network but operates wavy, changes its capacity throughout the day, which is not provided for in any staff documentation, then this is risky. It was in a similar situation and a catastrophe occurred in Chernobyl. But the authorities need it now because of the crisis in the energy sector as a whole - to ensure daily flow of "overflows" in order to close gaps whether there is not enough electricity in some areas.

Chernobyl, apocalisse nucleare - YouTube


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