Kamala Harris' electric school bus boondoggle cost us $83 MILLION per bus

The maintenance would be exponentially massive.... unsustainable I think. Conductors crystallize and need to be replaced. On the scale we're talking about you would need an entire second population of non-commuters just to tend to it 24/7.

We are already there with our other infrastructure. We have 20,000 bridges in the country falling apart. Then there are the highways and streets. Look at cities like Detroit. Now they want to create a technological leviathan.

Then they want to bring in 20 million more illegals. The Colorado River is already running out of water. Salt for the roads, fresh water, batteries, automobiles, fertilizer for food--- it all sounds good until, like the mushroom of a volcano, you just cannot sustain it all in the air any longer and it all comes crashing back down on you.

Shades of the Roman Republic.
We are already there with our other infrastructure. We have 20,000 bridges in the country falling apart. Then there are the highways and streets. Look at cities like Detroit. Now they want to create a technological leviathan.

Then they want to bring in 20 million more illegals. The Colorado River is already running out of water. Salt for the roads, fresh water, batteries, automobiles, fertilizer for food--- it all sounds good until, like the mushroom of a volcano, you just cannot sustain it all in the air any longer and it all comes crashing back down on you.

Shades of the Roman Republic.
Yeah.... They hardly saw it coming.....

The facts of physics.

If an elephant was twice its size its legs would need to be four times the size for it to carry itself. The resulting combination of physical traits would make it impossible for the beast to live.
Well..that's pretty much all of us.
Nope, I know lots of people who work at universities spending PATIENT money--- people willing to donate millions and wait years and years in the hopes of a RESULT.

Without the money, nothing happens. Period.
Actually as is often the case, an idea comes along first, then experiments and development before the money is sought and needed to make it practical and work on a large scale.

Microsoft and Apple were both started in garages, were they not?
don't forget your.
It's only the thought that counts, not the results. This stuff goes on all the time, especially with the corrupt green energy crap. Politicians make a corporate crony filthy rich, the crony donates money to the campaign, or uses the money to develop groups and efforts to attack political enemies and the Democrat party.
As noted, it will take time for the technology to evolve. But it will happen. Eventually, the cost will be worth it.
But in reality, technology hasn't evolved, and the cost is purely speculation because as time passes, anything electric on the road is actually not cost effective. Initial cost, insurance, and write offs due to minor collisions is scuppering the electric Utopian idea.
And??, they allocate the money. They don't build the buses.
As noted, it will take time for the technology to evolve. But it will happen.
Eventually, the cost will be worth it.

Politicians love to implement things before they are sustainable and by doing that, they create even more wasted resources.

Nothing she does will be worth it. shes an idiot and theres a reason a while back all her staff was quitting on her. Now she is once again becoming a media creation.. good luck with that.

"The Clean School Bus program was created nearly three years ago as a provision of the 2021 infrastructure bill, which put aside $5 billion for the EPA to distribute in the form of rebates and grants over the course of five years. Since Harris's initial announcement, the agency has unveiled a $1 billion tranche of grants for 280 school districts and a second tranche of rebates, worth $900 million, for another 530 districts. None of those districts have deployed any buses under the program."

"This only makes economic sense if the bus is paid for with a grant like we received," Jeff Dicks, the superintendent of the Newell-Fonda and Albert City-Truesdale school systems in northern Iowa, told the Free Beacon. "The cost is so prohibitive that the cost savings are not worth it."
They forget that in the Northeast especially, winter gets pretty cold. Cold weather and those batteries don't play well together. Rochester in New York tried this with their public transportation and on the first cold day, the buses wouldn't start. And do you really want your child riding above a battery that size that could cause untold havoc if it explodes during an accident?
How about when diesel fuel jells up in winter & the fuel has to be treated or engines left running so fuel lines don't freeze especially in older vehicles, genius? :cul2:

So you never had to worry about the short bus picking you up for school.

Thanks for playing, Beavis.
I walked to school you retarded incel homo stalker. Rode the buses to the athletic contest. Another thing you know nothing about. Keep flailing asshole.
Can someone explain to me why just a few short months ago there was talk of removing Harris from the ticket because everyone saw she was a cackling airhead who could say nothing of substance - the passage of time is passing, the time to act is now and that time is now, Russia is a bigger country Ukraine, orc., etc., - to the heir apparent being made out to be a cross between Joan of Arc and Marilyn Vos Savant?
You just make shit up and expect people to believe you?
This is a preview of a Harris presidency.

Our money pissed away on foreign wars, scams, and her corrupt cronies.

Kamala Harris Touted a $5B Electric School Bus Program. Three Years Later, It's Produced Just 60 Buses.​

Worst Electric Bus Czar ever!
Sounds like Fake News to me. Of that $5B (BTW, that was the budget for an entire program for much more than EV school buses) how much was actually spent on those 60 buses.

Is there any fantastical lie the Right won't engage in?
Can you shows us where any of that money did any good?
And??, they allocate the money. They don't build the buses.
As noted, it will take time for the technology to evolve. But it will happen.
Eventually, the cost will be worth it.
Economically speaking, how will it be worth it? What is return on investment for the taxpayer’s $5B investment at the bequest of the Vice President?

(I pray this is not another Solyndra)

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