REALIGION based on "UNIFYING THEORY OF GOD" proves atheists/agnostics are TARDS!


Dec 10, 2010
Why create a reality based realigion? Well the past several THOUSAND years have been a de facto real world experiment wherein humans were allowed to propagate non-reality based definitions of "GOD" via textbooks written by humans leading to war after war after war ad infinitum! Einstein would argue that humanity as a whole is 'insane' for allowing this experiment to continually repeat itself when we can easily create a plan to make it stop! So let me explain....

#1-Humans did NOT create everything that exists.

#2-Since humans do NOT possess the ability to create everything that exists then
HUMANS can NOT comprehend the exact nature of the FORCE(s) that did.
HUMANS can NOT comprehend the exact nature of the FORCE(s) that did.
HUMANS can NOT comprehend the exact nature of the FORCE(s) that did.

#3- Therefore an INCOMPREHENSIBLE force(s) led to our existence and everything that exists so we should call these INCOMPREHENSIBLE force(s) "GOD"!

#4-We know "GOD" is real but we also know that "GOD" does NOT write books so it really doesn't make much sense to put faith into a book written by humans on a subject they can't possibly comprehend. (Would you try to learn to speak French from a teacher who didn't COMPREHEND French?)

In summation, humans do NOT currently know the exact nature of the FORCE(S) that led to everything that exists! The Unifying Theory of "GOD" states that for the betterment of humanity we should all agree to call these FORCE(S) "GOD" & in so doing create a REALIGION! Why not believe in that which is real? :cuckoo:
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To simply say that because we don't understand something, that it is god's work is to stifle human creativity, and quest for knowledge. And yes, there are many things in the universe that at this point in time we don't know or understand. But look how much knowledge we have gained in just the last 100 years. Things that in the past that were attributed to god have turned out to be scientific phenomena. I'm not saying there is no god, because honestly I can't say with 100% certainty that there is or isn't. But I have yet to see a religion that doesn't take what is believed to be the word of god, and create rituals and ceremonies that's main purpose is to control the masses.
Why create a reality based realigion? Well the past several THOUSAND years have been a de facto real world experiment wherein humans were allowed to propagate non-reality based definitions of "GOD" via textbooks written by humans leading to war after war after war ad infinitum! Einstein would argue that humanity as a whole is 'insane' for allowing this experiment to continually repeat itself when we can easily create a plan to make it stop! So let me explain....

#1-Humans did NOT create everything that exists.

#2-Since humans do NOT possess the ability to create everything that exists then
HUMANS can NOT comprehend the exact nature of the FORCE(s) that did.
HUMANS can NOT comprehend the exact nature of the FORCE(s) that did.
HUMANS can NOT comprehend the exact nature of the FORCE(s) that did.

#3- Therefore an INCOMPREHENSIBLE force(s) led to our existence and everything that exists so we should call these INCOMPREHENSIBLE force(s) "GOD"!

#4-We know "GOD" is real but we also know that "GOD" does NOT write books so it really doesn't make much sense to put faith into a book written by humans on a subject they can't possibly comprehend. (Would you try to learn to speak French from a teacher who didn't COMPREHEND French?)

In summation, humans do NOT currently know the exact nature of the FORCE(S) that led to everything that exists! The Unifying Theory of "GOD" states that for the betterment of humanity we should all agree to call these FORCE(S) "GOD" & in so doing create a REALIGION! Why not believe in that which is real? :cuckoo:

completely irrational

your logic lacks reason

your logic starts with illogical premises and ends with irrational conclusions

just because we can't define everything
or because we currently can't explain everything
it does NOT LOGICALLY FOLLOW that god exists

that is pure irrational, illogical and....stupid.....
To simply say that because we don't understand something, that it is god's work is to stifle human creativity, and quest for knowledge. And yes, there are many things in the universe that at this point in time we don't know or understand. But look how much knowledge we have gained in just the last 100 years. Things that in the past that were attributed to god have turned out to be scientific phenomena. I'm not saying there is no god, because honestly I can't say with 100% certainty that there is or isn't. But I have yet to see a religion that doesn't take what is believed to be the word of god, and create rituals and ceremonies that's main purpose is to control the masses.

well I guess you are missing the point entirely then...:(
just because we can't define everything or because we currently can't explain does NOT LOGICALLY FOLLOW that god exists
that is pure irrational, illogical and....stupid.....

and obviously u also missed the point entirely....

WHATEVER the INCOMPREHENSIBLE force(s) were that led to everything in the universe should be called "GOD" bc it led to our existence & it possesses powers that humans will likely never fully understand & bc the world's 3 major religions all lists "GOD" as the CREATOR OF EVERYTHING! So if 'evolution' was the 'creator of everything' that exists then it is "GOD"...or if some 'spiritual deity' led to everything then it is "GOD"....we don't care about the nature of what it was that led to everything we just agree to call it "GOD"...

bc we know it is too great for our feeble minds to comprehend! Either way The UNIFYING THEORY OF "GOD" intentionally BYPASSES the argument as to the exact nature of "GOD" i.e. Is "GOD" a concious being vs. an unconcious scientific process. It is a REALITY based DEFINITION of the word "GOD" & u can claim it is without reason and/or is illogical but you can't back that claim up...furthermore just bc u don't comprehend it yet doesn't mean it is irrational, illogical, and/or stupid....So re-read this 3 times and let me know if you still don't comprehend it bc I am seriously trying my best to dumb this down to be a LOWEST COMMON DENOMINATOR "GOD" that is applicable to all humans!~
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Why create a reality based realigion? Well the past several THOUSAND years have been a de facto real world experiment wherein humans were allowed to propagate non-reality based definitions of "GOD" via textbooks written by humans leading to war after war after war ad infinitum! Einstein would argue that humanity as a whole is 'insane' for allowing this experiment to continually repeat itself when we can easily create a plan to make it stop! So let me explain....

#1-Humans did NOT create everything that exists.

#2-Since humans do NOT possess the ability to create everything that exists then
HUMANS can NOT comprehend the exact nature of the FORCE(s) that did.
HUMANS can NOT comprehend the exact nature of the FORCE(s) that did.
HUMANS can NOT comprehend the exact nature of the FORCE(s) that did.

#3- Therefore an INCOMPREHENSIBLE force(s) led to our existence and everything that exists so we should call these INCOMPREHENSIBLE force(s) "GOD"!

#4-We know "GOD" is real but we also know that "GOD" does NOT write books so it really doesn't make much sense to put faith into a book written by humans on a subject they can't possibly comprehend. (Would you try to learn to speak French from a teacher who didn't COMPREHEND French?)

In summation, humans do NOT currently know the exact nature of the FORCE(S) that led to everything that exists! The Unifying Theory of "GOD" states that for the betterment of humanity we should all agree to call these FORCE(S) "GOD" & in so doing create a REALIGION! Why not believe in that which is real? :cuckoo:

God is not real. Hes a faith based image created for people who need to believe in something.
Why create a reality based realigion? Well the past several THOUSAND years have been a de facto real world experiment wherein humans were allowed to propagate non-reality based definitions of "GOD" via textbooks written by humans leading to war after war after war ad infinitum! Einstein would argue that humanity as a whole is 'insane' for allowing this experiment to continually repeat itself when we can easily create a plan to make it stop! So let me explain....

#1-Humans did NOT create everything that exists.

#2-Since humans do NOT possess the ability to create everything that exists then
HUMANS can NOT comprehend the exact nature of the FORCE(s) that did.
HUMANS can NOT comprehend the exact nature of the FORCE(s) that did.
HUMANS can NOT comprehend the exact nature of the FORCE(s) that did.

#3- Therefore an INCOMPREHENSIBLE force(s) led to our existence and everything that exists so we should call these INCOMPREHENSIBLE force(s) "GOD"!

#4-We know "GOD" is real but we also know that "GOD" does NOT write books so it really doesn't make much sense to put faith into a book written by humans on a subject they can't possibly comprehend. (Would you try to learn to speak French from a teacher who didn't COMPREHEND French?)

In summation, humans do NOT currently know the exact nature of the FORCE(S) that led to everything that exists! The Unifying Theory of "GOD" states that for the betterment of humanity we should all agree to call these FORCE(S) "GOD" & in so doing create a REALIGION! Why not believe in that which is real? :cuckoo:

God is not real. Hes a faith based image created for people who need to believe in something.

obviously u did NOT read what I wrote..

your problem is you have never heard an argument like mine before so try actually reading it this time....

1-you exist
2-INCOMPREHENSIBLE FORCE(s) led to your existence
3-The UNIVERSAL THEORY OF "GOD" says we should agree to call these INCOMPREHENSIBLE FORCE(S) "GOD"


#1-over 90% of humans express a belief in "GOD" one could waste their time trying to convince the 90% they are wrong OR one could create a reality based definition of "GOD" that is applicable to all humans

#2-the world's 3 major religions all have their "GOD" as the creator of everything so naturally WHATEVER led to the creation of everything could/should be called "GOD"

Some people want to argue about the nature of these "INCOMPREHENSIBLE FORCES" but the Universal Theory of "GOD" bypasses that argument....

did EVOLUTION led to everything that exists? I don't know but IF it did then evolution is "GOD"

did a 'spiritual deity' with a conciousness lead to everything that exists? I don't know but if it did then it is "GOD"

TUTOG doesn't claim to understand the nature of what led to our creation but merely chooses to call it "GOD"
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#1-Humans did NOT create everything that exists.

#2-Since humans do NOT possess the ability to create everything that exists then
HUMANS can NOT comprehend the exact nature of the FORCE(s) that did.

#3- Therefore an INCOMPREHENSIBLE force(s) led to our existence and everything that exists so we should call these INCOMPREHENSIBLE force(s) "GOD"!

#4-We know "GOD" is real but we also know that "GOD" does NOT write books so it really doesn't make much sense to put faith into a book written by humans on a subject they can't possibly comprehend. (Would you try to learn to speak French from a teacher who didn't COMPREHEND French?)

In summation, humans do NOT currently know the exact nature of the FORCE(S) that led to everything that exists! The Unifying Theory of "GOD" states that for the betterment of humanity we should all agree to call these FORCE(S) "GOD" & in so doing create a REALIGION! Why not believe in that which is real? :cuckoo:

Apparently some humans can not comprehend the exact nature of your logic, either.

You've pretty much got it until #4. You admit that we can not understand this "God", but then you claim to have the knowledge that "God" would not write a book. You can't have it both ways. What if this "God" wrote His book in order to help us understand Him to the best of our abilities. If "God" would take the time to create us, it would seem a logical assumption that He would interact with us in some fashion.
#2-Since humans do NOT possess the ability to create everything that exists then
HUMANS can NOT comprehend the exact nature of the FORCE(s) that did.
HUMANS can NOT comprehend the exact nature of the FORCE(s) that did.
HUMANS can NOT comprehend the exact nature of the FORCE(s) that did.

#3- Therefore an INCOMPREHENSIBLE force(s) led to our existence and everything that exists so we should call these INCOMPREHENSIBLE force(s) "GOD"!

First of all you can't prove the forces are incomprehensible. Second of all if the forces really are incomprehensible then assuming the forces are a sentient all powerful being would be as equally illogical as assuming it's the big bang or whatever.
You've pretty much got it until #4. You admit that we can not understand this "God", but then you claim to have the knowledge that "God" would not write a book. You can't have it both ways. What if this "God" wrote His book in order to help us understand Him to the best of our abilities. If "God" would take the time to create us, it would seem a logical assumption that He would interact with us in some fashion.

If it makes you feel better we can leave the 'GOD' does NOT write books part out of it...
that is merely my own personal opinion bc I believe that every book that was ever written was written by humans. Be that as it may I will delete it bc it may be considered to be 'offensive' to some....:eusa_angel: so here goes...

#1-Humans did NOT create everything that exists.

#2-Humans do NOT possess the ability to create everything that exists & can NOT comprehend the exact nature of the FORCE(s) that did.

#3- Therefore an INCOMPREHENSIBLE force(s) led to our existence and everything that exists

#4 The Unifying Theory Of "GOD" (TUTOG) states that we should agree to call these INCOMPREHENSIBLE force(s) "GOD"!

In summation, humans do NOT currently know the exact nature of the FORCE(S) that led to everything that exists! The Unifying Theory of "GOD" states that for the betterment of humanity we should all agree to call these FORCE(S) "GOD" & in so doing create a REALIGION! Why not believe in that which is real to save us from ourselves????
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First of all you can't prove the forces are incomprehensible. Second of all if the forces really are incomprehensible then assuming the forces are a sentient all powerful being would be as equally illogical as assuming it's the big bang or whatever.

If it makes you feel better I will say the forces are INCOMPREHENSIBLE to me!
How about I make it first person....

I know I exist as does the universe...
I do NOT claim that I will ever know exactly WHO OR WHAT? it was that led to my existence & the existence of the universe but I will choose to call it "GOD"!
Like I already said I do not know if "GOD" is an unconscious scientific force or a conscious spiritual deity & I don't care
I just know "GOD" is real & I thank "GOD" for this life given unto me... :eusa_pray:
It is my personal belief that arguing about the nature of something that I could never comprehend is a waste of time & energy. I will however argue for 'reality' & the sad reality of this planet is that for the past several THOUSAND years we have had a de facto real world experiment wherein non-reality based religions have led to war after war ad infinitum. I believe that in time we can create a means to break this cycle via TUTOG! :eusa_liar:
Why create a reality based realigion? Well the past several THOUSAND years have been a de facto real world experiment wherein humans were allowed to propagate non-reality based definitions of "GOD" via textbooks written by humans leading to war after war after war ad infinitum! Einstein would argue that humanity as a whole is 'insane' for allowing this experiment to continually repeat itself when we can easily create a plan to make it stop! So let me explain....

#1-Humans did NOT create everything that exists.

#2-Since humans do NOT possess the ability to create everything that exists then
HUMANS can NOT comprehend the exact nature of the FORCE(s) that did.
HUMANS can NOT comprehend the exact nature of the FORCE(s) that did.
HUMANS can NOT comprehend the exact nature of the FORCE(s) that did.

#3- Therefore an INCOMPREHENSIBLE force(s) led to our existence and everything that exists so we should call these INCOMPREHENSIBLE force(s) "GOD"!

#4-We know "GOD" is real but we also know that "GOD" does NOT write books so it really doesn't make much sense to put faith into a book written by humans on a subject they can't possibly comprehend. (Would you try to learn to speak French from a teacher who didn't COMPREHEND French?)

In summation, humans do NOT currently know the exact nature of the FORCE(S) that led to everything that exists! The Unifying Theory of "GOD" states that for the betterment of humanity we should all agree to call these FORCE(S) "GOD" & in so doing create a REALIGION! Why not believe in that which is real? :cuckoo:

You were doing pretty well till you got up to #4.
Then all your logic evaporated in a puff.
You were doing pretty well till you got up to #4.
Then all your logic evaporated in a puff.

so that is why I changed #4 for persons like yourself...

-I exist & some force(s) that I don't comprehend led to my existence...
-The Unifying Theory of "GOD" says I should call said incomprehensible force(s) "GOD" bc the world's 3 major religions list their "GOD" as the creator of everything so naturally whatever the force is that led to the creation of everything could/should also be called "GOD"!

You don't have to support TUTOG by why not believe in that which is real?:cuckoo:
You were doing pretty well till you got up to #4.
Then all your logic evaporated in a puff.

so that is why I changed #4 for persons like yourself...

-I exist & some force(s) that I don't comprehend led to my existence...
-The Unifying Theory of "GOD" says I should call said incomprehensible force(s) "GOD" bc the world's 3 major religions list their "GOD" as the creator of everything so naturally whatever the force is that led to the creation of everything could/should also be called "GOD"!

You don't have to support TUTOG by why not believe in that which is real?:cuckoo:

I believe the universe exists and have now real Idea on exactly how it came about and whether it is all there is or just one small part of what there is.

I have found no evidence though in any supreme all powerful eternal being exists. And even if he did why would he be concerned with we insignificant humans or need our worship?
I also have no evidence of any kind of afterlife. Be it good or bad.

My belief is that this is all we have and we just mess it up with promises of reward or punishment after this life is gone.
To simply say that because we don't understand something, that it is god's work is to stifle human creativity, and quest for knowledge. And yes, there are many things in the universe that at this point in time we don't know or understand. But look how much knowledge we have gained in just the last 100 years. Things that in the past that were attributed to god have turned out to be scientific phenomena. I'm not saying there is no god, because honestly I can't say with 100% certainty that there is or isn't. But I have yet to see a religion that doesn't take what is believed to be the word of god, and create rituals and ceremonies that's main purpose is to control the masses.

Oh look another clueless and narrowminded ignoramus....

Science has done nothing to dispel God; science does not explain the creation of life, and science has done nothing so much as prove God must exist.
Prove god must exist?

Why? Just becuase there are things we cannot explain?
Heck it was around 100 years or so ago before we figured it was germs and not evil spirits that made people sick. And we were building the panama canal before we figured out that mosquitoes transmitted disease. A little over 200 years ago we were killing people for being witches.

Where will we be in knowledge in another 200 years? Providing we do not set ourselves back into another dark age or get smacked by a big cosmic rock or something?
I have no idea what you're getting at. I didn't say I personally need to prove the existence of God. I said that science hasn't disproved the existence of God.
"and science has done nothing so much as prove God must exist. "

That was what I was replying to. It seemed that you were saying that science proves that God exists?
did I misunderstand?
Just another thought on the universe.
The universe as we know it may well be as one molecule to something larger for all we know.

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