Reasons Why Canadians Are Way Cooler than Americans

Radio really, really sucks in Canada.

I have such a hard time turning on the radio when I'm back in Canada. It's just awful.
What a very, very strange thing to write!

It is wonderful to cruise along the roads of the prairies in summer, brilliant sunshine, the Big Sky, with attractive, ever-changing cloudscapes, the brilliant yellow fields of canola in flower, scenting the air with honey-fragrance kilometre after kilometre -- and to complete the feast of the senses, listening to the CBC all afternoon playing (say) the glorious Brandenburg Concertoes of Bach!!

Life (even in Canada) rarely gets better than that !!
Radio really, really sucks in Canada.

I have such a hard time turning on the radio when I'm back in Canada. It's just awful.
What a very, very strange thing to write!

It is wonderful to cruise along the roads of the prairies in summer, brilliant sunshine, the Big Sky, with attractive, ever-changing cloudscapes, the brilliant yellow fields of canola in flower, scenting the air with honey-fragrance kilometre after kilometre -- and to complete the feast of the senses, listening to the CBC all afternoon playing (say) the glorious Brandenburg Concertoes of Bach!!

Life (even in Canada) rarely gets better than that !!

Yes, those 3 weeks of prairie summer are quite nice!

A couple decades ago, I traveled from small Canadian prairie town to small Canadian prairie town for my job. The only thing I could ever pick up was either music from 30 years ago or country. It was brutal.

I left over 15 years ago, so I'm not all that up to date on what CBC plays. However, from what I remember, NPR blows CBC out of the water. My wife has been spending much of the past 18 months in Canada concurs that this is still the case.

Different strokes for different folks.
Radio really, really sucks in Canada.

I have such a hard time turning on the radio when I'm back in Canada. It's just awful.
What a very, very strange thing to write!

It is wonderful to cruise along the roads of the prairies in summer, brilliant sunshine, the Big Sky, with attractive, ever-changing cloudscapes, the brilliant yellow fields of canola in flower, scenting the air with honey-fragrance kilometre after kilometre -- and to complete the feast of the senses, listening to the CBC all afternoon playing (say) the glorious Brandenburg Concertoes of Bach!!

Life (even in Canada) rarely gets better than that !!

Yes, those 3 weeks of prairie summer are quite nice!

A couple decades ago, I traveled from small Canadian prairie town to small Canadian prairie town for my job. The only thing I could ever pick up was either music from 30 years ago or country. It was brutal.

I left over 15 years ago, so I'm not all that up to date on what CBC plays. However, from what I remember, NPR blows CBC out of the water. My wife has been spending much of the past 18 months in Canada concurs that this is still the case.

Different strokes for different folks.

Actually you've got that backwards; it's CBC that shames NPR. It's a common maxim in the US public radio world (where I worked for a couple of decades) that one reason our best NPR and PRI fare tends to come from Minnesota and Wisconsin and New York is that they're close enough to Canada to hear what real radio can sound like. In two languages no less.

Of course Canada doesn't have nearly as many corporatist whiners as we do crying the blues about the few public pennies we still allow to fund public broadcasting. Actually almost no country has that whiner level. We're way behind most of the world in this area, so it's a wonder we have even the trivial level we do.

As far as the previous comment on commercial radio, it occurs to me that Canada has the Canadian Content law, which at least would ensure some variety in that particular world of radio; you wouldn't have to hear an exclusive diet of US Corporate Rock.
Actually you've got that backwards; it's CBC that shames NPR.
Well, the CBC certainly used to be far superior to the propagandistic dreck that is excreted by the American media. That was also true of the Canadian National Film Board, which, as a child, was my first introduction to the wonder that is Canada.

Since then, the CBC has declined in quality, probably due to behind-the-scenes manipulations by the un-Canadian NeoCon-ish regime in Ottawa presently trying to destroy the country -- no doubt under the influence of their Yankee puppet-masters.

Today, CBC radio and television are just about as bad as NPR and US Public Television. (Both are, of course, far, far better than the commercial stations in both countries, but that is not saying much) Still, I think a little bit more truth manages to leak out through the CBC than through US media.

Ah, well, there is always Russia Today to watch, to get snippets of news which the masters of the American Brainwashing Machine don't want us to hear. Sadly, the news is as slanted by the Moscow dictators as it is by the American dictators, just in a different direction -- but what can you expect, since both countries are totalitarian monstrosities?

If you want real information today, you need to go to scholarly books and journals, or have access to the specialized and semi-secret news sources which the American kleptocracy uses to keep itself informed.

It's a common maxim in the US public radio world (where I worked for a couple of decades) that one reason our best NPR and PRI fare tends to come from Minnesota and Wisconsin and New York is that they're close enough to Canada to hear what real radio can sound like. In two languages, no less.
There is probably some truth to that.
Used to was, there was the BBC -- but that has gone downhill, too.
Once upon a time, the gold standard was Le Monde, the French newspaper -- but that can't be trusted anymore, either.

Though I loathe its dreck propaganda, I do glance through the Economist magazine in the library -- just to keep up with the lies middle-managers are being fed.
After the Canucks lose the Stanley Cup..




Stay classy, Vancouver!
tim horton was a drunk

its really not that much safer in has the same mc etc...gangs....drug addiction is rampant in many of the big cities..the problems with the aint no cake walk north of the border...
Actually you've got that backwards; it's CBC that shames NPR. It's a common maxim in the US public radio world (where I worked for a couple of decades) that one reason our best NPR and PRI fare tends to come from Minnesota and Wisconsin and New York is that they're close enough to Canada to hear what real radio can sound like. In two languages no less.

I think NPR is excellent and am a supporter. I download podcasts of Fresh Air, Diane Rehms, Commonwealth Club of California, etc.

I used to drive all day for work. The only thing worth listening to at the time was Peter Gzowski. I'd listen to Morningside in the morning and Rush Limbaugh broadcasting from Syracuse and Buffalo in the afternoon. As It Happens was also a great show but a lot of CBC is boring or navel-gazing.

As far as the previous comment on commercial radio, it occurs to me that Canada has the Canadian Content law, which at least would ensure some variety in that particular world of radio; you wouldn't have to hear an exclusive diet of US Corporate Rock.

You are correct that the CRTC has something to do with it. But that's not the only reason. American corporate rock is still better than Canadian corporate rock. At least I know that I'm going to get a consistent genre when I turn on a US station. Canadian rock stations seem to think that if the music is played by a guy with a guitar and a Marshall amp, it all goes together.
I think it is because it is so f*cking cold up there...shit....summer last...what...a week?
don cherry is the king.....and what is with that curling? something old and fat people can do?

i was in vancouver when they auctioned off the fast cat even get scrap metal prices and what about those taxes that were to pay down the much as gone to the debt?and the french have canada by the balls...if you are french you get benefits for breeding..simple as that...benefits are offered in the french areas to only the french....what i loved...i was with an english speaking ontarian...they were too busy hating on that person to hate on me...montreal is kick ass
Vancouver is awesome but it would be better without the anarchists, hippies and other leftist ne'er-do-wells.
Perhaps Canada and the United States could do a deal.

Canada could get rid of its anarchists, hippies and ne'er-do-wells, and the United States could get rid of its lunatic gun-nuts, uneducated rednecks, Gestapo police and Nazi militarists.

Of course, the United States would have the better of the deal -- so much more elbow-room liberated of useless human garbage.
Vancouver is awesome but it would be better without the anarchists, hippies and other leftist ne'er-do-wells.
Perhaps Canada and the United States could do a deal.

Canada could get rid of its anarchists, hippies and ne'er-do-wells, and the United States could get rid of its lunatic gun-nuts, uneducated rednecks, Gestapo police and Nazi militarists.

Of course, the United States would have the better of the deal -- so much more elbow-room liberated of useless human garbage.

Deep self-loathing in this post is..yessssss.
Vancouver is awesome but it would be better without the anarchists, hippies and other leftist ne'er-do-wells.
Perhaps Canada and the United States could do a deal.

Canada could get rid of its anarchists, hippies and ne'er-do-wells, and the United States could get rid of its lunatic gun-nuts, uneducated rednecks, Gestapo police and Nazi militarists.

Of course, the United States would have the better of the deal -- so much more elbow-room liberated of useless human garbage.

You are full of :poop:

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