America's Poorest White Town

So true. It's like roadblocks have been put in the way to delay the progress of certain people. Everyone wants to climb the ladder of success, but some do it with a backpack full of rocks on their backs.
And some have loaded those rocks themselves--especially those claiming discrimination in the last 55 years or so.
How did this occur and why are all the racists on this site obsessing with so called "black culture" and the alleged failings of the black community when they have their own communities with the exact same failings that they're always wanting to attribute to only the black race.

You all had how many hundreds of years of a head start and you still haven't pulled yourself up by your bootstraps and accomplished great things for the human race, yet you constantly bitch and moan about any progress black people make, to the point that your go-to strategy is to burn everything down that surpasses your accomplishment.

While I have compassion for these people, far too many of you appear to not even know that there is any such thing as poor white people living in such dire conditions and relying wholely or mostly off of government assistance. Or that there are areas where all of the criminals are white (an extremely rare occurence according to Tipsycatlover).

The answer is in the article. That town is isolated and they were a one source of income community. Once COAL left, they had nothing to do.
Probably the residents should have moved away when the work dried up , but sometimes it’s hard to leave your home.
How did this occur and why are all the racists on this site obsessing with so called "black culture" and the alleged failings of the black community when they have their own communities with the exact same failings that they're always wanting to attribute to only the black race.

You all had how many hundreds of years of a head start and you still haven't pulled yourself up by your bootstraps and accomplished great things for the human race, yet you constantly bitch and moan about any progress black people make, to the point that your go-to strategy is to burn everything down that surpasses your accomplishment.

While I have compassion for these people, far too many of you appear to not even know that there is any such thing as poor white people living in such dire conditions and relying wholely or mostly off of government assistance. Or that there are areas where all of the criminals are white (an extremely rare occurence according to Tipsycatlover).
Blacks commit most of the crime and fill most of the prisons. We'll wait for your next filthy lie.
Blacks commit most of the crime and fill most of the prisons. We'll wait for your next filthy lie.
It’s not crime; it’s a protest against someone else having possession of something you don’t want to pay for.
Beats me what your talking about.
You didn't catch some of our darker members comments concerning the BLM riots?
They weren't riots, they were protests.
So every time they commit a murder, it's really a protest against someone being alive.
You didn't catch some of our darker members comments concerning the BLM riots?
They weren't riots, they were protests.
So every time they commit a murder, it's really a protest against someone being alive.
No, I deleted that post because as soon as I posted it, it dawned on me what you were talking about. Thanks.
And some have loaded those rocks themselves--especially those claiming discrimination in the last 55 years or so.
Odd..when I read your post I thought of all the idiots who claim 'white discrimination' as the reason for their failures, when it is clear that their own ineptness and lack of intelligence was the issue.
The answer is in the article. That town is isolated and they were a one source of income community. Once COAL left, they had nothing to do.
Probably the residents should have moved away when the work dried up , but sometimes it’s hard to leave your home.
I don't remember anyone suggesting that social failings are CONFINED to black societies. So far the
only persons making the charge ----' you whites believe ' -----this or that about BLACK COMMUNITIES--- have been black persons
You folks have a strange way of describing 'poverty'......

I suppose only thinking in material terms isn't the fault of those raised TO only think in such terms

'Wealth' is such an objective subjective term

It's far and about the vouge constraints , fact is most of the current gestalt that bows to it really is.

Quit listening to them, quit allowing them to deluding yourself, turn off the TV, turn off the radio, and especially turn the soul s*cking net off

NONE of them are reality.

You and you alone create it for yourself!
From the OP:

“We’re in a place right now where a tonne of coal costs about $68 to mine in eastern Kentucky and about $12 to mine in Wyoming. They’re importing more Wyoming coal here than they’re using east Kentucky coal. But if you ask people why this is, it’s Obama. They won’t blame the market, they blame the policy. It’s been very convenient to shift it to the black guy.”

Hostility to the US’s first black president runs deep. In an editorial, Beattyville’s largest circulation newspaper, Three Forks Tradition, described Obama as “trying to destroy the United States as we know it”. It accused him of waging war on “Anglo-Saxon males, who work for a living, believe in God and the right to keep and bear arms” and called the president and his then attorney general, Eric Holder, “race baiters with blood on their hands”.

“He has driven racial wedges between the people that will take generations to heal,” the editorial said without irony.

Vivian Lunsford pushed a page torn from a small notepad across her desk at the housing association. The writing on it was in pencil in capital letters. It was a tribute to Mitch McConnell, the Kentucky senator who is the Republican leader in the US Senate. “Mitch will keep us good,” it said, adding he would protect Kentucky from people who were “against coal”.

“My stepdaughter wrote that,” said Lunsford. “She’s too young to think it for herself. God knows who put that into her head. It wasn’t me. But that’s how they think around here. She’s hears it at school. She hears it from her friends and their parents. You hear it a lot.”

Another Beattyville resident offered a forthright assessment of Republican support in the town.

“It’s crazy, it really is. It’s not just this county, it’s the surrounding counties. There’s so many people on welfare and yet they vote Republican and it’s crazy. I’m embarrassed, I really am. I understand a lot of it’s because they’re afraid what colour is our president, and that’s what they go on,” the person said.

A few hours later the resident asked not to be named “because although every word I said is true it would upset people around here”.
No Einstein, Obama's daddy was 87.5% Arab.
From the OP:

“We’re in a place right now where a tonne of coal costs about $68 to mine in eastern Kentucky and about $12 to mine in Wyoming. They’re importing more Wyoming coal here than they’re using east Kentucky coal. But if you ask people why this is, it’s Obama. They won’t blame the market, they blame the policy. It’s been very convenient to shift it to the black guy.”

Hostility to the US’s first black president runs deep. In an editorial, Beattyville’s largest circulation newspaper, Three Forks Tradition, described Obama as “trying to destroy the United States as we know it”. It accused him of waging war on “Anglo-Saxon males, who work for a living, believe in God and the right to keep and bear arms” and called the president and his then attorney general, Eric Holder, “race baiters with blood on their hands”.

“He has driven racial wedges between the people that will take generations to heal,” the editorial said without irony.

Vivian Lunsford pushed a page torn from a small notepad across her desk at the housing association. The writing on it was in pencil in capital letters. It was a tribute to Mitch McConnell, the Kentucky senator who is the Republican leader in the US Senate. “Mitch will keep us good,” it said, adding he would protect Kentucky from people who were “against coal”.

“My stepdaughter wrote that,” said Lunsford. “She’s too young to think it for herself. God knows who put that into her head. It wasn’t me. But that’s how they think around here. She’s hears it at school. She hears it from her friends and their parents. You hear it a lot.”

Another Beattyville resident offered a forthright assessment of Republican support in the town.

“It’s crazy, it really is. It’s not just this county, it’s the surrounding counties. There’s so many people on welfare and yet they vote Republican and it’s crazy. I’m embarrassed, I really am. I understand a lot of it’s because they’re afraid what colour is our president, and that’s what they go on,” the person said.

A few hours later the resident asked not to be named “because although every word I said is true it would upset people around here”.
Obama made violent Blacks think they could do anything without ramifications.
Obama did nothing to encourage this.

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