How did this occur and why are all the racists on this site obsessing with so called "black culture" and the alleged failings of the black community when they have their own communities with the exact same failings that they're always wanting to attribute to only the black race.
You all had how many hundreds of years of a head start and you still haven't pulled yourself up by your bootstraps and accomplished great things for the human race, yet you constantly bitch and moan about any progress black people make, to the point that your go-to strategy is to burn everything down that surpasses your accomplishment.
While I have compassion for these people, far too many of you appear to not even know that there is any such thing as poor white people living in such dire conditions and relying wholely or mostly off of government assistance. Or that there are areas where all of the criminals are white (an extremely rare occurence according to Tipsycatlover).