Should We Send the Marines into Venezuela?

Should we send the marines into Venezuela?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • Hell, yes

    Votes: 1 50.0%

  • Total voters
You're a lying Russian troll, and we both know this is true.
As usual you can’t deal in facts. All you can do is default to “Russia, Russia, Russia”, which was a hoax itself.

Elections can be stolen, and they are always stolen by radical leftwing regimes.
They are experiencing Trumpism in Venezuela, I hope they don't see the violence there that we did in the United States.

The Gong Show guys are popping up all over. Did Maduro attend a New York military boarding school?
Maduro has lost. Big. But he's refusing to give up power.

Venezuela has aligned itself to Cuba and Russia. Their incompetent management of the economy has led to 5-6 million fleeing the country, including millions into America. Some estimate that up to 8 million will flee if Maduro remains in power. Millions will come to America.

Should we send in the marines if Maduro illegally clings to power? If not, we could have 8-10 million Venezuelan immigrants in this country.

Send them to south Texas.
You can't be this fucking stoopid IRL.
I agree it's stupid to believe that the same people who want to send OTHERS to fight foreign wars would have the guts to pick up a rifle and go do the fighting and the dying themselves.

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