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Real Racism!

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Every time, it's a hoax, a lie, as scam by Leftists..

Every time.

You might like to see numerous examples in this thread.

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


10 Egregious Cases of White People Falsely Accusing Black People of Committing Crimes

It’s the new age. Aren’t you proud of your people? The next generation of black youths. Just as cool as Jesse Smollett.
Jussie Smollett sues city of Chicago for malicious prosecution

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yeah, I'm proud of Kaepernick. And Lebron. And Steph Curry. And many other of the millions of black youth your bitch ass apparently don't know exist.
No, you dunce.....he means this:

"At least 620,000 combatants died during the four-year struggle; recent estimates put the total closer to 750,000, or more than 2 percent of the nation’s population at that time. More soldiers died in prison camps alone than America lost during the entire Vietnam War. Perhaps more to the point, some 350,000 Union soldiers died during the conflict, abolitionists in effect if not always in intent. Adjusted for population, that would amount to almost 5 million service deaths today, amounting to a blood sacrifice more than sufficient to redeem whatever moral or intellectual inconsistencies there are to be found in America’s founding documents.

And if that’s not sufficient? Well, then, nothing will be. But for most Americans—and for much of the rest of the world—it is more than enough. "
Blood Redemption

More than 10 times this number of blacks died fighting slavery, apartheid in America and modern racism. The war was not fought to free blacks and the fact whites try telling us how to be grateful for fixing a problem they created is lunacy. So let me set your house on fire then demand that you owe me for calling the fire department.


The civil war was fought because the South intended to secede and keep people like you slaves.

But you will create your own reality that suits your racist beliefs

No, that's not why the war was fought and it's not about anything I made up. The whites in the north didn't give a damn about ending slavery and neither did Lincoln. Plus you can drop the racist meme about how whites sacrificed because whites created the problem.

Again the civil war was fought because Lincoln refused to let the South secede and in such do as they chose and we all know they chose to keep slavery

Nothing in that is up for debate as it's all history that you will not accept


Despite being remembered today as "The Great Emancipator," Lincoln maintained a moderate stance on the emancipation of slaves, never vowing in his campaigns to abolish slavery, as it was vital to the Southern economy.

He even stated in his presidential inaugural address that he would not use his executive power to interfere with the institution in any state where it existed. Still, Lincoln vehemently opposed the expansion of slavery into new western territories and served as one of the most influential advocates of "free soil." For this reason, the president posed a significant threat to the economic and political interests of the slaveholding South.

So, in response to his 1860 election victory, seven southern states seceded from the Union. Lincoln was determined to prevent disunion by any means necessary, but his attempts at negotiation failed. In the first months of his presidency, the nation was at war with each other.

Abraham Lincoln in Causes of the Civil War

Abraham Lincoln pointed to the causes of the Civil War in both his first and second inaugural speeches. During the first inaugural speech, the Union was already fractured with seven southern states seceding.

In the speech, Lincoln observed the Southern states unfounded fears with regards to their property, peace and safety. The south attributed these fears to the election of a Republican Administration and a President known to be supporting the emancipation of the slaves.

Lincoln played down these alleged fears and assured the Southern states would continue to enjoy their privileges. However, he warned the seceding states of their breach to the constitution which guaranteed the stability of the Union. He also stated that it was his constitutional obligation to restore and ensure the stability of the Union by all means necessary. Further, suggesting that violence was an option to ensure the seceded states are restored to the Union.

Thus, according to Lincoln, the southern states were in breach of the constitution and were obliged to make amends, failure to which, the national government would be forced to restore the Union.

According to Abraham Lincoln, what caused the Civil War? | eNotes

So you are saying that Lincoln did not act to stop the South from seceding and in so enforcing the emancipation in the South.

Dude you are arguing with history not me. Only idiots argue with the past

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Every time, it's a hoax, a lie, as scam by Leftists..

Every time.

You might like to see numerous examples in this thread.

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


10 Egregious Cases of White People Falsely Accusing Black People of Committing Crimes

Duke Lacross shit liar
10 Years Later, The Duke Lacrosse Rape Case Still Stings | HuffPost

Tawana brawley another shit who wanted to be raped by a white man
15 Years Later, Tawana Brawley Has Paid 1 Percent Of Penalty

Hey what’s the problem. It put IMRacist’s hero, Reverend Al Sharpton on the map! And it hasn’t slowed that POS down one bit. Any chance to fuck any whitey, he’s there.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Actually Sharpton was so embarrassed that he lost 300lbs

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Every time, it's a hoax, a lie, as scam by Leftists..

Every time.

You might like to see numerous examples in this thread.

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


10 Egregious Cases of White People Falsely Accusing Black People of Committing Crimes

It’s the new age. Aren’t you proud of your people? The next generation of black youths. Just as cool as Jesse Smollett.
Jussie Smollett sues city of Chicago for malicious prosecution

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yeah, I'm proud of Kaepernick. And Lebron. And Steph Curry. And many other of the millions of black youth your bitch ass apparently don't know exist.

Kapernook does not care if you live or die, and do tell us if when he was kneeling did the black people stop killing each other in Chicago.

He achieved nothing for you, yet you are proud of the loser

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Every time, it's a hoax, a lie, as scam by Leftists..

Every time.

You might like to see numerous examples in this thread.

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


10 Egregious Cases of White People Falsely Accusing Black People of Committing Crimes

Let your hate out, it will make a boy out of a man

The only hate is yours.

The only thing I hate, is hate and the ignorance that breeds the hate in the first place.

So you buy any good stocks lately

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Every time, it's a hoax, a lie, as scam by Leftists..

Every time.

You might like to see numerous examples in this thread.

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


10 Egregious Cases of White People Falsely Accusing Black People of Committing Crimes

Duke Lacross shit liar
10 Years Later, The Duke Lacrosse Rape Case Still Stings | HuffPost

Tawana brawley another shit who wanted to be raped by a white man
15 Years Later, Tawana Brawley Has Paid 1 Percent Of Penalty

Hey what’s the problem. It put IMRacist’s hero, Reverend Al Sharpton on the map! And it hasn’t slowed that POS down one bit. Any chance to fuck any whitey, he’s there.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You guys don't want to go here. Blacks can cite 243 years of white bullshit. Like this:

The Supreme Court has issued some fantastic civil rights rulings over the years, but these aren't among them. Here are 10 of the most astonishingly racist Supreme Court rulings in American history, in chronological order.

Dred Scott v. Sandford (1856)
When a slave petitioned the U.S. Supreme Court for his freedom, the Court ruled against him — also ruling that the Bill of Rights didn't apply to African Americans. If it did, the majority ruling argued, then African Americans would be permitted "the full liberty of speech in public and in private," "to hold public meetings upon political affairs," and "to keep and carry arms wherever they went." In 1856, both the justices in the majority and the white aristocracy they represented found this idea too horrifying to contemplate. In 1868, the Fourteenth Amendment made it law. What a difference a war makes!

Pace v. Alabama (1883)
In 1883 Alabama, interracial marriage meant two to seven years' hard labor in a state penitentiary. When a black man named Tony Pace and a white woman named Mary Cox challenged the law, the Supreme Court upheld it — on grounds that the law, inasmuch as it prevented whites from marrying blacks and blacks from marrying whites, was race-neutral and did not violate the Fourteenth Amendment. The ruling was finally overturned in Loving v. Virginia (1967).

The Civil Rights Cases (1883)
The Civil Rights Act, which mandated an end to racial segregation in public accommodations, has actually passed twice in U.S. history. Once in 1875, and once in 1964. We don't hear much about the 1875 version because it was struck down by the Supreme Court in the Civil Rights Cases ruling of 1883, made up of five separate challenges to the 1875 Civil Rights Act. Had the Supreme Court simply upheld the 1875 civil rights bill, U.S. civil rights history would have been dramatically different.

Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)
Most people are familiar with the phrase "separate but equal," the never-achieved standard that defined racial segregation until Brown v. Board of Education (1954), but not everybody knows that it comes from this ruling, where Supreme Court justices bowed to political pressure and found an interpretation of the Fourteenth Amendment that would still allow them to keep public institutions segregated.

Cumming v. Richmond (1899)
When three black families in Richmond County, Virginia faced the closing of the area's only public black high school, they petitioned the Court to allow their children to finish their education at the white high school instead. It only took the Supreme Court three years to violate its own "separate but equal" standard by establishing that if there was no suitable black school in a given district, black students would simply have to do without an education.

Ozawa v. United States (1922)
A Japanese immigrant, Takeo Ozawa, attempted to become a full U.S. citizen, despite a 1906 policy limiting naturalization to whites and African Americans. Ozawa's argument was a novel one: Rather than challenging the constitutionality of the statute himself (which, under the racist Court, would have probably been a waste of time anyway), he simply attempted to establish that Japanese Americans were white. The Court rejected this logic.

United States v. Thind (1923)
An Indian-American U.S. Army veteran named Bhagat Singh Thind attempted the same strategy as Takeo Ozawa, but his attempt at naturalization was rejected in a ruling establishing that Indians, too, are not white. Well, the ruling technically referred to "Hindus" (ironic considering that Thind was actually a Sikh, not a Hindu), but the terms were used interchangeably at the time. Three years later he was quietly granted citizenship in New York; he went on to earn a Ph.D. and teach at the University of California at Berkeley.

Lum v. Rice (1927)
In 1924, Congress passed the Oriental Exclusion Act to dramatically reduce immigration from Asia — but Asian Americans born in the United States were still citizens, and one of these citizens, a nine-year-old girl named Martha Lum, faced a catch-22. Under compulsory attendance laws, she had to attend school — but she was Chinese and she lived in Mississippi, which had racially segregated schools and not enough Chinese students to warrant funding a separate Chinese school. Lum's family sued to try to allow her to attend the well-funded local white school, but the Court would have none of it.

Hirabayashi v. United States (1943)
During World War II, President Roosevelt issued an executive order severely restricting the rights of Japanese Americans and ordering 110,000 to be relocated to internment camps. Gordon Hirabayashi, a student at the University of Washington, challenged the executive order before the Supreme Court — and lost.

Korematsu v. United States (1944)
Fred Korematsu also challenged the executive order and lost in a more famous and explicit ruling that formally established that individual rights are not absolute and may be suppressed at will during wartime. The ruling, generally considered one of the worst in the history of the Court, has been almost universally condemned over the past six decades.

These Are the 10 Most Racist Supreme Court Rulings in US History

The Most Racist Supreme Court Decisions You've Probably Never Heard Of (ep. 68)
October 10, 2019

And the thing is, blacks fought and died so that Asians could have equal rights too.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Every time, it's a hoax, a lie, as scam by Leftists..

Every time.

You might like to see numerous examples in this thread.

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


10 Egregious Cases of White People Falsely Accusing Black People of Committing Crimes

Duke Lacross shit liar
10 Years Later, The Duke Lacrosse Rape Case Still Stings | HuffPost

Tawana brawley another shit who wanted to be raped by a white man
15 Years Later, Tawana Brawley Has Paid 1 Percent Of Penalty

Hey what’s the problem. It put IMRacist’s hero, Reverend Al Sharpton on the map! And it hasn’t slowed that POS down one bit. Any chance to fuck any whitey, he’s there.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You guys don't want to go here. Blacks can cite 243 years of white bullshit. Like this:

The Supreme Court has issued some fantastic civil rights rulings over the years, but these aren't among them. Here are 10 of the most astonishingly racist Supreme Court rulings in American history, in chronological order.

Dred Scott v. Sandford (1856)
When a slave petitioned the U.S. Supreme Court for his freedom, the Court ruled against him — also ruling that the Bill of Rights didn't apply to African Americans. If it did, the majority ruling argued, then African Americans would be permitted "the full liberty of speech in public and in private," "to hold public meetings upon political affairs," and "to keep and carry arms wherever they went." In 1856, both the justices in the majority and the white aristocracy they represented found this idea too horrifying to contemplate. In 1868, the Fourteenth Amendment made it law. What a difference a war makes!

Pace v. Alabama (1883)
In 1883 Alabama, interracial marriage meant two to seven years' hard labor in a state penitentiary. When a black man named Tony Pace and a white woman named Mary Cox challenged the law, the Supreme Court upheld it — on grounds that the law, inasmuch as it prevented whites from marrying blacks and blacks from marrying whites, was race-neutral and did not violate the Fourteenth Amendment. The ruling was finally overturned in Loving v. Virginia (1967).

The Civil Rights Cases (1883)
The Civil Rights Act, which mandated an end to racial segregation in public accommodations, has actually passed twice in U.S. history. Once in 1875, and once in 1964. We don't hear much about the 1875 version because it was struck down by the Supreme Court in the Civil Rights Cases ruling of 1883, made up of five separate challenges to the 1875 Civil Rights Act. Had the Supreme Court simply upheld the 1875 civil rights bill, U.S. civil rights history would have been dramatically different.

Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)
Most people are familiar with the phrase "separate but equal," the never-achieved standard that defined racial segregation until Brown v. Board of Education (1954), but not everybody knows that it comes from this ruling, where Supreme Court justices bowed to political pressure and found an interpretation of the Fourteenth Amendment that would still allow them to keep public institutions segregated.

Cumming v. Richmond (1899)
When three black families in Richmond County, Virginia faced the closing of the area's only public black high school, they petitioned the Court to allow their children to finish their education at the white high school instead. It only took the Supreme Court three years to violate its own "separate but equal" standard by establishing that if there was no suitable black school in a given district, black students would simply have to do without an education.

Ozawa v. United States (1922)
A Japanese immigrant, Takeo Ozawa, attempted to become a full U.S. citizen, despite a 1906 policy limiting naturalization to whites and African Americans. Ozawa's argument was a novel one: Rather than challenging the constitutionality of the statute himself (which, under the racist Court, would have probably been a waste of time anyway), he simply attempted to establish that Japanese Americans were white. The Court rejected this logic.

United States v. Thind (1923)
An Indian-American U.S. Army veteran named Bhagat Singh Thind attempted the same strategy as Takeo Ozawa, but his attempt at naturalization was rejected in a ruling establishing that Indians, too, are not white. Well, the ruling technically referred to "Hindus" (ironic considering that Thind was actually a Sikh, not a Hindu), but the terms were used interchangeably at the time. Three years later he was quietly granted citizenship in New York; he went on to earn a Ph.D. and teach at the University of California at Berkeley.

Lum v. Rice (1927)
In 1924, Congress passed the Oriental Exclusion Act to dramatically reduce immigration from Asia — but Asian Americans born in the United States were still citizens, and one of these citizens, a nine-year-old girl named Martha Lum, faced a catch-22. Under compulsory attendance laws, she had to attend school — but she was Chinese and she lived in Mississippi, which had racially segregated schools and not enough Chinese students to warrant funding a separate Chinese school. Lum's family sued to try to allow her to attend the well-funded local white school, but the Court would have none of it.

Hirabayashi v. United States (1943)
During World War II, President Roosevelt issued an executive order severely restricting the rights of Japanese Americans and ordering 110,000 to be relocated to internment camps. Gordon Hirabayashi, a student at the University of Washington, challenged the executive order before the Supreme Court — and lost.

Korematsu v. United States (1944)
Fred Korematsu also challenged the executive order and lost in a more famous and explicit ruling that formally established that individual rights are not absolute and may be suppressed at will during wartime. The ruling, generally considered one of the worst in the history of the Court, has been almost universally condemned over the past six decades.

These Are the 10 Most Racist Supreme Court Rulings in US History

The Most Racist Supreme Court Decisions You've Probably Never Heard Of (ep. 68)
October 10, 2019

And the thing is, blacks fought and died so that Asians could have equal rights too.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Every time, it's a hoax, a lie, as scam by Leftists..

Every time.

You might like to see numerous examples in this thread.

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


10 Egregious Cases of White People Falsely Accusing Black People of Committing Crimes

It’s the new age. Aren’t you proud of your people? The next generation of black youths. Just as cool as Jesse Smollett.
Jussie Smollett sues city of Chicago for malicious prosecution

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yeah, I'm proud of Kaepernick. And Lebron. And Steph Curry. And many other of the millions of black youth your bitch ass apparently don't know exist.

Kapernook does not care if you live or die, and do tell us if when he was kneeling did the black people stop killing each other in Chicago.

He achieved nothing for you, yet you are proud of the loser

Since Chicago is not the only US city and whites are killing each other your statement is ignorant.

Hey what’s the problem. It put IMRacist’s hero, Reverend Al Sharpton on the map! And it hasn’t slowed that POS down one bit. Any chance to fuck any whitey, he’s there.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You guys don't want to go here. Blacks can cite 243 years of white bullshit. Like this:

The Supreme Court has issued some fantastic civil rights rulings over the years, but these aren't among them. Here are 10 of the most astonishingly racist Supreme Court rulings in American history, in chronological order.

Dred Scott v. Sandford (1856)
When a slave petitioned the U.S. Supreme Court for his freedom, the Court ruled against him — also ruling that the Bill of Rights didn't apply to African Americans. If it did, the majority ruling argued, then African Americans would be permitted "the full liberty of speech in public and in private," "to hold public meetings upon political affairs," and "to keep and carry arms wherever they went." In 1856, both the justices in the majority and the white aristocracy they represented found this idea too horrifying to contemplate. In 1868, the Fourteenth Amendment made it law. What a difference a war makes!

Pace v. Alabama (1883)
In 1883 Alabama, interracial marriage meant two to seven years' hard labor in a state penitentiary. When a black man named Tony Pace and a white woman named Mary Cox challenged the law, the Supreme Court upheld it — on grounds that the law, inasmuch as it prevented whites from marrying blacks and blacks from marrying whites, was race-neutral and did not violate the Fourteenth Amendment. The ruling was finally overturned in Loving v. Virginia (1967).

The Civil Rights Cases (1883)
The Civil Rights Act, which mandated an end to racial segregation in public accommodations, has actually passed twice in U.S. history. Once in 1875, and once in 1964. We don't hear much about the 1875 version because it was struck down by the Supreme Court in the Civil Rights Cases ruling of 1883, made up of five separate challenges to the 1875 Civil Rights Act. Had the Supreme Court simply upheld the 1875 civil rights bill, U.S. civil rights history would have been dramatically different.

Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)
Most people are familiar with the phrase "separate but equal," the never-achieved standard that defined racial segregation until Brown v. Board of Education (1954), but not everybody knows that it comes from this ruling, where Supreme Court justices bowed to political pressure and found an interpretation of the Fourteenth Amendment that would still allow them to keep public institutions segregated.

Cumming v. Richmond (1899)
When three black families in Richmond County, Virginia faced the closing of the area's only public black high school, they petitioned the Court to allow their children to finish their education at the white high school instead. It only took the Supreme Court three years to violate its own "separate but equal" standard by establishing that if there was no suitable black school in a given district, black students would simply have to do without an education.

Ozawa v. United States (1922)
A Japanese immigrant, Takeo Ozawa, attempted to become a full U.S. citizen, despite a 1906 policy limiting naturalization to whites and African Americans. Ozawa's argument was a novel one: Rather than challenging the constitutionality of the statute himself (which, under the racist Court, would have probably been a waste of time anyway), he simply attempted to establish that Japanese Americans were white. The Court rejected this logic.

United States v. Thind (1923)
An Indian-American U.S. Army veteran named Bhagat Singh Thind attempted the same strategy as Takeo Ozawa, but his attempt at naturalization was rejected in a ruling establishing that Indians, too, are not white. Well, the ruling technically referred to "Hindus" (ironic considering that Thind was actually a Sikh, not a Hindu), but the terms were used interchangeably at the time. Three years later he was quietly granted citizenship in New York; he went on to earn a Ph.D. and teach at the University of California at Berkeley.

Lum v. Rice (1927)
In 1924, Congress passed the Oriental Exclusion Act to dramatically reduce immigration from Asia — but Asian Americans born in the United States were still citizens, and one of these citizens, a nine-year-old girl named Martha Lum, faced a catch-22. Under compulsory attendance laws, she had to attend school — but she was Chinese and she lived in Mississippi, which had racially segregated schools and not enough Chinese students to warrant funding a separate Chinese school. Lum's family sued to try to allow her to attend the well-funded local white school, but the Court would have none of it.

Hirabayashi v. United States (1943)
During World War II, President Roosevelt issued an executive order severely restricting the rights of Japanese Americans and ordering 110,000 to be relocated to internment camps. Gordon Hirabayashi, a student at the University of Washington, challenged the executive order before the Supreme Court — and lost.

Korematsu v. United States (1944)
Fred Korematsu also challenged the executive order and lost in a more famous and explicit ruling that formally established that individual rights are not absolute and may be suppressed at will during wartime. The ruling, generally considered one of the worst in the history of the Court, has been almost universally condemned over the past six decades.

These Are the 10 Most Racist Supreme Court Rulings in US History

The Most Racist Supreme Court Decisions You've Probably Never Heard Of (ep. 68)
October 10, 2019

And the thing is, blacks fought and died so that Asians could have equal rights too.

Yep, you're triggered.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Every time, it's a hoax, a lie, as scam by Leftists..

Every time.

You might like to see numerous examples in this thread.

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


10 Egregious Cases of White People Falsely Accusing Black People of Committing Crimes

Duke Lacross shit liar
10 Years Later, The Duke Lacrosse Rape Case Still Stings | HuffPost

Tawana brawley another shit who wanted to be raped by a white man
15 Years Later, Tawana Brawley Has Paid 1 Percent Of Penalty

Hey what’s the problem. It put IMRacist’s hero, Reverend Al Sharpton on the map! And it hasn’t slowed that POS down one bit. Any chance to fuck any whitey, he’s there.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You guys don't want to go here. Blacks can cite 243 years of white bullshit. Like this:

The Supreme Court has issued some fantastic civil rights rulings over the years, but these aren't among them. Here are 10 of the most astonishingly racist Supreme Court rulings in American history, in chronological order.

Dred Scott v. Sandford (1856)
When a slave petitioned the U.S. Supreme Court for his freedom, the Court ruled against him — also ruling that the Bill of Rights didn't apply to African Americans. If it did, the majority ruling argued, then African Americans would be permitted "the full liberty of speech in public and in private," "to hold public meetings upon political affairs," and "to keep and carry arms wherever they went." In 1856, both the justices in the majority and the white aristocracy they represented found this idea too horrifying to contemplate. In 1868, the Fourteenth Amendment made it law. What a difference a war makes!

Pace v. Alabama (1883)
In 1883 Alabama, interracial marriage meant two to seven years' hard labor in a state penitentiary. When a black man named Tony Pace and a white woman named Mary Cox challenged the law, the Supreme Court upheld it — on grounds that the law, inasmuch as it prevented whites from marrying blacks and blacks from marrying whites, was race-neutral and did not violate the Fourteenth Amendment. The ruling was finally overturned in Loving v. Virginia (1967).

The Civil Rights Cases (1883)
The Civil Rights Act, which mandated an end to racial segregation in public accommodations, has actually passed twice in U.S. history. Once in 1875, and once in 1964. We don't hear much about the 1875 version because it was struck down by the Supreme Court in the Civil Rights Cases ruling of 1883, made up of five separate challenges to the 1875 Civil Rights Act. Had the Supreme Court simply upheld the 1875 civil rights bill, U.S. civil rights history would have been dramatically different.

Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)
Most people are familiar with the phrase "separate but equal," the never-achieved standard that defined racial segregation until Brown v. Board of Education (1954), but not everybody knows that it comes from this ruling, where Supreme Court justices bowed to political pressure and found an interpretation of the Fourteenth Amendment that would still allow them to keep public institutions segregated.

Cumming v. Richmond (1899)
When three black families in Richmond County, Virginia faced the closing of the area's only public black high school, they petitioned the Court to allow their children to finish their education at the white high school instead. It only took the Supreme Court three years to violate its own "separate but equal" standard by establishing that if there was no suitable black school in a given district, black students would simply have to do without an education.

Ozawa v. United States (1922)
A Japanese immigrant, Takeo Ozawa, attempted to become a full U.S. citizen, despite a 1906 policy limiting naturalization to whites and African Americans. Ozawa's argument was a novel one: Rather than challenging the constitutionality of the statute himself (which, under the racist Court, would have probably been a waste of time anyway), he simply attempted to establish that Japanese Americans were white. The Court rejected this logic.

United States v. Thind (1923)
An Indian-American U.S. Army veteran named Bhagat Singh Thind attempted the same strategy as Takeo Ozawa, but his attempt at naturalization was rejected in a ruling establishing that Indians, too, are not white. Well, the ruling technically referred to "Hindus" (ironic considering that Thind was actually a Sikh, not a Hindu), but the terms were used interchangeably at the time. Three years later he was quietly granted citizenship in New York; he went on to earn a Ph.D. and teach at the University of California at Berkeley.

Lum v. Rice (1927)
In 1924, Congress passed the Oriental Exclusion Act to dramatically reduce immigration from Asia — but Asian Americans born in the United States were still citizens, and one of these citizens, a nine-year-old girl named Martha Lum, faced a catch-22. Under compulsory attendance laws, she had to attend school — but she was Chinese and she lived in Mississippi, which had racially segregated schools and not enough Chinese students to warrant funding a separate Chinese school. Lum's family sued to try to allow her to attend the well-funded local white school, but the Court would have none of it.

Hirabayashi v. United States (1943)
During World War II, President Roosevelt issued an executive order severely restricting the rights of Japanese Americans and ordering 110,000 to be relocated to internment camps. Gordon Hirabayashi, a student at the University of Washington, challenged the executive order before the Supreme Court — and lost.

Korematsu v. United States (1944)
Fred Korematsu also challenged the executive order and lost in a more famous and explicit ruling that formally established that individual rights are not absolute and may be suppressed at will during wartime. The ruling, generally considered one of the worst in the history of the Court, has been almost universally condemned over the past six decades.

These Are the 10 Most Racist Supreme Court Rulings in US History

The Most Racist Supreme Court Decisions You've Probably Never Heard Of (ep. 68)
October 10, 2019

And the thing is, blacks fought and died so that Asians could have equal rights too.

Nothing in living memory. YOu are living in the past, while we are trying to talk about what is happening to our people TODAY,

you racist.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Every time, it's a hoax, a lie, as scam by Leftists..

Every time.

You might like to see numerous examples in this thread.

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


10 Egregious Cases of White People Falsely Accusing Black People of Committing Crimes

Let your hate out, it will make a boy out of a man

The only hate is yours.

The only thing I hate, is hate and the ignorance that breeds the hate in the first place.

So you buy any good stocks lately

Of course.
Every time, it's a hoax, a lie, as scam by Leftists..

Every time.

You might like to see numerous examples in this thread.

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

10 Egregious Cases of White People Falsely Accusing Black People of Committing Crimes

It’s the new age. Aren’t you proud of your people? The next generation of black youths. Just as cool as Jesse Smollett.
Jussie Smollett sues city of Chicago for malicious prosecution

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yeah, I'm proud of Kaepernick. And Lebron. And Steph Curry. And many other of the millions of black youth your bitch ass apparently don't know exist.

Kapernook does not care if you live or die, and do tell us if when he was kneeling did the black people stop killing each other in Chicago.

He achieved nothing for you, yet you are proud of the loser

Since Chicago is not the only US city and whites are killing each other your statement is ignorant.

More blacks kill blacks in Chicago than in any other city, this is why it is relevant.

You forgot to answer how Krappernick helped black people by kneeling

Because you know he didn't

Hey what’s the problem. It put IMRacist’s hero, Reverend Al Sharpton on the map! And it hasn’t slowed that POS down one bit. Any chance to fuck any whitey, he’s there.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You guys don't want to go here. Blacks can cite 243 years of white bullshit. Like this:

The Supreme Court has issued some fantastic civil rights rulings over the years, but these aren't among them. Here are 10 of the most astonishingly racist Supreme Court rulings in American history, in chronological order.

Dred Scott v. Sandford (1856)
When a slave petitioned the U.S. Supreme Court for his freedom, the Court ruled against him — also ruling that the Bill of Rights didn't apply to African Americans. If it did, the majority ruling argued, then African Americans would be permitted "the full liberty of speech in public and in private," "to hold public meetings upon political affairs," and "to keep and carry arms wherever they went." In 1856, both the justices in the majority and the white aristocracy they represented found this idea too horrifying to contemplate. In 1868, the Fourteenth Amendment made it law. What a difference a war makes!

Pace v. Alabama (1883)
In 1883 Alabama, interracial marriage meant two to seven years' hard labor in a state penitentiary. When a black man named Tony Pace and a white woman named Mary Cox challenged the law, the Supreme Court upheld it — on grounds that the law, inasmuch as it prevented whites from marrying blacks and blacks from marrying whites, was race-neutral and did not violate the Fourteenth Amendment. The ruling was finally overturned in Loving v. Virginia (1967).

The Civil Rights Cases (1883)
The Civil Rights Act, which mandated an end to racial segregation in public accommodations, has actually passed twice in U.S. history. Once in 1875, and once in 1964. We don't hear much about the 1875 version because it was struck down by the Supreme Court in the Civil Rights Cases ruling of 1883, made up of five separate challenges to the 1875 Civil Rights Act. Had the Supreme Court simply upheld the 1875 civil rights bill, U.S. civil rights history would have been dramatically different.

Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)
Most people are familiar with the phrase "separate but equal," the never-achieved standard that defined racial segregation until Brown v. Board of Education (1954), but not everybody knows that it comes from this ruling, where Supreme Court justices bowed to political pressure and found an interpretation of the Fourteenth Amendment that would still allow them to keep public institutions segregated.

Cumming v. Richmond (1899)
When three black families in Richmond County, Virginia faced the closing of the area's only public black high school, they petitioned the Court to allow their children to finish their education at the white high school instead. It only took the Supreme Court three years to violate its own "separate but equal" standard by establishing that if there was no suitable black school in a given district, black students would simply have to do without an education.

Ozawa v. United States (1922)
A Japanese immigrant, Takeo Ozawa, attempted to become a full U.S. citizen, despite a 1906 policy limiting naturalization to whites and African Americans. Ozawa's argument was a novel one: Rather than challenging the constitutionality of the statute himself (which, under the racist Court, would have probably been a waste of time anyway), he simply attempted to establish that Japanese Americans were white. The Court rejected this logic.

United States v. Thind (1923)
An Indian-American U.S. Army veteran named Bhagat Singh Thind attempted the same strategy as Takeo Ozawa, but his attempt at naturalization was rejected in a ruling establishing that Indians, too, are not white. Well, the ruling technically referred to "Hindus" (ironic considering that Thind was actually a Sikh, not a Hindu), but the terms were used interchangeably at the time. Three years later he was quietly granted citizenship in New York; he went on to earn a Ph.D. and teach at the University of California at Berkeley.

Lum v. Rice (1927)
In 1924, Congress passed the Oriental Exclusion Act to dramatically reduce immigration from Asia — but Asian Americans born in the United States were still citizens, and one of these citizens, a nine-year-old girl named Martha Lum, faced a catch-22. Under compulsory attendance laws, she had to attend school — but she was Chinese and she lived in Mississippi, which had racially segregated schools and not enough Chinese students to warrant funding a separate Chinese school. Lum's family sued to try to allow her to attend the well-funded local white school, but the Court would have none of it.

Hirabayashi v. United States (1943)
During World War II, President Roosevelt issued an executive order severely restricting the rights of Japanese Americans and ordering 110,000 to be relocated to internment camps. Gordon Hirabayashi, a student at the University of Washington, challenged the executive order before the Supreme Court — and lost.

Korematsu v. United States (1944)
Fred Korematsu also challenged the executive order and lost in a more famous and explicit ruling that formally established that individual rights are not absolute and may be suppressed at will during wartime. The ruling, generally considered one of the worst in the history of the Court, has been almost universally condemned over the past six decades.

These Are the 10 Most Racist Supreme Court Rulings in US History

The Most Racist Supreme Court Decisions You've Probably Never Heard Of (ep. 68)
October 10, 2019

And the thing is, blacks fought and died so that Asians could have equal rights too.

Yep, you're triggered.

Copycats have no brain

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Every time, it's a hoax, a lie, as scam by Leftists..

Every time.

You might like to see numerous examples in this thread.

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


10 Egregious Cases of White People Falsely Accusing Black People of Committing Crimes

It’s the new age. Aren’t you proud of your people? The next generation of black youths. Just as cool as Jesse Smollett.
Jussie Smollett sues city of Chicago for malicious prosecution

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yeah, I'm proud of Kaepernick. And Lebron. And Steph Curry. And many other of the millions of black youth your bitch ass apparently don't know exist.

Oh. You having trouble naming the rest of the millions, or actually naming something that occurred this century. Turn the fuckin news on, and see what’s happening in Chicago, Philly, LA, Pittsburgh, Baltimore, etc, etc, and then tell us that it’s anything else then black hate against everyone. Including and mostly blacks killing blacks. By your standards, Jews should be doing drive bye’s 24/7. But somehow they took what was left after extermination, and succeeded. How did that happen? But you have no use for them either, until you need a lawyer or doctor that you can bet your life on. Your bullshit stories of yesteryear are whack. Take a knee, and stop crying like a little bitch. You are no expert on anything. Except being a professional victim.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Coulter's newest article points out that, far too often, not only is the truth the very opposite of what the Left claims it to be.....but it is right there, staring us in the face.

1. “…race discrimination against whites is de rigueur. Forget being embarrassed, this is race discrimination with attitude. And it’s all justified by the nonsensical phrase: “white privilege.”

2.The lie of “white privilege” is treated as an implacable fact throughout our cultural institutions, no matter how manifestly absurd it is. Thus, in the discredited book “The Education of Brett Kavanaugh,” authors Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly act as if a half-Puerto Rican girl entering Yale in the 1980s deserves a place in the civil rights pantheon along with the Little Rock Nine.

If Ramirez had applied to Yale Law School after college, she would have had a five times better chance of being admitted than a white applicant like Kavanaugh -- simply because she had one Puerto Rican parent.

…the only group discriminated against in college admissions is white people.

With the same grades and scores, Puerto Ricans were 5.3 times more likely to be admitted to a top-tier law school like Yale than a white applicant. Every ethnic group except whites got a boost -- African Americans, Asians, Mexicans, Puerto Ricans and “Other Hispanic.” The more prestigious the law school, the stronger the preferences.

3. Asians are SO lucky they’re not white! Otherwise, America’s leading hate group, the Southern Poverty Law Center, would be churning out reports on the worrying rise in Asian Supremacy.

4. In fact, however, a recent study by Georgetown University (probably White Nationalist), funded by the Bill and Melissa Gates Foundation (presumed hate group), found that if colleges admitted students based solely on SAT scores, every single ethnic group would decline, except one: whites.

Yes, even fewer Asian students would be admitted on an SAT-only admission standard.

5. Affirmative action is supposed to be for the descendants of American slaves. See? We owe them something. Nobody else.
Without the legacy of slavery, affirmative action is just institutionalized anti-white racism.”
Are Facts White Nationalist?

College admission based on merit, rather than race, is to the benefit of America.
Nice post. Good quotes and comments. Sometimes Coulter gets it right, not always, but often enough for me to keep reading her.
Every time, it's a hoax, a lie, as scam by Leftists..

Every time.

You might like to see numerous examples in this thread.

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10 Egregious Cases of White People Falsely Accusing Black People of Committing Crimes
Let your hate out, it will make a boy out of a man

The only hate is yours.

The only thing I hate, is hate and the ignorance that breeds the hate in the first place.

So you buy any good stocks lately

Of course.

I bought apple and google a long time ago

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Every time, it's a hoax, a lie, as scam by Leftists..

Every time.

You might like to see numerous examples in this thread.

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


10 Egregious Cases of White People Falsely Accusing Black People of Committing Crimes

It’s the new age. Aren’t you proud of your people? The next generation of black youths. Just as cool as Jesse Smollett.
Jussie Smollett sues city of Chicago for malicious prosecution

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yeah, I'm proud of Kaepernick. And Lebron. And Steph Curry. And many other of the millions of black youth your bitch ass apparently don't know exist.

Oh. You having trouble naming the rest of the millions, or actually naming something that occurred this century. Turn the fuckin news on, and see what’s happening in Chicago, Philly, LA, Pittsburgh, Baltimore, etc, etc, and then tell us that it’s anything else then black hate against everyone. Including and mostly blacks killing blacks. By your standards, Jews should be doing drive bye’s 24/7. But somehow they took what was left after extermination, and succeeded. How did that happen? But you have no use for them either, until you need a lawyer or doctor that you can bet your life on. Your bullshit stories of yesteryear are whack. Take a knee, and stop crying like a little bitch. You are no expert on anything. Except being a professional victim.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You see, things that happened in 1776 affect us today. So your argument is stupid. Jews are a religion and I hate to break it to you but more blacks have died as a result of continuing white racism than what you consider jews. Black jews are included in my number. I can show you that in every one of those cities that whites are killing each other just as well. You're just an idiot in a forum that allows you to express your white supremacist views.

Racism in America Today Is Alive and Well — And These Stats Prove It
Every time, it's a hoax, a lie, as scam by Leftists..

Every time.

You might like to see numerous examples in this thread.

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

10 Egregious Cases of White People Falsely Accusing Black People of Committing Crimes

It’s the new age. Aren’t you proud of your people? The next generation of black youths. Just as cool as Jesse Smollett.
Jussie Smollett sues city of Chicago for malicious prosecution

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yeah, I'm proud of Kaepernick. And Lebron. And Steph Curry. And many other of the millions of black youth your bitch ass apparently don't know exist.

Oh. You having trouble naming the rest of the millions, or actually naming something that occurred this century. Turn the fuckin news on, and see what’s happening in Chicago, Philly, LA, Pittsburgh, Baltimore, etc, etc, and then tell us that it’s anything else then black hate against everyone. Including and mostly blacks killing blacks. By your standards, Jews should be doing drive bye’s 24/7. But somehow they took what was left after extermination, and succeeded. How did that happen? But you have no use for them either, until you need a lawyer or doctor that you can bet your life on. Your bullshit stories of yesteryear are whack. Take a knee, and stop crying like a little bitch. You are no expert on anything. Except being a professional victim.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You see, things that happened in 1776 affect us today. So your argument is stupid. Jews are a religion and I hate to break it to you but more blacks have died as a result of continuing white racism than what you consider jews. Black jews are included in my number. I can show you that in every one of those cities that whites are killing each other just as well. You're just an idiot in a forum that allows you to express your white supremacist views.

Racism in America Today Is Alive and Well — And These Stats Prove It

Tell us about the news from today, and your up and coming youth. They really aren’t your youth, but do take their cues from disgruntled posers like you. You need a million man march, to teach you not to put your dick in anything that moves, and to care for your family. Ridiculous. Also ridiculous that you have a distinct preference for people with brown skin, but don’t acknowledge that you are a racist. Just like Farakan and just like Sharpton. Jews are an ethnic group that were exterminated to a large extent. The fact that anyone can adopt to any religion they choose means nothing. Sammy Davis was full of shit also. He wasn’t a Jew, but obviously a good man with morals and talent. A kind man, that was well respected by all. You have no family connection to all people with brown skin, across the world, country or across town. You are nothing more than a disgruntled hack, that claims to be an expert. The people you claim to be related to, don’t give a shit about you or anyone else. That’s why they are knocking each other off on a daily basis. I, nor the majority of people reading your bullshit don’t care about the white trash killing each other either. Because, we are no more related than you are to random people with brown skin. You are a fraud, with no life. If not, you wouldn’t be living through all of your ridiculous posts, and craving attention. You are a source of amusement, but nobody is laughing with you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Every time, it's a hoax, a lie, as scam by Leftists..

Every time.

You might like to see numerous examples in this thread.

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

10 Egregious Cases of White People Falsely Accusing Black People of Committing Crimes

It’s the new age. Aren’t you proud of your people? The next generation of black youths. Just as cool as Jesse Smollett.
Jussie Smollett sues city of Chicago for malicious prosecution

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yeah, I'm proud of Kaepernick. And Lebron. And Steph Curry. And many other of the millions of black youth your bitch ass apparently don't know exist.

Oh. You having trouble naming the rest of the millions, or actually naming something that occurred this century. Turn the fuckin news on, and see what’s happening in Chicago, Philly, LA, Pittsburgh, Baltimore, etc, etc, and then tell us that it’s anything else then black hate against everyone. Including and mostly blacks killing blacks. By your standards, Jews should be doing drive bye’s 24/7. But somehow they took what was left after extermination, and succeeded. How did that happen? But you have no use for them either, until you need a lawyer or doctor that you can bet your life on. Your bullshit stories of yesteryear are whack. Take a knee, and stop crying like a little bitch. You are no expert on anything. Except being a professional victim.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You see, things that happened in 1776 affect us today. So your argument is stupid. Jews are a religion and I hate to break it to you but more blacks have died as a result of continuing white racism than what you consider jews. Black jews are included in my number. I can show you that in every one of those cities that whites are killing each other just as well. You're just an idiot in a forum that allows you to express your white supremacist views.

Racism in America Today Is Alive and Well — And These Stats Prove It

Does everything in your sad little world break down to blacks whites and jews?

I mean seriously do you ever see just people?

You are hate and I pity you
Coulter's newest article points out that, far too often, not only is the truth the very opposite of what the Left claims it to be.....but it is right there, staring us in the face.

1. “…race discrimination against whites is de rigueur. Forget being embarrassed, this is race discrimination with attitude. And it’s all justified by the nonsensical phrase: “white privilege.”

2.The lie of “white privilege” is treated as an implacable fact throughout our cultural institutions, no matter how manifestly absurd it is. Thus, in the discredited book “The Education of Brett Kavanaugh,” authors Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly act as if a half-Puerto Rican girl entering Yale in the 1980s deserves a place in the civil rights pantheon along with the Little Rock Nine.

If Ramirez had applied to Yale Law School after college, she would have had a five times better chance of being admitted than a white applicant like Kavanaugh -- simply because she had one Puerto Rican parent.

…the only group discriminated against in college admissions is white people.

With the same grades and scores, Puerto Ricans were 5.3 times more likely to be admitted to a top-tier law school like Yale than a white applicant. Every ethnic group except whites got a boost -- African Americans, Asians, Mexicans, Puerto Ricans and “Other Hispanic.” The more prestigious the law school, the stronger the preferences.

3. Asians are SO lucky they’re not white! Otherwise, America’s leading hate group, the Southern Poverty Law Center, would be churning out reports on the worrying rise in Asian Supremacy.

4. In fact, however, a recent study by Georgetown University (probably White Nationalist), funded by the Bill and Melissa Gates Foundation (presumed hate group), found that if colleges admitted students based solely on SAT scores, every single ethnic group would decline, except one: whites.

Yes, even fewer Asian students would be admitted on an SAT-only admission standard.

5. Affirmative action is supposed to be for the descendants of American slaves. See? We owe them something. Nobody else.
Without the legacy of slavery, affirmative action is just institutionalized anti-white racism.”
Are Facts White Nationalist?

College admission based on merit, rather than race, is to the benefit of America.
Ann Coulter is a white female. They are the ones who have benefited the most from affirmative action.

Affirmative Action Has Helped White Women More Than Anyone | TIME.com

Affirmative Action Is Great For White Women. So Why Do They Hate It? | HuffPost

News Flash: Affirmative Action Most Benefits White Women

White women benefit most from affirmative action — and are among its fiercest opponents

Affirmative Action Has Mostly Helped Whites, but Trump Administration Says Not Enough

White Women and Affirmative Action: Prime Beneficiaries and Opponents -

Now be quiet and crawl back under the bridge.


Now picture say only 100 good paying jobs but 150 people looking for them. And forced quotas no matter how good or not so good the applicant is, is the law of the land. This is the problem we face. We can not satisfy everyone. And there are people who may be better but are denied. So who do you satisfy and how low do you go to hire? Which direction do you go to satisfy? Should we have promoted that minority males should have been made the top priority to be given the opportunities for education and advancement in our nation decades ago when affirmative action and quotas began? If so we may have a stronger family system in our nation with lower taxes. However white women would not have had as much as they have now. Many of them are now living pointless lives with no mates. There are many women who make the most out of it though in balancing marriage and work which is more needed in a high tax society.

Look, I am not hearing any bullshit from whites who up until 54 years ago were not hiring people of color or women. What white men have done is the problem we face. It is time white men took that personal responsibility they preach to everyone else.
But you are talking mostly to people from 54 years ago and after. And those who are white males have their stories like you. Don't worry many of us will see this nation bottom out as vengeance. And we really do not have to much but be benign about it. It is difficult to make comments on issues that involve different groups. Its like a minefield in that trying not to offend anyone is a project in itself. Suffice to say this can not last.

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