Reality Imitating Art


Libertarian Radical
Feb 8, 2011
Behind the Orange Curtain
As the I.T. Director for my corporation, I am often invited to exclusive events, with the intent that someone will sell me something. Yesterday, I attended an event by Citrix that had the enticement of screening the film "The Dark Knight Rises" before it was released to the public. It's a good movie, well done in every respect.

Without offering a spoiler, I can say that there is a particular scene where 4 gunmen enter a movie theater from behind the screen. Initially the audience is shown watching the screen, and you see shadows form behind it as the gunmen walk forward. When they get close, they open fire on the audience and walk through the screen, presumably killing everyone in the theater.

In Colorado, a gunman acted out this scene in real life, murdering 12 people. The gunman had clearly either seen the movie in prerelease or had seen the cut in question. Either way, there is no question that this was his influence. So what level of responsibility does Hollywood bear for incidents like this? Any?

Hollywood is always saying that their movies are "ground breaking" and that after you see a particular film that "you will never view (insert political cause here) the same again". How many times have we heard from these media people that their actions are designed to "push society forward" whether they like it or not.

And now when something happens that they didn't want or plan for they wanna' absolve themselves of any responsibility? I don't think so.

Don't let Hollywood off the hook.

Also, the shooter "didn't do that all by himself, someone else helped him do it." Couldn't resist! :D
As the I.T. Director for my corporation, I am often invited to exclusive events, with the intent that someone will sell me something. Yesterday, I attended an event by Citrix that had the enticement of screening the film "The Dark Knight Rises" before it was released to the public. It's a good movie, well done in every respect.

Without offering a spoiler, I can say that there is a particular scene where 4 gunmen enter a movie theater from behind the screen. Initially the audience is shown watching the screen, and you see shadows form behind it as the gunmen walk forward. When they get close, they open fire on the audience and walk through the screen, presumably killing everyone in the theater.

In Colorado, a gunman acted out this scene in real life, murdering 12 people. The gunman had clearly either seen the movie in prerelease or had seen the cut in question. Either way, there is no question that this was his influence. So what level of responsibility does Hollywood bear for incidents like this? Any?


Unless the gunman in Aurora KNEW that this scene was in the movie, it's just a grotesque coincidence. There's nothing to indicate that he had any prior knowledge.

And, his apartment was completely booby-trapped with bombs.
Unless the gunman in Aurora KNEW that this scene was in the movie, it's just a grotesque coincidence.

He knew. He acted out the exact scene. Warez sites have had the film for months, he obviously had a bootleg copy.

There's nothing to indicate that he had any prior knowledge.

I disagree, this was carefully scripted to coincide with the movie.

And, his apartment was completely booby-trapped with bombs.

Yep. Had he used a bomb, the death toll would have been far higher, so this again demonstrates that he was acting out the scene from the film.
As the I.T. Director for my corporation, I am often invited to exclusive events, with the intent that someone will sell me something. Yesterday, I attended an event by Citrix that had the enticement of screening the film "The Dark Knight Rises" before it was released to the public. It's a good movie, well done in every respect.

Without offering a spoiler, I can say that there is a particular scene where 4 gunmen enter a movie theater from behind the screen. Initially the audience is shown watching the screen, and you see shadows form behind it as the gunmen walk forward. When they get close, they open fire on the audience and walk through the screen, presumably killing everyone in the theater.

In Colorado, a gunman acted out this scene in real life, murdering 12 people. The gunman had clearly either seen the movie in prerelease or had seen the cut in question. Either way, there is no question that this was his influence. So what level of responsibility does Hollywood bear for incidents like this? Any?



What about the gun manufacturer and the store that sold it?

Assuming they followed legal requirements, none. If the guy was under psychiatric care and the physician was aware this might happen, then possibly some responsibility there. However, if you are looking for responsibility, you really need look no further than the person holding the gun.
and the system which does not deal with the mentally insane propery

Well, we could err on the conservative side and institutionalize anyone the government thinks might possibly be a threat. Personally, I prefer to live in a free society and take my chances on the potential of being killed by some nut case.
Assuming they followed legal requirements, none. If the guy was under psychiatric care and the physician was aware this might happen, then possibly some responsibility there. However, if you are looking for responsibility, you really need look no further than the person holding the gun.

I admit that I'm playing devils advocate here. I know full well that the left will use this to demand stricter gun laws, so I want to point out that the real motivator here is Hollywood, not guns. No, I don't really want any restrictions on what movies can show. It was actually a damned good film.
Unless the gunman in Aurora KNEW that this scene was in the movie, it's just a grotesque coincidence.

He knew. He acted out the exact scene. Warez sites have had the film for months, he obviously had a bootleg copy.

There's nothing to indicate that he had any prior knowledge.

I disagree, this was carefully scripted to coincide with the movie.

And, his apartment was completely booby-trapped with bombs.

Yep. Had he used a bomb, the death toll would have been far higher, so this again demonstrates that he was acting out the scene from the film.

it hasnt been out for months
Assuming they followed legal requirements, none. If the guy was under psychiatric care and the physician was aware this might happen, then possibly some responsibility there. However, if you are looking for responsibility, you really need look no further than the person holding the gun.

I admit that I'm playing devils advocate here. I know full well that the left will use this to demand stricter gun laws, so I want to point out that the real motivator here is Hollywood, not guns. No, I don't really want any restrictions on what movies can show. It was actually a damned good film.

People who think we should have stricter gun laws will probably use it as an example. I'm not sure who this "left" is you refer to. I am often called a "leftist" and I personally think there should be fewer restrictions. However, I will disagree with you about Hollywood. They just put out entertainment. They make what sells. They are not responsible for those who lose their grip on reality.
As the I.T. Director for my corporation, I am often invited to exclusive events, with the intent that someone will sell me something. Yesterday, I attended an event by Citrix that had the enticement of screening the film "The Dark Knight Rises" before it was released to the public. It's a good movie, well done in every respect.

Without offering a spoiler, I can say that there is a particular scene where 4 gunmen enter a movie theater from behind the screen. Initially the audience is shown watching the screen, and you see shadows form behind it as the gunmen walk forward. When they get close, they open fire on the audience and walk through the screen, presumably killing everyone in the theater.

In Colorado, a gunman acted out this scene in real life, murdering 12 people. The gunman had clearly either seen the movie in prerelease or had seen the cut in question. Either way, there is no question that this was his influence. So what level of responsibility does Hollywood bear for incidents like this? Any?


ofcourse he would blame Hollywood, he is for personal resposibility that the right flings when it fits their agenda.
People who think we should have stricter gun laws will probably use it as an example. I'm not sure who this "left" is you refer to.

George Stephanopoulos is already on it, as is Rep. Ed Perlmutter (D. Col)

CNN's Piers Morgan Tweets a Call for More Gun Control.

I mean the whackadoodle morons that assault liberty and support Obama.

I am often called a "leftist" and I personally think there should be fewer restrictions. However, I will disagree with you about Hollywood. They just put out entertainment.

Be that as it may; we have a situation here where a deranged person acted out a scene from a movie, actually at that very movie, leaving 12 dead and 50 wounded. In no other product would the producer of said product be without any culpability for the resultant deaths.

They make what sells. They are not responsible for those who lose their grip on reality.

Yet Piers Morgan says that gun makers are. Why the double standard from the left? Because Hollywood funds Obama?

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