Recurring Nightmare


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
Anyone ever have a nightmare where you wake yourself up from it, only to go back to the same damn dream more than twice?

Here I am at almost 5am, drinking water and trying to get it out of my head but am afraid if I go back to bed, I will return to it again. It was awful.
Not a nightmare, but I'll often have the same dream one night that I had a few days or weeks before...

Also why, when you wake up from a very good dream and want to go back to sleep, hoping to reenter the good dream, it never happens.
Sometimes when you think you kept waking up and falling asleep to the same dream you were actually just asleep the whole time.
Anyone ever have a nightmare where you wake yourself up from it, only to go back to the same damn dream more than twice?

Here I am at almost 5am, drinking water and trying to get it out of my head but am afraid if I go back to bed, I will return to it again. It was awful.

I have this continuing dream that trump died suddenly for no reason. Can't get it out of my head but I'm willing to give it another few years. Who knows.
Anyone ever have a nightmare where you wake yourself up from it, only to go back to the same damn dream more than twice?

Here I am at almost 5am, drinking water and trying to get it out of my head but am afraid if I go back to bed, I will return to it again. It was awful.
I have no memory of ever experiencing a recurring nightmare and maybe it has to do with the fact that I sleep with my radio on. Maybe having something like that on is what keeps a person's mind from staying on just one thought since a person's mind can not be turned off even when they are asleep. Because the radio will continue to play one song after another, your mind will then continue to go from one thought to another. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Hopefully the commercial breaks are not too disruptive if they have to be at all.
No. Never had the same dream twice. Isn't that like a PTSD thing?
Maybe. Haven't felt well today, so napping alot. Dream is not exactly the same but similar. I think my worries are of the state of our country, and this is why it is recurring. I guess it could be ptsd, which I have been diagnosed with.

Also why, when you wake up from a very good dream and want to go back to sleep, hoping to reenter the good dream, it never happens.
It does for me. I also can wake myself up when a dream is really bad. But then I wind up continuing where I left last night.

I have had premonition dreams before. Started when I was 18. It is not often, but when they repeat themselves, its not a good sign.

Lions and tigers. Oh my. Up as high as I could go and both species reaching, clawing, snagging my clothes but not my flesh. Super scary. People running everywhere trying to escape hoardes of huge lions and tigers..and a few elephants as well....chasing them down and eating them. Except the elephants. They were stomping them to death. I had a little boy with me way up high. Another scene, we were in a rickety wood crate like apples come in, hiding. Lions everywhere, sniffing, looking for us.
I woke myself up. Went back to the same dream but we were all running down a road and on the ridge were hundreds of those animals coming down, like a swarm.

Immediate question I asked myself as I furiously drank some quick coffee was....what countries represent in flags or symbols of elephants, tigers and lions??? Now why did I think that?
Maybe. Haven't felt well today, so napping alot. Dream is not exactly the same but similar. I think my worries are of the state of our country, and this is why it is recurring. I guess it could be ptsd, which I have been diagnosed with.
Had a dream people were vomiting chunky black stuff into large trash cans the other night.

I never have unpleasant dreams. As a matter of fact I often wake myself laughing. That dream was nothing to laugh at.
It does for me. I also can wake myself up when a dream is really bad. But then I wind up continuing where I left last night.

I have had premonition dreams before. Started when I was 18. It is not often, but when they repeat themselves, its not a good sign.

Lions and tigers. Oh my. Up as high as I could go and both species reaching, clawing, snagging my clothes but not my flesh. Super scary. People running everywhere trying to escape hoardes of huge lions and tigers..and a few elephants as well....chasing them down and eating them. Except the elephants. They were stomping them to death. I had a little boy with me way up high. Another scene, we were in a rickety wood crate like apples come in, hiding. Lions everywhere, sniffing, looking for us.
I woke myself up. Went back to the same dream but we were all running down a road and on the ridge were hundreds of those animals coming down, like a swarm.

Immediate question I asked myself as I furiously drank some quick coffee was....what countries represent in flags or symbols of elephants, tigers and lions??? Now why did I think that?
Your dream sounds terrifying!

I've had a few premonition dreams too, but they were very pleasant.
Does anyone here ever called things out in their sleep? I have done it four times that I am aware of and its because I woke myself up each time. The first three were while I was asleep on the sofa about three years ago. My most recent time was within the past year and I was in bed instead of on the sofa. It was due to what would be labeled a nightmare. The first three times were not due to anything bad being thought of.

God bless you always!!!

It does for me. I also can wake myself up when a dream is really bad. But then I wind up continuing where I left last night.

I have had premonition dreams before. Started when I was 18. It is not often, but when they repeat themselves, its not a good sign.

Lions and tigers. Oh my. Up as high as I could go and both species reaching, clawing, snagging my clothes but not my flesh. Super scary. People running everywhere trying to escape hoardes of huge lions and tigers..and a few elephants as well....chasing them down and eating them. Except the elephants. They were stomping them to death. I had a little boy with me way up high. Another scene, we were in a rickety wood crate like apples come in, hiding. Lions everywhere, sniffing, looking for us.
I woke myself up. Went back to the same dream but we were all running down a road and on the ridge were hundreds of those animals coming down, like a swarm.

Immediate question I asked myself as I furiously drank some quick coffee was....what countries represent in flags or symbols of elephants, tigers and lions??? Now why did I think that?
I think those may symbolize the huge problems of todays tumultous life virtually the world population is dealing with. As you said huge crowds are running away from along wih you.
The bs covid, the lockdowns, the vaxx that's killing and crippling many while the world goons claim it's saving them, the economy, etc. People losing or shutting down their businesses due to the scamdemic. Constitution being scamdemically re-written, loss of freedom and autonomy etc.

I am not a health professional but if I were you, I'd listen to some meditation cds to help cleans all the acidic neurochemicals that might have rushed your brain into releasing. They will also help recenter your subconscious to its healthy base. That way you minimize long as well as short term effect from that if any.
It's up to you, but when I need it, I use few of Kelly Howell's cds. She is amazing and extremely sophisticated with her work. Check her out. Some of her cds are designed to be listened to when one is about to drift asleep, so what you brain listens to, it goes to work on at night and you wake up refreshed morning after morning.
Here's her site: I think.
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